Other Unpopular Opinions

If this turns into a rant, sorry in advance.
I'm completely blind, and I hate it when people tell me I did a good job when they see me doing a simple task. Like, yes, of course I can tie my own shoes, I'm an adult. No need to tell me I did "such a great job", because that just feels more patronizing than anything. I know people tend to do this with good intentions but I just find it insulting
Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty damn amazing but would've been better if they didn't insist on following DnD rules as closely as they did. I liked the combat in Divinity: Original Sin 2 a lot better.
You're possibly a huge hypocrite if you look down on/in any way disparage hobbies such as anime or Star Trek.

Folks really be out there buying whole arsenals of guns or buying rooms of 'Viking' stuff to feel more manly but fail to realize they can be absolutely roasted into oblivion the same as the people they make fun of.

I'm cringey, the Renaissance fair people are cringey, you're cringey in some manner, we are all likely in some way cringey.

Your hobbies and interests are no better than anybody else's so just leave them the heck alone whoever they are. Some folks need to get over themselves.
Minor Rant Incoming...

This is probably niche unpopular opinion, but I've met a lot of Sword Art Online detractors who say it's a rip off of .Hack.

My unpopular opinion (which is based on facts acquired through research) is that this view of SAO being a rip off of .Hack is 100% wrong.

The original story of SAO was submitted to web comic competitions well over a year before .Hack ever aired on tv. And to the best I can find neither of the creators had any contact with one another beforehand. .Hack hit the air waves first, and because they're both isekai stories with vaguely similar premises people jumped on the "rip off" bandwagon without ever bothering to actually look up the history of the two franchises and their creators.

Some folks out there even call .Hack the first isekai. Um... I'm sorry, but you f***ing what, mate? There were NUMEROUS other isekai stories before .Hack. F***king Digimon is an isekai which came out long before .Hack was even a concept in its creator's mind! "First isekai." Bruh.

Anyway, back on point: .Hack aired first, but that doesn't make SAO a rip off just because they share some similarities which (basically all of which are common to the entire isekai genre).

End of unpopular opinion and mini rant!

Gortash looks so unwashed. I can't understand why there are so many Durge x Gortash requests.

He's so boring, too.

"Ooo, look at me, I'm the greatest mastermind to ever mastermind! Now watch me sit in my office for the entirety of Act 3 and do nothing while you proceed to destroy my plans every step along the way."

I thought Orin sucked as well but at least she did something
It took me seeing a sexualized cosplay of Aerith to realize I don't like sexualized cosplay of characters who aren't traditionally sexual or have intentional fan-service/sex appeal.
Twilight's depiction of vampires where they sparkle like diamonds in sunlight (instead of burning or turning to ash etc) is an original and imaginative take.
Twilight's depiction of vampires where they sparkle like diamonds in sunlight (instead of burning or turning to ash etc) is an original and imaginative take.
I couldn't agree more.

In addition, it's always annoyed me when people criticizing Twilight for "moving too far away from the classic vampire depiction" because sunlight is no longer lethal to them because the idea that vampires dies from sunlight comes from the 1922 Nosferatu movie. So it's not even a part of the original vampire legends.
I'm probably going to ruffle some feathers here, but I gotta get something off my chest.

I don't get artists that completely change the looks of characters they're making fanart of. For example, an artist is a huge fan of Mario, but they keep drawing him with a completely different skin color, facial piercings, edgy scars, and pointed ears. It's no longer Mario. Why not just make an OC? If you really like a character, why go out of your way to completely change them into something they're not? I would personally be a little weirded out if someone drew fan art of my RP characters, but changed their appearance until the only thing they have in common with my original design is the clothing.

I've also noticed a bit of an art style trend, especially on Tumblr, of fanart that depicts characters with round heads, wide noses, and small mouths with bulbous lips. And all characters the artist draws have those exact same features. I think it's an absolutely ugly art style, even with original work. I'd draw an example, but I don't want to come across as attacking certain artists. Maybe someone will know what I'm talking about.
I know people crap on it because of the ending (valid), but I think Mass Effect 3 is the best in the series.

Granted, I played 1 last in the trilogy, so my impression of its plot is skewed, but I don't find Saren to be that memorable or compelling. The Collectors are kinda interesting, but there was no real pinch point with them - they attacked the ship, sure, but it's easy enough to rescue the captives. 2's tension comes from the suicide mission, but that's driven by player choices, not the Collectors themselves - not necessarily a bad thing, but relative to the series' other antagonists, they had the least weight. In 3, the Illusive Man and Kai Leng are deliciously infuriating. The reaper threat is similar between 1 and 3, just on a different scale, so they both delivered well there.

Shepard is pretty grounded with how the war and the losses weigh on them. It's a great counterbalance for how they have become a famous hero. 1 did a decent job of rounding them out. 2 was just Shepard being Space Jesus.

BroShep's voice actor finally learned how to voice act.

And really it's because I enjoy emotional stories. 3 was designed to be that, so, for me, it hit better than the other two titles.
I feel Mass Effect 3's "Citadel" DLC Is the best DLC I've ever played in my life! The writing, the story, the characters, the fun - it's all there!
Oh my 9 and 6 for me 👀 yeah I wish 6 got a hd remake all it got was a shitty pixel remaster
I want a remake of 10. It's my favourite one. I know a remake of 9 has already been confirmed and I am so excited!
FfVII Remake is one of my favorite games, but I thought the demo for FVII Rebirth was terrible.

So terrible that it stopped me from buying the game (I'm hoping to rent it or buy it on sale or second hand).

It felt like less like a sequel to FFVII Remake and more like a mix between FF16 and Final Fantasy Crisis Core Reunion. Graphics were downgraded, dialog seemed off, and the fighting itself was waaaaaaaaay easier than the previous game (which was the issue I had with FF16, where you got cool powers but the enemies were too weak for the combat to feel meaningful in any way). Hell, even the environment design was weird. I specifically remember my sense of immersion breaking, because there's this random support beam that is placed in front of the receptionist desk that makes no sense, especially because you have to go interact with her.
I want a remake of 10. It's my favourite one. I know a remake of 9 has already been confirmed and I am so excited!
I hope 9 gets a good remake myself I doubt it with Square milking 7’s popularity
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I hope 9 gets a good remake myself I doubt it with Square milking 7’s popularity
The 7 remake actually is decent, but I don't like how they changed some major elements of the story.

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