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Realistic or Modern ⇨ Us Siblings and You ⇨ (Still Accepting)

Even though Sora was six years younger than Mariah they were close. She didn't exactly know why they just were.

Mariah walked behind the group with Sora telling him crazy stories and making jokes at people as they walked by. Even though Mariah was one of the older ones. She was more chill and goofy I mean she teaches little kids what do you expect.
'' I would but I had to wait for you.'' Nicolaos said. Of course he loved all of his siblings(more or less) but he had this weakness for Sakura not only cause she is the younge rone but mostly cause of her personality.
Sora often lost track of time when he was with Mariah. He loved hearing her stories and was envious of the people that got to be a part of them. He usually forgot about the age gap between them until others reminded them of it. "I don't see how you do it, Riah." He shook his head as a laugh escaped his mouth. "Little kids are so needy. And mischievous." He truly did have respect for all the teachers that had to deal with the Watanbe crew during their school years.

"I tell you, if I were a teacher I'd keep a spray bottle on my desk. Anytime a kid misbehaved..." He mimicked spraying a stream of water at some imaginary munchkin. "No Karen, the answer is A. Not D." He spritzed another nonexistent kid and let another laugh roll out of his mouth. "I'd have a class of little perfectly, behaved angels, no doubt." He nodded as his eyes darted towards his two older brothers that were walking ahead -- his mind wandering what they were talking about.
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'' I know. Sorry. It's just...'' He didn't end his sentence. He just turned away and sat back to where he was before. '' So, what's your program for today?'' He asked not sounding interested though.
The train pulled into the station, and there was no one there. Hitoshi sighed. Pulling out his phone, he called the house number. He hoped that someone would be home, otherwise he'd be stuck. But he was very excited to see his siblings again after a long while.
Nicolaos just then heard the house's phone ringing. It was near to him so he answered it. '' Oh, Hitoshi. Sorry for before. My cell phone fell, battery came off. Sorry. So, are you coming?''
"Hahaa. Maybe I will try that"

Mariah and Sora was so busy laughing and cracking jokes that they hadn't realized they made it to the store
Hitoshi nodded. "I see. I'm actually walking to the house right now. Do you need me to run any errands before I come home?"

Now that he was so close, he was a little nervous about how his siblings would receive him. But he kept walking anyways.
Nicolaos tried to think of anything but he found nothing for Hitoshi to do. '' Well, nope. Most of our siblings are propably already at the store to buy grocceries. I am here just with Daniel and Sakura. Emi is sleeping.'' Nicolaos said and smiled. '' Welcome back.'' He said and walked to the door and opened it.
Daniel never really liked going to the grocery store. Especially with siblings. People were always giving you a dirty look when you did something wrong, and Daniel never really liked too much attention. He turned off the tv, and stretched.

He was exhausted, but he was equally hungry. He didn't think he could sleep in a empty stomach, so he headed out to the backyard where he knew his brother was.

"Yo, Nico. Whats up?" He cruised over towards Nicolaos and put a hand on his shoulder.

Youma Watanabe


Location: On the way to the grocery store.

Youma nodded in agreement, it was indeed a huge shock to get to know that they had another brother who had been living in America. It was like he got slapped in the face, mainly because his parents kept quiet about it this whole time. He disliked that action quite a lot, but he got over it since Samuel was a nice guy. Different than what he had thought he would have been. He guesses that it was not that bad to have another older brother, actually he had felt a bit of relief, perhaps because he did not want too much of responsibilities to deal with.

However he groaned loudly at the comment of Ayane being his girlfriend.
”She is not my girlfriend !” He responded in a whiny voice, uttering his annoyance in a very obvious way. ”But yes, she’s called Ayane… Why does everybody think that we’re a couple?!” He muttered to Samuel with a frown on his face.

But as the talking went on, they reached the grocery store and he could see the impatient face of Ayane in the distance. Youma smiled sheepishly towards her once he got near her only to earn a smack on his head.
”You know how long I have been waiting here? You should text me when you’re on your way not when you still have to leave the house, baka !” She said to him in a stern manner before hugging him shortly. ”Well than, let’s go.” She commented and went inside the grocery store, almost as if she was marching like they did in the army.

@Razesaph @MariahChanell @Energie


Sam stood there and smiled as he watched his younger brother get smacked and hugged by the girl. "Ahh, young love a tale as old as time," He sighed to himself as he began to walk into the shop. As he walked through the entrance he turned and yelled, "Mariah, Sora, come on we have some shopping to do, you can have another private chat later,"



Mariah walked up with Sora's hand in hers pulling him with her.

She grabbed a shopping cart and followed her brother.
''Well, half of us are out for grocceries, so once when they get back it will be perfect. We will all be together again!'' Nicolaos said excited but then quickly returned to his ''normal'' self. '' Um, so how in Toyota?"
"Life in Toyota is amazing!" replied Hitoshi. "Except, sometimes, my boss tells me that I work too hard. I wonder why he says that?" It was a genuine question. "Anyway, is everyone doing well?"
Nicolaos sighed when his brother said that his boss told him that he works too much. Of course Nicolaos knew Hitoshi was one of the most workful of the siblings. '' Well, everyone is fine. Emiko is still sleeping though,it seems.'' So Nicolaos answered and went back to the living room doing a singal for Hitoshi to follow.

Youma Watanabe


Location: At the grocery store.

Youma glared at Samuel as he heard another comment but kept his mouth shut as it was hopeless to begin another argument that he eventually won’t win. Following behind Ayane who was already exploring the shelves with food on it. Her eyes were pretty serious as always however not many people noticed since not many people joined them on their shopping trip after all. She then turned around towards the family members with her hands placed upon her hips and smiled brightly. ”You guys want anything to eat? You can pick up to three dishes.” She said, holding up three fingers to make sure they did not misunderstand her. Youma rubbed the back of his neck. ”Anything with bacon is fine with me.” He responded.

@Razesaph @MariahChanell @Energie

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Jimmys had already woke up and he was siting in the kitchen and eating. When his phone rang, he saw my phone and it was the alarm clock. Then he knew it was time for his cycling training. He put all the apple in his mouth and he started eating it while he was going in the garage to take his bicycle. He got into the garage and open the garage door. He got his bike outside and then he closed the garage door. He stop in front of his bicycle and look at the sun. It was very hot but the training it was something that has to be done. He got on his bike and take a big breath. He saw the time he was a little bit late so he decided that he have to go faster than usual. He started doing pedal as fast as he can. In 1 minute he have run 2 squares then he heard a strange noise from his right. He turn his head to his right it was just a cat that was fighting with a dog. When he turn his head to the road he saw a car coming to him with much speed. He turned left and he was heading to a house, he wasn't fast enough to hit the break. He was thrown into the air and fell into the window and he smashed it. He fell into the house with his head. When he opened his eyes he saw his best friend Nicolaos standing in the room.
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"I am pretty cool with anything for breakfast," Sam said as he walked over to Youma and Ayane, "Although if it has tomatoes in you win in my books," Samuel proceeded to stand next to Youma and mess up his hair with his hand, "If you are as good a cook as my dear brother makes you out to be, I'm sure anything you cook will be delicious, better than anything my house-mate and I could cook back in England at least,"

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Nicolaos watched Sakura and Hitoshi chatting but then suddenly the window broke and his friend Jimmys suddenly fell into the room. Nicolaos hurried to him. Nicolaos fell to his knees and asked '' Jimmys are you ok?'' Jimmys opened his eyes '' I am glad.'' Nicolaos said relieved. Nicolaos gave him a hand to aid him get up.
Nicolaos asked Jimmy if he was okay. He didn't answer, Nico's helped him in to get up. He got up with Nico's help and he sat on the sofa. After a couple seconds he said to Nico "I am alright, my head just hurting a little bit. I am sorry about the window. I will pay in aid to be fixed."
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'' It's okay. At least you did not got hurt... or anyone else.'' Nicolaos said. He watched carefully Jimmys almost scanning his body. '' Um, you are not hurt that much are you? You have some scratches but your head seems fine... Uh, that steelhead of yours.'' Nicolaos said leaving a sigh.
Miyamoto Hibiki

Hibiki woke up with a start, his eyesight without his glasses blurrier than usual, he groaned as he pulled himself up to find the source of the disruption finding his older sister at the side of his bed. "I'm guessing that I am not allowed to sleep in, even when school is off?" He asked sitting at the edge of his bed, his awkward bed hair spiraling off in all directions like vines.

"Nope, get ready. Mom still has chores for you, you know and it isn't like school is off for you. There is that student council meeting to discuss what you could have improved for the next year." His older sister replied, her face wearing a smirk, already telling him that she has been laughing at him before she woke him up. To which the simplest response was him sticking his tongue out at her before throwing the pillow to get her out of his room, which worked more or less.

He reached over to the bedtable to grab his glasses, which admittedly took too many tries that of which he would wish for, his vision focusing clearly now which was much preferable than having that many screw ups in grabbing something perfectly still. He got himself ready, his hair flattening down with the help of water and his comb.

Hibiki twisted open his door, looking back at his room which was slightly messier than what he would have hoped with today's wake up call. His mother already off to work with his father, he picked up the note on the table along with his breakfast which was still warm - probably just missed her on the way to work. He took the pancake 'to-go' as he picked up his notebook under his shoulder and the food in his hand. He managed to muffle out, "Ittekimasu," before leaving the household - not waiting for a reply from his siblings.

The sun's gaze instantly took effect as he finished up the pancake after walking down a few houses, squinting every time he looked up, focusing his eyes down at the sidewalk. He walked down the path, on his way to his school he found a mismatched group at the grocery store. Although he did find it peculiar, his curiosity didn't peak high enough for him to randomly jump in and tail on them, yeah it definitely wasn't. He was just going to the grocery store to... get some snacks for the meeting.

Yup, that was it.

Definitely the reason.

No doubt.

@Razesaph @MariahChanell @Energie @Marshmallow

Sora gave a passing smile to Ayane as she led the siblings into the grocery store. All dating jokes aside, he was thankful to have someone talented in the kitchen around or else his summer diet would consist purely of takeout and his siblings' leftovers.

"We're not picky." Sora called out to Ayane when she asked what they wanted as he set about on his self-assigned task of gathering sides. He returned to the cart a few minutes later with an armful of potato chips, soft drinks, and sweets. He gave an approving nod as he dropped the load into the cart that Mariah was pushing. "They were out of broccoli so I settled with the next healthiest option."

His eyes glinted away from his family and scanned the space and only stopped when they fell on another familiar face from school. "Mr. Vice President." Sora gave a formal nod in Hibiki's direction, though he was unsure of himself on whether he knew the kid well enough to greet him outside of a school setting.
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