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Fandom Video-Game Mashup Adventure (IC Thread) [Closed for now]

Ein made his way to the courtyard without incident. He joined the gathered group and received the full extent of the message. He sort of wished they'd make an exception for his villain. After all, Hector was a bit of a bastard even outside the context of his role. "I guess it's just my fate to pass judgement on demons... Er... Villains," He corrected himself before really taking stalk of the group. There were more than a few people with guns which made Ein happy. Ranged support was important for the type of fighter he was after all.

Then the Grim Angel heard a thud. He glanced over to the strangely dressed girl who'd apparently fallen on her face. "Um. Are you ok?" He asked as he approached, picking up the offending rock and pocketing it. For some reason he felt like the universe was mocking him for picking the rock up but he dismissed it. "My name is Ein," He gave a warm smile as he held his hand out to help her. He'd introduce himself to the others in time of course but he felt this was a little more important.

"Dragon Knight?" She rose a brow. He was loaded with heavy armor, which reminded her slightly of Deadric armor she had seen worn in the End Times. She shook the thought away. "Now, to answer your question, my name is Lex Valentia, better known as the DragonBorn." She smirked. Surely this man had no connections to dragons. His title, "Dragon Knight", was probably just that, a title.
What's with these people and dragons? Athena thought and walked over to the duo. "My name's Athena. Ex-Atlas assassin," She introduced and stuck out her hand. She'd better talk to some of these people if they were going to fight with her. But the gear they were wearing reminded her from some stuff from Bunkers and Badasses. Not that she played it before however.
Link sauntered over to the group. "ARCADE wanted the Spirit of The Hero..." he muttered, placing his left hand over his heart. He began to glow with a golden, powerful light before all that was left was the Triforce of Courage."

"I'm the Spirit of the Hero." He introduced himself with an etheral voice, before the Triforce spilt off into six small triangles, each giving off the same warm glow.

"This'll be a bit... Awkward to explain." Started the one second to the left.

"Awwww it's not that complex!" Whined the one right off the center with a childlike voice

"Same spirit, different guys." The one second to the right said curtly.

"And don't you forget it!"

The Triforce pieces began to glow, each taking on different golden shapes. Most were average height, but a few were rather short. They all became more distinct, but they weren't really there. They seemed very different, in the way they stood and the ways the looked around the room.

"I'm the Hero of The Triforce." said the one on the far left.

"Hero of the Past!" waved the one next to him.

They continued the introductions in the line

"Hero of Time!"

"Hero of the Winds!"

"Hero of Twilight."

"Hero of the Skies!"

"Now. Everyone's name is Link. If that's too much, just refer to us by the last word in our titles!"

"Now, what seems to be our destination?" Asked Past, crossing his arms and leaning his head on his shoulder "Where to start?"
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Ara glanced up, only to see a boy with his hand extended to help her. She gladly accepted the aid, as she stood and dusted herself off. "A-Ara Haan, at your service! Um, I'm terribly sorry for being so clumsy--!" She ended up bowing apologetically, over and over again repeatedly. She could already hear Eun's voice lightly laughing at Ara in her mind. The spearswoman was extra careful not to whack anyone with her weapon this time; she kept a tight grip on the pole part with both hands, holding it horizontally.

Issac could not see as he was still inside the teleportation,do onces done he sudenly appeard near the Fountain.shimers of blue aura appears as he did like if some one teleported,he would raise his head as his helm slides down and unfolds,as he would see ARCADE begine his speech about how the enemies from games have Currupted and something else,and aswell his teamates from now on,hearing there names here were some he kinda heard and some he dint even know at all,hearing they would be assing to a mission soon and shoold meet the rest he would sigh mentally and look around at his teammates.....seems every genre of game was here as far he could tell....he just hope the team he is in knows what they are doing,he dosent whant to save some ones Butt again like back in the ishimura......and the other 3 times,there were people like a Green Midget some guy who seem from a wasteland..some female with a shield..fancy dress people and all...was alot of differences.

As he did he would hear a Man introduce himself at them,he would just give a weak nod at him atleast aknowlage his precence,there were few and well seconds thoughts shoot as well....they seem great team!,as he thinks of that he would hear a thud and watches as a....um very fancy dress girl just face plants on the stone....ouch he hopes she was ok...well she was i mean they are in a game no? after seeing some one help her issac would see a very tall Green armored Marine....seem he was from the same sci-fi genre like issac...seems the name Master Chife fit the bill honestly...seems this team had some mix.

"Good seeing you all here....um...yea thats about it i got nothing"he said with a shrug to the Others as well....he was not the best at talking as he has been insolated for Very long and well only company he has had are Giant living Corpses that whant his head and his body....so was obviuse do atleast he dint go Crazy,Giving a sigh and well paying attention at the Others but mostly the green Armored titan and some others,he would rather wait for the mission to be anounce....he really needed a lighter suit..maybe a "Advance suit" will do.
Ein just continued his smile, "Oh don't worry about it. I'm used to it." Between Cierra and Lina, this girl tripping over a rock was far away from the most clumsy thing he'd ever witnessed. Until she managed to get the floor to collapse from under them or get them lost in a magic forest she'd rank as less of a bother than the two of them. "It's nice to meet you anyway!"

Directing his attention back out to the others it seemed a few of them had Dragonic titles. That probably meant they were going to run into a fair number of Dragons during this adventure, eliciting a small sigh from Ein. He hadn't brought any of his usual equipment beyond the Einherjar and was now sorely missing the Dragon Slayer. On second thought, that thing was largely useless in the face of good companions so the loss's sting faded quickly.

The light show drew Ein's attention as the spirits, all somehow known as Link, introduced themselves. That was going to get confusing fast, he wasn't exactly stellar when it came to remembering people's names. "Uh. Nice to meet you all then?" If they partied off, he silently hoped he would not be grouped with this man if only to save himself the embarrassment.

Samaul raised a brow, though the Dragonborn couldn't see it behind his helm. 'What was that smirk for?' He wondered, almost questioning her. But he was thrilled to learn that they might share similar blood. He was about to speak, but then a rather odd character approached them. She introduced herself as Athena. Happy to meet another sister in arms, he gladly exchanged pleasantries. He was the first to grasp her hand and shake it. "Pleasure to meet you, Athena. You may call me Samaul." He stood tall, puffing out his chest with pride. "I am the Dragon Knight, the one the A.I. spoke of." He announced again, just to be sure. "I hope that we may get the chance to show our skills on the field of battle soon, it will be glorious!" He stated, eager to prove himself.

After he introduced himself to this new face, he noticed several others within the group, such as two men that wore what seemed like heavy armor. They would be fine warriors, indeed. His eyes travelled to a particular character that intrigued him, a hero with many faces and many names. As much as these boys confused him, he also felt a sense of wonder about them. He also noticed two others that caught his eye, but they were already deep in conversation. All he could do was wonder about what it was they spoke of, because they both seemed strange to him. There were a few others, but the only character here that seemed similar was Lex so far.
'What an odd bunch... but a promising one.' He thought, returning his attention to the conversation at hand.

@GoldenWolf, @Pyosimros
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Ara averted her gaze around at all the adventurers gathered. Some of them might have looked a tad bit scary to her, with all the heavy armour, but she knew that all of these were kindhearted individuals, hopefully. Eventually, she saw the bright illuminations swirling about as they introduced themselves. Ara was making an effort to remember all of their titles. 'Past, Time, Twilight... um.. what were the others again?' The girl was already getting a slight headache from trying to recall the statements; it was hopeless. She definitely had to ask about their names once more in the future, despite how humiliating it sounded. There were still other names to go, Ara probably could handle the rest, though.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Ara bowed politely, smiling at each and every one of them. She glanced at Ein, then at everybody else once again, although the rest were a bit further off, having their own discussions.

@Diminium @Zerodeath98
"Wonderful," Athena said and looked over at Master Chief. The armor he was wearing reminded her of a Lost Legion soldier. Thought I killed them all, Athena sighed. "What planet are you two from? Because tell from your well... Gear..." She started and gestured at their armor. "I could tell things like firearms don't exist from where you're from."
"You're so small and adorable!" Sky gushed as Twilight bowed back.

"No one answered my question!" Cried Past, looking around for direction from ARCADE
The confusion only grew from Athena's statement, but Samaul answered her anyway. "I hail from Rivellon, the land present in the Divinity 2 saga. I have also never heard of such things as 'firearms', so your assumption is not incorrect." He turned his gaze to Lex, waiting to hear what she had to say. While doing so, he thought of things that concerned his game. What was Damian up to? What was he planning? If this virus was as dangerous as ARCADE's A.I. made it out to be, this made it hard for the Dragon Knight to focus on anything else... Damian was formidable, and not even he himself had ever fought him in battle before. This was going to eat away at him for a long time...

@Pyosimros , @GoldenWolf
Ein just stared at the group of glowing lights that had names but he had unfortunately already forgotten them. "Um I think it's just a meet and greet right now." Ein said to try and answer Past's question. "I'm Ein by the way." He said fairly loudly in an attempt to draw over more towards himself. He immediately regretted that as his shyness kicked in. Ein was clearly one of the youngest of the assembled heroes and as such he worried what they would think of him, especially on the battlefield. Sure he had a strange glowing sword at his side but he certainly didn't look like the weapon of war given life by the gods themselves that he was. "Er. I..." He tried to slink back but there was really nothing to hide behind.

"Nice ta meetcha!" Toon said, Becoming fully, well, there. He stepped forwards to give Ein a highfive, Leaving behind the golden glow, while Past stroked his chin in thought over why they couldn't get right out and moving.

"Again, I'm Hero of the Winds! Wind, Toon, Kitty, whatever works." He talked fast, brown boots walking around nowhere in particular as he gestured with his hands like a salesman. A catlike smile about him. "No need to be shy!" He reassured Ein, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We looka'bout the same age, how old are you, fer starters? I'm thirteen!" He asked, thrilled at the thought of maybe being teamed up with someone his age.

Although in the back of his mind, something told him Ein didn't feel the same way. He hoped he was wrong

[ @Zerodeath98 ]
Chief was not excited to hear that the Villains were being corrupted, though the opportunity to work with a new team seemed... intriguing. As the names were called for groups he heard his name and the associated group he walked over to where the were gathering but stood off to the side for the most part watching introductions.He watched each of those who introduced themselves with great intent it was important to know these people. He waited for the right time to introduce himself seeing a good opportunity he approached the front of the group "I am Master Chief Petty Officer 117 ready to serve." A part of him wanted to salute or stand at attention but it seemed unnecessary for the occasion so after a moment he started off towards an individual who sparked his interest. He had Armor similar to is own it seemed, and it looked like he could hold his own. "Issac right?" Chief held out his hand he hoped shaking hands worked for this guy. "what kind of Armor is that? It seems similar to mine. Does it come with an over shield?"

Clark stood looking at the Others as he wonderd wen he was gona sortie on a Mission...do he did need this Kind of rest to be Honest after long running and shooting To be Honest,after some time he would look to his side and see that tall Green armored marine aproching him,well he is dam tall up close to be Honest,kinda intimidating,as he would face him and would hear him say if he was issac....well the one and only who was brave and stupied enough to venture inside a Living moon...then yes it was him "Yea....Issac clark....You must be Master chife huh?,the name just easy to tell"he said as he would extend his arm foward aswell and chake the marine,s...well better Chife now,well atleast this guy surely seem to be a One man army for the looks and clearly not just his armor but his Voice was deep like a ....um...he cant compare it.

"Oh....This is the EAS Or the "Elite Advance suit"...and um...Overshield?...whats a Overshield?....um i guess you are Far more in the Future than me....No if that is some kinde of shield? No...This suit dosent have that"he said towards chife as well...not just intimidating but he seem far more in the future than clark was....But still he they were still sci-fi and was good to see some one of his genre here....most were fantasy as he could tell or Modern...


Example of the suit

"I see..." Athena said and began to place her hand on her chin to help her think. If she was fighting alongside a medieval knight, it made her feel uneasy. If she could, Athena would've already tossed him a spare gun but all she had was her Jakobs shotgun. "You know what? Here," Athena said and tossed a shield over to him. "Just press the on button and it'll do its magic. It absorbs damage," She explained and went back to a more comfortable position.


(Ignore the OP stats)
Ein smiled at the boy. This one he would definitely remember. He returned the high five and decided to answer his question. "I'm about 16 I guess. Technically. It's a little weird." He had been made to fight in Ragnarok but he had never been deployed or even woken up until 1000 years later. So he had a physical age, a mental age, and an actual age which were all different numbers. He felt like he was Serene's age and that was around how old she was so he'd gone with that for the most part when people asked.

He was glad there seemed to be a few people who fought with a similar style he did. At least he assumed they did from their looks. There were quite a few men in strange armor with projectile weapons he was sure would at least hurt like hell if they hit him. He'd seen the destructive capability of a primitive bomb first hand, he had no idea what a more advanced explosion would result in. "Um" His attention turned to Master Chief and Issac. "Hi. I'm not terribly familiar with uh... Technology things? So please forgive my ignorance! I'm Ein! Nice to meet you." He started speaking rapidly as he bowed in the two's direction.

@Calibutcher @Yonsisac @Diminium
Samaul didn't think it was necessary, but he felt obliged to take this new piece of equipment. After all, he had to take what he could get. All he had was his sword and Morph Stone. He also had his Dragon Stone, but it proved to be useless outside of his game. All he used his Dragon Stone for was to teleport to his Battle Tower, anyway. Well, he also had his Crystal Skull, but he wasn't entirely sure if he could summon his Creature outside his game, either. He never tried it. On top of this list of problems, he could no longer Mind Read. These only applied to his game, and his alone. Thankful for such a gesture, he accepted the strange piece of technology. A charm would work just the same as this, but this would have to do. "I will use this gift to the best of my ability, if I can. Thank you." He showed his gratitude. The last thing he wanted to do was to waste anything he could potentially use.

Chief looked down to Ein. "it's probably best you stick to what you know.... Though i'm guessing you hold your own just fine." Chief examined his weapon it was unlike anything he had seen even though he had seen quite a few unusual things. "What is that?" Chief pointed to the Weapon Ein had. "perhaps we could swap notes learn some things from each other? I know plenty about projectile weapons and explosives." Chief glanced at Issac it looked like he was an expert at something too he wasn't entirely sure what though. The basic conclusion was that there was a lot to figure out about this team. For now he would mostly stick to the familiar those that seemed to use military tactics and projectile weapons. Though Ein was a good start for things he was not familiar with.

Toon smilied, unintentionally following Ein to where people stood. They were so advanced... But he smiled to himself, knowing they'd never know how to wield a sword.

"Link, as you probably know." he said, raising a hand. He wasn't about to get left out. "Maybe you've heard of one of my gal pals. Samus Aran?" That sounded smart. Right?

Meanwhile, Twilight seemed interested in the conversation that two of his new comrades were having.

Sky shrugged and simply turned back into golden light before disappearing. Time did the same while Past and Force chatted about Ganon, caution in their voices

"Hey." He approached the Dragonborn and Samaul. He didn't seem to have any problems as he approached, sweeping his dirty blonde hair out of the way. Although many problems weighed down on him from the inside. Ganondorf was loose and probably vengeful.

They made conversation sometimes, he didn't seem awful, there was a motive gap, but he could only speak for himself. Time and Wind seemed fine with him, but that didn't concern Twilight, he thought.
Ah good. He liked this Master Chief already. He was kind enough to open communications with Ein rather than dismiss him as inferior. "Oh." He pulled his blade from it's place at it's side. It was an odd sword, seemingly made entirely out of a yellow glowing light. "This is my Diviner, the Einherjar. I think it classes as somewhere between an Anti-Army and an Anti-Fortress weapon," He said before pausing to simply stare at the blade. It was a part of him. He had lost his wings to simply obtain it, and it more than made up for that sacrifice with pure strength. He wasn't too terribly sure of weapon classifications the others used but he figured everyone would get what he meant "It's a magic unbreakable sword and stuff I guess, and it's basically a part of me. I got my name from it after all." He gave a light chuckle as he sheathed the weapon at his side.

Again he found himself glad to be working with so many people who were so confident in their fields. He felt like he could already trust several of them to watch his back as he leaped into the heart of battle. A lighthearted sigh took away a bit of his tension as he relaxed somewhat. "I can't really imagine what kind of battlefields you've all fought on. It's so strange to think of so many people using so many odd weapons at once." He absentmindedly vocalized one of the thoughts going through his head.

Olimar, feeling very out of place in the room filled with much taller humans, withdrew a Red, Yellow and Purple Pikmin from the Onion. He found a nice little corner he could use for target practice, since he figured he'd need to sharpen his skills as much as possible for the upcoming challenge. He tossed the Red, landing it slightly off the intended target.
(( Goodness, i'm gone for a few hours and there's like 5 new pages xD ))

Lex stood up and brushed off her leather armor and responding to the newcomer, 'Athena's' question. "I come from Nirn, and the fair country of Skyrim. If you didn't know, i'm THE DragonBorn, ya know, Daughter of Akatosh?" She said, fixing the sword on her hip into a more comfortable position.

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