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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

"I don't think everyone will go...Adaline just wants to be prepared...right?" She said, looking questioning. "I mean, she wouldn't leave the clan completely unprotected. Only a madman would do that!" She smiled. "I was thinking of going with them. Think about what we might find!" She exclaimed, before clamping her mouth shut.

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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Einer failed in holding back a mischievous grin, he wouldn't kill anyone, but they were in for an incredibly painful season of training. Taking his fearsome stance once more, he glared at the crowd of warriors in the tent - another duty of being the protector of their Leader, always be scary when around her. But the warriors in the tent all seemed to analyze the words Adaline spoke, as she mentioned the journey overseas, there was an obvious mixed amount of feelings, some nodded enthusiastically, some groaned and looked down, but he noticed there were no complaints to the new training programme, but why would there be? Everyone here was a fighter.

"Don't worry we have over a year to plan and get ready. But for now we just need to make sure we have a good strong army if we need it. You may go now." I say as the Warriors nodded and walked out of the tent. I then turned to Einer. "Let's just hope we find some good fighters." I say sighing and crossing my arms. "I'm scared to see what would happen if we find barley any. I wouldn't want lose all our young children if we can't find people over the age of 20 or something." I shook my head. "If only we could combine clans with someone but that would cause for marriage. And there are not any good clan leaders up for marriage."

@Archangel Galdrael
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Einer scoffed at her counter proposal, realizing that should she marry her husband would lawfully take the official power, if he didn't, well. Te clan would still be seen as weak. "Marriage? Hah! I Spit on the other clans! You're doing fine, a marriage would remove you from power,it is not the way." Einer advised, not wanting her to follow this course of action. "Don't you worry about the fighters, we don't need to find them. We need to make them, and by the Gods I intend to do just that." Einer spoke enthusiastically, trying to reassure Adaline that the army was not a cause or concern. "Let me worry about the fighters, anyone can do the basics, then they're my problem."
"Your right." I sighed and shook my head. "I just hope everything goes to plan. I would hate to have something happen that will set us back a large amount. Right now I don't think it would be the best thing." I looked at him and smirked punching his arm. "See this is why I made you basically head warrior." I smirked. It was true. He was wise and the strongest of the older fighters and was always at my side even when my father ruled. He was the closet to me.
Einer smiled, happy to see he had cheered her up somewhat, "Hah! You made me head warrior because I was your only friend, you mean?" he joked, letting out a small laugh. It seemed like a lifetime ago, how successful she is now, compared to the immense struggle she went through to become - and maintain - her position as leader. Even before her father died, he supported her over the other incompetent men, who back then, had far more chance of succeeding, he'd probably march into the depths of Hel if she so ordered him to. "Everything will go to plan, if it doesn't, we'll fix it. There is no other outcome." Einer finally said with a nod once more, trying to relieve the worry on her shoulders.
"No no no I had more then you has a friend. You were just the scarier of the friends in battle which is why I picked you. Minus when your drunk I mean. Then your just a big old softy. Your almost like a lost puppy" I say with a laugh. "The bear? More like little drunk puppy" I shook my head with a laugh as I walked out of the tent and looked over to the ocean. Clear water. A nice sunny summer day. It was all seeming good. "Have you checked on the food supply we had left from the winter?" I say turning back to Einer. If not ut it was something for me to do. If so I could go to the farmers and see how far the crops were to bring able to harvest.
Einer smirked at her words before laughing at her jest of a lost puppy. "Hmm... 'The Puppy' just doesn't have the same ring to it, can't imagine I'd be striking fear into the hearts of anybody with a name like that, so I used 'The Bear' as a false name, of course. He jested in return. Adaline was the only person - leader status aside - who could ever hope to get away with this kind of talk with Einer, which made the conversations even more fun. "No, I haven't checked our remaining supplies, I was busy trying to carry a deer back from the forest, wrestled it down with my bear hands! With the help of Katla's arrow. " He said sarcastically, remembering his earlier encounter with the very much 'little' girl in the woods.
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Asbjörn sighed as he left the war tent, they really was no reason for Asbjörn to have gone there in the first place. After all he never really contributed to the conversation, thinking about it now whenever they was a warrior meeting he never talked he found no point in talking. Still the trip across seas interested him he enjoyed seeing new places but more than anything finding new foes. Sure the foes around the area their in now are fun to fight but after a while when you pick up on their fighting style they become nothing more than big sacks of meat. Walking back over to where he came from in the first place, back to the training ground. He smiled at what he saw a teenager no more than 15 or 16 training with a sword. He was sure that if Adaline saw this she would be slightly happy after all it proves not everyone would be against the training. Sadly the boys form was mediocre at best and in a fight an opponent would break threw his defense or counter his attack instantly. Walking over to the boy Asbjörn didn't say anything and only lifted his arm up the boys arm slightly, just from that little action the boys attacking improved and his form became just above average. Asbjörn decided just to simply watch the bot not speaking but giving him subtle hints.
Eira found herself on the ground, staring up at the sky and a few branches. Her bow was still in hand, incase she needed to use it, and wake up fast... But everything seemed to be okay. She sat up, rubbing softly at her eyes before pushing herself up with a small grunt. After a few moments of brushing herself off and gathering her mind she headed back towards the tents, blinking the blur of sleep away.

Her hair was a mess of beautiful curls and leaves, a few flowers braided in here and there. Her clothing gave her little nap away, but... She'd be returning with a fair amount of game hanging from her belt. "Hm."
"...I don't wanna help with the forge" she sulked, sighing. "Can i go get you something else? The rabbits are plentiful this year! I was tracking the buck, i didn't grab much else" she shrugged, her green eyes wide, as she swung her legs childishly.

If anyone hadn't noticed, Katla had two sides. One innocent and childish, the other that of a fighter; strong and mature. She was not by any means a 'weak' girl, of course she lacked the ability to carry a deer, but she doubted many could. In any case, the shy, awkward girl had something about her. Even if it meant tripping over her own feet.
""Wouldnt be punishment if you liked it." She said getting what information she wanted from the eavesdrop, he aimed to have a talk with Adeliene later before pulling Katla to her feet. "Now, take your punishment like a big girl remember i could still hand you over to Adeliene." A threat which in reality would be lesser punishment then the one Astrid was giving to Katla. She knew Adeliene would be more forgiving.
I looked at Einer raising an eyebrow and laughing. "Let me guess. You just carried it here for her?" I smirked pointed to some dry blood that was left on his shoulder. "Wrestle it my ass" I say shaking my head. He was the one guy who can make me laugh when I'm in the worst mood and stressed out. He would give it to me straight and that's what I liked. I didn't like things to be sugar coated. If I did something wrong I needed to know. I'm leader I can't mess things up. "Did you see any other Deere or animals in the area when you were out there? I might be worried their getting smart enough to stay away from the village and heading up near the mountains."
She rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance. Who could blame her? She was built for hunting with a slim, steadfast body. Not pumping bellows or hammering metal. "Fine" she sighed, kicking the dirt in a grumpy fashion. Well, it seemed she'd have to meet it head on... And then proceed to sleep the next day away. She'd worked in the forge once or twice before, and by the gods did it leave her aching!

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Einer shook his head furiously in mock disagreement, as if to throw a fake disagreement out there about not wrestling the deer, which he certainly didn't. But before he could retort, or laugh out loud, Adaline switched once more to the problems of the village, albeit this one was important. "I don't spend much time, frolicking around, hugging trees in the forest, but I'm sure we're catching less of the deer, it seems they are moving away." He answered, knowing this was a cause for concern, the deer were a primary source of meat, to lose them would be a nasty strike to both the people's happiness, health, and food stocks. "Maybe it'd be an idea to get some of our best marksman, preferably volunteers, and set up a hunting lodge near the mountains?" He asked, but knowing that barely anybody would volunteer for that, sitting around in the cold, away from family, and joy, hunting all day.
There was an ulterior motive to the punishments which included a little added help in the forge to finish her work to prepare for the added work of arming everyone. Also it was also to help the girl stegthan up a bit, she won't always have a burly man to handle her kills back at the village. "I will see you tommorow, bright and early. " She said before walking on back to her forge, taking out from the furnace some melted iron and poured it in a mold for a sword. She let it cool and harden before removeing it with tongs, putting it in water and then began to shape it.
"I feel like we should just put maybe feed areas put. Draw them back in. I'm sure we have enough meat to last a few weeks. I know I shouldn't be saying it but I feel like it's best to keep our meat supply plentiful. Trick the deer into think we arnt in the area much anymore." If was our best shot instead of sending people up into the mountains. It would take time and to much noise and muscle power we need right now.
Einer contemplated her words, before concluding that she was right. "Aye, that may work better, you're right, we do need a plentiful supply of meat. Now more than ever." He answered, nodding along with his words. It was certainly better than a hunting lodge, they hadn't the recourses to maintain. He did wonder how effective it would be though, deers are smart after all. "The plan may not be incredibly effective you know? Deer are smart animals, they won't all fall for it." Einer warned.
Eina finally returned, glancing around for a familiar or not so familiar face. She clutched at her bow, thin brow lofting slightly. The pack on her back was filled with berries and herbs, and the line she used to hold the game she'd managed to hunt or trap was almost too heavy just to wear on one side. Still, she'd managed and wore a petite smile over her features.
As soon as the Smithy dismissed her, she grasped her bow, running through the village at a fast pace. Her feet barely touching the ground. The wind whipped her hair back from her face, and left the green cloak flying out behind her. She took sharp turns, startling some of the other villagers, yet kept her pace as she started on out to near where the men sparred and trained. At this point she slowed, gulping air down into her lungs with flushed cheeks. She whistled, and ran a hand through her red locks looking around and toward the forest, as she started to make her way in the direction.

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Astrid worked a little bit longer before going to check on Erik and the other children. She went to were she last saw them, they weren't there but she wasn't worried as the children knew not to leave the village. She groaned slightly for having to chase after them and walked the village to find them, calling for Erik. Her heart skipped a beat when she couldnt find them and began to ask about.
"We can throw out maybe two bags of grain in the woods. Not hunt for a week and see what happens. We have enough food left over from winter and the Harvest now seems greater then ever. I feel like if we give them the grain it would fatten them up even more. It's kinda like a win win situation." I say looking off into the woods. We still had grain from winter about to go bad anyways so really there wasn't much harm to the idea.
Astrid find his way back to Adaline and Eine, still not able to find her son. She hesitated for a moments to bring it up to the two of them knowing how it might look, on the other hand it's the health of the children on the line." Chief... Sorry to interrupt but I am missing Erik... Have you seen him?"
I look over from Einer to Astrid. She seemed to be missing her son. I crossed my arms and shook my head. "I'm sorry. I haven't seen him. You were he's not running around with the other kids? Or they are down by the beach? It is pretty hot out. They could just be cooling down."
"I have checked the beach, he is not there." She said though looking relatively calm her eyes showed her panic. "Odin's beard that kid... He is playing hunter in the forest isn't he..."
"Well boys will be boys is all I have to say. He could have gone far. I doubt hes stupid enough to trail to far from the village and the trails. He should be back soon. If not I can send someone to go out with you and search for him with you."

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