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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

Bella was surprised at his calmness "If that's how you feel, then alright. Just be safe." Looking back at him she gave a soft smile before standing up once more and wiping the sand off of herself "Well, Want to go back to the village with me? I have some trading to do but I can't exactly trade in this. I'll look like an idiot." Laughing she looked down at herself and shook her head.
I sat up and put my arms on my knees. "Sure I guess. And I don't really think anyones gonna judge you by what your wearing. Hell Iv seen girls only walk around with fur over their ass and that's it." I say as I stood up and rolled my shoulder alittle shifting my ax around alittle. "Lead the way I guess if you really need to go change."
Bella made a face at the only fur comment and shook her head, mumbling "Girls have no respect for themselves.." picking up her bow she began walking "I atleast try to look nice and cover myself."
"Hey they get guys so. Plus I can't say anything cause well I stare. I'm a guy don't even say anything." I say standing up completely and dusting the sand off my bare chest and back. I then followed behind her. "Plus what do you expect. Some of the people here only worry about sex, alcohol and blood shed. It's how they wanna love their life."
"If they want to be half naked and just have sex that's fine but I'm a young woman and I have more respect for myself than they ever will. They have - ..had a good future and instead of staring then maybe you should say something because In a way it truly is disturbing and your comment could save one of them from going down the drain." She stopped, turning around and looking at him as she spoke with a disapproving look on her face before she spun on her heels and began walking a bit faster back to her home in the village.
"Don't start getting all bitchy because I look and comment on women. I ain't taken by anyone so I can say what I want about women. It's also called worry about yourself before you go bashing down other people for something they are happy about doing." I say glaring at her as she spun around. For someone young she seemed to have a mouth on her.
"I'm only being bitchy because most of those girls don't have anyone to tell them other wise or to help guide them in the right direction! Most don't want to live that way but it's one way to get a roof over their head. I don't care if your taken or not but maybe you should turn the other cheek for once." Bella cringed and took off at a run, they were closer to her home.. Just one more minute.. almost there. She thought to herself
"One person once fix anything. If the person wants to change they can change their self." I say rolling my eyes as she darted off. I wasn't even going to run after her. I was just gonna walk in the direction she ran and if she wanted to still talk and walk around she will have to meet up with me.
Making a quick right turn she began to walk, looking over her shoulder she saw he wasn't far behind and said "If you still want to come my door is open."

Once she opened the door she was enchanted by her small but suitable home. Walking to her room she changed into her red dress and took down her hair.
I shrugged and followed behind her to her place. It was a small hurt not much bigger then many of the homes in the village. Well besides the leader but that's what's figured. As I walked up to her house I just leaned outside the door since well she was changing and I didn't need something thrown at my face for walking in.
Haldor sensed the slight tension growing in the bear, knowing very well he should be out training. Haldor nodded to both women and then turned to Einer "I'll see you out on the field later then" With that he kicked Halvar into a speedy gallop, and the stallion took off with a leap as he then headed toward the field and to his surprise there was his beloved leader, Adaline. Halvar perked his ears an halted in the open area, Haldor stopped a moment to take in the scene before he went charging toward a dummy, taking his sword at the ready as Halvar spun around the dummy as close as he could, Haldor's blade slicing against the neck piece of the dummy. Halvar trotted away with his head and tail high, as if proud of himself however Haldor was quick to pull the reins and bring him back to reality "Easy you brute, I know you know your a skilled fighter" Haldor couldn't help but reach down to praise the stallion with a gentle pat to the neck. Many men in the village believed Halvar to be a beast and a cruel horse, although he only acted that way with every other man besides Haldor, Women an children he treated with utmost care, much like his rider. Slowing to a walk, Halvar drew closer to Adaline "Sorry I missed the meeting, I got distracted trying to track a Buck"
Adaline: As I heard a horse move closer I took a last blow to the dummy to only turn and see Halver and Haldor cutting the head off one of the dummies. I shook my head alittle with a laugh. They were one of the good fighters. They may always be late to meeting they sure had up for it in the battles. I placed my sword back in its holder and walked over to Halver stroking his nose then looking up to Haldor. "It's fine. Just next time make sure you show up. This meeting wasn't so important it was just me saying how everyone over the age of 16 had to learn the basics of fighting." I say walking over to his side crossing my arms. "It means you will have to be there to train them." I say with a small laugh "You think you can stick around each day for atleast an hour without disappearing?" I say as I stroke Halver's neck.
Haldor grinned as his "Cursed stallion" turned into pudding in Adaline's hands as his nose reached out to her as she began to give him affection, his ears perked an his tail swished against his sides in contentment. At the information of the meeting Haldor wasn't to thrilled but for the village he would give up everything he had, just except Halvar of course. Haldor smiled an watched Adaline for a moment an as she poked fun at him he crossed his arms jokingly an shrugged his shoulders, chuckling a little "Oh I suppose I can help train them" Halvar was already all for it as he nudged Adaline gently, enjoying all the attention he received from her. Haldor raised an eye brow as he remembered the interesting hunter with Einer and decided to ask about her "So anything interesting about that huntress with the bright hair? She's quite the character .. I ran into her and Einer in the forest ... literally" He smirked at remembering the young girls fright of him at first, then again Halvar was half draft so his hooves were quite massive.
"Good cause I'm having you train the more older students. To be honest I don't trust you with the children. You an Einer are strong fighers who can get quite into fighting half the time." I am say with a small laugh as I petted Halvar's neck then moved up to around his ear. Many rumors had gone around his horse being a big bad monster but I guess it was only on who he was around. Iv never ran across him being rude or atleast trying to hurt someone. When we brought up the girl from the woods I looked up at him. "Not much to say. She's one of those who likes to run around in the woods. I heard she was spying on the meeting when I called the Warriors to the tent." I say with the shrug looking down at Halvar. "I guess you can just say she acts sorta her age. She still as much to learn when it comes to truly fighting." I looked up at him and laughed alittle. "Sounds alittle rude I know but many people in the village need to learn the fighting skills too "
Once Bella had finished dressing and brushing her hair she walked out of her room and was a bit startled to see him in the door way. "One second. I need to get some of the animals and fruits I got early today to trade." She smiled and walked into what was a small kitchen and opened two big cabinets for stocking up on essentials. One containing the fruit the other the 3 animals she'd gotten ( 2 squirrels and a small doe)
"What do you even plan trading them for? I take it clothes and hunting gear?" I say rolling my shoulders alittle as my hand rested on my ax. It was always handy to keep something on you. You never know when a drunk guy will wanna try and fight you.
"Well ill keep the two pairs of clothes I've got for now but I need some milk, cheese, and bread along with some more arrows." Smiling she hands him her bag of fruit "Help me over to the dairy ladies?"
Halvar was a noble horse who needed respect just as any person would, and sometimes he had alittle to much character for his own good. There wasn't many horseman in the village but Haldor was convinced to try and get a few of the newer students to give it a try. Haldor raised a brow at the mention that she had been spying "Odd.. Maybe she would like to try some training exercises?" Knowing it was doubtful but he wanted a good laugh on his first day training. At the explanation of his situation and being placed with the older students he smirked an shrugged again "Sorry, I have a short fuse when it comes to my temper and I am a big believer in respect, you know that" Haldor smiled down at her as Halvar snorted lightly in contentment as he rubbed his nose against Adaline's hand.
Adaline: I smiled as I kissed Halvar nose then walked over so I was standing next to Haldor. Well as close to his side as I can when he's sitting on a horse. I then smirked grabbing him at random and pulling him to the ground pulling out my sword. "Everyone who is older then 16 will have to do basic training. And I'm not shocked you have a short temper. Iv seen you in battle. The moment went someone freezes in there steps when you see an enemy cut off their head." I say with a laugh putting my sword away and holding hand hand out to Haldor who was on the floor. "But you also have to remember. Respect comes to those who also give respect back. Along with whoever doesn't piss the gods off. But come on. You can't do much training on the floor." I say with a small laugh.

Bjorn: "Ya sure I guess." I say as I grabbed the basket and headed to the village. Many people were out trading since it was a nice day out and plus the crops were growing nice this year. "You sure you didn't grab poisoned berries right?"
"Of course I'm sure, check them yourself but I grew those along with most of the fruit I have. The apples came from the nearby orchard." Walking over to some of the older women that had milk and cheese she smiled warmly at them "I have squirrels, a small doe, and fruit. Anything you'd like if I could get some milk and a small block of cheese."

The older woman stood "A squirrel and 3 apples if you please."

Looking at Bjorn she trapped the 3 apples and gave her a squirrel.
Katla on the other hand, picked the leaves out her hair, glancing at Einer with a sigh "I'll be at the river... cleaning up" she shrugged, walking away from the burly man, in direction of the river.

Upon reaching the small 'splash pool' just underneath the rapids, she unclipped her cloak, then slipping off her green dress and undergarments, hesitantly touching the water with her toe and shivered, before plunging into the cold water with a slight squeal. She smiled to herself a little, relaxing slightly before she started to wash out her hair, and the dirt streaking her arms and face. Sighing in relief she let herself sink low into the water, listening to the roaring of the rapids and chirping of birds.
Bjorn: "Hey I just wanna make sure here. I don't wanna be one to blame for poisoned berries or something." As I stood crossing my arms alittle. Well as much as I could with a fruity basket in my hand.
Turning around and putting her milk and cheese in the basket she laughed "Why do you always cross your arms? Is there a problem with your bare chest?"she looked at him and cocked her head.
Bjorn:"There's no problem. I'm just trying to look as manly as I can with a fruity ass basket in my hand." I say as I shook the basket alittle. "I'm fine with my bare chest. I just can't look manly with my hands on my waist like a girl. That would just be. No. Just wrong."
Bella smirked and put her hands on her waist "Why don't cha try it? You still look manly to me Bjorn." She gently tapped his cheek before laughing and walking over to a man with bread for sale.

"Iv got fruit, squirrel, and a doe. I'll give you a squirrel for a loaf of bread."

The man stood and nodded "Thank you Isabella," He took the squirrel and smiled while handing her the bread "Have a good evening."

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