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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

When Adaline walked by, Einer sighed, she didn't need to speak to him, it was his sacred duty to protect her - even if she didn't need it - from any threat, still half dead and looking like a mess from carrying the deer, he dragged himself off of the cold hard floor, struggling to walk in a straight line to her large tent, ornate throne at the back, fit for a queen. He didn't expect trouble, nobody dared rebel, those that did were slaughtered by Einer, or Adaline herself.

With no trouble caused, the grim business of death sentences was served, and without a word, Einer loyally followed Adalne to the war tent, a clear intimidation factor in his every step, most of the villagers were quite frightened of 'The Bear', likely having bore witness to some of his ruthless acts in the past. Upon reaching the war tent, Adaline called for a warrior's meeting, so Einer silently took his position, slightly behind her right. Close enough that he was apart of the meeting, and no one could reach her should they try, yet not too close that she didn't have space.

As Adaline waited for all the warriors to show up she turned to Einer. "Have we been training any new warriors yet? Or have we atleast have anyone interesting right now?" Since he was her main protected it made him almost the leader warrior with the most trust. Those who wanted their kids to be a warrior or them self to be warrior. But. Their final step would be to show her their skills. @Archangel Galdrael
Einer shrugged slightly, as his answer involved both yes and no. "We do have a lot of the children training to be warriors, many show good potential, but we don't have many older fighters in training. Though both Bjorn and Asbjorn show great skill." He answered, both men he had seen training, both were great warriors, but it was unfortunate that there weren't all that many warrior recruits besides children, they still had more than enough fighters to form a small army, but they had little in the way of rebuilding that army should it fall.
She raised an eyebrow at their conversation. Why would they be worrying about warriors? Unless they wanted to expand their territory, or go to war with another clan. She sat forward a little, peering into the tent with an inquisitive green eye. Every now and then tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

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"I would have to hate to force some people to join but if the time comes he might have to." I say as I turned and looked over at Bjorn. He had been training for a long time and this was his first year truly being in battle. "Maybe we should have warriors talk to their friends. Family. See if anyone anyone maybe wants to join but we're to scared or something to come up and speak up." I say as I crossed my arms still facing Einer. "We need an army big and strong for if anything major happens."
'For if anything, major happens?' What did that mean. She sat on her haunches just outside the tent, her eye watching the meeting unfold from her hiding place. Was Adaline talking about a threat to the village? Most of the other clans hadn't bothered ours in a while. Why would something threatening happen now of all times. She leaned in once more to eavesdrop.
Einer nodded, agreeing with her words, she was right, it was vital to have a strong army for any major event. "There's little more we can do than that, maybe talking to their families will help, but we can't force people to join yet, not until it's needed, but in my opinion any man whose scared to fight for his home doesn't deserve a home, but that's my warrior's mind speaking." Einer answered, both respectfully and bluntly, not one to skirt around the edges of his opinion, yet also being careful to not overstep his boundaries, she was the leader, and her word was law.
"I know I know. But at the same time we never put anything out there to see of people wanted to serve. It's on them if they wanted to. Right now they probably think we have a large army so they don't think we need one. Maybe we should just put a message out for training. Have people get a taste of it and see where that leads. I have a plan for next summer. To find other lands over the see. Rumors have gone there are lands with great riches." I say and looked around as the warriors began to enter. "We need boats large enough and big enough for the large journey. A reason I have planned to make the journey next summer. Help us prepare more."
Einer thought on her words, and then got a rather interesting idea. "Aye, I've heard those rumours... But if you plan to sail over sea, we will need a bloody big army... Why don't we make it mandatory, that any man or woman between 16 and 30 has to train. We won't force them to join the fighting force yet, but we will make sure they can fight... That way, should we need more fighters next summer, we'll have a hundred or more able bodied fighters to conscript." He whispered, so only Adaline, so the other warrior's could not hear, he respected her as a good leader, but it never hurt for some advice, she was young after all, and had all the burden of leading on her shoulders.
"I like that idea" I say as I place my thumb on my bottom lip and thought alittle. "It would also help if another clan try's to invade. They would think half the clan can't fight when truly they will know atleast the basics. We just have to make sure the pregnant women arnt to fall along. We don't need stress on the mothers." I say as I leaned on the table. "I'm just shocked they haven't attacked lately. They think a female ruling means the clan is weak with no male by my side which I still laugh about." I say in a hushed voice alittle.
Asbjörn heard the blow of the horn, meaning a warrior calling and with Asbjörn being a warrior he had to answer the call. Stopping training he placed his sword back in its sheath before heading to the war tent. Arriving at the war tent Asbjörn stayed silent and just listened to the conversation. It seemed that their leader Adaline wanted to get them a bigger force in case anything major happened, was she planning something that would spark something major to happen who knows.
She frowned 'Everyone had to go through training? Except the ones who had an acceptable loophole?'

But... that meant her... She didn't know how to charge into battle! She was a fighter, sure, but the stories the men brought back from glorious battles never tempted her. Katla may have been an excellent marksman, but a deer was much different from a man. An armed man at that.
Einer smirked at her words, it was true, other clans would see them as weak for having her rule, but either they were afraid of her reputation, as a better leader than they, or they were biding their time,and preparing to attack. "They haven't attacked lately, which could be more bad than good, it's possible they're gathering a larger force, to perhaps conquer us in a single assault." He whispered once more, making sure only she could hear him, the last thing needed was the clan panicking about a potential invasion.
"A reason we must make all people train. We need to make sure if they tried anything either cause there's no male on my side or anything like that. We will start training next week. Everyday. Every morning for atleast two hours. Learn the basics and everything." I say turning to the other warriors. "Now we do not have a war on our hands and we don't have danger coming our way. I have just thought for if any danger came our way it would be best to have a large army or atleast people who can fight living in the village."
"I'll see to those with the most potential, anyone who can go beyond basics, if you'd like." Einer said, just before she addressed the other warriors, learning the basics wasn't to time consuming, or hard. She and the younger warriors could do that easily, but Adaline had a lot of duties to see to,she hardly had time to teach more than the basics, Einer was slightly skeptical that the younger warriors, including her, even knew the more advanced techniques that well. But even so, if the village was attacked, it was individual fighting ability that mattered most, no shield wall or formation, Einer was one of the more experienced singular fighters, it made him an excellent teacher.
Turning back to Einer and nodded. "That will work. Just make sure you don't kill anyone. We need all the men and women we can get." I say and smirked at him. I knew when Einer fights he tends to lose himself. I then turned back to the Warriors. "I'll be in and out of the training. I can be there and watch and help but only every other day. I must make sure the boat making and plans come along as they should to keep us on track. I do plan on sailing over seas next summer."
Einer failed in holding back a mischievous grin, he wouldn't kill anyone, but they were in for an incredibly painful season of training. Taking his fearsome stance once more, he glared at the crowd of warriors in the tent - another duty of being the protector of their Leader, always be scary when around her. But the warriors in the tent all seemed to analyze the words Adaline spoke, as she mentioned the journey overseas, there was an obvious mixed amount of feelings, some nodded enthusiastically, some groaned and looked down, but he noticed there were no complaints to the new training programme, but why would there be? Everyone here was a fighter.
'Just make sure you don't kill anyone?!' That was NOT comforting. And to think she'd be part of the training programme too. She would never be able to hold ground against Einer! He was called 'The bear' for very good reason. How would she survive training even?- Katla contemplated the situation from her eavesdropping spot.
Astrid noted Katla snooping as she worked and smirked, she put aside her tools and quitly walked behind Katla. She took a moment to see what she was eavesdropping to before speaking up. "Interesting conversation, Katla?" She said crossing her arms and looking at her like a mother about to scold a child.
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She went a bright red, pulling the hood over her face like a child. "...Uh...umh...Tent stitches...are particularly good... Big fan! Collect them!" She looked confused at her words for a moment 'Collect them?! Good call dimwit'- She thought. "Im...Im...Gonna...Bye" she said, trying to edge away from the older woman. She knew she was probably going to be in trouble when Adaline or Einer found out.
(sorry used the wrong name at the last post.)

"Hold there, young lady." She ordered grabbing hold of Katla by her collar as she tried to inch away and yanked her back. " Didnt your parents teach you it is wrong to eavesdrop and at the clan leader no less. If i didn't know you better i could even say you could be spying." She scolder the girl." Also dint i ask you to bring me some hides i need for leather? To be snooping you probably been to the forest."
She fumbled nervously with her fingers, looking a little ashamed "Yeah...I got deer hide, and antlers" she mumbled. "They're drying out" she shrugged slightly. 'Oh damn, if she says i was SPYING, I could be banished! Worst case beheaded!'- Katla thought in a slight panic

((Its fine ^-^))
Astrid kept a serious look at Katla as she panicked but a small amused smile began to form on Astrids lips. " Deer hide, huh good girl." She managed to say before finally chuckling. "Dont worry, dear Katla, i of course i am not going to say that you were spying. Though seriously you shouldn't be eavesdropping like this, you will be helping me in the forge for a little while longer to make up for it." She said before looking about then looking at Einer and Adaline and lowered her tone."With that done. What is the gossip?"
She felt a little better knowing the Smithy was as curious as her "All villagers between 16 and 30 have to go through basic training to be ready for something, Einer and Adaline think the other clans may try and attack cause shes a woman an all with no man. Then Next summer Leader Adaline wants to send boats out across the sea to discover the lands full of riches she's heard about." Katla informed Astrid, with a small mischievous smile

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Mood darkened a little at what Katla said, Adaline father send expedition like that in the past and it ended with Adaline losing her husband. She sighed." Yeah give more people the opportunity to go to Valhalla." She muttered finally, her tone clear that she did not consider this a positive thing. True it was an honor to fight and die for gods and clan but training everyone to fight and sent them of to war regardless of skill meant that many would die needlessly.

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