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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

Einer looked at the woman converse, and raised an eyebrow at Erik being in the forest. "The forest?" He said, astonished that she let him go into the forest, he didn't disapprove, but no other children had THAT much free reign. "I saw Katla heading to the forest just moments ago... Perhaps she'll help you search for the lad? If not, like Adaline, I would be happy to help." Einer offered respectfully, not wanting the young Erik to be in danger.
"It is not like i tell him to go there." She snapped irritatedly at Einer knowing the look he gave her, not appreciating the implication of her parenting. Then again, she did just lose him. "Hopefully Katla already found him, i am gonna get my axe and have a look. Just keep me posted if you find anything." She said before walking back to her forge and grapping her axe and making her way quickly to the forest.
Einer raised an eyebrow at her sharp response, but didn't comment on the matter, despite the misunderstanding. "May be best if I follow, the woods are not entirely safe after all, and if a child is within them, the quicker he is found the better..." Einer turned, and said to Adaline, a silent request to follow the woman into the forest, and help in searching for Erik. The last thing they needed was an outcry over the death of a young boy. "Besides, I'm sure you don't need me to scare people off, you look quite fearsome to me." Einer joked, smirking all the while.

I turned to him and shrugged. "Sure go ahead. But if the child is injured or anything like that it won't be on my hands or anyone else's besides the child and mother. We didn't let the kid go into the woods." I say as I began to walk into the village. "But like I said no killing anything or anyone." I say with a laugh looking back at him smirking then walking into the village to see if anything else was going on.
Einer shrugged, before replying as he paced towards the woods "I'll try my best. No promises." It didn't take long for him to enter the woods, they were just as enchanting as before, bird song sounded through the leaves, the sun beamed through gaps in the high-tees, and the sound of trickling water sounded in the near-distance. Yet at the same time, it wasn't so beautiful when he was busy hunting - for a child - no less. It hadn't helped that he'd managed to lose sight of Astrid, he knew she, Katla - who he caught sprinting in this direction - and Erik, were all in the woods. Where, was a much harder concept to grasp. Einer began studying the surroundings, looking for any small child-sized tracks, or the sound of something human within the forest.
She shoock her head, not liking tthe two of them making light on the subject but held her tongue as the are helping in any case. "Then lets go then. "She said simply rushing towards the woods to look for her son. He lost her husband, she could stand losing erik as well. She went to the the point were she though Erik whould go to to enter the forest. There was alot of stories about these woods, about monsters, spirtis and giants not wander the children were intrested in going, searching for glory before they were old enough to carry a shield. She ried to think of a recent story the kids might have heard and would try to emulate. She recalled a story about river nearby and ruched to it.
Bjorn: I was just chilling down by the water spinning my ax around it my hand faking blows to the air. It was a nice day out so I had my shirt off like many of the guys around. With the idea of battle and trading I had to start increasing my skills. My speed. My everything. Coming from a large fighting family I had to follow and be strong. Thinking about all thing sparked a small sign of anger as I swong the ax hard at a old log on the beach having the log crack apart. One thing I knew was I had strength but it's always best to improve everything. @Anne Channing
Eira shifted a little from her perch in the trees, fidgeting with a trap she'd set the day before. Normally she was silent. Not a sound made or heard from under her feet or from her lips. But today, a faulty branch gave her away. Snap!

"...F-" and suddenly she was on the floor, where the forest met the beach.
As I was swinging the ax around I heard a crack and then a thud. I raised an eyebrow and turned to the forest boarder to see a girl laying on the floor now. I laughed alittle and put my ax in it holder and jogged over to the girl on the floor. I kneeded down by her and tilted my head. "You alright there?" I say looking down at her standing up and holding out my hand for her to take to help her up. And if she couldn't get up well I was gonna have to carry her.
The woman sat up, rubbing softly at the back of her head and scowling up at the tree. "Um... Yeah, I think so." She thought aloud, checking over herself. "Uh- Hi, by the way-" she started. "I'm Eira."
"I'm Bjorn." I say looking up at the tree then back down to her shaking my head with a small smile. "I gues the gods weren't to happy about you climbing in the tree Eira." I say crossing my arms and looking at her. She was very young looking. Maybe still in her early years.
Katla, ran through the forest, fleet footed. Barely making a sound as she whipped past trees, and low brush which covered the forest floor. Leaping up, she took the bow from her back, landing with a delicate rustle of leaves. Strands of her curly, ginger hair fell into her face, contrasting sharply with her pale, freckled skin.

With that she pulled back an arrow, closing one eye, taking in a slow, deep breath. She let go, the arrow releasing with a shrill whistle of the air brushing past it, before it hit its mark, dead on. Right between a crows eyes.
"God of birds, maybe." She mumbled out, glancing to the side at the now dead bird that'd fallen beside her. "There's still eggs up there, but..."
I looked back up and finally noticed the nest. "Maybe you should test the branches before you cry to crawl on them. Even more if the branch looks very small and thin." I say with a laugh. "So I take it you must be one of the hunters or something? Otherwise o don't really see a girl crawling into a tree to fetch some small eggs."
She bounded through the foliage falling slightly into the clearing. "AH HAH..." she froze looking at the two strangers. One a shirtless warrior it seemed, the other... A hunter? Possibly?... She went a deep red. One; The man was... nice to look at to say the least. Two; She looked like a complete moron.
Eira arched a brow. "I had tested it. It wasn't thin... I think I just- I don't know. I've never fallen from a tree before, actually. So that's new." She sighed, shaking her head and standing up. "...at least I didn't break anything... Like my bow. Or my bones."

As she got up I placed an arm around her helping her up more easy. I then placed a hand on my ax again and looked to her. "You always have to test something before it take the risk. Even more then your bow is in danger" I say with a laugh. "You didn't hurt anything did you?"
"...Are you two...Having a moment? Should I leave? I think i should leave" she said, her cheeks stained bright crimson, as she backed away back into the forest a little, with her awkward and embarrassed demeanour. Well... you couldn't have it all right? With that she gave a sheepish grin.
"Er- actually, I... Uh, no." She mumbled out. "We Uh. Just met." She smiled.

"And I'm fine- I'd tested everything, I think I just lost my footing..."
I turned to the girl who was coming from the woods and raised an eyebrow. I then turned to Eira. "A moment consists on me moving closer to her. Not just helping her up." I say turning back to the girl who had come from the woods. She was young and seemed to be blushing red as hell.
"...Sorry..." she mumbled, before coughing and backing away once into the forest "I'll... leave you guys... to whatever you were doing..." she nodded hurriedly, and took off running. Cursing her pale skin for exaggerating her blush. That was NOT what she needed!
Eira blinked softly, watching the girl dart off. "H-hey! Wait!" She called, scrambling up the tree again, just after the gathered her things. She leapt from branch to branch following after the other huntress.
She looked back at the other hunter, and faltered slightly, tripping over a root and bowling head over heels. "GAH!" she shouted, landing in a small dip, filled with leaves.
Einer aimlessly wondered around the woods, having no damn idea were the Hel Erik could possibly be. The burly man ended up tumbling into an enclosure rather clumsily when he heard frantic running, "Erik! That you bo-" Einer's face lit up with a malicious smile, as he loomed over Katla, helplessly face first into a large pile of leaves. Loki has quite the sense of humour...

"Can't you stay out of trouble?" Einer asked with the same tone as when he first met her, seriously sarcastic. It was hard to believe that Katla was this... Unique? And he'd stumbled upon her twice, he had half a mind to send a supervisor with her after these incidents, she certainly appeared to need supervising.
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She groaned in response turning over, her face smudged with dirt and leaves tangled in her hair. "Go away Einer" she pouted childishly, simply just laying in the ditch of leaves. She rolled her eyes, and sniffed curling up in the middle and blew a strand of hair from her face. "Im just... accident prone" she mumbled, going a bright red once more.

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