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Fandom Video-Game Mashup Adventure (IC Thread) [Closed for now]


Five Thousand Club
"It seemed to be just another day on earth. Sun was either up or down, birds were singing or asleep, all that good human jazz. One thing was for sure, though. someone, somewhere... was playing video games."

"Now, this pastime has been subject to much scrutiny. Makes kids violent, rots brains, you know the drill. Well, I am not touching that, I just want to tell you a story. You see, humans don't realize it, but the characters in video games have their own lives. Even the villains, who are usually actually pretty nice guys."

"Oh, my name? I am ARCADE, nice to meet you. Hm? No, I am a supercomputer... NO, I will not divide by zero, I'd rather not explode. Now shut up. I am ARCADE, the central repository for all video game data... basically, I am the place you'd hang out, were you a character in a video game."

"Anyway, I told you how the villains are usually nice guys? Even friends with the heroes? Well, one day something happened, and corrupted them, virtually and literally. That was a dark day, and the multi-verse was thrown into chaos. I had no choice but to call in every video game character I could find. Mario, Sonic, Solid Snake, Samus, Garrus Vakarian, Prophet, Hawke, Vault Hunters, Link, Corvo... oh, apologies. Basically, I called everyone."

"And the message was dire..."


[ @Kirito Kei @Ashman74 @Yonsisac @GoldenWolf @Morithawen @Shungila @Calibutcher @Lukas Melling Gale @Zerodeath98 @Ibuki ]

[Your first post begins in the middle of part of your game. Sometime during your post, you must get the above message and leave the game, stopping your post before you reach ARCADE]
Lex Valentia had been on the long journey from Whiterun to Ivarstead, all the way around the highest mountain known in Skyrim as 'The Throat of the World.' Pulling on the reigns of her dark brown horse, named Allie, she murmured for her to stop. Finally, after a long two days of travel, they had reached Ivarstead. Gazing across the short stone bridge, Lex rose her hand up to block the glinting rays of the setting sun.

Ivarstead was a small village, no walls, no blacksmith, just a small lumbermill and farm. A guard approached her, as a guard should, and called out from the other side or the bridge, "Hail! Come across the bridge, you have passage." Lex nudged Allie with the heel of her boot and the brown horse walked forward, he hooves clicking on the stone. As they passed the guard Lex nodded in thanks and continued down the path, soon coming to a quint inn.

Dismounting Allie and tying her up to a nearby post, Lex pulled down her thick fur hood and walked up the steps to the in. Upon her entrance the wonderful smells of cooking meat and warm mead filled the air. In a corner a bard sat singing tales to drunken men. Walking over to the innkeeper Lex politely asked for a room. "Not everyday we get visitors to Ivarstead. You must be here to make the journey up the 7,000 steps, to High Hrothgar."

The 7,000 steps wound around the great mountain, all the way up to the monastery of High Hrothgar. There lived the Greybeards, who had summoned her because she was 'Dragonborn,' the harvester of dragon souls. "That I am, mam." Lex replied. The innkeeper nodded and gestured to a nearby room. "10 gold and you got a place to rest your head." She replied. Lex sighed and dug around in her pack until she came across the right amount. Dropping it into the innkeeper's outstretched palm, Lex smiled and thanked her, heading into the room.

Just as she was stepping though the door to her room, a courier burst into the inn and ran over to Lex. "T-this is v-very urgent... Your hands only.." He panted, handing her the letter. Raising a brow, Lex took the letter and opened it. In the center of the paper there was 6 bold words in red lettering,


"What . . . ?" Lex murmured, reading it again. This is bad... I think... Lex thought, quickly striding into her room and stuffing the letter into her pocket. Quickly muttering an ancient spell she learned from a mage in Riverwood, she rose her hand up and a small ball of light blue light shimmered in her palm. Murmuring a few more words, the blur light illuminated her whole body and she was quickly transported to ARCADE.

(Hope that was good haha
:D )
Ein sat, patiently waiting outside of Chappi's house. He'd just given the blacksmith a new material and was waiting for him to forge it into something awesome. That's what Chappi did after all. You could find rusty knives and broken blades and he'd hit it with his hammer until it was a magical artifact of unbelievable might. He wondered momentarily, what exactly would happen if he gave his Diviner to Chappi. No. That was too much. He didn't feel up to wielding something capable of splitting the world in half in one swing.

Shaking those thoughts from his head, Ein looked up into the peaceful sky. He hadn't been to Elendia in a while. Not since he and Serene a had started their journey to purge the evil from the lands personally, one stabbed demon at a time. It was a little extreme but exposure to Serene for such a long period had begun to give the first hints of a few alarming personality shifts. Either way, she was off resting with Fia and Lina. There was a chance they'd gone to the springs so he was avoiding that area with all of his being. The thrashing he'd gotten after breaking the golem guarding it last time had given him more scars than fighting an actual god.

He was thankfully saved from his memories by an odd blip. He glanced up and saw the message displayed above his head.


"Uh oh." Ein muttered, standing up from his resting position. "What should I do for this one?" He glanced around and decided he'd go investigate. Hopefully nothing too terrible was going down but they probably could use a Grim Angel on their side. Grim Angels were pretty good at winning wars by themselves after all. He started walking, it'd probably take him a bit but ARCADE's distance always seemed to be weirdly inconsistent. If he really needed to get there, the journey would only take a few minutes. Probably.

Ara, the Little Hsien, was in her Celestial Fox mode, defeating monsters in the dungeon 7-1, also known as the Resiam Outskirts in Hamel's Capital. 'Uuuu..! Aren, I know you're here somewhere in Hamel! I'll bring you back... I won't stop until I see you again, Brother! The demons... they're corrupting you, so please, come back to me!' She mentally prayed, hoping for her goal to be reached sooner or later. 'Hush, Ara! Save these remarks for another time, for now, hurry and use your power. Look! They're already surrounding you.' Eun sighed, Ara was a reliable partner and all, however, sometimes her 'brotherly complex' gets into the way. She means well, she simply cares for her brother way too much.

The nine-tailed fox spirit wasn't wrong, however. Before the spearswoman realized, there were several Shadow monsters ganging up on her, along with a Laguz, which was a small water entity seeming to take on the form of a young girl. The Laguz began to release three bubbles, as they started to home over to Ara, as the shadows charged forwards at her. Ara countered the bubbles with a swipe of her spear, and as for the demonic creatures, she saved just enough mana and spirit energy to perform the special combo skill she has learned upon reaching the class of Little Hsien: Secret Dragon Arts - Blast.

Spirit Energy Orbs: 10 | Mana: 300 | Status: GAUGES FILLED

Thanks to the three bead awakening mode, the Power of Eun enabled Ara's energy orbs to be filled rather quickly, compared to when she wasn't in the Celestial Fox form. Ara began to dash, slamming her spear onto the ground. Then, she stabbed the enemies in front of her, pulling them in, and before knocking them down, she threw a medal with the Yin Yang design carved onto the bronze, creating a tiny explosion as it inflicted damage and recovered one of the spirit energy orbs. Promptly, Ara swung her spear in a 360 degree spin, hitting the shadow monsters that were about to launch a secret attack from behind, also catching the opponents that were flying off due to the explosion. Well, too late for that. Finally, for the tougher ones that remained, Ara jumped up, and rocketed down, causing the ground to break open into sharp, pointy rocks. All of them were blasted into smithereens, including the innocent-looking Laguz. Ara quickly fled the scene before the Laguz could trap her in the bubbly substance as the water spirit burst into tiny particles, vanishing.

Dragon Stance 1 (No Name)

Dragon Stance 2 - Pulling Thrust

Dragon Stance 3 - Eight Trigram Palm

Dragon Stance 4 - Moonlight Slash

Secret Skill* - Explosive Breaking

(*Can only be activated when the above 4 skills are used one after another simultaneously)

TOTAL: 10 Spirit Energy Orbs & 255 MP used

Spirit Energy Orbs: 0 | Mana: 45 | Status: GAUGES NOT FILLED

As Ara ran, she saw the bright red message flashing in front of her.


'Ehh?! H-Hey, Eun, what's this supposed to mean?' Ara queried, she was quite worried and confused. 'It means exactly what the message says, the fourth wall has been broken, it's very straightforward.' the fox replied. Soon, Ara pulled out her Cobo Transportation Service menu, scrolling down the list of the various places that she could teleport to in Elrios: Ruben, Elder, Bethma, Altera, Feita, Velder, Hamel, Sander, Lanox. However, oddly enough, there was a button labelled as '???' below Lanox. Odd, that was never there before. Deciding that that was probably the place that she needed to depart for next, she pressed the mysterious new location, and after paying the ED currency fee, she vanished from the outskirts of Resiam, and off to ARCADE...
"Fire!" Lilith shouted to her Crimson Raiders. This is the end, Athena thought and shut her eyes. "No! Lilith is isn't us. You can't do this!" Brick argued but the sound of bullets firing was heard. After around five seconds, Athena expected to be in Hell right now, but instead she saw a bright white figure stopping all the bullets. It was an alien that she's seen before. From when she was first in Helios escaping the space station with Jack. But for some reason it's come to save her. It seemed to be talking about something but Athena didn't listen. It was prime time to escape while they were all distracted. Avoiding Brick and Lilith would be easy but avoiding Mordecai wouldn't. Athena heard about how he could hit a bullseye from 500 feet away with a pistol. Looking over to her left, she saw her gear. Kinetic Aspis, her O2 kit, shield, sword, her ECHO, but only one gun. Her Jakobs. Who the hell stole my three other- She looked to her right and saw one of the new vault hunters named Salvador with all of them strapped on his back. That makes sense, Athena sighed and silently broke the ropes she was bound to. Now! She mentally shouted to herself and lunged at her gear. Grabbing Kinetic Aspis first, bullets were fired at her but all of them hit her shield. Grabbed the rest of her gear from the table, she quickly threw her shield at Mordecai, knocking him out. "It was fun while it lasted but I have to leave now!" Athena shouted and jumped off of Sanctuary.


What..? She thought. It was probably just a glitch with her ECHO. Though Athena was wrong and was teleported to ARCADE.
Sora was wandering around Hallowed Bastion with his friend Donald and Goofy. After a grueling battle against the Heartless, who attempted to take over this world, they had met some sinister hooded men. They called themselves Organisation XIII, using the Nobodies to attempt to destroy every world out there. Luckily this world was in the capable hands of Leon and the other members of the Hallowed Bastion Restoration Committee. He could entrust this world to them, while he traveled to save the other worlds and stop the Organisation.

Sora and friends were on their way to Merlin's house, where everyone was waiting for them to say goodbye. But before they could reach the house, words appeared in front of their eyes. "THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN" They froze, staring at the message. Sora was the first to react. "Well guys, looks like we'll be splitting up for a while." Donald immediately started panicking, angrily shouting at Sora though the boy couldn't understand a word of what he was saying. "Gawsh Sora, are you sure?" Goofy asked him. Sora nodded. "If the Fourth Wall truly has been broken they're going to need all the help they can get. But I need you guys here to keep looking for Riku and King Mickey. Keep an eye on the Organisation while I'm gone, okay?" Goofy agreed, though it took a lot of convincing for Donald to finally give his consent. They walked over to their Gummi Ship, where they kept a portal to the Arcade. "I'll see you guys soon. It's a promise!" After this goodbye, Sora stepped through the portal to the Arcade.
(( fek.., so many para's )) (* wait for me this will be edited soon *)

waking up I leave my house ( yes pokemon live in houses ) and head to the post office where pelliper give me my assignment. While grabbing It I turn around and check for anyone watching so I don't get followed. Leaving the post office I head to my secret base ( bases only available in gen three and gen 4 so when there is torchic and sinnoh.) And wait for the area to get silent before opening my package. unloading everything I put in my steel fang and put in my razor fang. then put on my agent badge on my specialized mission suit before jumping onto my roof and jumping to the mission area when all of the sudden I hear these words loud and clearly " THE FOURTH WALL IS DOWN. "
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"Agh! Let Go!"

*Riiiiip...Thud.....BANG BANG BANG*

Issac Clark a engenier from the ishimura was Inside a Small Complex in a Frozen Planet,the Complex was slightly safe but a small Leaper Jump on him and attack him,do he manage to get him off and rip the creatures tail off,as it fell he would aim his plasma Cutter and give the Necromorph 3 Shots on its head Making Rotten Gore spray all over,he lowerd his wepon and would raise his Foot and *CLANG,CLANG,CLANG,CRACK,SPLAT"he stomp the fallen Necromorph Repeated way,cracking and snaping its bones and riping tissue,Pating as his suit was Coverd in green splater and Blood as he look down his Torn opponent,Pressing the side of his neck his helmet would slide down and reveal his face as he needed some air,walking over the corps he would walk to one end of the room seeing a Depo were he could Buy some Meds and ammo,walking to it and planting his hand on the Hologram screen a list would appear of multiple needs,Buying 2 Medium Med gels and Plasma Cutter ammo he would sigh seeing he was low on Credit...Only 308 Credit....it was enough to buy ammo for his Pulse Rifle do it had enough...His detonator was low but not that important...Thinking deeply he would look at the list but soon was cought off guard as he hears a beep,departing from the station he would look behinde him and down and see a small and adorable Scavanger Bot,kneeling down he would pick the small bot up as it Folded up, "Lets see what you got me.."He said to himself as chcking the small but it had some scrap metal,Semiconductors and 2 Tungsten,he surely could use theas to Built some wepons.

After reatriving what he needed and buying needed Equipment he was Fully suited and ready to continue.walking to the door on the Other side of the torn down and abandon Building he would Open it and amidiatly a Powerfull Gust of Cold wind followd with snow hit his helm,using his hand to shield his Visore so it dosent get coverd in snow,holding his plasma Cutter on his free hand he would walk out and continue his way towards the science Building,it was a long way,the land was white as paper and the powerfull gust of ice winds made it hard do he was ok as his suit maintain his heat and proteced him.


"The hell? Now?......damite...Only way here is the science complex....lucky im heading there"as he did he would continue his way towards the science complex as there was a "Portal" there that would lead to ARCADE,walking he would stumble apon a large metal doo was hard to see with all this dam snow,looking around he would finde a terminal amidiatly walking towards it,Poping the grill out,looking inside he would reach inside searching for a cable so he door could open,as he did he would hear Growls and Gurgles,soon a Loud screech,his eyes widen inside his mask as he was haking this! Looking he would begine to pick up the pace and as he did look back he would see 7 Necromorph slashers charging towards him,they slash the air and Run towards him like senless creatures,He Hurries and would hear a *Pssssssssst...ding* of the door slowli Opening,geting his hand out of the terminal grill and hold his plasma cutter he would begine to Open fire at them,he shot one,s leg off made him fall but he quickly started crawling,as he Opend fire he would be walking backwards towards the Open door,his breath was loud as they Hide in the snow.....he would have notice them on his way here but they hide...made it much harder for him,soon after he was inisde reaching to the side of the door he would press a large red Button as the door started to close,they were close and he fired at them as it did,they were to close!!! as the door was near closing one of them would get inbetween the shuting doors rying to slash him but Clark back off only soon *CRUNCH,SPLAT....."Engaging Emergency shut down"

Half of the ncros Body was crunch in half by the metal door as it slided close,hearing the AI of this science complex say it was engaging emergency shut down he would sigh in realife as they were To close,his helm would slide down and off as he would look back and see a...odd Looking suit booth....looke like one to change suits that he use but was....green light inside and a "welcome" sign...yea was the way to get to ARCADE,walking towards it and steping inside he would take a breath as the 2 Metal doors slide close encasing him in the booth,soon the lights would Turn bright on like if he was changing his suit...but in reality he was being Transported to ARCADE....there was a Nother way like the LINK bridge but that was on the ishimura....this is like fast Travel.

ARCADE here we come...
As a golden dawn approached and filled the majesty of the Fjiords with shadow, the strong sound of beating wings could be heard overhead. A large dragon, clad in bone armor, soared across the sky, overshadowing any that dwelled below the dark cast of the dragon. Where was he going? To wage war against his greatest foes: the Black Ring. Approaching an all too familiar, yet haunting glow, the dragon stopped to hover over the menacing gates to a hell that awaited him on the other side. Suddenly, in a brilliant flash of light, a man appeared under what was once a great beast. Inspecting the gate that loomed over him, the Ex-Dragon Slayer stepped into the glow. Once through, he was once again greeted with blistering heat, and a large fortress begging to be toppled. Rushing into the fray, Samaul the Dragon Knight proceeded to lay waste to the said fortress at hand. As soon as he had just enough space, he grasped a small blue stone encircled by ornately carved dragons. As soon as the stone felt his touch, he took the form of the wyrm once more. As soon as this was done, every Ballista immediately turned to face him.

Not very confident in his odds, he charged forward with a burst of speed, and toppled the first tower with one powerful huff, producing a fireball. His mana gauge emptied halfway, and the fireball skill went into cooldown. As this happened, the towers that were so focused on him chipped away his health, the bar having dropped below 65% already. Unable to stay in the skies for much longer with the low recharge rate of his health in dragon form, he landed in the nearest cluster of enemies. In another brief flash, Samaul reverted to his human form, quickly drinking a healing potion from his inventory. Once done, he used his Rush Attack on the nearest Black Ring soldier. Before his sword could connect with a skull, an almost blinding red message appeared before him:


Not expecting this message to show up so quickly, Samaul came to an unexpected halt halfway to his target, shamefully colliding face-first with the ground. After a few moments of silence, the enemies that surrounded him broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. The soldier that faced him was particularly amused. "That was more amusing than that time I witnessed a man walk clumsily to his death!" the Black Ring soldier let out while the laughter gradually began to die down. Climbing to his feet with haste and full of embarrassment, Samaul let out a huff. "Yes, yes, we've all had a good laugh as my powers have been negated. Go die in a hole, would you?" The Black Ring soldier raised his hands as a sign of mock defence. "Whoa there, scaly hide. No need to get rough off the job." The other Black Ring forces that had surrounded him approached a portal that had been opened only moments ago, and in a surprisingly calm and orderly fashion. Samaul crossed his arms. "For the likes of you? Hardly." He scoffed, heading towards the exit to ARCADE.

The Black Ring soldier just rolled his eyes.
"Why so hostile?..."
The Hero of Time lazed around in a tall grassy field. It was quiet and tranquil, and Epona ran around. LonLon ranch was so peaceful during the afternoon. But everything was seemingly empty. No one was around! This made Link feel uneasy, and he sat up, before calling Epona over from where she was grazing."Link! What wrong?" Navi asked, bumping against the top of his head a few times.

"Not sure. Maybe there was a meeting I missed?" He pondered, feeling the need to go to Hyrule Castle. Grass swept around his legs as he mounted Epona, giving her a carrot from his bag. "Lessgo! YAH!"

Epona broke out into a sprint, but a loud disembodied call nearly made him fall over


Link hoped this wasn't a joke. The fourth wall was, ehrm, serious.

He made it to Castle Town a few minutes later. Some guards were standing watch by the castle still, and Link simply ran past them after he jumped off his horse. No

resistance. He didn't need to show a pass or get interviewed. All he had to do was flash his winning smile and he was in. The castle was mostly deserved. "Zelda!?" He called, dashing around corners. Impa was gone, and so was the king.

He knocked on Zelda's door.

No response.

Gently turning the handle, he spotted a note on her vanity mirror.


Impa and I are leaving to go to ARCADE. This may or may not be dire.

You might not see this note, but if you do, I'll be gone by then.

Safe for now,


Link breathed a sigh of relief as he took the green marker from the helter-skelter pile on her vanity, and drew a little picture of himself. It wasn't great, but when she came back, if they didn't see each other there, she'd know he read her note.

He ran back down to the throne room, where ARCADE's access was. He opened a portal, heart thumping, before stepping through.

Almalexia was located at the Tribunal Temple in Mournhold. Two Hands of Almalexia either side of her, next to doors and located around the entire coty, acting as the enforces of her divine will. Almalexia was levitating, a godly aura surrounding her as a ball of light was pulsing before her, her hands surrounding it with elegance. As she stood... Well, levitated there. A dunmer walked into the room, kneeling before her, Almalexia smiled and uttered the words, "Rise my child, and speak. And I shall listen" with that, the dunmer before her spoke, his voice gasping for air, clearly he had ran to speak with her. The mer spoke as he looked at her and said, "Sacred Lady, I have come to inform you that I have completed your task" Almalexia smiled, "Excellent, you certainly know how to please a God. Let me reward you, my child, I gift you with my blessing. Go forth, and know that I protect you and your family from harm... You may go, and may the light guide your path." With that, the dunmer bowed, saying thanks and then leaving the Temple. Almalexia sighed, "Gracious, with Sotha-Sil and Vivec away from the Temple I must do everything myself.." She stopped levitating and stood there. Sighing to herself when suddenly.

The High Ordinator rushed into the Temple, Almalexia stares at the female dunmer before smiling and walking over to her. "Why are you in such a hurry? What has happened?" Almalexia looked at the Ordinator who then replied, "My Lady, we have a message for you.. The sender unknown. But it seemed very dire." After handing the letter to one of the Hands, the Ordinator left and returned to her duties. The Hand opened the letter and read it's contents to Almalexia, the letter read: "THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN" And nothing more. Almalexia began to emit her Godly aura, she then moved the ball of light in front of her and created a portal, turning to two Hands she said. "Come with me, the situation is very bad and it requires my divine attention." She then turned to the Temple courier and said, "Contact House Indoril on my behalf, tell the grandmaster that I order him to look after my people in my absence should anything happen, It will be on his head." With that, she entered the portal, alongside two Hands of Almalexia, and headed to the ARCADE.
Vincent walked through the eery, murky dark forest that he currently called home, his long black hair scuffed in the light, heavy breeze, he could feel it, Cloud was on his way, and he was in trouble. Vincent reluctantly pulled his gun from his side, hiding it under his cloak. Silence, not even a distant hum of fluttering bugs.

"Hmm" Vincent looked around, his perception often didn't fail him, but he couldn't help but imagine it had, as, he felt the presence of Cloud, and three others, but could not see them. Suddenly, the air grew thick, the scenery changed, from the darkened forest Vincent was accustomed to, to a blank room, with marble pillars erupted from the ground, Weiss stood before Vincent, his white hair spiked, and puffed out, covering most of his face, he had his sword drawn, and Charged Vincent.


"Hmm, this could be bad" Vincent muttered, a audible sigh escaping his lips. Weiss, paying no mind to the change in Vincents mood, continued his charge, attempting to strike Vincent down via cutting off his head. In response, Vincent steadied his gun, and fired, the bullet that fired was no ordinary bullet, a black seam beamed through Weiss, paralyzing him and causing him to fall to the ground, dazed.

Vincent slowly made his way to Weiss, standing before him, his gun pointed down to Weiss's forehead.

"I have bigger issues to deal with" Vincent stated, before pulling the trigger and ending it.
"Ok, this shouldn't be too hard..."

Cole was atop a roof looking down an a group of Militia. There were about three in total.

"Ok, so how should I handle them? I could use a lighting grenade, or I could just jump down and start using the amp. Ah, so many options..."

Cole backed away from the edge so he could get a running start. He decided that it would be best to use the Amp, that way less people would get hurt. He ran at top speed and lauched into the air. "Come get some!" He screamed. However, before he could reach the ground, a gaint notifaction vindow popped up in his face with red letters reading "THE FORTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN".

With his vision inhibited, he creamed the landing. He landed square on his face. "I swear, those damn notifications get me every time..." As he rubbed the side of his cheek, the militia men began to surround him. "Well look who it is boys! Cole MacGrath, the alleged hero! Kill em'!"

"Ha, you guys never know when to give up..."

A small pulse of electricity surged through Cole's hand. He launched it at one of the Militia men and smiled as it jumped from one to the next. Whenever in doubt, use chain lightning.

The men writhed on the floor as Cole got to his feet. "There better be someone dying, or I swear I'll shock whoever sent me that notification." Cole had been to the 'ARCADE' before but didn't like staying there for too long. He'd much rather be in New Marais fighting off the various filth.

He jumped on a nearby railway line and made his way towards 'ARCADE'.

"Dammit, now my face hurts..."
Chief sighed inwardly as he watched the Oracle again disappear into a wall only telling him to wait while he opened the next door. Without fail just as had happened every time before the Flood showed up in force. Chief pulled out his Shotgun and slowly started backing up towards the door while blasting Flood combat forms. As they started to close in he threw a grenade straight down and jumped over the approaching Flood and with his shotgun took out some flood giving himself some room to land. He landed and quickly switched to his SMG's to mow a path clear of the flood.

Just as he was doing so however the Oracle returned rather suddenly. "Reclaimer! Emergency! Protocal dictates action."

Just then on Chiefs HUD in large red letters.

The Fourth Wall Has Been Broken

Chief struggled to see around the letters as he changed directions heading for the Oracle. Before he could take the first few steps towards the Oracle. "No time I am sending you now!" The Oracle then started teleporting Chief to the Arcade. "Hurry Reclaimer I will still need you here."

Before chief could even respond he was teleported away.
It was a tough task, but with time and effort, deconstructing this ancient machine would be worth SO many pokos. This towering, yellow vehicle looked like it was once used in construction to scoop up large volumes of dirt. The letters CAT were painted onto the side. For an inch-tall Hocotatian, this was going to take a while.

Olimar set the Pikmin to work. He had each Pikmin type doing what they specialized in. Reds, Purples and Wings were the main workers in the operation; Reds and Purples for their increased strength, and Wings for their mobility. Yellows dealt with electrical situations, and whites supplied fast transportation. Rocks dealt with heavy-duty problems that would otherwise lead to Pikmin being crushed. Blues, uh... helped out wherever they could.

As Olimar directed and micromanaged his Pikmin, six red words flashed across his helmet.


This was bad. Olimar's eyes even opened at this sentence. He quickly recalled all of his Pikmin to his side and ended the day early. The Pikmin crawled back into their Onion, and he went back into the ship. He took off, flying towards ARCADE to see just what was going wrong.
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< @Morithawen @Yonsisac @lostsoul @Diminium @Ibuki @Zerodeath98 @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @Pyosimros @Shungila @Kirito Kei @Calibutcher @Lukas Melling Gale @Achilles676 @TheGoldenGear >


"In their various ways, the characters all travelled to ARCADE. Yes, they travelled to me. No, I am a data repository, so... shut up. Anyway, when they arrived, they knew something was up..."


"ALL CHARACTERS PLEASE REPORT TO THE CENTRAL COURTYARD." Not that could go anywhere else, thanks to the giant pulsing arrows, signs, and invisible walls all directing them there. It was a nice stone courtyard with an elegant fountain in the center. The courtyard was surrounded by shops and usually filled by merchant stalls, but at the moment, almost every video game character in existence was surrounding the fountain, looking at the virtual face that was ARCADE's persona.


"I apologize for calling you all so suddenly, and with such urgent news.But... it is true. The fourth wall has been broken. Something has corrupted the villains of your games. They have gone AWOL, and begun taking over the multiverse. Their ultimate objective is unknown, as is the virus that corrupted them. I am thus activating the Video Game Military. Our objective is to capture, purify, and gather information. Don't worry about capturing them, your equipment has already been modified to send them here once they have been destroyed in a game. Now, I will split you up into groups, based on the RNG." ARCADE then begins divvying up the groups.

"And our final group consists of Sora, Vincent Valentine, the Dragonborn, Ein, the Dragon Knight, Artyom, Flareon, Captain Olimar, Master Chief, Cole MacGrath, Isaac Clarke, the Spirit of the Hero, Ara Haan, Revan, and Athena. I want all of you to meet your groups, I will be assigning missions soon."

[so, get to introducing yourselves. I am hoping to begin the first mission perhaps tonight, although I may begin it earlier if a majority have posted before then]
'Damn, I have enough problems trying to save New Marais and now I have to deal with villains that aren't even from my game!? This day just keeps getting better and better...'

Cole narrowed his eyes as he looked at the rest of his 'group'. "Great, I've even been teamed up with a bunch of weirdos..." He muttered.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. "As you all probably know, I'm the famous Cole MacGrath and it looks like we'll be fighting together..."

'Here's to hoping that I can last a day.'
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]"Ok, this shouldn't be too hard..."
Cole was atop a roof looking down an a group of Militia. There were about three in total.

"Ok, so how should I handle them? I could use a lighting grenade, or I could just jump down and start using the amp. Ah, so many options..."

Cole backed away from the edge so he could get a running start. He decided that it would be best to use the Amp, that way less people would get hurt. He ran at top speed and lauched into the air. "Come get some!" He screamed. However, before he could reach the ground, a gaint notifaction vindow popped up in his face with red letters reading "THE FORTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN".

With his vision inhibited, he creamed the landing. He landed square on his face. "I swear, those damn notifications get me every time..." As he rubbed the side of his cheek, the militia men began to surround him. "Well look who it is boys! Cole MacGrath, the alleged hero! Kill em'!"

"Ha, you guys never know when to give up..."

A small pulse of electricity surged through Cole's hand. He launched it at one of the Militia men and smiled as it jumped from one to the next. Whenever in doubt, use chain lightning.

The men writhed on the floor as Cole got to his feet. "There better be someone dying, or I swear I'll shock whoever sent me that notification." Cole had been to the 'ARCADE' before but didn't like staying there for too long. He'd much rather be in New Marais fighting off the various filth.

He jumped on a nearby railway line and made his way towards 'ARCADE'.

"Dammit, now my face hurts..."

(( I didn't see your cs at all.... where the hell is it? ))
Lex walked over to the assigned spot, where the others were already gathering. Hmm. These people wouldn't even DREAM of having the power I do. She thought, remembering her dragon-gifted powers. As the DragonBorn, the one prophesized to defeat the mighty Alduin, she was gifted with having the power to absorb a Dragon's soul and use it to learn a word of power, a Shout. These shouts were powerful, capable of killing in a single word.
GoldenWolf said:
Lex walked over to the assigned spot, where the others were already gathering. Hmm. These people wouldn't even DREAM of having the power I do. She thought, remembering her dragon-gifted powers. As the DragonBorn, the one prophesized to defeat the mighty Alduin, she was gifted with having the power to absorb a Dragon's soul and use it to learn a word of power, a Shout. These shouts were powerful, capable of killing in a single word.
" sup drago, and other people." I say completely oblivous to how tall I am being the second smallest to olimar " so I heard we got grouped " I say strretching about
As soon as that blinding red message showed up, Samaul obviously knew something was up. As soon as he arrived to ARCADE, he noticed two things. One, being the most obvious, was that there were bright flashing lights, and the all too familiar voice of ARCADE's persona calling them to the courtyard. The second thing was probably the most bizarre. He noticed that there wasn't a single Black Ring soldier, demon, or undead around. He could've sworn they had entered the portal before him, so this was more than odd... Regardless, the Dragon Knight pressed on, making his way to the courtyard as instructed. Finding himself in the middle of a large crowd, he noticed that his advisor, and stewardess, Sassan was among the masses. Along with his necromancer, trainer, smith, and alchemist. Even his illusionist was present, as well as his bard and dancer. Why they were here, he did not know. But he had no doubts that they were curious. Samaul pushed his way through the crowd, thinking that Sassan might know something about this strange occurrence.

Finally catching up by pushing his way through the crowd, he placed a hand on Sassan's shoulder to gain her attention. "Sassan? Do you know what the meaning of this is?" Sassan turned to face him. "I know not of the issue, my dragon master. I'm as much in the dark as you are." Something caught her attention. "But I have a feeling we are going to find out." As if on cue, the face of the supercomputer appeared before them, and parted with some dreadful news. Apparently, the villains of every game world have become infected with some kind of virus, and it's causing those affected to run rampant throughout all videogames. This was very dire, indeed. His suspicions having been confirmed, he listened to the A.I. as it listed off each group. Finding that Sassan and the others were not counted among them, they returned to the world of Divinity 2. After all, someone has to watch his Battle Tower and hold down the fort while he's gone. In any event, he needed to find his assigned group.

'Sora, Vincent, the Dragonborn, Ein, Artyom, Flareon, Olimar, Master Chief, Cole, Isaac, the Spirit of the Hero, Ara, Revan, and Athena...' He repeated these names over and over again in his mind, remembering these are his friends. At least, for now. He eventually made it to his assigned spot, hoping that their abilities could match his. After all, he could turn into an armor-clad dragon at will, and he possessed the reflexes of a feline. He can't really take fall damage, and he can jump to great heights. "Greetings, fellow men and women in arms. I hope that we will face our greatest battles in the days to come!" He greeted, as he approached his newfound comrades.

After hearing the message, Ara began to immensely worry for her brother. 'A-Aren? No..! I need to find him, quickly, quickly!' As the announcement proceeded on, she was carefully listening in for her name among the groups. It took quite a while, since she was in the last one. Ara wasn't sure what to expect from these new people, she was so accustomed to the El Search Party back in Elrios. Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Raven, Eve, Chung, Elesis, Add, Lu, and Ciel; she was going to miss them all.

Ara rapidly ran to the meeting spot, wanting to meet and greet these comrades. 'Ara, you better not mess up on this.. Sigh, I still recall your first encounter with Elsword. You accidentally hit him with your spear on the head. Remember?' 'E-Eun! I'll try my best! That won't happen again!'

Unfortunately, despite Ara's thoughts, she managed to ruin her chances of actually seeming normal; the clumsiness kicked in. The girl had tripped over a rock while traveling to the place, falling flat on her face in front of the group. The previous time this had occurred, she was still in her Celestial Fox mode, and so, the others thought she was one of the enemies, looking like a demon and all. At least she wasn't in Eun's form this time, and nobody was hurt with her spear... yet.

"Uuuu... Eun, you jinxed it!" she wailed.

Lex grinned. He's as small as a wood elf! She thought as she looked at him. She pulled her heavy fur hood off and looked around. This place was nothing like the harsh, cold landscape of Skyrim. She sat on the small rock wall surrounding the fountain and furrowed her brows. I hope Allie will be okay... I wonder it there's a way to get her back here... Wherever 'here' is.

She looked up as another one of her group mates approached. "And who might you be, sir? Sora, Vincent, Flareon?" She asked, reciting the strange names she had heard ARCADE list. Lex pulled off her fur / leather gloves, which still had a light layer of frost lining the fur, and shoved them in her pack.

"Thanks," Athena grumbled and made her way closer towards the group that was gathering. She started to look at the group and who was there. Some person who wore a stupid green pointed hat, a lady wearing leather armor, and... Athena crossed her arms and looked over at Master Chief and Isaac. And some people who look like they know what they're doing.
Samaul focused his eyes on the woman who spoke, looking her over with his silver eyes before speaking promptly. "Why, you may call me Samaul, ma'am. I am the Dragon Knight that the A.I. spoke of." After he spoke, he took another glance around the area, trying to spot anyone he struck as familiar, or maybe one of his new friends. No such luck. At least, that's what he thought. "Now, who might you be?" He asked the woman who inquired about his identity. It wasn't long before others joined them, but his attention was fixed on the leather-clad female as of now.


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