
I was thinking that too, haha. Everybody has their own different personalities in the military; even more so during Vietnam from people getting drafted in from different walks of life. I'm glad everyone stayed true to individualism and made some pretty cool characters! Hopefully this RP becomes written proof that you don't need to be born with a superpower to be badass, it's all about how you would overcome your shortcomings. Whoops, got a little carried away there. I kinda also want Ho Chi Manh dead to be honest, and believe this RP could be a slightly but not as exaggerated version of Quentin's 'Inglorious Bastards', in regard of them ending WW2 by killing Hitler. Not saying the war would end with him dead or anything, would just like to give a little redemption to what could have happened under different circumstances.
Kai, I've been wondering....are you and Carnage like Bruce Wayne and Batman? Because you two never seem to be on at the same time O.o
Haha, we tend to get on and off at points I guess. We mostly just text each other whenever something of importance happens and such. And I kind of hate this new layout, since it always logs me off whenever I close the page to do something else.
Does anyone have a grid map that I could use? I hate having to make up grid coordinates simply due to how un-realistic it is. However, if it's fine with everyone/nobody has a map, I don't mind continuing to make them up.
Uh, can I go back to sleep now? :) ) *is trying to not wake up roommate with noisy computer*
Eh, more or less the amount of time we spend on this website haha. We used to be apart of the Omniverse RP, we kinda met each other there.
I'm glad Kai knows how to wipe his/her/its own but. Or else we could have a problem on our hands.
*feels bad because haven't intro'd*

*doesn't know how to start*

*super sad face*

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Sorry @Stew ... Can't find a good map as of right now. I'll I don't mind if you play the guessing game or anything, it's not 'that' detailed haha.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
*feels bad because haven't intro'd*
*doesn't know how to start*

*super sad face*

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

It's alright, it's not too late to introduce your characters. If you need a re-cap I could do that for ya.
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]It's alright, it's not too late to introduce your characters. If you need a re-cap I could do that for ya.

That would be much appreciated...if that's okay with you and not a bother to write...
well im going to bed ccuzz of reasons..... humans need sleep


PlaguedWithInsanity said:
*feels bad because haven't intro'd*
*doesn't know how to start*

*super sad face*

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

We thought you were busy :(
Aaaaaaaaand my young charge just broke my neighbor's window with a ball. I should probably go take care of that....

...Damn kids...
Hey, when we end up getting deployed, will we be able to choose our own guns as long as they're what soldiers would usually use back then? Or will we simply do a standard M16A1/Colt 1911 loadout?
Well, here goes nothing:

• Everyone was loaded into the bus; including your Pvt character.

• There was a small dispute between Pvt Maclin and some random Pvt that was talking shit about Carlos.

• Sfc Rico and all the NCO's including the Lt and your Cpl character were waiting for the bus; Rico orders the NCO's to smoke the shit out of the Joe's. Some of them discussing on who they wanted. (You can or don't have to agree with smoking Joe's, you can always say that you kept quiet or whatever.)

• Rico pulled out a Sim-Popper (a simulated explosive device that triggers if someone stepped on it, harmless, but pretty freaky.) and set it next to the spot where the Joe's would get off the bus.

• Said Joe's leave the bus and one of them steps on the Sim, setting off the smoke simulatedly loud explosion. The Pvt who stepped on it crapped his pants.

• Things get hectic, NCO's start smoking the Joe's.

• Rico says the guy who stepped on the Sim is dead, and throws him to the ground. He tells everyone to do push-ups until someone who remembers combat life saver training saves the fallen comrade.

• Pvt Maclin steps up to the plate and performs the best he could, the Lt stepping up to help him out.

• Joker pulls out a boot from his rucksack and simulates a call for medevac, Rico is impressed with his motivation; and throws a map at him, mentoring him on how to do it correctly. Which he does.



Stew said:
Hey, when we end up getting deployed, will we be able to choose our own guns as long as they're what soldiers would usually use back then? Or will we simply do a standard M16A1/Colt 1911 loadout?
The weapon load outs are the standard unless you were given something else. Such as a shotgun, M60, or M14 not counting the mortar tube that requires you to have a rifle as well. Unfortunately we aren't green berets and can't pick and choose.

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