Varanda High [Inactive]

Charles smelled pax and whipped around again. "Don't get hungry now Pax" he said quickly as he reined in his own desires to go back outside and feast.
Krav watched as Desiree went about with her drawing. He looked up at her again "Primary Directive?"
Nick rolls his eyes. "You guys are getting careless." He says to charles. "and you can always ask for help, you know." Nick says to Taylor as he places a hand on her arm. A glow comes from it, as he gives Taylor enough of his energy for her to live.
"It's so fresh." The fledgling growled, a feral grin spreading across his face. He walked over to a nearby book closet, opened the door, and shut himself in. Soon, the sounds of mute thrashing could be heard.
Charles stepped out of the library and towards the fight. Grabbing both of the fighters by the neck he slammed them into one another. "If you keep fighting I'll kill you both myself before the hunters get here."
Gasps in a deep breath feeling the energy flow through her. She groans as the pain starts aching as it goes away. Feeling the stickiness of the blood she realizes it was Charles she asked for help. "Oldie, I'm sorry. Here I am bleeding and I'm asking a vampire for help" she chuckles dryly, having cotton mouth.
"Access...Attempt...coding...decipher...00000110010111100000000111110101110000001011111111011010101110000." He said quickly. Still starring at her eyes.
She opens her eyes more seeing the librarian "oh, hey dude" she cracks a crooked grin, her head still spinning a bit.
Desireé heard someone but ignored it before realizing something. "Um, what are you doing?" Desireé asks Krav, uncomfortable.
"relax." Nick pushes Taylor's head back on the table she was laying on. He then puts his hands on her wounds and says more latin words, healing them enough to stop the bleeding. Nick's head spins. "i think that's quite enough magic for right now..."
Krav looks at the computer girl and is confused by her reply. He sighs "Trying to figure your current directive? Will you not comply?"
Farra's head ached from the impact. "Yeah? And you are--" She stopped and grinned. "The vampire. Your aura was the one that was masking that human boy's. Like the blood, huh?" She smeared the fresh stuff onto his face and wriggled free from his grasp. Wringing out her shirt, she let the blood drip onto the ground. "Feast away....or not."
"I will comply, I just don't understand you." Desireé responded quickly. 
"I will comply, I just don't understand you." Desireé responded quickly.
He could smell the wounds as soon as they closed. He stepped out of the closet, taking in the scene. "Can someone tell me why I walked into the library and almost ripped someone's head off? Aren't we supposed to be 'low key'?"

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