>Vampire Kiss<

Julian glanced at Flower, rolling his eyes, she didn't seem to be paying attention either. "I personally like posters better. Then maybe we can add some drawings of stuff too. Besides, I don't understand the computer very well..." he paused to awkwardly stratch the back of his neck. "I'm a bit old school for certain things. Not very fond of technology and all that mumbo-jumbo." 
(@flame: Hi Flamey! :D Its first period right now!)
Flower looks at Julian. "Roll your eyes at someone else idiot I was just thinking of ideas." She said and then crossed her arms. "I think a poster would be great." She said slightly smiling. She looked at the new girl. "So anyways, maybe we should do the theme on weapons." She suggested.
(alright!) -Rose and Dylan sat in the desks next to each other. They were late to class but they didn't care really. Clioe pulled out her notebook and took some notes from the powerpoint and so did Dylan. After a while they got bored and Clioe pulled out her drawing book to show Dylan some drawings she made. When the teacher looked over they quickly took the notes and they didn't get in trouble.-
"Weapons? Alright, that'd be cool. I think my dad has one of the original guns from that time anyways. I could bring that to display too." Julian added, commenting on Flower's idea.
Flower looks at him. "I see. That'd be great. We could do the poster and then show the gun. Would your dad mind us borrowing it though?" She asked...she's never really met his father let alone seen him. Still though from the looks of his house she'd rather not.
"He won't even know it ever disappeared. He's always asleep or getting wasted, so he never really can tell what's going on anyways. It'll be fine." Julian reassured her. He didn't sound disappointed or upset to talk about his father, or his parents in general, they basically had no connection or family bonds with eachother so it seemed like nothing. "Do we have to prepare a speech....? I hate speeches."
Flower frowned slightly as eh talked about his father. She nodded and then looked down. "Um...sorry." She said and then looked at him. "I don't think we need a speech." She said smiling lightly. He didn't seem to have any feelings about his parents. However Flower couldn't imagine her dad being like that. He never drank...well in front of her anyways and he never got drunk. He always tried his best to raise her because she already had lost a mother she barely knew about. Her father always made sure to let her know he loved her. She sighed a bit. "So yeah....I can start on the research." She said looking away and rubbing her head.
-The teacher walked over to them silently and then saw that Clioe and Dylan were doing their work so the teacher just smiled and returned to the lesson.-
Julian smiled, he loved this class. It was pretty easy since he had been alive and lived through alot of the events that they discussed in this class. WWII, yep been there, done that. He decided not to mention it since the other girl was still present and not only her, but others could possibly hear too. Taking out a piece of paper he began to write down some basic facts about the war; He started drawing from memory an exact picture -well sketch- of what his father's gun resembled.
Flower blinked and watched Julian. She pushed her hair behind her ear and then crossed her arms watching what he was writing down. She smiled lightly and then looked at Julian. She wondered how he was. It just kind of hit her, he was a vampire....so he could be older then he looks. How old was he compared to her?
-They kept taking notes and notes and more notes until the end of class. Clioe wiped her left arm across her forehead, pretending that she just went for a jog.- Oh my goodness that was a lot! -Dylan just smiled and then the bell rang. Clioe grabbed her stuff and jumped out of her seat. Dylan picked up his stuff and got out of his seat only to see Clioe start skipping out of class. She's a dork, He thought as he walked behind her to follow, they both had the same class together in the next hour (2nd hour) anyways.-
By the time the bell rang for time to head their next class, Julian had already written out around three full pages of information that was basically just from what he remembered, all experienced. He stuffed the papers into his back jean pocket after folding them up like fifteen times before. He also adjusted his black gloves. Glancing over at Flower for a second, he quickly turned away. "O-Kay! Next class, art!" He told himself with a cheerful voice and a smile then walked out the door.
(@storm:thanks!!) Nichole sat in her desk with s bored expression. (here comes the note passing once again X3) she looked down as a piece of paper landed on her desk. she opened it it read: jaden:hey last night was great! thanks for the help! ;p your smart with equations ^-^
-Dylan and Clioe walked to art together. Their faces full of giggles and happiness. Clioe skipped while Dylan kept up, they each held hands while doing so. After 1 or 2 minutes they reached art class.- Okay art class! Out favorite Subject! Right Clioe -Clioe smiled at Dylan and giggled before speaking.- Yes it is Dylan yes it is. 

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