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Vampire x Werewolf (Reserved)


Rina picked up the last box and carried it to new house.

When she opened door she was welcomed by mountain of unpacked stuff that were scattered across the floor. Large living room looked like a war zone with peaces of cardboard and plastic covering everything in sight. Smell of new furniture and fresh paint lingered in air. Woman put down the heavy box she was holding on still unpacked sofa. Soft sigh escaped her lips as she took a long look around. The house was quite cozy with cream color walls, there was something comforting about the place. Rina walked over to one of wide windows that reached all the way from ceiling to wooden floor. The sight from her new house was amazing, endless sea of trees reached as far as eye could see. Her house was a bit further into forest so even her yard looked like woods. The three's were so thick that sun could barely be seen through them. For a short while she just stood there watching calm scenery, thinking about her new life.

She had to attend the school not to cause a suspicion. Rina had heard many rumors about werewolf pack that owned this land so she had to do everything for them not to find out just who she was.
Rina was quite right. There was a werewolf pack. A man had appeared next to her, as if teleporting. Of course, werewolves couldn't "teleport", so it was most likely that this man was just a fast runner. He then spoke to Rina, with quite a bit of enthusiasm. "Hello! Welcome. Would you like any help with your boxes?" He asked her. The man was quite strange. Rina had just gotten there, yet someone already knew she was there? It seemed quite strange. The man's eyes were a strange white-gray-ish and blood red color, which made it unsure if he was a werewolf or he just had a strange disorder. "I'm Andrew... and you are?" He asked. So many questions, and it was almost as if he had thousands more in his head.

This girl's a bit strange. Why be out here so far in the woods? Unless... No, no way, he thought. Could she be? He highly doubted that, but still had his suspicions. He decided not to ask questions, and to just patiently wait for a response.
Rina jumped a little when someone addressed her. Quickly she turned around only to find a young man standing in front of her. She couldn't help but feel taken aback. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in my house?" She raised an eyebrow, guy standing before her seemed very strange, but not in a bad way. Rina felt somewhat suspicious of him though. She had no idea how he managed to get in her house specially without her noticing. "I'm Rina...May i know what are you doing here?" She said, calming down a bit. Her eyes traveled over him, taking in Andrews appearance, he was fairly tall and very good looking.

She smiled weakly, trying to act as human as it was possible. Rina relaxed her body, raised her shoulders from time to time so it looked like she was breathing and blinked few times. But not even once she looked away from Andrew, she had to keep her guard up around him because she could sense a werewolf.
Andrew sighed. "All I wanted to do was help you with your boxes. I could see that you were new here, so..." He said, shrugging and smiling at the same time. The suspicious look on his face turned immediately to a caring one, which showed that, since she talked back, he was calm and collected. "May I?" He asked, making an obvious reference to the boxes that weren't brought in yet. Wait what? Boxes outside? But weren't they already all brought in? All this seemed very suspicious at the time, but it would be best just to roll with it. Andrew then slowly started to back out of the house, assuming that Rina was about to say yes to his request to help her with boxes. After there was no answer for more than a few seconds, he slowly started to back away faster, eventually turning around to see where he was going. "I'm assuming that's a yes?" He asked as he was outside and picked up one of the boxes with ease.
Rina was still taken aback by his presents and sudden offer to help her carry the boxes. She stayed quiet a moment staring him down with sharp eyes taking in his body language and way of speaking. Woman quickly shook her head when she breathed in his scent that made her vampire nature pop out, but she managed to look away just in time to avoid eye contact. If her instinct was right he wasn't just a simple human and it wouldn't be good if he saw her eyes flash red.

"Um..No. You don't have to do that for me. I don't even know you." Rina said while rubbing the back of neck and walking after Andrew. She couldn't help but sigh at how her 'peaceful' life in new place had started. "Why would you want to help me in the first place?" Rina said while walking up at Andrew and taking the box from him, she was a vampire so she could barely feel how heavy it was. "Thanks for your offer but i can deal with this myself."
"Alright. Well, I'm Andrew. Wait, I already said that... sorry. I'll go now, unless there's anything else I can offer to do?" He said, jokingly. After then noticing that the girl had already taken the box, it seemed very suspicious that she was able to easily lift the large object. Immediately, he set up a plan. Tonight, he would inspect the house in his wolf form. He would look for any... unusual signs. I'm brilliant... Utterly Brilliant! He thought. After a bit of staring off into space, he started to head off into the woods. The girl's cute, I'll give 'er that. But she seems... suspicious. I'll pull out my plan tonight, he thought again, as he disappeared in the dense oak trees. The woods he walked off into were a bit odd. They were consumed in a black fog, so you could only see the first few layers of trees. After that, nothing.
Rina shook her head as she watched Andrew disappear into woods, he sure was one strange fellow, handsome too, but she couldn't help but feel on guard around him.

"I guess i should start unpacking...." She murmured to no one particular before turning around and looking at messy room in challenging manner. After few long hours she was finally done unpacking and cleaning, now house looked more or less acceptable. Rina looked up at clock, it was already evening and outside had grown dark. Soft sigh escaped her lips as she felt thirst squeeze her throat painfully. Instead of trying to force the thirst back she took her coat and walked out from house. Suddenly night seemed like a good time when to explore the town. Her eyes shined red as she walked down the dark street hoping to find at least one lost soul that she could drink from.
(The characters doesn't have to speak to each other all the time. Your character wanted to inspect the house so you can go for that.)

Night fell, and the house was empty. Andrew was observing the large fortress-like home. He realized there was no one there, but someone could be there, acting all sneaky. Screw it, I'll risk it... he thought. He knew that even if he was killed in the process. He was determined to figure out what this woman was. He walked in the large house, completely unaware of what to do. This wasn't his original plan, as his original plan involved someone being home, but he felt he could pull it off the exact same way with his original plan.
Rina walked around for a while but found only one victim for the night a young teenage girl. She didn't kill her but Rina's thirst took the best of her making her almost suck the poor human dry. She opened door to her house and walked inside, the walk wasn't long, she was lucky that she could find someone to drink from fast. Rina smelled like blood and small drops stained her shirt, this time blood lust was so string that she didn't care about doing a clean job. She froze when she suddenly sensed someone in the house. Woman frowned and looked around suspiciously. "I know our here. Come out." She said angrily, clearly sensing a werewolf.
A massive wolf came out of her house. The large wolf was a pure white color, yet it was so dirty, it was more of a white/black color. It looked at the girl in a horrifying way. It then started to run off into the distance. It seemed strange. It seemed like it was telling you to run after it, like it wanted to show you something. The large beast disappeared into the forest. It disappeared into the black fog, but a white silhouette was still clearly visible.

(Sorry for the short post, I'm really tired at the moment, so... xD )
Rina froze when she saw large, yet beautiful wolf before her. She couldn't help but think that he seemed somewhat familiar. But it was strange. Why would werewolf be in her house? Was he spying? Suddenly it started to run, dashing out from house into dark woods. She had a feeling that it wanted her to follow, unsure if it was trap or not she ran after him in her vampire speed, quickly catching up with large animal. The black mist made it hard for her to see yet she could clearly make out the white figure running few meters before her. Rina moved a bit faster so that she was running besides the wolf, not putting too much effort in keeping up with him. She stole a glance at graceful animal, feeling rather confused of what he wanted to show her, but the thought that it was a trap never left her.

(It's alright :) )
(Sorry, forgot you replied... I'm dumb. ^^)

The wolf was nowhere to be found when it ran off into the woods, but there was a house. The large house seemed wrecked and abandoned, but there were noises coming from the inside. The noises were kind of scary. Well, it was an abandoned house, of course it was going to be scary! Should Rina walk in, the wolf had been ransacking the place, looking for food. Plates on the ground were broken, as well as cups and bowls. Cabinets were torn up, as well.

Hopefully that girl didn't follow me. Andrew thought.
Rina looked at abandoned house before her. It was not her first time seeing house similar to this. She gulped when strange sounds reached her ears. She couldn't help but feel a bit curious of what was going on. Slowly she walked closer to the building and pushed open the door, peering inside. The noises grew louder as she walked inside, looking around with interest. 'Where did he go?' She thought to herself, remembering the white wolf. She was sure that he was somewhere around here. Rina walked deeper inside the house, making sure to be as quiet as she could while closing in on the sounds.
Suddenly, a wolf jumped out at her, growling fiercely. The dog had a look in his eyes that was a bit familiar. His eyes were two different colors, just like Andrew's. The wolf slowly started to walk towards her, which was pretty scary, making almost anyone want to just run out of the house. Run... Run now! Andrew thought. He was angry that Rina was able to actually find his house. The black fog in the forest was dense, practically making the house invisible. How did she even find the house? Several thoughts about this ran through his head as he tried to force her out of the house.
Rina hold still as she watched large animal coming closer to her. It looked like walking in werewolf's territory was not the smartest indea she could come up with. There was something familiar about that wolf that made her even more careful. There were many things that didn't make sense but one thing she knew for sure. It was dangerous to stay, the wolf was angry and she wasn't sure if she could fight against him. Slowly she stepped back, moving to exit. "Why were you spying on me? Was there a reason for you to be in my house?" Rina asked while continuing to slowly walk backwards. She knew that it was no use asking since werewolf's couldn't speak in their wolf form but she knew that he could understand her.

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