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Fandom Video-Game Mashup Adventure (IC Thread) [Closed for now]

Upon being suddenly relocated to a new setting Ein saw the numerous enemies, and his comrades quickly dealing with them. He decided to rush in, trusting his companions to have his back as well as trusting his inhuman durability to have his front. The Hunters all seemed to have heavy armor, and while Ein had no doubt he could cut through it, he worried about how high their guard stats were. As such he opted to take on the much less heavily armored Space Pirates.

Two Goombas foolishly entered Ein's immediate path and were quickly cut down with a single wide swing of the Einherjar. He brought his run to a sudden halt turning his momentum into a leap directed at one of the space pirates not already under fire. Ein swung his blade at the creature as he neared the end of his jump, hoping to bisect the creature, or at the very least severely injure it.


2 Goomba down

Strike made at Space Pirate. Vertical Swing. X Avoid property.
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After being teleported he would open his eyes and look around scaning the situation,seeing some of um....brown walking...Mushrooms? and um turtles?...Ok then well this was the Kids genre surely,as he did he would see a few more "Less-kid" Looking enemies,he saw small ones were easy to take down so rather pay more attention towards those elites,Taking a breath already seeing his team mates in action seeing one of each there battle stiles...seems they had a clear chance here now did they,with a nod he would rolle his shulder "Back to Buisness...."

(Not the same helm do.....i love how smooth it is and a perfect example how the helm works)


As his helm coverd his face he would wield his Pulse riffle he would raise it and amidiatly aim towards one of the space Pirates who were not under fire and would pull the triger,the 3 barrels would begine to rotate and continue a High speed steady fire of Blue Bolts of plasma,as he did he let the triger down for about 4 seconds (Attack one) befor stop the fire,tilt his rifle upward and Fire a explosive canister towards it,if he miss it still had some splash damage.

1.Let a stream of Bullets towards one of the Pirates

2.Lunch a explosive canister towards same pirate

{35% of energy used,Once reaches 100% need reload takes 1 Turn

10% From stream

25% From canister)
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As the group appeared in the courtyard, Ara immediately glanced around to see what types of enemies there were. Sure, she was hoping to see some familiar creatures from Elrios, especially her brother, at that, but of course, that would have to wait until later on. Keeping up the mindset that many beings had to be saved, and that the more she did this, the closer she got to Aren, she began to strike.

It would seem that several of her comrades already planned to focus on some of the more elite monsters, and so, she decided to stay back near the front, where the simpler enemies stood. They were quite great in numbers, and it wouldn't have hurt to take a fraction of them down before moving on to the rest. Oh, but the Goombas and Koopa Troopas seemed so cute, in their own way, Ara was almost somewhat hesitant to attack.

'What are you doing, Ara?! Hurry!' Eun scolded. She nodded, then charged at the nearest Goomba with her spear in hand. As several of them confronted her, Ara stabbed the nearest one, and while it burst into pixels, she pulled back and thrust at another, making a small spin with her harpoon afterwards to hit one more. Deciding to have a bit of fun with the activity, she jumped, defying gravity by running in the air. Since she is unable to move in a straight line while utilizing the air-run, Ara descends down slowly, and before landing on the ground, she swiftly hops onto a final Goomba that was in the vicinity. She saw a few more off to the other side, but this was all she could do for now.


4x Goomba defeated.


15/370 Mana | 0/10 Spirit Energy Orbs | 0/3 Awakening Beads.
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Cole, who had been silent following the initial introductions, simply watched as everyone conversed. He had no intention of making friends with other characters that weren't even from his universe, after all this would probably be the last time he'd see them.

'The sooner this threat is handled, the faster I can go back home...'

He was snatched out of though as he, as well as the rest of this newly formed 'Team Zeta' was surrounded by an blue glow.
'Shit, I hate this interdimensional traveling stuff...'

Within the blink of an eye, he was suddenly in a courtyard. His vision instantly went over to a blocky man who was getting attacked by some type of mushroom looking things. That wasn't the only problem though, it seemed like there was a plethora of undesirable entities in the area.

Maybe it was because he was out of his element because he wasn't in his universe, or maybe the interdimensional traveling had gotten to his stomach, but it took him long than usual to get involved into combat. He simply watched as the rest of 'Team Zeta' sprung into action.
'They may be weirdos, but they are certainly no slouches when it comes to combat. Enough of this, it's time to conduct some violence...'

Cole unsheathed his Amp as he sprung into combat mode.
'Those little mushroom things looked as if they would be perfect stepping stones to get to one of the abominations with the jetpack...' He leaped onto the first mushroom, ejecting electricity from his leg onto the creature shocking it instantly, then he jumped to the next one, following the some procedure. 'These things sure are bouncy...' In his final stride, he launched himself at one of the things with the jetpack. The conductor in his hand pulsed with blue eletricty as he prepared to hit it with a super charged strike...


Two Goombas immobilized

Attempting strike at a Hunter
< @Morithawen @Diminium @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @LeSoraAmari @Lukas Melling Gale >

[ Up to 5 Kills, or 2 and strike at an Elite, or 2 and move to protect Steve ]

< @lostsoul >

"Thanks there. I need to get out of here. I am out of food and potions, on my last heart. ARCADE? Get me out of here, please" Steve says to Flareon, before being enveloped in the same blue glow that brought them to this place.

At the same time, the few remaining goombas silently surround Flareon and Steve, looking as menacing as possible. All at once, they begin to charge, hoping to take out both heroes in one fell swoop.

[ Take out three Goombas, take a medium wound if you fight while protecting Steve ]

< @Ibuki >

But, as Ara landed, her clumsiness kicked in, and she landed on a koopa shell, sending her falling backwards and the shell flying forward.

[ Take a light wound from the fall. Up to 3 Koopa kills afterwards ]

< @Pyosimros > < @TheGoldenGear >

As Athena's Shield returned, she would notice herself being targeted by a pair of hunters who had been left unattended. As one charged up its cannon, Olimar ran by, only to be blocked by the other's shield, which smashed down right in front of him, almost crushing a poor blue pikmin.

[ Make a strike on the hunters, taking a light wound each ]

< @Calibutcher >

The Spartan's tactics worked perfectly, up to the point where he forgot about the second hunter. His first shotgun blast staggered one of the bond-brothers, but as he looped around to the back, he was hit in the chest by a projectile blast from the other, blasting through his shields and giving him a Medium Wound.

[ Continue fighting the Hunters ]

< @Shungila > < @Kirito Kei > < @Yonsisac > < @Zerodeath98 >

Ein's attack hit true, as usual. However, many things happened at once. First, his blade got stuck in the armor. Second, a koopa shell hits the jetpack, sending the pair of them spiralling crazily through the air. The Space Pirate hooks his arms around Ein as they fly, obviously willing to die to bring a hero down. Which is close to what happened, as they land on the ground in a large explosion, incinerating the pirate and incapacitating Ein with a heavy wound. And to make things worse, the one pirate not otherwise engaged launches a missile salvo at the downed Grim Angel.

At the same time, Samuel charged his own Pirate, his rush catching it unprepared, cutting deep into the armor, blood spurting from the wound as it flew backwards, right into another, who was being riddled by bullets by Isaac. This knocked it away, causing the explosive charge to miss both of them by inches.

As Cole flew forwards, he was caught in the side by a blast of green energy, giving him a light wound even as he crushes down on the Pirate's head, the electricity frying armor systems and stopping all biological functions.

[Green = Link to sites]

[ 6 Goomba ; 12 Koopa Troopa ; 4 Hunters (Elite) ; 3 Space Pirates (Elite) ]

[ Steve is teleporting, 2 turns until he escapes ]

[ Ein is down. This means he can do nothing but communicate until he is revived by someone else's ability or healing item. He is in danger of being executed in 2 hours if the Pirate attacking him is not blocked, or he is revived, both at the cost of 1 whole turn and taking a medium wound. ]
Samaul, luckily, caught the hovering beast unawares and sent the monster flying into another, of which another ally had been fighting. As Samaul landed gracefully on his feet, many things transpired almost in the blink of an eye. The beast he had fought veered the other he had seen it collide with out of the way of a small canister, which exploded mere inches away from where they stood. Shielding himself from the small, but brief blast, it took a moment to readjust before noticing one of his other allies in deep trouble. He watched as another flying abomination had lost control, and took his reluctant teammate spiraling through the skies. The captor eventually crashed to the ground, setting this world alight in another, larger explosion. His comrade was in danger. Now unable to use his Rush Attack, he found himself helplessly watching as a second beast reared it's ugly head and prepared for another shot. At this point, he thought about taking his dragon form.

But he didn't.

Instead, he thought of the unthinkable. Remembering the gift he had received from Athena, he decided now would be a good time to use it. Activating the device, he leaped forward just in time to block the projectile that was aimed for the sole purpose of killing intent. He did not come out unharmed, as the explosive broke through the shield and sent him flying.

[shield used, Rush Attack is on cooldown, suffered Medium wound, lost 1 turn]

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Issac blasted and saw his charge miss,he would soon see tthis was kinda chaotic....atleas not like in his place....were ships are blown to bits and giant Moons like some Zelda sh** happens and ries to infect Others...yea this is still bad,seeing a Pirate shot a salvo to his down allie,he would see one take the hi witha shield....Issac needed to lend some soport,croushing down on one of his knees to have better aim and more stable shots (1+ Aim/1- Evade) he would look at the shell...things...and would send a 4 second Burts (Each burst of 4 seconds take 10% energy) at 2 Green shelld Turtles taken them down,and succesfully kill 2.

Looking towards the...blocky dude he would see he seems in well hands for now,issac better pay attention towards the pirates,holding his pulce rifle he would aim at the one who fired the salvo and let loose a 8 second stream of Bullets towards the Pirate....he was near empty and soon needed to relode or change to his plasma Cutter,leting the triger press and the barrle spin and after the stream was done he would keep aming alert,if somehing atack him he would be abble to shoot them at will.

(Ammo at 65%---35% from later + 30% from now=65%) ONLY 35% LEFT

1.Took down 2 Koopa Troopa

2.Salvo Pirate fired at witha 8 second stream of Bullets

3.Alert!=Any attack will be attempt to be evaded or enemy would be attack if caught preforming attack


Crouch=1+ aming and shots would be more effective

Evade=1- Evading would be less efective wille croushing and holding two handed wepon
Ein was badly injured from the get go. Clearly the Einherjar had become a little dull in his transition from his home to here. Or perhaps their armor was stronger than he though. Either way he tried to reach a potion in his bag but could not. Weakly he called out, "Got a healing item in my bag..."

Since he was still mostly alive a potion would leave him with Light wounds if consumed.

Disaresta Charge: 55%

Last turn - 3 enemies downed (45%) + Ein injured (10%)
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"Eep!" Ara winced from the fall as she landed on her bottom, she wasn't expecting for her clumsiness to surface at such a terrible time in the battlefield. Fortunately, she kept her spear safe in her hands, it would've been even worse if she lost it within the mobs of monsters. As her Swift Rise passive activated, she quickly stood up, enduring the small scrapes on both arms and dusting herself off. It would take a while to heal without the use of potions and such, but since it was only a light wound, she was going to be fine.

Ara had noticed her other allies in a dire situation where the Elites gathered, but she was situated too far away to be of much help. Placing trust and faith in her team, she proceeded to attack the lower-ranked enemies that were around, deciding to eliminate them all before meeting up with the others.

While slamming her spear onto the ground at a Koopa Troopa, Ara is then lifted up into the air, as she performs an aerial dive, aiming her spear into the Koopa's shell to defeat it. As it flinches, she conserves enough mana to use an active skill on another; Energy Absorption. A dark sphere is created with Ara's hands, as it burns the turtle's mana while returning a Spirit Energy Orb to the spearswoman. Both Koopas however, are still alive, the second one having less HP than the first due to Energy Absorption.

She risked another few jumps into the air, aware that her clumsiness may strike once more, hopping on the two Koopas to finish them off. Luckily, the landing was smoother this time, both Ara and Eun felt relieved. 'Phew...' She glanced at the two scrapes from the fall earlier for a moment, nodding and mentally encouraging herself to keep moving on forward.


2x Koopa Troopas defeated.

Energy Absorption on cooldown.


0/370 Mana | 1/10 Spirit Energy Orbs | 0/3 Awakening Beads.


Light Wound.

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As Chief hit his mark on the Hunter he felt slight relief getting a hit on a Hunter so soon was a big advantage. However just then he realized his mistake just as his thoughts came together of where the other Hunter was he was hit by the blast from it's cannon. It pushed him back and he watched as his shield almost instantly depleted. He could already see smoke rising from his now partially burned chest plate. The knock back had also knocked the wing out of him. The most surprising thing however was the severe burn on his chest now. He had been hit by a Hunters blast before but never full on like that before. It was a rookie mistake he had made not keeping an eye on both hunters and now he would pay for it. As he struggled to get up he could feel the severity of the burn it felt like his skin was cracking he winced as he stood up feeling the flesh not move as it normally should it almost felt separate from him. He worked through the pain as best he could he needed to move he started running but not directly away from them instead he moved slightly away but adjacent to them so as to keep them in range but keep himself far enough away to dodge another shot if needed. Chief switched back to the SMG spraying at the Hunters now to get them to hide behind there shields. However one of them shot at him again. This time Chief was ready he jumped and cleared the blast his shield was still down though he needed more time for it to come up and not to get shot at anymore.

Chief landed and rolled however his roll came at a price as he felt his flesh tear on his chest and blood began to ooze out. He flipped a switch in his helmet with his chin to increase the pressure in the gel layer of his suit to slow the bleeding. As he came out of his roll he fired again at the Hunters and ran towards the one that shot him. It was charging it's cannon again he watched it closely as it glowed brighter readying it's payload Chief pushed himself to move faster just as the shot started to fire Chief lunged straight at the hunter just over it's cannon. He put his right hand out to grab the top of it's shield and pull himself over the creature while with his left hand he grabbed one of his two Frag grenades pulled the pin and dropped it behind the Hunter's shield. He cleared the hunter and managed to get his feet under him and start running he turned to look at the second hunter and sprayed his SMG at it to slow it. The SMG ran dry chief hit the button dropped the clip and slid a new one in in one fluid motion he did not have to even think about it it just happened. He continued spraying bullets at the both of them as he got as far as he could waiting for the grenade to blow.


Medium wound burned chest.

1 of 2 frag grenades used only one left.

Grenade dropped at Hunters feet.
"You got this Twilight?!" Toon Link asked, beginning to glow gold. "I have it!" He replied, as Wind disappeared.

Twilight charged forwards, jumping onto a Koopa. He'd dealt with these in Smash. "And you can pick 'em up!"

He hoisted the shell up to his chest, before throwing it off, making sure to give it a kick with his boot. Three Goombas were too slow, and they were knocked out and away. "HAH!" He bragged, turning away to look for some harder enemies to take down, but the shell ricocheted off the tree, and it smashed into Link, knocking him back. That wouldn't been a problem, but he fell flat on his back with a crunch as the shell flew into the lake.

He sat up, but a sharp pain blossomed into a bonfire on his back. He grit his teeth, trying to stand.

[1 Koopa Troopa and Three Goombas, suffered Medium/heavy? fractured rib on back]
(I'm supposed to take a light wound right?)

Now that Kinetic Aspis returned to Athena's arm, she looked over at the hunters. Unlike the Goomba and the Koopa Troopa, it seemed like the Hunters were going to be a problem. Taking out her shotgun, Athena ran at the Hunters. Shooting her shotgun twice at the creature, she wasn't sure if it either hit the creature's shield or if it was a direct hit. But other way Athena had to reload and was hit by another hunter, taking away her shield with a few shots. Noticing that if she stayed and attempted to reload, she would take a direct hit. Running to the left, she was shot at again and it glazed her arm.

Two shots made at a Hunter and was lightly wounded. Shield is recharging and she has to reload.
The Hunter that almost crushed one of Olimar's few Pikmin was now focused on one of his teammates, along with another one. He took this as an opportunity to get behind it to attack. Observing the creature, he couldn't see any obvious weak points, so throwing Pikmin was the best action he could see taking. He separated the Pikmin and threw seven at one Hunter's back and eight at the other, and they latched on and started attacking them with their flowers. Once the Pikmin did a bit of damage, the Hunters noticed and shook them off, though a few hung on. Some of the Pikmin that were shaken off lost their flowers. One of the Hunters turned around and started shooting at Olimar and his Pikmin, hitting Olimar once and killing two Blues and a Yellow, all of which were leaves, before he could get away.

Strike on both Hunters, three Pikmin still attacking one and two still attacking the other. Lightly wounded, two Blues and one Yellow lost.
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The Mythic Dragon]< [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21038-morithawen/ said:
@Morithawen[/URL] @Diminium @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @LeSoraAmari @Lukas Melling Gale >
[ Up to 5 Kills, or 2 and strike at an Elite, or 2 and move to protect Steve ]

< @lostsoul >

"Thanks there. I need to get out of here. I am out of food and potions, on my last heart. ARCADE? Get me out of here, please" Steve says to Flareon, before being enveloped in the same blue glow that brought them to this place.

At the same time, the few remaining goombas silently surround Flareon and Steve, looking as menacing as possible. All at once, they begin to charge, hoping to take out both heroes in one fell swoop.

[ Take out three Goombas, take a medium wound if you fight while protecting Steve ]

< @Ibuki >

But, as Ara landed, her clumsiness kicked in, and she landed on a koopa shell, sending her falling backwards and the shell flying forward.

[ Take a light wound from the fall. Up to 3 Koopa kills afterwards ]

< @Pyosimros > < @TheGoldenGear >

As Athena's Shield returned, she would notice herself being targeted by a pair of hunters who had been left unattended. As one charged up its cannon, Olimar ran by, only to be blocked by the other's shield, which smashed down right in front of him, almost crushing a poor blue pikmin.

[ Make a strike on the hunters, taking a light wound each ]

< @Calibutcher >

The Spartan's tactics worked perfectly, up to the point where he forgot about the second hunter. His first shotgun blast staggered one of the bond-brothers, but as he looped around to the back, he was hit in the chest by a projectile blast from the other, blasting through his shields and giving him a Medium Wound.

[ Continue fighting the Hunters ]

< @Shungila > < @Kirito Kei > < @Yonsisac > < @Zerodeath98 >

Ein's attack hit true, as usual. However, many things happened at once. First, his blade got stuck in the armor. Second, a koopa shell hits the jetpack, sending the pair of them spiralling crazily through the air. The Space Pirate hooks his arms around Ein as they fly, obviously willing to die to bring a hero down. Which is close to what happened, as they land on the ground in a large explosion, incinerating the pirate and incapacitating Ein with a heavy wound. And to make things worse, the one pirate not otherwise engaged launches a missile salvo at the downed Grim Angel.

At the same time, Samuel charged his own Pirate, his rush catching it unprepared, cutting deep into the armor, blood spurting from the wound as it flew backwards, right into another, who was being riddled by bullets by Isaac. This knocked it away, causing the explosive charge to miss both of them by inches.

As Cole flew forwards, he was caught in the side by a blast of green energy, giving him a light wound even as he crushes down on the Pirate's head, the electricity frying armor systems and stopping all biological functions.

[Green = Link to sites]

[ 6 Goomba ; 12 Koopa Troopa ; 4 Hunters (Elite) ; 3 Space Pirates (Elite) ]

[ Steve is teleporting, 2 turns until he escapes ]

[ Ein is down. This means he can do nothing but communicate until he is revived by someone else's ability or healing item. He is in danger of being executed in 2 hours if the Pirate attacking him is not blocked, or he is revived, both at the cost of 1 whole turn and taking a medium wound. ]
Protecting steve I use flare blitz burning myself from the impact weakening my attack and defense alittle ( making the effect go along the meduim wound you gave me to make it seem more pokemon like :D ) before knocking out ( kinda killing ) the three goombah and protecting steve once more hoping someone will protect the injured ally ( sorry in hurry )
< @Morithawen @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @LeSoraAmari @Lukas Melling Gale >

[still waiting on your first moves. Jump in wherever]

< @Kirito Kei >

[Waiting on another action]

< @Diminium @lostsoul >

With the goombas gone, Steve's teleportation succeeded, allowing Flareon and Link to rejoin the battle.

[up to 3 Koopa Kills each, or 1 and a strike on an elite]

[Take a light wound]

< @Ibuki >

[up to 3 Koopa Kills, or 1 and strike at an elite]

[Take a medium wound]

< @TheGoldenGear @Pyosimros >

Olimar and his pikmin were completely ignored, as even the ones that somehow made it onto the weak spot that was the orange 'flesh' on their back and stomach did almost no damage. Instead, they focused on Athena, blast after blast of the fuel rod cannons being sent her way.

[Make a strike on the hunters]

[ @Pyosimros take a medium wound ]

< @Yonsisac >

Of course, Flying space pirates are agile, and it is able to dodge most shots easily, although it does get nicked once in a while. As it flies, it releases a salvo of homing missiles, which explode near the less mobile Issac, giving him 2 medium wounds and knocking him onto his back. It takes this time to land on the ground in front of Issac, and aim a charged blast at his head.

[You are caught up in battle with the Pirate. Make a strike]

< @Zerodeath98 >

As his ally gets blown away, Ein notices that no one has been able to heal him, and is still down and wounded as he is surrounded by the two unengaged pirates. All his nearby comrades were tied up, making them feel safe. So they took their time, shooting the ground around him with their arm cannons, before all aiming at his head, and charging up blasts to wipe him out completely.

[Call for help, maybe..?]

< @Shungila >

Samuel flew backwards, slamming into the invisible wall that marked the edge of the level. Thankfully, those walls absorb all impact, so he is able to land safely. Thankfully again, it was not too far away from the battle, allowing him to return quickly.

[up to 3 Koopa Kills, or 1 and a strike on an elite]

< @Calibutcher >

Even as all of the SMG rounds bounced off the impenetrable shield, the fragmentation grenade exploded, blowing off much of the armor and many individual lekgolo. As the one hunter falls, his bond-brother get mad. Up to 11. He charges The chief, abandoning all ranged attacks to smash him into oblivion.

[Finish off the second hunter, but take 3 Medium wounds]

[Green = Link to sites]

[ 7 Koopa Troopa ; 3 Hunters (Elite) ; 3 Space Pirates (Elite) ]

[ Steve has escaped ]

[ Ein is down. This means he can do nothing but communicate until he is revived by someone else's ability or healing item. He is in danger of being executed unless the Pirates attacking him are not blocked, or he is revived, both at the cost of 1 whole turn and taking 2 medium wounds. To be clear, ANY ONE character can assist Ein instead of taking part in their own battle ]
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(Link fractured a rib though...)

Link wheezed to a stand. It hurt to breathe.


Toon Link came out of nowhere with a golden flash.

"Get back Twilight!" He called, sliding forwards, panic scrawled all over his face as he ran towards his fallen friend. "Ein!" He cried, shaking him gently.

A spray of bullets flew towards them, and Toon blocked most of them with his shield. Three flew into his leg, tearing his pants. He grit his teeth, pounding his fist into the ground in pain. He recoiled as a large ball of plasam ricocheted off his shield.

He tried to stand up Ein, but without the gauntlets, found him too heavy. A throwing blade dug into his back, mostly stopped by his chainmail, but blood ran down his back.

He fumbled around for his blue potion. He attained it, and leaned Ein up, bringing it to his lips. "It's alright, it's alright it's alright..."

[used Blue Potion, took three bullets to the right leg, and a knife to the back. (Medium wounds)]
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Ara decided to take out one of the Intermediate Mana Potions she had in her inventory, promptly consuming the drink as she gained 100 MP. Feeling refreshed as her mana was replenishing, she was once again ready to fight. She zipped over to a Koopa Troopa nearby, hopping into the air before it could attack. Then, she descended down on it, jumped into the air once more, and repeated the process twice. On her final jump, she pierced her spear into the shell of the Koopa, 'ending' its life.

Noticing in the distance that Link was helping Ein recover from his heavy wound, Ara rushed over, fearing that the elites could potentially strike while Link was feeding the potion. The Space Pirates definitely seemed scary to her, with their high-tech jet packs and such. 'They remind me of Eve and Add... And the Nasods back in Altera.' she thought. With a dash, Ara ascended into midair again, swinging her lance at the pirates thrice before landing. As their attention was diverted from the two boys to the martial artist, they began to shoot their homing missiles at her, attempting to drive the girl away. Acting like a distraction, Ara was relying on her swift and high agility to move around and evade the array. She was able to dodge some, but not all. The missiles had blasted her backwards, injuring her left arm quite a bit as it bled out, blood drops splattering onto the ground. Courageously, she stood once more, holding her bleeding wound in pain as she winced. "Uuu.." One thing was certain: she wasn't going to make use of that arm for a while, unless a healing potion was used. That wasn't going to stop her from quarreling, however. On the bright side, one awakening bead was completely filled due to the damage taken, adding up to the damage she dealt from the current and previous rounds.


1x Intermediate Mana Potion used, on cooldown.

1x Koopa Troopa defeated.

Strike on Space Pirate.

Left Arm heavily wounded.


175/370 Mana | 1/10 Spirit Energy Orbs | 1/3 Awakening Beads.


Medium Wound.
Chief watched the grenade do it's work leaving a pile of messy Lekgolo and hunter armor in a steaming pile on the ground. through the cloud of smoke the enraged survivng Hunter charged at the chief letting out a low roar and raising its shield, Chief started moving back just then his shield started to recharge it only reached about 15% before the hunter swung its shield at him. The hefty shield hit chief dead on while his shield took the brunt of the blow it still would leave a mark on his already damaged chest-plate. Chief was sent flying back by the impact and hit the ground hard he rolled to a stop he Chest felt like it was on fire from the impact and one of his ribs felt broken. He struggled to stand up and did so just in time for the Hunter to charge at him again. the hunter lifted its giant shield to bring it down on the Chief, however the Hunter took to long chief bolted under its shield and behind it. He switched to his shotgun and blasted at the Hunter, The Hunter quickly turned and swung it's massive shield around Chief managed to get mostly out of the way but his hand and the shotgun were hit by the end of the shield. The shotgun flew from his now crushed hand his finger had jammed in the trigger guard and had broke as well now.

Chief jumped back he had delt with enraged Hunters before but never had this much trouble with them, though he was usually better armed to fight them as well. Chief pulled out the SMG again but held it with his left hand now. He turned and ran away from the Hunter for a moment he could hear it chasing him which was just what he wanted. he lead it towards the building for a moment before stopping and turning to face the Hunter again. He sprayed bullets at it for a moment but it did not even slow. Chief charged at it. He knew he could not use the same trick as last time but he didn't plan too he just hoped that it would think he was going too. Chief stopped about 10 feet from it it quickly closed the gap and swung it's massive shield at chief. Chief quickly attached the SMG to his hip and with his good hand grabbed onto the shield as it swung past him. It had way more force behind it then he thought and it would have pulled his arm clear out of socket if it were not for his armor. Chief was whipped along by the force of the shield but let the inertia carry him over the shield he held on with everything he had. As he swung around the shield he planted his feet on the bottom half of the shield and pushed hard twisting the shield. He could hear Lekgolo scream in pain as he did so. However as he did so he also felt his shoulder finally dislocate. Chief let go and dropped to the ground he struggled to his feet as best he could with a busted hand and dislocated shoulder. Almost everything hurt now, however he ran as quick as he could he needed to reatach his shoulder but could not do so on his own he ran towards Olimar perhaps his Pikman could help?

"A little help over here I need to reattach my left shoulder now! Captain Olimar can you help me?"

Chief was pretty desperate but figured Olimar could do the job he was supposed to be excellent at multitasking after all. He just hoped the hunter would be distracted long enough for him to get a least one arm working good again.


3 medium wounds busted rib, busted hand, and dislocated shoulder

injured Hunter

requesting assitance from Captain Olimar (@TheGoldenGear )
Olimar was split. He wanted to help in the fight, but Master Chief was hurt and needed assistance. He only had this thought for a split second, however, because the Pikmin made it incredibly easy to multitask. Since the Hunters didn't seem to notice the Pikmin, he threw all five of the Reds onto their weak spots to do the most residual damage possible. He tasked the four remaining Yellows with Master Chief, which set him down on the ground to give themselves a better angle at which to work. Olimar took the three Blues and went over to a Goomba, swarming it and letting them take the carcass of the mushroom to the Onion to grow more Pikmin. After giving all his commands he dashed back to the Hunters in case they did notice the Reds. Each Pikmin was too valuable with this little. At that point, the Yellows have snapped the Chief's arm back into the socket and were continuing to assist him in any way they could.

Strike on each Hunter due to residual damage, Reds still dealing residual damage, Yellows assisting Master Chief, Blues taking Goomba back (will take four turns including this one)
(VERY sorry for short have to go seeya)

As issac was Injure and fell he would Grone,he look as he Pirate was ready to Finish him,do Issac had something in minde,extending his right arm foward a Blue sphear Projectile is fired and Hit the Pirate,the Pirate had this blue aura around him,He has been stasised,The pirate now being 50% slower like in slow motion,Issac wille laying on his back would raise his Pulce Rifle up towards the slow down Pirate as the barrel started to spin and would Give out a 12 second Burst of Bullets on the Pirate,leting the Triger press leting a long stream of shots towards the pirate,being slow would be very easy to hit now "Ugh! You are worse than a Dam Necromorph!"he yelld as he burst the slown Pirate as he laid on the ground wounded.

1.Ammo at 95% empty (Relode Recomended!)

2.slown down Pirate by 50%

3.Has 2 Medium woundes

4.Very Vurnable Position -2 evade do helps with aim some way 1+ Acurracy
'Heh, these guys know what their doing. Let's kick things up a notch!' Cole says as he lands back on his feet.

He barely felt the blast of green energy. It was time to pull out the big guns. Even though lots of... enemies had been slain, this fight looked like it had no intention of ending any time soon, and Cole's patience was running short.

After a few seconds, Cole's hands began to emit bright blue lighting. "Lets see how you like this!" Aimed directly at the group of pirates, he launched what he had called 'Overload Burst'. If it connected, it would fry the first enemy then jump to the next few. It should work, after all they looked metallic enough and was close enough together.


Attack launched at group of three pirates

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