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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern ⇨ Us Siblings and You ⇨


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check

The Characters

[Picture / Anime or Art]


Full Name:






Physical / Health:

Blood Type:




Distinguishing Features:





Background: [if part of the siblings, tell about what you've already done and went through]


Read the overview !

And the post below this one.

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Siblings (10/10):

> Samuel J Edwards aka Nagisa Watanabe - Male - 29 - @Razesaph

> Hitoshi Watanabe – Male – 25 -

> Mariah Shai Watanabe - Female - 23 -

> Youma Watanabe – Male – 21 -

> Nicolaos Watanabe – Male – 20 -

> Daniel Kuzami Watanabe – Male – 19 -

> Emiko Ena Watanabe – Female – 18 -

> Sora Watanabe – Male – 17 -

> Sakura Watanabe – Female – 16 -


> Ayane Sakajima - Female - 21 -
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Youma Watanabe



Full Name: Youma Watanabe.

Nickname: Yo-kun.

Gender: Male.

Orientation: Bisexual.

Age: 21.

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan.

Physical / Health

Blood Type: O+.

Height: 180cm.

Weight: 74kg.

Birthmarks/Scars: None.

Distinguishing Features: Dark skin, blonde hair, piercings in his ears.

Others: N/A.


Occupation: University student, studies sports science.

Personality: Youma often acts prideful and rude. At heart, however is kind, silly, naïve, oblivious, funny and a good friend. He likes water pars and games and tends to do things others wouldn’t. He is often arrogant, having a high opinion of himself. He had a short temper especially when people make fun of him and his family. He also sleeps a lot and tends to be late. Whenever someone in his circle of friends annoys him, he becomes angry and tells them he will beat them to death. He sometimes says things he shouldn’t and is embarrassed easily especially when it comes to admitting his love-feelings.

Background: Youma was quite the mischievous kid already from a young age, liking to prank people however he also liked to have them close to him. The fact that he lived in a big family, attracted quite some attention towards him and made some people a bit too curious. Because of that, he had kept quiet about it until high school where he just did not care anymore about what people would do. If they did, he would notice and stop them before they got into trouble. Mostly ending with scolding and sometimes in a small fight, depending on who the person was who decided to step foot on the property where he lived. He was now in university and studied Sports Science since he was kind of a fanatic when it came to that.


> Close friends with Ayane Sakajima.

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Full Name:Watanabe Hitoshi (???? ???)

Nickname: Hito-kun

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Age: 25

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Physical / Health:

Blood Type: A+

Height: 181.3 cm

Weight: 160 lbs

Birthmarks/Scars: None

Distinguishing Features: Hair color is slightly purplish

Others: Has a moderate pollen allergy (and takes medicines to manage it), also suffers from farsightedness


Occupation: Statistician

Personality: As one of the older siblings, Hitoshi is pretty protective of his younger siblings, and cares about them a lot. However, he also treasures solitude and is pretty reserved and quiet. He's a deep thinker, but holds grudges for a while. He is also quite prone to stress.

Background: Hitoshi was somewhat sickly throughout his youth, but he was also very tenacious. He got top student in his senior year of high school, and then went on to study statistics. He then got hired by Toyota as a statistician, and ended up moving to Toyota City. He still keeps in contact with his family.


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Full Name: Mariah Shai Watanabe

Nickname: Riah

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual


Birthplace: Japan

Physical / Health:

Blood Type: Blood Type AB


Weight: 145


Distinguishing Features:N/A

Others: Has ASTHMA


Occupation:English Teacher

Personality:She's a hopeless romantic, can be a little clingy but she's loving and loyal and over all a great person. She can sometimes be very shy but when she warms u to a person she's a lot of fun!

Background:When Mariah was younger she normally stayed to herself. She was one of the smartest out of the bunch and most ambitous. She also made amazing grades in school and would be teased sometimes by her siblings for being a know-it-all. Once Mariah Graduated she followed her parents dream of becoming a teacher it was honorable, something for them to brag about, but her dream was to become a famous singer. No one knew she sung. She held it back from her family and friends they'd say it should just be a hobby. She's still figuring herself out to this day.


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Full Name: Nicolaos Watanabe

Nickname: Nick

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 20

Birthplace: Greece(during a summer trip)

Physical / Health:

Blood Type: A+

Height: 6'

Weight: 145 lbs

Birthmarks/Scars: -

Distinguishing Features: -



Occupation: College student

Personality: Serious, lonely, kind, caring.

Background: Being mature since young he often was left in charge of the others. The others view him as strict and the young ones as a father figure. Although he cares for his siblings he rarely reveals those feelings. Cause of this some of them are ''wounded in their hearts''.

Relations: Sakura(favourite sibling)

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[Picture / Anime or Art]


Full Name: Emiko Ena Watanabe

Nickname: E/Em

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Orientation: Bi

Age: 18

Birthplace: San Diego, California

Physical / Health:

Blood Type:Type AB

Height: 5 Foot Inches

Weight: 125 pounds

Birthmarks/Scars: She has a small birthmark on her hip, that’s close to a heart but not quite

Distinguishing Features: Dark skin, black hair

Others: Dimples (Not in pic)


Occupation: Training to be an animator for games and shows.

Personality: Emily is pretty nonchalant and chill about most things. Though she is wicked smart when it comes to computers. She is a little loud when she’s comfortable and rowdy, but for the most part she is calm. At her core she knows what right and will defend it. She is protective of her siblings, and often tries her best to be the annoying little sister, or big sister. She enjoys Running.

Background: She was adopted into the family because her parents couldn’t afford having another kid, already having five. So she, being the youngest, was put into the system when she was born. SHe didn’t have to stay there long. The system finding her a perfect match in Japan. As she grew up she wrote to her birth Family often. She Studied her school work hard and got into art around the age of ten. Her teenage years were filled with Anime hence driving her passion for Animation.

Relations: TBD

I forgot to put potato.....It was like three am so shhh
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/download.jpg.8d475a65e91cbd2db845eee16c331501.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/download.jpg.8d475a65e91cbd2db845eee16c331501.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Full Name: Daniel Kuzami Watanabe

Nickname: Danny, Kuzu, Zami, Dan

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 19

Birthplace: Toronto, Canada

Physical / Health:

Blood Type: B+

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 165 lbs.

Birthmarks/Scars: none

Distinguishing Features: none



Occupation: Student

Personality: Daniel is lazy, quiet, and anti-social. He spends most of his time on xbox, sleeping, or cheating on his girlfriend.

Background: Daniel was never really a normal kid. He never strived for anything. Always making the minimum in grades, and almost everything else. Right now he's in a break period, and deciding whether or not to go to college.

Relations: (if anyone interested in making a girlfriend character for him, go ahead.)

Potato for the win!!



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Sora Watanabe

Male | Bisexual | 17

Physical / Health:

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Blood Type: A+

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 lbs.

Birthmarks/Scars: Birthmark on inner thigh

Distinguishing Features: He bites his nails when he's anxious.


Occupation: College student studying business administration.

Personality: Sora was never a fan of being one of the younger Watanabe and often tried to compensate for that fact by being one of the loudest, most confrontational voices among his siblings. He's stubborn to a fault and rarely lets up on a conversation if he believes he's right; however, despite his unique ways of showing it, he cares deeply for his siblings and wants the best for them.

Background: He has always had a desire to stand out and while he did his best in school, he rarely scored above mid-range marks. He believed it was personality and charm that bred success rather than being the smartest person in the room. He tended to distance himself from his siblings when he could, finding that when he was at home that he was just another Watanabe brat. He's currently studying business in school, because his ambitious nature knows that he'll receive a good paycheck once he graduates and finds a job.



Ayane Sakajima



Full Name: Ayane Sakajima.

Nickname: Yac-chan.

Gender: Female.

Orientation: Straight.

Age: 21.

Birthplace: Sapporo, Japan.

Physical / Health

Blood Type: B+.

Height: 167cm.

Weight: 60kg.

Birthmarks/Scars: None.

Distinguishing Features: Pink hair.

Others: Terribly afraid of spiders.


Occupation: University student, studies gastronomy sciences.

Personality: Ayane is polite and cheerful. She is described as being sensible, emotive, friendly, and innocent, coming across as “childlike” in many aspects. She has a very positive demeanour and rarely harbours negative emotions. Contrary to her friendly mannerisms, she can become compulsively nosey when intrigued; becoming hyperactive and having a tendency to glare and ignore personal space. Although easily distracted, Ayane can become very focused on a particular subject. She can be very persistent and stubborn.

Background: Ayane had been living in a rather normal family, having grown up by herself as she did not have any siblings. She had learned to be independent and it went pretty well for her. She had gone to school like every kid and studied enough to get through the years. However in high school she stepped it up a bit and even managed to get into the top ten of her class which was pretty sweet. However she was not only about studying, she also adored to have fun and so she did. Her absolute favourite place to go to was the amusement park. She could actually live there is she had gotten permission, but then she would have to leave her other goals behind, that was something she did not want to do. She wanted to become a chef and had went to a university where they taught Gastronomy Sciences.


> Close friends with Youma Watanabe.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-5_19-18-17.png.7aa18faf72127ddb3c84ebe90b1fca29.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-5_19-18-17.png.7aa18faf72127ddb3c84ebe90b1fca29.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Samuel J Edwards formerly Nagisa Watanabe

Nickname: Sam

Age: 29

Gender= Male

Orientation= Heterosexual

Birthplace= London, England

Physical Details

  • Blood Type- AB Negative
  • Height- 6ft
  • Weight- 80kg
  • Birthmarks/Scars- Thin scar across his nose and a large scar across his waist from an operation
  • Distinguishing Features- Heterochromatic eyes- one blue and one green. Loud booming voice.

Personal Information

  • Occupation- History University Academic and former soldier.
  • History- Sam was the first-born child of the Watanabe family and was born out of wedlock during a night of passion. Due to the financial instability of the Watanabe family at the time, they were jetted over to England by close friends where Sam was left to ensure a good early childhood. Although after the birth of his younger brother, it was decided that it would be bad for Sam's development for him to move to a completely different culture and social situation. Although Sam never saw it this way, feeling abandoned he became estranged from his biological parents and made little contact with them. At least until the age of 16 where he started to repair relations with his family, paying them several visits. At 18, Sam joined the British Army who offered him a university bursary to study history if he served as an officer in the British Army and at the age of 27 left the armed forces after several tours of duty. After his time in the Armed Forces, Sam returned to higher education and has since been studying as a history academic, recently gaining an educational move to Japan to further study and start teaching younger students abroad.
  • Personality: After his time in the army, Sam has gained a rather cool and stoic outer shell which he presents to most people he is not close to. Although when around friends and family he is protective, relaxed and rather humorous, which is not often picked upon in Japan, due to him having a British sense of humour and accent. He finds living in Japan rather awkward and is still learning several mannerisms and cultural trends. When he is interested in something he pursues it like a dog with his determined and persistent nature.
  • Relations: Sam still feels awkward around his siblings and parents due to his many years disregarding them however he is trying to build relations especially with the younger of his siblings.

Age: 29

Gender= Male

Orientation= Heterosexual

Birthplace= London, England

Physical Details

  • Blood Type- AB Negative
  • Height- 6ft
  • Weight- 80kg
  • Birthmarks/Scars- Thin scar across his nose and a large scar across his waist from an operation
  • Distinguishing Features- Heterochromatic eyes- one blue and one green. Loud booming voice.

Personal Information

  • Occupation- History University Academic and former soldier.
  • History- Sam was the first-born child of the Watanabe family and was born out of wedlock during a night of passion. Due to the financial instability of the Watanabe family at the time, they were jetted over to England by close friends where Sam was left to ensure a good early childhood. Although after the birth of his younger brother, it was decided that it would be bad for Sam's development for him to move to a completely different culture and social situation. Although Sam never saw it this way, feeling abandoned he became estranged from his biological parents and made little contact with them. At least until the age of 16 where he started to repair relations with his family, paying them several visits. At 18, Sam joined the British Army who offered him a university bursary to study history if he served as an officer in the British Army and at the age of 27 left the armed forces after several tours of duty. After his time in the Armed Forces, Sam returned to higher education and has since been studying as a history academic, recently gaining an educational move to Japan to further study and start teaching younger students abroad.
  • Personality: After his time in the army, Sam has gained a rather cool and stoic outer shell which he presents to most people he is not close to. Although when around friends and family he is protective, relaxed and rather humorous, which is not often picked upon in Japan, due to him having a British sense of humour and accent. He finds living in Japan rather awkward and is still learning several mannerisms and cultural trends. When he is interested in something he pursues it like a dog with his determined and persistent nature.
  • Relations: Sam still feels awkward around his siblings and parents due to his many years disregarding them however he is trying to build relations especially with the younger of his siblings.




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(No pic, sorry... ;- ;)

  • Full Name: Taro Akagi

    Nick: The Non-Typical Nerd

    Age: 19

    Gender: "You know I'm a guy, right?" Male

    Orientation: "Eh, I'll pick both." Bisexual

    Birthplace: Manila, Philippines



Full Name:Jimmys Monica Parker





Birthplace:Miami USA

Physical / Health

Blood Type:A+


Weight:63 kg

Birthmarks/Scars: None

Distinguishing Features:He start sweating when he met new people for the first time, but he get a liitle bit more sweaty when he meets girls.

Others:He is afraid if anyone finds out his middle name.


Occupation:Student of Physical Education Academy

Personality:Clumsy,Funny,cool,friendly,social,charming, and when it needs he is serious he have learned from the hard training he doing every day.

Background: Born in Miami and now he has moved in Japan. When he was young all of his friends mocked him about his middle name. When he grew up he decided to move to Japan so nobody knows him and for Physical Education Academy.

Relations:Best Friends with Nicolaos Watanabe.

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Miyamoto Hibiki

The Beginning


Name (First, Last):

Hibiki Miyamoto

Nickname: Iki

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 17

Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan

Medical Records

Blood Type: O Positive

Height: 5'4 or 162 cm

Weight: 129

Birthmarks/Scars: He has a birthmark on his left cheek near his ear which is usually covered over by his dyed green hair.

Distinguishing Features: He has long green hair, dyed that way since he was fourteen (much to his parents' disdain although they are starting to accept it.)

Others: Usually seen with glasses with the rarely used contacts making their appearance once every few months.

Wai. This is just a space
Disposition of a Writer

Occupation: Student (Student Council Vice President) & Part-Time Author


He seems 'normal' maybe on the formal side basing him off of his usual appearance if they paid no mind to the green hair he dyed. Which for the most part is true, to most strangers he meets he acts rather formal and almost unemotional to their antics like they were a guest at his home. Although, that perspective slowly changes after each encounter, slipping through some childish behavior with a cool face like sticking his tongue out.

The childish side of him brings out his creativity, although most of his stories are a 'miss' due to them being too weird for the average audience. However, to his younger siblings and children they are a hit because of the unseriousness of the story at hand.

In person, Hibiki is rather blunt with his words, with him coming off as rude as if he wasn't taught how to pour sugar over his words. This has angered most of the student body and others that have seen this part of him in their first encounter. The only reason he is still placed in that position is that he has the approval of the majority of teachers and veteran Student Council Members.

Once Upon A Time...
...There was a family of three who gave birth to Miyamoto Hibiki. He was the younger brother of the two siblings that lived in the household. He had a fairly 'normal' life, something that everyone went through there was nothing that would exclaim 'Big Event Here'.

The most major thing that happened in his life was his first children story, which he entered into a writing competition and gained first place and 500$ in prize money. Thus, he has started his relatively minor career of writing children stories, with almost annual stories popping up on a bookshelf somewhere. However, nothing else really happened since then. There were a few scuffles at school due to his unpleasant personality but that was hardly anything out of the ordinary in his eyes as he caused those fights since he entered middle school.


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