Varanda High [Inactive]

"Aaaaand I guess that answers that question..."

Farra sighed. "I guess I'm the only one that hasn't fessed up. Well, here goes.." Farra's being began to shift. She yelped in pain her legs extended, her skin tone becoming lighter, almost pure white. Her wavy blue hair straightened out and became a nice shade of black. "Well?"


(New Form)
She would make her head nod using her hands, her silent laughter returning.
"You're big." Pax replied, lifting his head to look at the tall-guy. "I mean, huge. And you smell like lizards." He looked at the blue-haired lady. "And you seem to know a lot about what I am." he mused.
"Could you keep your head on! It's hard enough for me to focus on staying awake during the day without that smell!" Pax whispered to the tiny girl a little harshly, his eyes gaining an odd red glow.
Kass would take a dramatic bow, still holding her head by the hair. Some loose strings would still be stuck in it, and a grey mist would start rising from her neck.
Farra grimanced, reverting back to her old form. "Well...let's see...Mizu here is a dragon, correct? And Kass is a ghost or somthing? The whitey is a vampire. Huh."
The mist coming out of Kass's neck would spell "Dullahan", and then dissipate.
Farra grinned. "That's where it gets complicated. Human, but not really, I guess. In other words...I'm a shapeshifter." To show, she quickly took on Kass' placid features. "I can change my body, face, any aspect of my physical appearance." She glanced over to the passed-out vampire. "I can do animals, too," she added, changing her face to match the vamp's.
" well then. Farra can shape shift, Kass can pull her head off and vampy over there can pass out. Very interesting." Mizu said.
As quickly as he fell, he stood back up. ""Crud, this always happens when i get too excited." He turned to the girl he now knew as Kass, offering her a smile. "Sorry about the head nose is extra sensitive nowadays," He shot a glare toward the blue-haired miss, "But, I am not sorry about calling you a cow." he seethed.
Kass would shrug, before making one solid block out of her mist. It'd dissipate after half a minute, though
Pax looked down at his feet thoughtfully. "I really have no clue," he said while beginning to levitate, "I'm not completely a vampire and I haven't been one that long either. I ran away from my sire, he was a real head-case." He began losing control over his power before falling back on his feet. "All I really know how to do is feed." he remarked quietly.
" well, isn't that a real tear jerker." Mizu said sarcastically. " now tell me how many you have killed, vampire!"
Desireé finally notices the conversation going on as she wakes up, preparing what she wants to say onto her whiteboard.

The white board says; "What's going on? I've been asleep."
Kass would drop her head and leap between the two, facing mizu. Being much shorter than him, she doesn't seem too intimidating, but her message would be clear: simmer down.
Farra smiled innocently, morphing her face to match his. "I'm not sorry about calling you a cow," she mimicked with surprising accuracy. "I get blood cravings whenever I see cute girls, and this one's real bad. I'd say I"ve killed 1,000, and I'll kill 1,00 more!" she added, still using the vampire's voice.
Desireé stares at Farra, emotionless writing another sentence on the whiteboard that is gonna face towards her.

The whiteboard says; "Hello, what's up?"
Farra morphed her face back to her own. "Hello! I see you're not speaking. Might I have a look at your body?"

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