Varanda High [Inactive]

Pax opened up an ancient book, sending dust flying into his face. "Crap, this thing smells like mold." he gagged, closing the text immediately. But something else smelled off. He sniffed the air, looking dubiously around the room. Something didn't smell human.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the library entrance. Farra stood up, looking around to see who it was...or, as she had learned, WHAT it was. The sound was coming from a tall boy that stood in the doorway. She laughed a bit at his get-up; it was DEFINITELY human. This guy was probably a newbie with this whole "glamour" business...he didn't seem human either, but sometimes Farra's intuitions were wrong.

Most of the time, they were right.

"You know, it's rude to stand in the doorway," she called over to the stranger.

"I wouldn't go around yelling at things with that big of a heartbeat." Pax chortled as he glided around the corner. He glanced again at the woman, a smirk playing on his lips. "Okay, so none of you smell like anything I ate last night." he mumbled, taking the seat directly across from her.

Farra glanced over at the man. "Hm..I wouldn't exactly be talking, hunter." She smiled. "I heard you," Farra added. "None of us smell like anything you ate last night? Why, thank you, I hope."


(if needed, I will edit this. I know it's a rather risky move, so if anyone has a problem, just tell me!)

Mizu, being bored of just sitting stood up and walked to the shelves of books. " that smell, so familiar yet so unrecognizable. All I know, that it's not human." Mumbling to him self.
Kass would shake herself awake, her head settling in a cockeyed position that she fixes instinctively, though a bit panicked. She would close her book and walk over to where everyone else would be.

((Just got back))
The "Kass" girl walked over. "Hello," Farra said, abandoning the topic before the hunter got a chance to reply. "How are you, and why are you skipping class?"
She holds up her philosophy book, as a simple answer. In the process, though, she would tilt her head, causing it to slide a centimeter off her neck. She would attempt to slyly correct this by slowly pushing it back with her book.
"Damn, I can't get a lock on who's human and who's not." Thinking to him self. Quick to react to his senses being blocked Mizu glances over and sees to girls talking." I may as we'll make some friends." And he walks to the girls.
Farra raised her eyebrows, noticing the slippage of her head. A non-human. Interesting. She wasn't alone after all; she had Headless here, and the tall kid that walked in moments before. "So, you enjoy philosophy?" Farra leaned in. "I just scared a truant officer senseless, walked out of class, and no one came after me. This is the seventh time in two weeks. Got a philosophy about that?"
She'd start to shake her head, but quickly changes to a quick finger-wagging at the girl.
Pax's face grew very pale, and he leaned back too far in his chair. With a loud thud, it hit the grond. He began rolling around on the floor, holding his nose. "Thut smulls deud!" He cried out, a tad bit over-dramatically.
She rolled her eyes. "You're skipping as well, you know, don't give me that!" The tall boy came over and sat near them. "Oh, I see..." Farra mumbled.
Suddenly, the hunter fell over and began to scream something that sounded like "That smells dead." "Hm. Not denying it, are you?" Farra commented disdainfully. Turning her attention to the non-human boy, she simply said, "Farra. Farra Rei. Famous for cutting class, my hot temper and snarky attitude, and the number of truant officers I've managed to get to quit."
Kass would set down her book and take her phone back out, before typing out "Kass" and showing Mizu
Pax quickly pulled himself back together. "I'm Paxton Davis, resident vamp...sorta. But I'm gonna hunt the creeps till I find out how to reverse what they did to me." He picked up his chair and sat down, letting his head hit the table. "Right after this nap..."
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Kass wouldn't react for a moment, but after thinking about it, she'd take a step back from the "resident vamp"
Replying to the girls " if you don't already know, I am Mizu Kage. It is wonderful to meet you both." 
Taking notice of pax's remark " you are a vampire?" He said. Thinking to him self " is it him that I smelled?"
"Yes, I am." He grumbled from his sleeping position. "I figure someone ought to know, in-case people go missing. I figure since we all aren't necessarily 'normal'..."
Kass would put a hand to her mouth and pantomime laughing, but her face would stay emotionless.
Farra turned to the tall kid. "Let me too? And you?" She said, directed at Kass and Mizu. Nick was nowhere to be seen, but no doubt he knew something about this.
After her laughter, Kass would tear her head off, leaving a dark void where her neck stops.

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