
Haha, I'm going to wait for everyone to knock out their respective first posts before the havoc starts happening. It may take a while, but it'll be worth it I'm sure. I'm also trackin' everyone's crazy schedules, and that it's the weekend. So everyone is probably incredibly busy with life, like myself.

@PlaguedWithInsanity your character could carry the shotgun, a flamer isn't really the best idea considering how the unit is run... At least for now; later on I'll coordinate more advanced raids when the unit starts making waves in Vietnam. I'll probably even add a flamethrower training portion in Tiger Land that your character could participate in, allowing her to get the required training to handle such a dangerous weapon.
Due to a sudden U turn in my personal life my creativity is drained for the day and its after midnight. After I've gotten out these tutorials on SAO RP for Atom I'm hitting the hay.

If the bus leaves before i wake for possible posting tomorrow, feel free to just bunny him along or have him been already on the bus earlier.
Considering @Stew 's post, I'll probably end up bunnying everyone along a little. Guess it wouldn't hurt to get people out of that damn bus finally. If this thing gets a little too high-sped for anyone here let me know; I'll happily re-cap in detail to whoever is lost.
Well, I think it would also be funny and/or interesting to leave the scene with the party popper and the bus off right there in a kind of fade; I think the description of what happened after the fact would be pretty hilarious to anyone that wasn't there.
After spending an entire outing with my family, it'll be great finally getting home. I'm currently typing this on a phone.
I've been phoning it this whole time sadly, can't get on my computer due to the amount of traveling I do in my job... I'm getting a shit ton better at texting now however, big plus on that.
Lmfao! That escalated waaayyyy too quickly! I'm guessing some sort medical training was given during basic? Thank jeezuss for this OOC lol.
Oh man, I always love drill sergeant stuff like this. Seeing how people react in real life and fictionally is always awesome. xD
SwiftThunder said:
Oh man, I always love drill sergeant stuff like this. Seeing how people react in real life and fictionally is always awesome. xD
Same haha, one note though; Rico will always conduct 'madness' styled training as opposed to classroom styled. He wants his troopers to be ready for anything, and doesn't want soldiers buckling under surprises such as explosions and such. This should mold the platoon into a more 'jaded' unit, allowing their first firefight to hopefully have little to no casualties.
Daimao said:
Well shit, work just destroyed my free time. I finished Samuel's CS though...
Looks good man! The silent guy was definitely needed somewhere. So far; he's designated as the main mortar man, the guy that carries the actual tube. He'll also carry a rifle, among other things, but he's probably going to get the highest kill count if it comes down to it.
Lolz, someone had to do it! Demi wouldn't let privates asses casualties anyway. She's a brand new soldier herself in a way, so maybe she kind of needs the training too? I dunno, I also wanted to implement a reason to be called Momma Bear too... :3
Aye, it would be something an RTO would need to learn. If not how to write a medevac 9-line, then at least how to report one quickly. Kai might already plan to cover it, but I also recommend looking up a medevac 9-line; while the modern version wasn't in use in the 1960s, it still has some good info about what you'd need to report.
Now that you mention it; covering that during this event would be perfect. I'll figure something out real quick, then post.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ae98127dc5692e77dc2ecf9399826ff9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ae98127dc5692e77dc2ecf9399826ff9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Members of the army indeed learn radio procedure in basic training, if they paid attention. This is a copy of the medevac request card from the 1960's, and is pretty confusing without practice. LZ being landing zone, WIA being wounded in action. A real call during this time would be extremely hasted, saying break every 2-3 lines giving enough time for the medics to get the information down. Your character can 'attempt' to get it right, then have Rico conjure proper instruction on how to do so in the RP if you want. @Stew He would not have the radio however! So him pretending to use the radio to call would be somewhat comical, even though that's how training is preformed at times.



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Added the 'Big Boss'! It's still a holy hellhole of a work in progress tho. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to finish his complete history before we even get to Nam'. And yes, I totally copied and pasted from Wikipedia. ^.^ gives helpful links to people who would want to learn more about him, even though it probably doesn't even matter too much.
I know it's stupid, but i found this and had to show it to somone, Lol


This to.

Heres a bonus because i'm bored and can't think of anything to write.


I'm getting the strange feeling this has something to do with our, lord and savior Gaben.
He looks like he's having an outstanding time riding that cracker. But don't worry about posting if you don't feel up to it, I'll just bunny your character; and you could probably think about what happened back at the bus if you wanted to put your two cents about how your character reacted, haha.

Another quick note and re-hash: I don't expect anyone to maintain two full paragraphs every single post, especially in the middle of chaos and such. That initial disclaimer in the first page was to detour 'one liner's' and such from popping in. I consider myself a casual RPer most of the time, but the amount of research required to make this type of RP to work correctly requires it to be labeled 'detailed'. As long as people are detailed enough in what they are doing that particular time, that's all I really care about.
This is probably the coolest RP I've been in so far. The Marauders kind of remind me of the Lust Hog Squad from FMJ. You have the (More-or-less likely) disturbed Machine Gunner, The Joker, and somebody else who can compare the two together somehow.

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