Varanda High [Inactive]

Gets rid of the soup bowls and such and smiles at Mizu tiredly. Then motions to Alex to follow. "I found this place upstairs.." She suddenly speaks in a loud voice "I really hope LEGOLASS dpes NOT follow!" She looks down sheepishly at her rude behavior but she's truly disturbed.
Kass would keep slapping him, hopefully giving time for the others to sneak out before the clingy little pup mewled some more.
"And I thought I was the jerk..." Pax whispered to himself, getting up from the table. He gave Kass a thumbs up, a new respect growing for the tiny she-demon.
She smiled back at Kass 'i definitely owe her one' "this way! And I hope to whatever is up there that he leaves me the check alone for a while."
Kass would use his firm grab of her wrists as a fulcrum to swing her feet around, uppercutting his face with her feet if he let her.
"Hey!" Pax growls, "This girl is pretty quiet and to herself most of the time. So if she is slapping you, it's for a reason. That being said, you touch her again and I wont hesitate to end you when you least expect it." he threatened in a hushed tone, glaring at the half-demon.
Kass wouldn't fall, far from it. She'd just swing her hands under her and continue the uppercut.
"Not here, ya brain fart." Pax chuckled, "But I'm not afraid of you. You may be lecherous and hot headed, but believe me I'm hotter." Pax replied before turning his back on the boy.
She leads them into a room with couches and a tea place. She begins preparing tea right off the bat. "I found this place yesterday and tested out everything while in form" she smiled looking at the two... "I really hope that kass and Pax can handle him. He's difficult.."
Kass would use the upward force to power a back flip, which she would land with the same sound a feather landing on dirt would make: None at all. Her face wouldn't show it, but with how tense she looks, murder itself. would be deathly afraid of her.
'Do I just stand back and shout out threats?' Pax thought to himself. Sure, he'd like to give the guy a good beating, but there was no way it would go unnoticed if he stepped in. 'That and the fact that Charlie would lecture my ear off.' he thought to himself.

"Kass, let's just leave." he huffed, not wanting to get involved any further with conflict on the mind. 'If he would only just chill out...' Pax thought.

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