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Fandom Video-Game Mashup Adventure (IC Thread) [Closed for now]

(You're welcome :3)

"Sorry. I'm not very familiar with Dragonborns and Akatosh," Athena said and he shook her head slightly. If that woman was the 'Dragonborn' the A.I. was talking about Athena could only assume it's a title. "So... Are you born from an actual dragon or do people call you that just because."
"If you must ask, Akatosh HIMSELF blessed me with the blood of a dragon. So, I'm basically the ultimate dragon slayer." Lex puffed out her chest in classic Imperial pride. "When I kill a dragon, I absorb it's soul. But the greatest gift I receive as Dragonborn is the gift of the Shouts. Instead of breathing fire or ice, I yell shouts which can kill in a single blow." Lex thought of showing them herself, but she decided against it. Shouts could do damage, ALOT of damage. "And Akatosh is the Dragon God," Lex added.
Chief eyed the blade he was not sure he would call it a sword after hearing him classify it as anti-army/anti-fortress weapon. "Anti-army anti-fortress is that all?" he realized his statement may have seemed sarcastic. "well that would be really handy in stopping the Halo rings." Chief thought about being able to wipe out armies of the covenant with just a blade it sounded to good to be true. As chief was contemplating the power of the blade he had noticed Issac's weapon.

"and what are you using?" chief motioned to his sidearm. It to was different from many things he had seen there were lots he wanted to learn about everyone's weapons but he did not think he would be able to learn them all but he hoped to learn as much as he could knowing everything about the strengths of those he was working with would be a huge advatange in battles to come. After all experience proved that.

@Yonsisac @Zerodeath98
"Ah, I see," Athena nodded as if it was normal. At this point, she couldn't exactly be surprised about anything. Recently she discovered that her dead employer Jack was floating around a low level Hyperion worker Rhys's head. Though meeting a god doesn't equate to finding out a spirit is floating around someone's head.
Clark was pass out for a Moment thinking about the marker,symboles appeard in his vision for a Moment and a few Voices,befor hearing chiefs voice he would chake his head and say "what who?...oh sorry....I was just...Um...thinking"he said with a Nod befor he would aknowlage his question,issac would look at his waist and remove his plasma cutter,it was folded in a square but once he hold the handle the wepon Opend up Fully,he would show it befor saying "Industrial plasma Cutter....its not sopos to be a wepon but i weponized it myself...Fires straight Horizontal or Diagonal lines of compress plasma....abble to slice through limbs like Butter......"he said looking at 117 as yes this is the wepon he uses to slice through limbs of his necro enemies and aswell he had other wepons like a pulse rifle and a Force gun but those are not that Importan like his main wepon...was special as he has been having it the pass 3 games....its like his Baby just this baby can cut you in two....


(sorry for short)
"Can it?" Dared Toon Link. He put his hands on his hips and leaned forward with a catlike smirk. "Take a hack at me. Just a swing." He challenged.

"Or are you too chicken?"
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(Welcome back, GoldenWolf! :D )

Samaul listened as Athena and Lex conversed, slightly intrigued in Lex's abilities. Her powers were unique and powerful, to be sure, which meant they would be on near equal ground. He wasn't sure if he should be intimidated by Lex, mostly because of her boastful nature. But something tells him that they won't get along very well. After all, Samaul was a dragon in human skin, and if what she says is true... "Surely, your might is commendable. But can you take the form of a dragon?" He began, not wanting to seem weak, despite his analysis. "Can you take to the skies as a dragon in the flesh? As the last Dragon Knight, I have been blessed by the Creator Race, the dragons of my world that helped to shape the mortal world, to take on their mighty form." He boasted, wanting to convince Lex of his abilities.

@GoldenWolf , @Pyosimros
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"Only when it's fully charged up which takes me a bit..." Ein added. He may have oversold it a little bit, after all he wasn't exactly sure what kind of armies they were used to dealing with. He doubted an army full of huge ships would be an easy target for something like Disaresta, but if it was infantry and cavalry then the blade would surely wipe out everything in it's path. There was little doubt in it's power but applying it to different situations than he was used to would be interesting to say the least.

He was interested in this Issac's plasma cutter. To be able to cut things from far away. Truly that would have been incredibly useful during his journeys. It was however, that kind of concentrated firepower that made Ein feel glad these people were all on his side. To have to fight something like that, even for a Grim Angel, would be a challenge. He had noticed Issac's stammering before describing the weapon however and reacted accordingly. "Don't worry Mr. Issac! I know this is kind of nerve racking but we can help each other out right?"

He wasn't sure what to make of this Toon Link. After all he'd just been asked to be hit by such a powerful weapon. Did he not fear death? Strange. "I'd rather not use it on my allies. It's not that I don't think you'd survive, I just don't like hurting people..."

@Diminium @Calibutcher @Yonsisac
Issac would look Ein and would nod and aswell add "yes we can...do...its just me and my memories back at the ishimura is all...but yes it is Kinda nerve racking seeing this was all a suddent but yes we cam help each other"he said with a nod towards ein,as he did he would holster his plasma cutter and look around as it seem most were getting along and that was good,his helm was down and felt wierd as most of the time he needs it on an not having his helm for...lomg just wierd...do a good feeling of realife aswell so no problem there.

he did finde kinda interesting the talk theas two were having about ein,s sword...was surely preaty darn usefull he has heard so far,aside from that this chief and ein did seem like a good eam...well all were a good team....do aside from that he wonders how they are gona fix this curruption problem.

After Olimar was satisfied with his skills, he deposited his Pikmin and started walking over to where everyone was. The only recognizable person he could see was Link, and they didn't get to know each other that well in Smash Brothers. He decided to go out and meet some new people, but wasn't really sure about who to talk to, as everyone was already involved in a conversation. He didn't want to be an intruder.

So Olimar stood in the middle of the room, a place that he thought was a good one to get a view of everyone he will be working with. He began assessing them, their possible strengths and weaknesses and ways he could use those to the team's advantage.
"No, I insist. Trial me a bit. Just one swing, you won't even scratch me." He insisted, the reassuring look on his face never ceasing. He spotted Olimar walk by, they weren't BFF's, but we knew his way around. He'd have to say hi later.

"Swing or Cuccoo."

"Or Cuccoo" was a huge insult. Even if they didn't know it.
"I refuse," Ein reaffirmed. If he swung the Einherjar he would hit the boy. That was just how it worked. The Einherjar attacked on a deeper level than a simple sword swing. He thought to Ledah's Lorelei, a Diviner capable of piercing any guard no matter what. While the Einherjar couldn't cut through guards like the Lorelei, it could not miss. "I refuse to use it on allies under any circumstances. Not even for training or anything."

Ein thought that maybe Toon Link was egging him on so much because he had been a phantasmal light before and perhaps was convinced that he would not be hurt by a physical weapon. Unfortunately for him Ein knew very well that his blade was effective on similarly non corporeal beings. He had used it to slaughter his way through more than a few ghosts.
Chief nodded at Ein's further explanation of his weapon. even with a charge it sounded like a good deal to him. When Issac took out his plasma cutter and explained it Chief was very intrueged. "Well I am familiar with plasma. It's impressive that you can harness the plasma to cut things precisely and carry it in such a convenient size." Chief thought of all the times plasma weapons had been used against him he remembered seeing it melt through walls, people, UNSC vehicles and battleships.But the way the Coenant used it was not as precise as Issac described it was impressive that he made such a thing.

While Chief mused over These thoughts he noticed out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone standing alone. Tactically that was a bad start and Chief would not have it this was to be a team so no one should be left out. Chief approached Olimar and as he got closer saw just how much of a height diffrence there was. When Chief got close enough he crouched to introduce himself. "I don't remember your name, I'm Master Chief" He held out his hand. He was very curious just what it was that this little person did. He could not see any obvious weapons or armaments which made Chief almost uneasy. But he would be patient and he would learn what they did.

Olimar reached his hand up to shake Chief's, internally cursing the height difference between the two. "I am Captain Olimar of... Actually, I don't think my ship has a name. Anyway, nice to meet you, Master Chief." He looked back out to the rest of the team. "Interesting cast we have here. Many different skills to take advantage of."
"Indeed we do. But I was curious what your skill set is. your not like most of the others here." Chief felt like he was talking to a child because of the height difference but did not want it to come across that way so he stood up. "But then again we don't all have to be Soldiers..." Chief too looked around at everybody again. Then looked at Captain Olimer again. Giving him his full attention "So you have a ship as well?"

The tiny captain smiled. "Yes, I have a ship. It's been all these years and I still haven't named it... I had one before my current, outdated model. That one had a name. I had to sell it though, and I got some barely-functional space junk instead." He pondered over the whereabouts of the S.S. Dolphin for a second. "Oh, yes, my skill set. I will be right back." Olimar took off toward the Onion and withdrew each of the seven Pikmin types: Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Rock and Winged. They followed him back to Master Chief, the one Purple arriving a bit late and seemingly struggled to catch its breath. "Meet the Pikmin, Master Chief."
Chief had no words when Olimar showed up with the Pikmin as he called them. He eyed them and deliberated there effectiveness. What could these actually do? Chief got over the fact that they were not weapons that he was used to and got to the point. "Well that's different."Chiefs first words were a little brash. "So how many do you have?" He could only see these Pikmin being useful in force and so he hoped there were more lots more. The military training in Chief noticed the Purple one's tardiness and recovery period and determined the best action would be to order it to run laps. But these were not his nor did the look like soldiers exactly.
Olimar chuckled. "Different indeed. Up to one hundred can follow me at one time,and I think I have close to five hundred stored inside their ship. At that point, even at just thirty-five, I can usually kill enemies with relative ease. But the best way to use them is to micromanage them and create strategies for getting things done in general based on the abilities of the color of Pikmin." He walked over to the Purple Pikmin. "For example, this Pikmin has the carrying strength of ten of any other color, and the attacking strength of two. They can also stun enemies upon impact. However, they are very slow. So, if I don't have enough Pikmin to move something, one or two Purples is all it takes."
A large circle of light appeared in the corner of the room, it was obviously a portal of some kind. And out came Almalexia alongside two of her Hands. As she levitated out of the portal, she waved her hand and it disappeared. She then looked at everyone in the room, her Hands either side of her. She sighed, "What on earth is this?" She thought, "Why the AI felt the need to summon me here is... Distasteful. I should be guiding my people, not dealing with the problems of infants." This, was said aloud. It was clear she was annoyed, and the slight arrogance fitted the change in the elfs personality. Almalexia continued to observe those that would be in her, "Team", however, one certain individual caught her eye, and she emitted a power she had never felt before. "Oh? An Imperial is here? Hopefully I won't have to hear the constant howling about those Aedric fakes." She sighed and stayed in the same position, she didn't really want to interact with anyone. In fact, she believed that she doesn't need to. Almalexia just wanted to go back to Morrowind and relax at the Tribunal Temple.

(Should anyone want to, Elf woman is free for interaction)
< @Morithawen @Yonsisac @lostsoul @Diminium @Ibuki @Zerodeath98 @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @Pyosimros @Shungila @Kirito Kei @Calibutcher @Lukas Melling Gale @Achilles676 @TheGoldenGear @LeSoraAmari >

"I hate to interrupt such... interesting introductions, but I have you mission, Team Zeta. It seems an unknown group of baddies is attacking Super Mario 64, and a good amount of the enemies are not from that universe. So, I will ask you to exercise caution, and bring back whoever is responsible." ARCADE speaks to the group, and they find themselves surrounded by an eerie blue glow.

"Good hunting."

In a flash, the characters all find themselves in a dirt courtyard, and all is not well. A strange, blocky man with a strange blocky blue sword is on his... 'knees', surrounded by mushroom-type creatures. Also around the area are green shelled turtles, two pairs of large, blue-armored worm creatures and five arthropodic creatures with jet-packs. In the distance, on top of the castle, another figure can be seen, but he is too far away to see any detail or be an immediate threat.

"Hey! *oof* Can I get some *oof* help over here? *oof*"


[Green = Link to sites]

[ 25 Goomba ; 15 Koopa Troopa ; 4 Hunters (Elite) ; 5 Space Pirates (Elite) ]

[ Steve is in danger! 3 Turns until he dies]

[ Up to 5 Kills, or 2 and strike at an Elite, or 2 and move to protect Steve ]

[ If you are unsure about my combat system, please wait for @Kirito Kei , @Calibutcher , @Yonsisac , or @LeSoraAmari to post and be an example. Also, please don't forget a [RESULTS] line to keep track of your kills and strikes ]
The Mythic Dragon]< [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21038-morithawen/ said:
@Morithawen[/URL] @Yonsisac @lostsoul @Diminium @Ibuki @Zerodeath98 @Ashman74 @GoldenWolf @Pyosimros @Shungila @Kirito Kei @Calibutcher @Lukas Melling Gale @Achilles676 @TheGoldenGear @LeSoraAmari >
"I hate to interrupt such... interesting introductions, but I have you mission, Team Zeta. It seems an unknown group of baddies is attacking Super Mario 64, and a good amount of the enemies are not from that universe. So, I will ask you to exercise caution, and bring back whoever is responsible." ARCADE speaks to the group, and they find themselves surrounded by an eerie blue glow.

"Good hunting."

In a flash, the characters all find themselves in a dirt courtyard, and all is not well. A strange, blocky man with a strange blocky blue sword is on his... 'knees', surrounded by mushroom-type creatures. Also around the area are green shelled turtles, two pairs of large, blue-armored worm creatures and five arthropodic creatures with jet-packs. In the distance, on top of the castle, another figure can be seen, but he is too far away to see any detail or be an immediate threat.

"Hey! *oof* Can I get some *oof* help over here? *oof*"


[Green = Link to sites]

[ 25 Goomba ; 15 Koopa Troopa ; 4 Hunters (Elite) ; 5 Space Pirates (Elite) ]

[ Steve is in danger! 3 Turns until he dies]

[ Up to 5 Kills, or 2 and strike at an Elite, or 2 and move to protect Steve ]

[ If you are unsure about my combat system, please wait for @Kirito Kei , @Calibutcher , @Yonsisac , or @LeSoraAmari to post and be an example. Also, please don't forget a [RESULTS] line to keep track of your kills and strikes ]

Seeing the person on their blocky knees, I jump on two goombas crushing them from the impact before protecting steve from getting hurt " calm down and heal, and something if you have anything. it will help you heal faster" I say as I have already been to these two universes I know how to beat this game almost fully.

TWO GOOMBA KILLS, one protected steve xD
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(Sorry if I screw this up DX I'm using Lostsoul's thing as an example though he's not on the list.)

"Time to get to work," Athena said and took out her shield and sword. Looking up, she looked at what she was facing. Some weird walking mushrooms and turtles. Weirdest job I ever took, She thought and blasted into the air with her OZ kit. Kicking at a Koopa Troopa, it hid in it's shell and Athena quickly thrusted her sword at the shell. Once the shell was mobile, it ricocheted off the wall and was about to hit her. Putting her shield in front of her, Athena blocked the blow and bashed the shell so it would fall into the water. Because of the block, her shield was fully charged and the evident whirring of the defensive tool proved it. Throwing her shield, it cut through four more goombas and it went back onto her hand.

Four Goomba and one Koopa Troopa kill. Kinetic Aspis is on cooldown.
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Before Samaul could receive an answer from Lex, they all were whisked away to a relatively foreign world. Though he had heard of this place, it still seemed strange to him. He looked to see some rather odd creatures before him. Some of them seemed to be mushroom-like creatures, another few appeared to be some kind of turtles. The last in his field of vision was by far the most bizarre of them all. A strange creature hovers the air on some form of device he had never seen before. Gazing past these foes for a brief moment, he sees an oddly shaped man call out for help. Samaul would have jumped in first, but it seems one of his teammates had already saved the stranger. With nothing left to hold him down, Samaul jumped into the fray. "To arms!" He shouted to his idle comrades as he landed on a mushroom creature, killing it instantly. He charged forward to a turtle creature nearby, his sword drawn. He moved to strike the creature, but before he could land a blow, the creature retreated behind it's shell. Once hit, the shell slid a good distance away. The turtle creature reemerged from it's shell, and taunted Samaul.

That made Samaul angry. He jumped forward, appearing before the enemy in a flash. He slashed at the creature again, prompting it to hide in it's shell once again as it began to ricochet off the walls. Noticing a body of water nearby, Samaul waited for the right time, and with one powerful kick, he sent the unfortunate soul to it's death. Success! Feeling satisfied, he turned to face the next enemy at hand. The hovering beast. It fired a kind of energy projectile, to which Samaul tried to strafe around. With no cover, this was his only option. Unfortunately, he came out of the bombardment with a shot that had grazed his arm, and also suffered another close call with a sharp, but shallow cut across the side of his leg.
"Ack... that stung." He muttered, feeling some pain. But this did not hinder him. This would have been a good time to use Athena's gift... but he didn't have time. The beast was about to fire another succession of shots. Samaul took this chance, and used his Rush Attack in an attempt to strike it.

[One Goomba and One Koopa Troopa killed, suffered light wounds, used Rush Attack on Space Pirate]

(I'm sorry in advance for any mistakes in this post...)
Olimar saluted Master Chief before taking his Pikmin and rushing into battle. He threw two red Pikmin at a Goomba, but didn't need to since the first one crushed it. He whistled them back and made a beeline for the tower entrance, crushing two more Goombas and hitting a Koopa Troopa back into its shell on the way.

[Three Goombas killed, one Koopa Troopa incapacitated]
As Chief was teleported he readied himself getting into a portion to run as he was not sure what to expect. Once they arrived he assesed the situation. It only took him a few seconds after all he could do more planning in a few seconds then most people do in a week. He saw the blocky person in trouble but his immediate concern was the pair of Hunters. There were a couple mushroom things in the way. He would make quick work of them. Chiefs planning done he started to move. However Olimar saluted him and ran off taking out mushrooms and turtles. Chief hesitated he was suprised to his effectiveness in taking out the mushrooms but the way was clear now

Chief pulled out both SMG's and bolted towards the Hunter on the way he fired his SMG into a Goomba strafing quickly to keep up his momentum. Chief headed straight towards the hunter now. He fired his SMG straight at it aiming at center mass to get it to take cover. He quickly moved right to get around the Hunters weapon as soon as he did so he switched to his shotgun and blasted at the Hunters side and back as he moved around it.


1 Goomba down

Strike made at hunter 2 shots one at side second at back.

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