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Fantasy Unnatural Academy

Amelia watched the charge, and, judging distances, step-dragged to the outside left of his stance, and simultaneously eagle talon struck his throat while sweeping with her right foot to bring him down, or try, and after a quick series of strikes to his side, she stepped back, wincing at a shallow cut which he had managed to inflict upon her legs, the dodge of earlier unable to fully prevent the assault. "What are they doing over there, Osto? I don't understand. Are they gambling, I think people called it? And why was it that after Joe said that, he was shot with soda?" She was genuinely curious, she had never really witnessed this side of human behavior, it was alien to her. She placed a needle in her leg, and, focusing beyond the blood in her ears, focused her Chi to stop the bleeding and trigger more healing cell units. "An excellent attack, to mention." She said instructively. "But next time, attempt to manipulate your spine in a manner with which it wraps or entangles, such as a chain of ligaments, and you will be more effective in your attempt to sweep me off of my feet." She felt the wound closing slightly, and knew that she was ready to attack. She instead, however, waited for him to stand, and prepared to defend from and counter his inevitable assault with a string of attacks to his spinal columns, assuming he still had nerves there.
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Osto was impressed. Amelia was certainly fast and skilled, and those attacks had been strong. He had barely managed to block her eagle talon, and could feel his armor had crack along the side as it repaired. He took stock of this, and began thinking up a plan of attack. Rather then keep using the his spines, he instead reabsorbed his spines. He grew a a new arm bone, and pulled it out. It was shaped like a short sword. The blade was blunt. "I haven't yet reached the ability to use my spines in such a manner," he told Amelia. Osto then charged forward, and swung it in a downward arc, before swinging an armored fist.
As planned, she dodged behind him, fortunately in the same direction as the fist, hearing it whiff behind her as she sun-stepped to his back. She took in his words, and said, "Your skills in fisticuffs are somewhat less than your skills with the blade. May I ask why you thus changed out your weapon?" She unleashed the planned assault, tracing a line down his spinal chord, since he had put it back in, she knew he had one. The armor would block out the pain from the strikes, but by striking out only the key points for acupuncture, and sending spikes of Chi, she hoped to disrupt his fighting style and hopefully his armor so that she could get a truly solid strike in and finish the battle off. She also pointed out, "The short sword is more effective as a stabbing weapon. If you wish to keep slashing at me, I would suggest a Wakisashi." She fell back, certain that her blows would do something, especially when placed on both of the nervous clusters. If this didn't work, she would have to wear on in a battle, and his more defensive armor would only force her to wear herself out, unless it cost him energy to maintain. Only the weak spots with more muscle than bone would be effective striking locations.
Osto winced. The blows against his spinal column hurt. His armor had prevented most of the blows from inflicting damage, but the nerve strikes still hurt. Osto decided to try something else. He grew out several rib bones, and morphed them into small knives. He gripped them, and threw them at Amelia. They wouldn't kill her, but they would hurt. To follow up, Osto turned his short sword into a pike, long and narrow, with a flat tip. He held it, posed to strike if Amelia came at him again.
Amelia's eyes widened as the knives came towards her. She threw some needles back, some colliding and deflecting the knives in mid-air, but two knives made contact, one slicing through the top of her shoulder, and one embedded itself slightly in her side, partially stopped by the battle kimono, but not enough to prevent it from stinging. She pulled it out, and placed once more some needles in to activate her body's response systems. Struck by a moment of inspiration, she also pressed into her adrenal gland areas, and put them into a higher mode. This might throw her body out of sync once the battle was over, but it would be a necessary evil, and one that is relatively easy to counteract using acupuncture. She threw more needles, faster and more energized by the surge of rushing energy at her fingertips. She knew that the pike he had begun to use would be horribly inefficient at deflecting projectiles, and by aiming at the weak spots and chinks in the armor while imbuing them with Chi, she hoped to nullify his adrenaline, make him move slower, block his Chi, until the battle would become easier. Amelia did notice that eventually, she would run out of these needles, whereas he would likely keep growing ribs. She was however, ready to dodge these bone daggers. She threw the bone dagger with her blood to the sidelines, so she could study it later, maybe earn extra-credit in human biology. But now was the time for battle, and she prepared herself for an all-out assault while her wounds healed.
Osto responded to Amelia's attack by throwing the pike at her. He then outstretched both his hands, and the bone armor moved as well, forming shield in front of Osto. Osto had made it thick, and it stopped most of the needles. A few, however, were embedded in the shield. Osto was sweating, and quickly turned the shield back into armor, the needles falling off. The shield worked, but it had taken a lot of effort.
Surprised at the pike offensive, but seeing the lack of technical training, Amelia was still able to dodge it with relative ease. She ran to the side and dashed to catch up with the shield he was forming. She arrived as he was beginning to reabsorb it into an armored form. Wincing with pain, she launched the most powerful roundhouse ball kick she ever had, directly into his temple, striking around the edges of the shield to the vulnerable bunch of nerves in her target. With as much speed as she could, she struck, hoping to make the finishing move in this way. She launched a flurry to any targets which were still available and had the least armor, and after a quick kick to his knee, she jumped back to stop the wave of bleeding she had reopened.
Osto collapsed under the weight of Amelia's attack, but before he hit the ground, he stopped himself with his arm. That last attack had been fierce, but now Osto needed to concentrate. He willed himself to stand, and channelled magical energy in his bones. He wouldn't be able to grow new bones, so he instead shed his armor, turning part of it into a club. He gave a battle cry, and charged forward at Amelia. He swung at her, and as it did, he swung a fist at her, hitting her in the side.
Amelia shifted sideways from the force behind Osto's blow. It hurt, and she was certain that it had broken one of her ribs, which, unlike him, she could not regrow. She saw the club coming down, and executed an upward cross block, redirecting it between his legs. She knew he was standing up out of sheer will, and that sense of discipline hinted at warrior's training, thus being quite impressive. She pulled the club against his thumb, the easiest way to disarm someone, and, after lifting it over her head, she kneed him in the stomach, cringing at the fire in her side, and brought the club down on his head with all of the force and energy that she could muster. She knew that she hit, but even so, she stumbled back, and leaned on the club for support as she haphazardly tried to use chi to pull her insides back together. Breathing heavily, she cast her eyes back to Osto, waiting for him to but praying for him not to get up after all of that. "Please, don't stand, Osto. Let me heal you, using magic to force yourself up is really unhealthy." She called out, wheezing slightly from exertion, but still feeling the slight rush of adrenaline in her system, a sweet addicting rush.
Osto coughed. He hadn't expected Amelia to disarm him. However, he chuckled. "Just so you know," he told her, "I deliberately held back, to avoid harming you. Something you clearly didn't do." He gave her a smile, and laid back down, inhaling deeply. "You are skilled, but had I not held back, I can assure you, you would have lost." Osto then turned, and directed his gaze at Jessie. He smiled at her. "Sorry if I disappointed you all," he told everyone else. He wanted to go to Jessie, but for now, he would simply let Amelia heal him.
Amelia hurried forwards, tripping on herself for a moment, before she knelt beside him. She used her needles and pricked him in places where she had struck him during the fight. She chuckled painfully before saying, "I use a fighting style that is almost strictly non-lethal. I could kill someone with one needle. Trust me, if I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be here talking about it. I do have some questions, for while I heal you. For example, how does the biology behind bone magic work?" She began to feel her way through his network, finding areas of imbalance and repairing them so that they would heal more quickly. Out of curiosity, she looked at his bones, to see how the fight had changed them.
Osto answered Amelia's question. "Well, it revolves around using calcium and other materials within the human body to construct new bones. These bones can be any kind of shape, size, and weight, but I must reabsorb them. Would you mind getting me my other bones once I'm finished healing?" Osto cast another look at Jessie. I told her we would go swimming today, he remembered. I had better find a beach we could go to.
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(Amelia's Question) Amelia looked around to see where the original bones had gone. She dropped the club down next to Osto, gave him the dagger covered in her blood, snatched up the pike and the shards which she had deflected, and could not remember any other bones which he had put into use during the battle. Dumping them down on the ground in a bundle, she went back to the process of healing him. After a few minutes, she said, "Ok, you can go, but take the exercise easy for a while, work back up to strength. If you want, I could give you a note for classes, I am technically a certified doctor." She watched to see more closely how the bone magic worked. She then asked, "Can you manipulate other's? Bones, that is?"
Jessy tried to keep her expression neutral throughout watching the battle but seeing them both hurt the other made her wince at the thought of having that pain on her. Once the battle was over she watched as Amelia healed Osto, as he kept stealing glances towards her she blushed a light pink...at least her headache had dulled down to just a nagging littke pain, which to her it was practically gone. She got up and walked over to the arena her hands in her pockets she waiting for Osto
Osto stood up once Amelia was finished, and walked over to the pile of bones. He reached a hand down, and reabsorbed them all. It took a while, but once he finished, he answered Amelia's question. "No," he said, before walking over to Jessie. "Jessie," he told her, "how are you feeling?"
Jessy smiled a little " A lot better than this morning... " she chuckled and pulled her hood down to fix her hair, she had regained her color and the bags under er eyes where gone but she still couldn't use any of her powers since they involved strength in the mind
Osto smiled. "That's good," he told her. He rubbed the back of his head. There was something else. "Want to go swimming?" Osto asked Jessie. He held his hand out for her, hoping she would take it. He could see she was feeling better, and hoped she would say yes.
Ren sighed watching the fighting and shook his head.

"Heh... not to bad... but I think i'll just train alone." Ren says walking away quickly shrugging.
Jessy blinked then blushed glancing around at everyone she hesitated then took his hand blushing a dark red now she pulled up her hood again and looked up at Osto " Sure "
Osto smiled at Jessie, and lead her out of the sparring room. He walked down the hall, then stopped. "Jessie, " he began, "do you have swimwear yet?" Come to think of it, he didn't have any either.
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Jessy blinked and shook her head...she knew there was something she needed to do today " I forgot... I was goig to get one but, it just slipped my mind "
Osto nodded. "Do you want to go out and buy some?" He asked Jessie. "I would have to get some change from my room first."
Jessy shrugged and chuckled " I guess we'll have to if we are going to go swimming
Cin packed up his stuff and left the classroom, waving bye to Joe. Class was over, now he could chill out~! It appeared that many students were heading towards the gym. To train? Hah, even if he went, he wouldn't be able to lift weight anyways. He'd probably just end up breaking a limb or vomiting blood everywhere or something... Well, if they were training their magic though, then maybe he could recharge a bit.

He entered the gym just to see the end of Osto and Jessie's fight. Bummer. He missed something good. There was some residual magic around though... Cin saw a male alone. He wheeled over to Ren with a smile on his face, and waved. "Hello! Would you like to spar?"
"Well, that was fun," Todd said, shrugging. "Did you guys want to spar or something?" He looked at Joe and Mikail, arms folded.
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