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Realistic or Modern ⇨ Us Siblings and You ⇨ (Still Accepting)


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My Interest Check

Us Siblings and You



The mother of the house likes things really fancy...

> There is a phone in the main hall.

> There is a big garden.

> The house consists of 11 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a main hall, a dining room, a porch and a garden.
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Youma Watanabe


Location: Home.

Youma yawned greatly as he got up from his bed, blinking a couple of times as he woke up from his slumber. Stretching his whole body in his bed before getting up. He was tired from the day before, he should not have gone out for such a long time and it was only normal for it to take a toll on his body. After all, he only had about five hours of sleep today which was far from enough to be fully awake immediately. He scratched the back of his neck as he shuffled towards his closet and got dressed on the spot before making his way to the bathroom. All in all, it took about fifteen minutes for him to get dressed.

With that, he went downstairs, almost tripping on his way there. It would have been pretty embarrassing if that happened, even more if somebody would see him at that moment. Luckily he managed to hold himself up and move forward like nothing happened. It seemed like he was the first one there, but he could have overlooked someone too because he was not particularly paying attention to the people in the house. It was too early and he did not feel like to be bothered. However he could not stop his siblings from doing so which was one of the negatives from having a way too huge family.

He groaned as he sat down with bowl of cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice. Munching on the food he placed inside of his mouth with an absent-minded stare.

@Snowflower @MariahChanell @NoobKinge @CocoForRealz @Awkwardpotato @Energie @Tao

The role-play has started.

Others can still join the role-play until the title mentions “closed”.
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Daniel had been in the living room when Youma stomped down the stairs. He had been playing COD the whole night before, and he had woken up about an hour ago to resume playing.

"Hey, Youma." He titled his head towards his older brother. "Is their any good food? Is the fridge restocked?"

Nicolaos walked into the living room just as his brother Daniel spoke. He stared a little at him and moved into the kitchen. He just said a helloto his siblings and got outside in the backyard.
Location: Toyota City

Hitoshi groaned. His boss had told him to stay home from work today, so he had nothing to do after breakfast. He liked being alone with some quiet time, but there was a stark difference between that and boredom. What could he do to stave it off?

I know! he thought. I'll call my siblings and ask if it's okay for me to come and visit. He picked up his cell phone and tapped the number he had put on speed dial. As the phone rang, he waited for an answer.
Nicolaos had went outside to refresh the plants with water. But before he could turn on the water his phone rang. He checked it. It was his older brother Hitoshi. Nicolaos answered the call. "Hitoshi, good morning."
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Youma Watanabe


Location: Home.

Youma blinked and responded with a good morning to the siblings as he got back to the planet called Earth. Nicolaos was gone before he even knew it so he could not say much to him right now. So he decided to respond on the question of Daniel. ”I don’t think so. It looks pretty empty. I’ll go after groceries once I’ve finished, you want to come with me?” He asked Daniel with his big puppy eyes as he really disliked going alone. He didn’t know why but he just disliked it pretty much since he would end up buying too much every single time.

Then he remembered something. ”Ayane is going to cook for us, so she’s probably going to wait at the grocery store.” Youma mentioned, hoping that it would have some effect on his younger brother. It almost looked like he was desperate. He messaged Ayane while saying that and almost got an immediate reply with “ok, I’ll see you there” as an answer.

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"Nicolaos! Good morning!" exclaimed Hitoshi. "Is now a good time to come and visit?"

He had already left his apartment, and was headed to the train station. If Nicolaos said yes, then he would take a train to see his siblings. But if not, he would just walk to the store to buy groceries.

'' Of course Hitoshi... I am sure the family will be happy.'' Just then Nicolaos' phone fell into the ground and the battery came of... He just left a sigh.
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Samuel woke up with a loud groan as he literally rolled himself out of his bed. He hit the floor with a thud and after a few seconds forced himself to his feet in order to the start the day. He wandered out of his room with fresh clothes and toiletries in hand as he maneuvered his way to the shower and quickly climbed in.

After Sam had finished his showering routine including the grooming of his beard, he got dressed in his usual attire of a red tie, white shirt and black suit trousers. As he finished tying his tie, his stomach began to roar loudly. Lightly blushing, Sam walked downstairs to the kitchen and quickly started looking through the cupboards for food. Giving up on his scavenging, he began walking around the rooms until he spotted Youma and Daniel talking, "Hey guys," he said, before adding "any food in the house?"


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Hitoshi heard a thunk, then the line went silent. "Nicolaos, are you alright?" he asked. When there was no response, he shrugged and hung up. Then, he bought a ticket just as the train pulled in to the station.

He quickly boarded the train and stood away from the doors, allowing others to board. About five minutes later, the train left. He hoped Nicolaos would tell the others, otherwise he'd call when he arrived.
Nicolaos after putting the battery back went into the house. He saw Samuel also there and said '' Hitoshi, is coming.'' He then just went outside to finally water the garden. He began doing so while enjoying the birds singing and the bright sunlight.
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Mariah woke up with the sun glistening on her skin and face. She was kinda glad it was summer vacation even though she missed her students she was happy for a break.

Mariah rose up out of bed stretching still in her night clothes. A pair of red shorts and a black tank top with her hair pulled back. She really didn't feel like getting dressed right now. Mariah walked down stairs already hearing her brothers voices. Even though Mariah was adopted her family always made her feel loved and safe. Even though They got on her nerves. She walked in the kitchen seeing everyone either in the kitchen or in the living room.

"Goodmorning everyone" She smiled at everyone. Taking a seat on the stool in the kitchen.
After Nicolaos finished watering the plants(he did so quickly cause there were other things to do) he went back into the house. Now Mariah was also there.

Nicolaos took a look around and asked "What to make for brekfast? And also who will wake up the others?''
Sora bounced down the stairs. The mass of disheveled, tangled hair on his head barely moved as he rubbed his tired eyes and entered the kitchen. "All my favorite people in one place." He called dryily knowing that none of them would be surprised that he was one of the last ones up.

He scanned the kitchen seeing that breakfast hadn't been made yet. "Had I known that, I would've just slept in." He muttered underneath his breath as he walked through the room. He made a slight pause to ruffle up Nicolaos's hair before finally settling on leaning against the stool that Mairah was sitting in. "Youma, tell your girlfriend that she's fired." He stated to his older brother. "What kind of personal chef makes you fend for myself so early in the morning. I'm practically starving."
''I can make something quick.'' Nicolaos said and got dressed properly for cooking. '' But can someone awoke those who are still asleep?''

Nicolaos opened the fridge and took what have remained in there. After some thinking he closed it and began mixing the ingredients. He then just added for those that haven't heard it '' Oh, also Hitoshi is coming home.''
Mariah laughed at Sora giving him a highfive on that comment.

"I can run down street to the store and get a couple more groceries if you guys want."

It was hard to keep food in the house since there was so many of us. But Mariah loved being around her siblings especially Sora. He was her favorite.

Youma Watanabe


Location: Home.

Youma focused his attention now on Samuel who went downstairs and asked the same question about the food, making Youma chuckle in response.
”Well, I just said that I was going to buy some groceries together with Ayane, she was going to cook for us today, remember?” Youma answered before asking a question: ”You want to come?” Honestly, he felt like he was going to repeat this a couple more times since not everybody was awake yet. But he was used to it so it was not too big of a deal to go through this kind of routine. And then Mariah woke up as well, but he guessed she had heard him asking that question before she entered the room. He was not exactly a quiet talker.

”Good morning.” He said to her and then the other walked in. Welcoming him too. It was like one big reunion in the morning. ”It’s always a pleasure to see your face too, Sora.” He said sarcastically with a big grin plastered upon his lips. But than his eye twitched because of the small girlfriend comment. ”She isn’t my girlfriend, you monkey face !” He said back to him. ”And if you so desperately want your breakfast you should come to buy groceries. That way you can tell your beloved chef what you want to eat.” He commented before standing up.

He ruffled through the hair of Nicolaos before walking to the exit of the room.
”Sorry mate, not today. Also those that want to come, follow me. I’m not going to wait for ages. Not even for you Sora.” He said in a loud voice before walking to the front door.

@Razesaph @MariahChanell @Energie @NoobKinge

'' Ok.'' Nicolaos sighed putting things back in order. What only annoyed him thought was others touching his hair. Then he replied '' You guys go. I will wait for Sakura and Emi and then we will join you." He smiled and went into the living room sitting a little far from Daniel.
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Mariah quickly slipped her sandals on grabbing her brothers arm.

"I'm coming I'm coming"

Mariah grabbed her purse on the way out with her brother. She forgot she was still in her pajamas. Oh well. It was pretty hot outside so she figured no one would notice. Plus the store was down the street no need to get all glammed for that
"I'll come as well," Sam said as he put on his leather work shoes and checked his wallet for money. Making sure everything was in order he said, "right I'm ready to head off whenever you guys are" He walked over and stood next to the front house door, awaiting confirmation that they were leaving.
Sora allowed himself to be dragged along by Mariah and he was only able to pull loose as he stopped at the door to grab a pair of shoes.

"Nicolaos and Daniel, I expect this place to be spotless when we return." His voice took on a deeper tone as e slipped on his left shoe and than his right shoe. "Beds made, dishes clean. And if I hear of you two sneaking any girls in here..." He let his sentence drown off as he pointed a stern finger before finally allowing his face to dissolve into a warm smile. He knew he was one of the youngest but he never liked for his siblings to take note of that. Before he could hear their reply, he escaped outside and took his place next to Mariah's side.

Youma Watanabe


Location: On the way to the grocery store.

Youma let out a deep sigh as he saw that there were more people coming than he thought, not to mention that the two older ones were coming as well. His authority vanished in only a moment of time which was a bit sad, however he did not let his mood go down and shrugged it off. He had already put his shoes on before the others came after him, closing the door once every one of them was out.

The shout out from Sora was funny though, thinking that he was all high and mighty in this family. Well, Youma was not one to say so. He ran a hand through his hair as he took his place next to Sam and looked at him, then to Sora and Mariah and then back to him. ”Those two are way too clingy with each other.” He muttered as he started walking behind the other two. Perhaps he was just thinking too much about it which he always did. ”But now that I think about it, it’s been a while since you’ve gone with me somewhere. Why the change of heart? You actually really like me don’t you.” He said to Sam with a cheeky smile on his face.

@Razesaph @MariahChanell @Energie
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Samuel looked over at his brother and placed his hands behind his neck. He thought about it for a few seconds and replied, "well, I guess I just wanted to spend some more time with you, I mean let us be honest we don't know each other overly well and due to our busy schedules we don't get to improve that really." Sam looked down at the ground as he kept thinking about his next point, "I mean, it was strange for all of us when I came to live in Japan, none of us really knew what things were gonna be like between us, but I am glad that its you guys who are my siblings and I would like to form some stronger attachments before the future hits us hard," As he finished his tirade, a small smirk filled Sam's face, "As well, I wanted to ask you more about your little girlfriend, Ayane is that her name?"

'' Good morning." Nicolaos replied leaving a smile for a second but then changing to a simple look. ''For groceries.'' He said answering the question and got up.

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