Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

"They hate me because I am an unknown, the same sort of reasoning that most people hate

vampires by. Except I tend to get considered as more of an unknown," Mia said, looking at

Leon and trying to calm down, "I'm sorry I got all emotional, I just was worried. You are so

wary of Eva, and she didn't choose either. So I didn't know how you'd react. It's funny, I

am not supposed to say what I am, but its pretty obvious." Mia laughed a nervous laugh,

"Well, in any case, I hope you give her a chance. Lets go though, i'm guessing you want

to shower, and change out of your clothes and into nice new ones, along with eat

something? Slave houses aren't the best, by far, at keeping bellies full."


Eva laughed as the girl chugged the water, she had clearly been thirsty. "Ah...," Eva

said slowly, "I am happy it didn't scare you. And great, I'm happy. Guard unlock this

door please, I will pay for her." Eva called the guard over and handed him money for

the girl. "What's your name?" Eva asked while walking the girl out of the slavehouse,

"My name is Evangeline. Evangeline Aeternus. Eva for short."
Evangeline...Mitzi thought, Pretty.

"Mitzi," she said tugging on her sweater sleeves, something she did when she was excited or nervous. She took in a big gulp of air, it hurt her nose and throat, the immediate change from sweaty and bloody gas to the oxygen that flows off of trees. She still didn't know what to make of the vampiress....girl...woman...vampiress...She has never seen a human show that amount of anger, she has seen murders, fights, crashes, hit and runs, but she never seen someone get so angry that they could shake a building. "I am happy it didn't scare you." Of course it frightened her just a little, she would never show that though. That was far too rude. Mitzi decided to keep the happy naive look instead of the suspecting one, it would be safer.

"Does your house smell like this?" Mitzi asked. Yes, that was good.

"Air?" Eva giggled, "Well, yes. But it mostly smells of old books. The library is so large,

its scent tends to permeate. But I like it personally. Here's the car." She pointed to

her vehicle, a revamped model T car. Eva opened the door for Mitzi and got in on the

other side. "Mitzi. I like that name. It is so cute."
"Ah, the young man with all the scars and the rather loud big woman. I've heard of their... personalities from the last girl who was volunteered. What was her name?" Armando muttered on and on. He looked over to see the orange sky slowly turn a bright blue and the last of the stars beginning to fade. "But there is no time for stories and playing anymore. We have work to do!" He picked up Kiki and stood her upright. He patted her head once more with a smile.

"I'll be awaiting your signal when he has been distracted enough, my dear. Can't have him busting up the party he's not invited to... unless... unless you are not ready yourself yet," he questioned her with a raise of his brow. The smile was gone from his face as he sighed heavily, the birds around him twittering in the silence. "No time to be prepared to leave the place you've called home the longest time. I know this feeling. My family moved place to place across the continent to get away from the wars. It was my father, my mother, my three sisters and four brothers. Getting up and leaving a place you called safe for a time only to find that was the most dangerous spot. My entire family lived like that." Armando then turned his head to the window with a furrowed brow. "It is because of that man that I am the only one left in my family. I cannot stand to see him tear anyone else apart." He waved his hand to her as he turned to walk out of the garden. "When you have done your deed, find the window in the middle of the hall, open it and let the red curtains hang out. We will strike then. And do not worry if he decides to get up and fight a little longer. We will have your back. Any questions?"
Kiki looked down at her bare feet, wiggling her toes in the grass. "I don't think anyone could be prepared enough for this." She replied. She just wondered how she was supposed to do this. She'd have to leave every window in the house open so as to let in light. Once she had Bram 'distracted', she'd have to make sure he couldn't follow the slaves to some other part of the house and attack them. If the light filled the whole house, he wouldn't be able to leave his room. Sure, a Vampire could survive in the light for a few seconds, but it would take longer than that to close all those curtains.

She looked up at the windows and pointed to the one that had ivy growing up to it along a trellis. "You mean that one?" She asked. She felt bad that she was even planning this. But all the other slaves were right; Bram was evil to everyone except Kiki, and Kiki couldn't sacrifice all of their happiness just because she loved him. It was almost her responsibility to help them escape, even if it meant she had to leave Bram as well. Her heart dropped at the thought. It was for the best, right?
Cute? Mitzi smiled. She's been called cute many times. but she was never able to tell if they meant it or not. Not that she cared, she didn't care at all. She stared out the window. So many people they drove past, some happy and energetic, some depressed and beaten down, with gleaming tears rolling down their cheeks.

"Your car is cute," she said, "I've never seen a car like this." She looked back at Eva and tilted her head, "If you don't mind me asking, and I'm sorry if you do, I normally wouldn't talk this old are you?"

Eva gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Thanks. I love this car. Early 1900s. That's when I got it anyways. I'm much older than that. Much older. But I don't talk about it much. If you wish for me to say, you must promise not to tell it to the world." Eva's demeanor changed completely from light and happy to a somber seriousness. She thought, '...I shouldn't let her know. It could get me killed...'
Leon turned slightly away from Mia when she compared her predicament with that of a vampire's. She and them were not one in the same. Perhaps a vampire did not choose to be one, but that did not save them from Leon's dismissive scowl when they used their powers and assets for ill gains. He sighed and nodded at the girl's apology, it being his way of accepting it. She did not choose to be who she was, but she had no business telling him what to feel or who to give the benefit of the doubt towards.

He would give Eva a chance, and nothing more.

"A shower would be nice. I haven't had one for... some time,"
he grumbled. "And a meal would be splendid too. Just splendid."
Mitzi gleamed, "I can keep a secret!" Mitzi was very well at secrets, she barely talked anyways. This behavior was abnormal for her. She just wanted to make this ride unawkward, to gain her trust as quickly as she could. She didn't like how the mood suddenly changed to more intense, she was horrible at being "serious." making her smile turn into a twitching poker face she repeated, "I can keep a secret." Mitzi couldn't wait to get out of this car.
((@Major Mario))

"Ok then," Mia said, "The bathroom is down the hallway to the right. Third

door on the left. You go ahead and I will go grab you a towel." Mia went

off, out of the room, thinking. 'Well, maybe I actually have a friend now.

Good.' She went towards the laundry room, and on the way ran into another

girl. The girl looked at her and grinned evilly, "Well, look who is all gleeful,"

the girl said loudly, "Find a 'friend'? You don't really believe he actually likes

being around you. Right? Hell, you're almost as bad as a vampire, why would

he?" Mia walked past the girl fast and into the laundry room.


"Well..." Eva started off slowly, biting into her lip nervously with a

fang, "I am a first gen... If you know what that means. As you

can see, I stopped aging somewhere around 16 to 18... but that

was thousands of years ago. First generations do that.... age

slow for a long while, then stop. The age at which they stop

varies greatly. I have met many a great person of your history

book." She breathed shakily, she was telling this girl so little,

but so much. "Egypt, Greece, Africa, Wallachia... and so on.

I have met your 'Dracula' in what was then Wallachia, or now

Romania. Vlad Dracula, 'Son of the dragon' is what his last

name means. A first gen turned him, so he is second gen..."

Eva knew she was rambling, but she was nervous. She glanced

at Mitzi, awaiting what her expression would be.
Mitzi thought for awhile, her face totally blank. Her mother never told her any myths or fairy tales when she grew up, she never had time. Mitzi wasn't that smart either, always daydreamed in school, not that she meant to, she loved school. She just wasn't very good at it. She didn't really understand what Eva meant by all that, and Mitzi was tired, didn't feel like speaking anymore, or thinking. She gave Eva a small smile, but that just made her look more nervous than she already was. Or maybe she just didn't notice the expression until now. Why is she nervous, it's not like she had wrinkles or anything. Maybe she felt old.

"You still look young," said Mitzi, with her innocent and dumb smile plastered on her face.

(She really is dumb :S )

Eva's tense breath she held in her lungs let out in a chuckle, so the girl didn't mind?

Eva laughed loudly, "Ok, that is good. I don't age, so if I had wrinkles, that would

mean bad things." Something was off about the young girl. Perhaps Eva should use

simpler sentences, and teach the girl. The gothic house was on the horizon, getting

closer and closer. The familiar landscape, the wide yard, and the cliff at the end of

the yard. It all calmed Eva's nerves. 'Two newbies... this should be fun. I hope I

can keep my cool,' Eva thought to herself.
Mitzi's eyes grew wider than two boulders when the sight of the house came into view. As soon as the car stopped, she darted out of the car.

"Wow..." Mitzi whispered under her breath. It was much bigger than any of the houses she ever saw. Of course, no one had enough money to get something, anything, like this. The yard was so wide, so much space to play in. Mitzi got on her knees, then her stomach, and rolled around in the grass, giggling like crazy. She missed doing this in her old small yard, but this was better. She didn't have to stop every two rolls and walk back to where she started. She could go on and on and on.

She stood up, still drunk with laughter, and brushed off all he grass that was on her already stained sweaters and tights. Looking up, she saw her mother smiling and laughing, holding her cheek as she always did when she was happy.

"You're a complete mess Mitzi!" she said giggling. She opened her arms and Mitzi ran to hug her. But...she didn't feel right...she didn't Opening her eyes and looking up, she found that it was Eva, and not her mother. Letting go and blushing a little, Mitzi smiled.

"Sorry, I just...Sorry," and smiled some more.

Eva watched Mitzi run around like crazy and giggled until Mitzi ran to her and hugged Eva.

Eva stared at Mitzi surprised, Eva hadn't fed in a long enough time that the hug wrenched

at her hunger. Her thoughts entered her mind like a megaphone, 'Feel her heartbeat? She

would be tasty... why not try a bite?' Eva winced at the thoughts, and shoved them to

the back of her mind. She had been good for so long, she was not going to have an

'incident' tonight. Eva breathed deep to calm herself and patted Mitzi on the head,

she hoped Mitzi didn't notice the hunger in her eyes, "That's alright. Hugs are fun.

Would you like to stay out in the yard for a while? There is someone over there

tending the trees you could chat with." Eva pointed to a young boy with tree

trimmers, "His name is Jacob, and he is a bit shy. But he might enjoy a buddy."

"Good, let's go and get breakfast. Cy will be up not too long from now, and he would not

be happy if we were wasting time," Natalie walked out of the room beckoning for Michelle

to follow, and Sylvia met up with her right outside the room. They walked down the long

hallway and into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a bowl, cereal, and some milk. "No time

for eggs sadly," Sylvia said with a frown, and put a filled bowl down on the table for

Michelle with a spoon."

"Thanks." Michelle nodded, she sat down and started eating. She finsihed quikley and took the bowel and spoon to the sink to wash up.

"Anything I can Help with?"
(([MENTION=3229]Haters Gonna Hate[/MENTION]))

Cy was suddenly behind the group, leaning against a wall. He had come in silently

and was watching the girls, "Well," he said with mock sincerity, "we wouldn't want

to tire you out too much your first day. Dusting the house. The house is large, but

it needs it sorely. Take this girl with you to help." He pulled a girl by her arm not

gently in the least, in front of the girls. The girl was bloodied up and crying, but

they were mostly superficial wounds. "This is Hannah. She didn't listen to me.

And look what happened. Though, I dislike wasting, so you put her to work."

He looked at Michelle expectantly.
“Yes, little bird, you’ve got it right,” Armando said with a smile on his face. “And just try to stay out of his way when he is hurt. I would hate to see a repeat of last time with that poor girl. What he did to her…Well, no woman should have to suffer what punishment he gave out. But for now, I am off! The sun is rising and we cannot delay any long.” He planted a playful peck on her cheek and gave her a thumbs up. He was just ready to walk out before he stopped a moment.

“Ah, almost forgot,” he said reaching behind his neck. “There is something I wish to give you. Something that keeps the evil at bay and rewards the goodness that you are doing.” He pulled off a small chain and hung on it was the most delicate of crosses, roses engraved in the silver. “In the face of evil, it helps to know someone is looking out for you. I may not be such a religious man, but perhaps your own faith in it will grant you ease in your task. At noon, I await your signal.” He placed the necklace on her neck and then ran off into the field just before the top of the sun was peeking over.

((I am so sorry, [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] , college stuff caught up with me ))
((No problem. Maybe I'm the weird one for not being busy at college. Guess I'm a slacker ^_^ '"""))

Kiki watched as he stood up and removed a necklace he was wearing, placing around her neck as he talked about having faith. Before she knew it he was gone and she was left to do the dirty work. Letting out a sigh, she concealed the cross underneath her dress and turned to go back into the castle. What had happened to Josephine? Would she suffer the same fate as the girl before her? She pushed open the front doors and strode inside, her heart racing. She had no idea what would actually happen when the time came. She would just have to hope for the best, for her, Bram, and the slaves. She wished there was another way to free them, but she knew better. She looked at the curtained windows. Bram would be in his room by now, hiding from the light. She started pulling all the curtains open as she passed them, letting in the morning daylight.

Joanna was still running around looking for her keys desperately. “Ohhhh Master Bram will be furious with me,” she mumbled in near tears as she looked inside vases and under tables. As she turned a corner she saw Kiki opening all the curtains. “Dear, what are you doing?” she inquired as she followed up to the girl. “Master Bram usually wants these closed…” Then Joanna took a moment to turn and see the sun rising. She was almost speechless. “I… I haven’t seen the sun like this in so long,” she whispered almost longingly. “I think I had forgotten that such colors existed. I bet the air outside is just as fresh as ever…”

She let loose a sigh and her shoulders relaxed. “Well… I suppose they can stay open. You’re the only one who roams the halls, so it must be all right. Just be sure to close them before Master Bram gets up in the night. I still have to find those keys… bah, I don’t think one night would hurt, yes?” She smiled down at Kiki and nodded. “Well, I’m sure Bram is waiting for you. Best not keep him waiting.

((yaaaay slaaackinggg. Lol.))Kiki was almost flustered when Joanna wanted to know what was going on. After seeing the sun, however, she seemed to calm down. She also said it was okay to leave the slaves' doors unlocked. Perhaps this was going to be easier than Kiki had expected... Joanna mentioned Bram. "Oh, yes." She replied quickly. "I'll be there in a few minutes, I wanted to change first.." She looked down at herself to make Joanna think she wanted to change into nightclothes, when Kiki really wanted to get something comfortable on for when she had to leave. She waited until Joanna had left before letting out a sigh and turning to the wall, knocking her head into it a few times. "Get it together, woman." She told herself. "He mat seem nice, but he hasn't changed and it's unlikely he ever will." She turned back to the hallway. She was doing the right thing, helping all the slaves run away. It felt bad, but she knew it wasn't. She went to her room and shut the door, eyeing her bed under which she'd hidden the satchel earlier...
(( @kinadra - Sorry, I was very busy. ))

Leon watched the half-vampire/half-human girl trot off. He still abided by his earlier statement that the girl's condition was not her fault and that she should not be hated because of it. No-one chose to be born, it just happened. Why anyone should take shame in that was beyond him. With one last glance about the theatre room- which was actually rather grand and spacious enough for a play-, Leon decided to oblige the girl's directions.

He carefully walked down the corridors of the estate, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. Yes, there were some people in here that he could somewhat trust, but this was still foreign territory. He didn't want to get lost and have to face some deathly apparition, or worse, that vampire with the large breasts and the grating, cheerful smile. Eva was toying with him, but two could play at that game. Besides, he DID make a bit of a promise.

Eventually Leon found the bathroom he was looking for. Like everything else in the estate, it was pristine and as clean as it was elegant. Disturbed, the young man fidgeted. Was everything so lavish in this place? The vampire seemed to like finery, so perhaps she was more civilized than he gave her credit for. In a corner of the room Leon found a clothes hamper. With a small chuckle of bemusement, he took off his watch and belt and placed them near the base of the hamper next to his wallet which he dug out from his pants pocket.

He took off his shirt to reveal a lean physique layered with thin strips of hair here and there. By no means was he a bodybuilder or some kind of athlete. He never worked for his body, but he never did anything to adversely affect it. Leon counted himself lucky that he didn't eat that much anyway. He worked at removing his pants as he moved about the bathroom with his back against the door he came in.
(([MENTION=3229]Haters Gonna Hate[/MENTION]))

Cy sighed heavily, and gestured towards the door for Michelle to go through, and

went through it himself saying, "Follow me. I shall show you to the dusting things,

and such." He was very irritated at the girl Hannah, he didn't hurt her much, just

enough to bleed and scare her. But the girl was bawling, tears streaming down her

face. From just some bloody scratches. He ran his tongue against his fangs that

had descended, though the girl's blood didn't smell that good. Cy sighed loudly,


(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia came to the bathroom quickly, tears still in her eyes, a blood colored tear rolling

down her cheek as she knocked on the door. "Are you decent enough? I have your

towel ready" A white towel was in her arms, and she tried her hardest to avoid any

blood tears to get on the bright white fabric. Her voice was a little shaky from crying.
"I uh... Just wait a minute," Leon said as he struggled to get his pants back on.

He wasn't expecting her to come so quickly. Actually, perhaps he was the one who had taken the most time to get to the bathroom and she was right on time. Time had slipped through his fingers when he was going through the estate, most likely. With a grunt of displeasure, he made his way to the door and prepared to open it when he caught the oddities in her voice. It wasn't the usual shyness layered with the effect of being downtrodden, no. It was the voice of someone completely and utterly defeated.

Slowly, he opened the door wide enough for a person to get through and looked down at Mia.

"I'm uh... decent enough. But you don't look to be."

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