Varanda High [Inactive]

"im guessing bloodlust?" Nick said to Pax, as he leaned against the desk. "though i didn't think it caused temporary amnesia."
Finally having a clear mind and free of the pains she thought to herself 'Legolass... what happened to him? And Mizu.. I seen him, it's just where is he?' She felt the hard smoothness of the table against her back. 'Library. And I'm in here with the librarian. Okay. Things are starting to make sense '
Farra staggered back, her manic grin still on her face. "Okay, okay, I'm done." Pulling off her blood sodden vest, she threw it at the vampire, striking him in the left shoulder. "I'm gonna go check on the other vampire, see if he has enough restraint as you do," she called to Charles, strolling inside.

Once inside, she half waved, half shook her arm in Nick's direction. "Hey, Nick. Hey, Pax."
"Hey, there. I'm doing great," he responded to Blue-Hair, "It's nice to know Nick the librarian is sarcastic. I know why that happened, I'm just not aware of why she was bleeding in the--forget it." Pax huffed, walking toward the previously injured girl. He recognized her from that morning, the one sitting next to Mizu. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, hoping there weren't any surprise wounds on her.
She smiles as she heard the librarians remark and then panic sets in, 'sh*t! The humans in the gym!!' She slowly sat up rubbing her sore muscles. She rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly. "Hey, librarian guy? I don't even know your name and you saved me..." She said looking at him closely
As Mizu approached the library he thought" Of all the stupid things of done " as he turned the handle of the door he let go and turned around.
Seeing the guy right on the other side, she glanced at him and observed him before speaking "yea, I feel better now.." She swallowed in her dry throat. "Actually... I'm starved.. could we... ya know... get food?" She looked at him hopeful
Nick hands Taylor some money. "cafeteria." he says and then turns to Alex.

"okay, so, basically, uh, all the stuff you've seen in books and movies and all that is real."
Pax turned to Charles, a pissed off expression on his brow. "I really don't enjoy eating Webster's dictionaries. You are the oldest here. If a situation like this presents itself again, I am not entirely sure in how I will react." He then turned to the rest of the group in the library. "We can't afford to be reckless. There are people who would have us killed, whether we are hazardous or not. The next time I have to step into a closet due to everyone else's silliness, I will start ripping heads off." He swallowed hard after his monologue. Then sneezed, landing in the air once again.
She nods in thanks and starts heading towards the cafeteria slowly at first. But then she notices mizu and hugs him.

"You're okay.. I didn't know where you went." She smiles at him softly

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