Trunk Monkey
In Gladii Veritas
Haha, I'm going to wait for everyone to knock out their respective first posts before the havoc starts happening. It may take a while, but it'll be worth it I'm sure. I'm also trackin' everyone's crazy schedules, and that it's the weekend. So everyone is probably incredibly busy with life, like myself.
@PlaguedWithInsanity your character could carry the shotgun, a flamer isn't really the best idea considering how the unit is run... At least for now; later on I'll coordinate more advanced raids when the unit starts making waves in Vietnam. I'll probably even add a flamethrower training portion in Tiger Land that your character could participate in, allowing her to get the required training to handle such a dangerous weapon.
@PlaguedWithInsanity your character could carry the shotgun, a flamer isn't really the best idea considering how the unit is run... At least for now; later on I'll coordinate more advanced raids when the unit starts making waves in Vietnam. I'll probably even add a flamethrower training portion in Tiger Land that your character could participate in, allowing her to get the required training to handle such a dangerous weapon.