Varanda High [Inactive]

" ok let's get two things strait. One we are not monsters and two we won't fight again. Now what's your name " Mizu said to the boy.
Nick looks at a text on his phone. "crap..." Nick leaves the library after leaving a pile of vampire lore books that were asked for earlier on the table
Takes the wolf delicately and sits it on the table beside the soup as I continue eating. "Hey mizu.. how am I gonna get back to the farm house? It's way to far to walk.." She asks concerned.
Pax nodded and winked at the girl before taking a savory bite out of his cheeseburger. "You know, there was a time where I thought I would have to mourn the taste of things. Man was I wrong." He propped his backpack on the table, going for the chill pocket again.
Kass would walk over to the wolf demon and stand in front of him, angrily writing in her sketch book.
She bit her lip nervously once again and nodded to Mizu. She finished her soup and went to throw it away hiding her face behind her red hair as she went.
He gives the man speaking a confused look. "What are you?" Hr looked down to his arm. "Oh, my apologies, there are odd fractures in the nerves of the Machine."
Kass would shove the paper vehemently at the demon. It would read "Can you just leave her alone? Goddamnit, she knows you're an asshole, don't keep reminding her! Just fucking leave her alone!"
She writes more and gives it to him, the paper saying "If you really wanted her you'd stop trying and let her rest! Chivalry in moderation, idjit!"

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