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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

I woke up with the water wolves circling me.

'Morning Ghosty! How did you sleep?'

'Ok but... you need to make friends wit some one'

'I know but it's to hard to talk to other people'

'Ok, so, let some one talk to you'

I got up and started to pat the wolves.

"You can go now"

I said with a smile. The wolves bowed and turned back into water dropes. I crawled out of the bushes and saw a red haired girl talking with a guy with black hair.

I walked in slowly and quitly so if they noticed me they'd have to say the first thing.

When Marcus made the comment about falling out of the tree, Sketchy replied by nodding. "Must've forgot to lock you feet, huh?" After saying this, he wrinkled his forehead and asked, "Do humans even have the kind of feet that lock onto things?"

When Miss Comb came around, he wadded the blanket into a ball and handed it to her, saying, "Thanks."

He followed Mr. Abernathy to cave with bouncy enthusiastic steps. As he did, he checked if Marcus was walking with him.

Marcus was quite tired. His hair stood upwards so he quickly smoothed it down. Something about the way Miss Combs was acting was sort of strange. What is she hiding? he thought to himself. When the speech was over, he followed the teachers to the training place. His eyes widened when he saw it, it was definitely too big for only seven people.

When he was walking, he saw a red-haired girl approach him. He felt an elbow in his side. He remembered seeing her in a group of people at the school when he was spying on them. Marcus saw an outstretched hand towards him. He shook the back of her hand just invade her hands were sweaty. "I'm not really sure what they'll be able to teach us, we all have different powers here. Oh and I'm Marcus," he said. He saw another familiar face on the other side of him, "Oh yeah, this is Sketchy," he introduced.

@JessieCarrie @Xylch
I walked into the training room. I walked to the far corner where I pulled out my sword and stood firm. I started to pretend I was fighting with someone.

'Ghosty, what should I do if I bump into someone?'

'We'll figure that out later'

I kept slashing the air in different ways. I stopped to put my headphones on. I started to play 'walts with vampires' and then started to slash the air in different ways again. I started to accidently move around pretending I was versing a monster or something. I then realised I was in the middle while everyone was listening to the teacher or staring at what I was doing. I kept slashing the air and ignored them.

'Good one'

'Good what?'

'Good move, choosing to ignore while you concentrate on your skills'

'Can you let me focus please?'

I ask quitley so ghosty doesn't get angry

'Ok, but remember, try to make friends!'

The song changed from 'walts with vampires to 'Vocaloid Paradox'



Val looked over at the other guy walking next to Marcus. "Hi there. I'm Valerie. You guy's can call me Val." she said and waved shortly at Sketchy. Then she looked back at Marcus "Yeah my thoughts exactly. So what are your powers if I may ask?" she asked and a friendly smile spread across her face.

@Lefic @Xylch
Mr. Abernathy gave the students another one of his warm smiles, "Me, Mr Brimwell, Miss Adrian, Mr Baker and Mrs Chalke will be all helping you today." Miss Adrian was giggling and slowly pulling Miss Combs towards the gathered group. It was clear that they were close. He smiled at the two before continuing, "As I have no idea how skilled all of you are, we're going to start with a small test to see how skilled you are. This isn't just about the activity, it's about how you use your powers to overcome the obstacle. Of course, some will find it easier than most but I know that all of you can find a way." Then, with his earth magic, he erected a massive wall in the middle of the room. It had a few footholds but the real test was how you used your ability.

Some students had already started. The less skilled decided to climb up the wall while some people decided to work together. Mr Abernathy smiled approvingly. Miss Combs kept staring at the people who were about to fall, suddenly it seemed as if they floated back towards the wall without being in risk of injury. It was also to be noted that some of the mischief makers had their powers cancelled for a few minutes whenever they tried to cause a commotion. Miss Adrian nudged nudged Miss Combe in the side and gave her a knowing smile which was followed by a giggle.
Marcus' eyes widened at Valerie's question. This is exactly why I don't like to socialise with people, he thought. "Umm," he said, slightly sweating, "Nothing interesting... Just a transforming power, I guess," the last part sounded more like a question. He looked towards the people who were climbing the wall. He gulped. "Hey, do you have any power that's useful for this?" He really didn't want to have to use his ability.

I stopped slashing the air and started to climb like everyone else.

'Why do you always ignore people anyways'

Ghosty stared at me.

'Because well... i don't get along with people very well and stuff... so i just wait for them to socialise with me instead.'

I stopped climbing and moved one of the steps from the floor and used it to fly to the top of the wall.

I sat on top of the wall starring at everyone else.
Between listening to the teachers and watching a girl who seemed to be practicing sword fighting, Sketchy had been rather distracted, but when Val greeted him, he blinked his eyes a couple times, then turned toward her with a wide smile. Waving back, he said, "Hi, Val."

When Marcus mentioned his transforming power, he grinned even more. "Me, too. I have a transforming power. Should make it easier for them to teach us."

Sketchy looked at the wall and scratched his head, then he glanced at the claws on his hands and said, "Probably could climb it, but that seems way too hard. Easier to fly up. A bird? Naw, my birds are awful...a little helicopter? No, I got it!"

He ran around, pausing occasionally to lick his finger and hold it up. Finally, he seemed to have found the spot he wanted. He slipped off his backpack, pulled out a large sketchbook and a pencil, then sat down and started to draw. "Keep it simple...really simple." What he drew was a lop-sided circle with a small triangle on the bottom and a line coming down from where they met. It was a crude but easily recognizable picture of a balloon. When he was finished, he placed the pad on top of his pack and stared at it. As he did, he began to change.

The goblin got rounder and rounder, except his tail, which became as thin as a string, until he had changed into a lavender balloon. The balloon rose slowly and drifted toward the wall. It bumped against it a few times, but kept going up. When it was above the wall, it quickly changed back to a goblin. Sketchy raised both arms and shouted. "I did it! I made it to the top." Suddenly, he looked down the steep wall, then over to his sketchbook that was still on his pack. His face collapsed into a worried frown. "But, I don't know how to get down. Help!"

@Lefic @JessieCarrie @Phoenix Dixon
I stared at the goblin.

'Should I help him?'

'It's up to you'

Ghosty moved infront of him and started to full funny faces. I started to laugh and fell back wards onto the top of the wall. I kept giggling loudly then stopped when i realised the goblin was looking at me.

Sketchy knelt down, clutching the edge of the wall in his hands. He kept looking down until he noticed someone laughing. It was a girl who had also made it to the top of the wall. He made a foolish grin and said, "Yeah, I know it's silly to come up here without thinking of how to get back down. I could try climbing, but it's a lot scarier looking down the wall than it is looking up at it." He glanced down for moment, then back at the girl. "I'm Sketchy Boggs. How'd you get up here? Balloons don't have eyes, you know."

@Phoenix Dixon
I looked at Sketchy.

'What NOW!'

'Just tell him your name and how you got up here'


"Um....My...my... name is Alice Nightmare Tonio Kingston..... i got here......by.....um......floating on my sword...... I can move objects at will.....and....um......turn invisible....... would you like some help?.......I can grab your sketch pad........or.......lift you down.......my self?"

Noticing the hesitation in her voice, Sketchy said, "You don't have to be scared of me. I know people tell some stories that make goblins sound like really terrible creatures, but those aren't true...at least, not about me."

He looked down at the ground and nodded. "And yeah, I'd like some help. If you can just lift me down, that'd probably be the simplest. Right now, I can't think of what I'd change into to go down."

@Phoenix Dixon
"I'm not scared...... I just don't talk to people or goblins at all........ I've lived alone with the family maids all my life...."

I stand up and moved a chunk of rock from the floor.

"If you step on this...... I'll lower you down..... I don't feel like moving you with my power so I'll move this chunk that your standing on" I say quietly afraid he'll yell at me.
Marcus walked in front of the wall and examined it carefully. There were lots of footholds and crevices. Without using his powers, he set off and tried to climb up the wall. He fell twice when who ever kept saving him was distracted. Other than that, he saved himself from falling about four times. He worked his way up by jamming his fists into crevices of the wall and using whatever foothold he could find, he even used somebody's head as a step when he couldn't find any other. He was about halfway up when his foothold fell off the wall. He was elevated above the ground with only his hands stopping him from falling. His fists were scratched and bleeding but he didn't plan on using his power unless he had any other choice.
Looking the wall up and down, Richard had an idea. 'It should work. I can lift other people up and down. So...' Crouching down in front of it, he looked up and tensed up. Suddenly, he flew upwards and shot passed the top. "Too high too high!!" Trying to go lower, he immediately changed direction and began to fall down with incredible speed. "Too fast!! Stop!" As the boy said that, he began to float there, hanging in midair on nothing. "Hey, it worked. I mean, if it was anyone other then me, they wouldn't have been able to do it. I'm just that good." With a smirk, he floated next to the wall, easing up ever so slightly.
James walked through the school gates, carrying his sister Lola on his back. "Ugh... you can get down now. I really shouldn't have to carry you when you can walk just fine yourself."

Lola dropped down from his shoulders and sighed, "But I'm your little sister! That means you have to carry me no matter what!" she paused and looked up at the building up ahead, "School looks just as boring as always! Boring, boring, boring, boring, BORING!"

They were a few days late, but that couldn't be helped. It was hard to find a hotel that they could become permanent residents in for the school break, so it was quite a long journey.

"Do you think classes have already started? Hopefully the teachers won't be pissed off if we're late."

"Well, unless the schedule changed, it's class time right now." James replied. "I can't hear anything though. Think the school might have finally shut down?"

"Nope, I can sense people, not on the school grounds though. There's probably some sort of trip, or something like that. Anyway, I can teleport us there!" Lola grabbed James' hand and they faded on the spot, and reappeared in the middle of the training room.

"Uh... hi guys?"
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Val just stood there looking at the massive wall. She had absolutely no idea how she would be able to climb it. Sure she had the dispelling magic but than surely wouldn't work on such powerful magic. Looking around to see if there was any fire she might be able to extend.

Sadly there was nothing. "Come on Val. You can do this." she muttered to herself. Closing her eyes she tried to focus her fire magic downwards wanting to create a jet pack like flame. No luck. She tried again still with no luck. Sighing she walked up to the huge wall and tried to climb it instead.

((I'm planning on her finding out her real powers are lightning. I just added it to my cs but wanted to let you guy's know directly))
I lifted down the goblin. I then looked down at the two new people who had just arrived.

'I wounder if they are freindly'

'Well, in my opinion... her looks like a person with family issues and clings to his sister. His sister how ever looks like a nice person who gets bored alot and does horrifying? no maybe unique? I don't she does stuff in her sare time thats different!'

'No need to yell Ghosty!'

I lifted the boy and the girl accidently upwards. I couldn't figure out why I was doing it but it just happened. Soon they were flouting upwards toward me.


I walked up to the wall.

'What to do.... I know!'

"Firey!" I yelled outloud. She had flown off again.

I could see her in the distance flying back to me. I put my hand out. She landed on my hand. She then flew to my shoulder.

'Heyo Arisu!'

I smiled back at Firey. I moved my headphones over my ears and started to play【ALYS】SHARDS【Original】. I spreaded my wings out and flew to the top.

'This is so easy don't you think Firey?'

'Yeah I think this is an easy chalange!'

I flew back to the bottom of the wall.

'What now?'

'I quess we wait Firey'

I sat down and started to read random peoples minds. Everyones was boring except the Red heads on. It was different. She thought of Fire when she should have been thinking of Lightning.

'You don't see that everyday'

I said with another smile.
James and Lola start to float upwards.

"What are you doing?" James shouted, "Can you please let us down?"

Lola, meanwhile, seemed to be enjoying herself.

"I, personally, find this pretty fun!" she said, grinning, "But can someone please explain what this place is?"

@Phoenix Dixon
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I starred down at the two floaghting.

"Sorry!......i.......um........don't know what happened......um......where would you liek me to put you down?......um....."

I started to freak out.



I looked at the two people floating and the girl freaking out at the top. I watched amused. I started to fly up and watch from above instead though because it looked more amusing from above then bellow.

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