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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom - Out Of Character

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  • Camp Disney

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  • University of Disney

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Ethereal said:
I wish I had your organization skills,. You're a pro.

But I'll try and hurry and do everything tonight. You know, posting, updating characters, all that jazz.

But, on the other note, before I post for Olivia, can @munchkincora please reply for Flynn? He was kind of the main point in the last post that I posted so I wanna kinda have him interact before I write again.

As for Rachel, I'll be posting Rachel, even if it means me having to post at 2m (I'll do it, for you bc I love you. @Rida)

And for Ava, I need to post for Olivia before posting for Rachel, it'll come hand in hand after and you guys will see why.

So basically, I'm just waiting for Flynn. :)

Take your time guys, real life situations are more important.
If a post for Rach mean your sleep deprivation, I can go one more night without one of your amazing posts, mon amour.
themysteriousashe said:
Not that I feel like would truly relate to him, also, it seems like all of the other classes are taken, so I couldn't exactly figure something out even if I wanted to.
Classes with NPC can still be chosen.

I'll just take out the NPC.

I just added them to fill up spaces.

I feel I've said this before already. Sorry if I didn't make it clear enough

Anywho, you're smart I'm sure you'll figure something out.
Once Maria posts about what happened during the interim, Theo will head to the Courtyard. Jim's there too staring at the crowd. Then Dodger will post after the Melody Illusions scene so he can pat himself on the bat. All is falling into place. Mwahahahaha.
Okay I'm going to check out of this for a bit while I edit and update things.

If anyone needs me, tag me please.

I wont be looking at this until I'm done... unless I'm tagged.
I know there was a few characters would be interesting in Joining Archery forgot who they were though but on a random guess I would say Ethan, Li Shang (first two have archery experience in the movies they appear in) , Marian (she likes archery I think plus the guy in charge is her future husband in the movie), and maybe Eleanor (this one is just because I think the Elsa cosplay as Ashe from LOL images)
Rida said:
If a post for Rach mean your sleep deprivation, I can go one more night without one of your amazing posts, mon amour.
No, doll. Of course not. I'll make sure to post for tonight okay? <3 Sleep is for the weak anyways.

Update: But, if I do end up falling asleep as I'm writing the post, then I'll be posting it early tomorrow. No later than 5pm though, love. I promise. (and Rachel is basically Rapunzel and yoknow how she feels about promises {~ :)

Also, @NessieAlways I'll tell you when I finish updating my characters, love.
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NessieAlways said:
Hi guys!
Just some things before I go off and update this RP once again =)

@Ethereal @Inritz

Where are you guys?




I know you guys wanted to start new clubs, Magic, Archery, Fencing.

I need names of characters willing to join these teams so they can become official =)

Update time?

This goes towards everyone.

Please update your character sheets with any relationships you might have.

If you have new characters please make some relationships and add those as well.

With those three clubs above waiting for people and approval, please add them to your character sheets so that I can see if we'll have enough people for them to become official.

Please let me know when you have finished updating your characters sheets or if you don't have anything to update.

Cleaning up

To those who have multiple characters in separate posts, please add them to your first character.

That way everything is all nice and organized.

Class cancellations

I'm going to go through all the electives and make sure there is no student alone in a class or no teacher teaching classes with no students.

If this is the case, I will cancel the class and move the student/teacher to a different elective of the same category.

For Teachers, I'll ask you first what other class you'd like to teach before I make the change.

If I don't get a response, I'll switch you to a class that has a lot of students, but no playing teacher.

Class Time

So I've been putting it off seeing as we haven't even gone through the first day yet, but this is for teachers.

I need to know how you guys plan on running your classes.

I'll give you all a few days and then send you a PM so you can tell me your ideas.

If you do not have a clue on how to run your class, I'll be giving you a rubric to follow until you come up with something.

Drama and Mishap

If you're planning on your characters creating some drama or mishap, please let me know before you do it so I can plan the RP accordingly.

I wouldn't want pigs being let lose around the school in the middle of class and no one reacts to them because everyone is doing their own thing.

Or I wouldn't want three dramatic fights going on at once, this isn't Mean Girls.


If some people go missing there will be clubs without presidents.

If this is the case, Lilith will be holding elections for presidents of these clubs during the club fair.

Aside from @Rida who I've spoken to about Charlotte being a first year in charge of a club, all candidates must be second years or higher.

I mean they technically can be first years, but who's going to vote for someone they don't know...

So yes, requirements

1. Second years of higher

2. Have been in the club for at least a year. (IOW: they were in it the year before)

You can still add your characters to clubs they aren't in. Just update your sheets.


If you're waiting on someone to post, please let them know by posting a comment and tagging them.

Some people miss notifications especially if there's so much activity going on.

A simple:

Hey @~lovelyone and @~lovelytwo Waiting for you guys to post for Jack Jack and Gus Gus before I post Lucifer eating you guys.

Will suffice =)
Oh the organisation boggles the mind :) I'm not going to make another character now. As for clubs, I think Marian is joining archery and Adam is joining fencing so I'll add it to their sheets...and as for teaching, Maria has no Spanish students, but I'm not sure what else she could teach.
So I've been writing everything down. I'll wait for the updates to finish so I can put up the organizations in case there's any last minute additions.

It looks like we will have an archery and fencing club.

What about the magic club guys?

Show Theo some love xD

I'll be changing the electives in a bit and notifying anyone who is affected by the change =)
ShurikenPhoenix said:
Oh the organisation boggles the mind :) I'm not going to make another character now. As for clubs, I think Marian is joining archery and Adam is joining fencing so I'll add it to their sheets...and as for teaching, Maria has no Spanish students, but I'm not sure what else she could teach.
We'll find something for her =)
So there's only a few classes that will get deleted.

~Family Consumer Science

~Computer Graphics

~Supplemental Instruction


You have both requested classes that are not on the curriculum.

If you'd like for your classes to be added please have at least two students in each class that aren't your own characters.

You have until Friday to have people in your classes. If not, Torra and Loki will have to find another class to teach.
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NessieAlways said:
Is anyone planning on posting soon?
If not, I'll start writing for Madden.
I think Jeanne was going to post for Rach, but I'm hoping she chose to sleep instead--we can't have two sleep-deprived zombies in this relationship.

I should also be jumping on a post for Lottie, but my mum'll come in soon and force me to sleep, so that'll have to wait until morning. Excited for your next post! (> :D )

Goodnight, loves.
Rida said:
I think Jeanne was going to post for Rach, but I'm hoping she chose to sleep instead--we can't have two sleep-deprived zombies in this relationship.
I should also be jumping on a post for Lottie, but my mum'll come in soon and force me to sleep, so that'll have to wait until morning. Excited for your next post! (> :D )

Goodnight, loves.
Goodnight Honey Boo!

Get some sleep. I don't want this to get in the way of your beautiful dreams.

Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite!
Agh, darn it! My lover fell asleep just before I could tell her my plan. At least she'll be waking up to a post :)

plan: So, just in case I wouldn't fall asleep while writing, I purposely feel asleep earlier, so that I could wake up now. Because, if I slept and woke up later on (currently done) I wouldn't be tired writing the post.


@Rida (hope you're sleeping well)


GOOD DREAMS, GOOD DREAMS, GOOD DREAMS and maybe few bad ones <3
Ethereal said:
Agh, darn it! My lover fell asleep just before I could tell her my plan. At least she'll be waking up to a post :)
plan: So, just in case I wouldn't fall asleep while writing, I purposely feel asleep earlier, so that I could wake up now. Because, if I slept and woke up later on (currently done) I wouldn't be tired writing the post.


@Rida (hope you're sleeping well)


GOOD DREAMS, GOOD DREAMS, GOOD DREAMS and maybe few bad ones <3


You evil mastermind--I'm guessing you must have fallen asleep anyway (victory!), as I see no post. Take all the time you need, darling.
Im sorry I know I said I'll have Alice finished, but she isn't. Her classes and electives and all are but the history and who she is as a person isn't.

I've been stressed about registering cause I'm having complications
Well, as Rodger is a Foreign Language student instead of tech he'll take the dreaded German with Gothel. Should be mighty good fun.

And Magic Club (Name not final) is where we learn how to do magic tricks and illusions from our own resident master magician Theo Baar. (He won't bite) Dodger's in it and begging for new members so he can have a recognized club.
crucialstar said:
Im sorry I know I said I'll have Alice finished, but she isn't. Her classes and electives and all are but the history and who she is as a person isn't.
I've been stressed about registering cause I'm having complications
Oh no complications on registration suck!

I'm sorry to hear that.

You take care of school first and then worry about this star!

Finish her when you have time =)

Inritz said:
Well, as Rodger is a Foreign Language student instead of tech he'll take the dreaded German with Gothel. Should be mighty good fun.
And Magic Club (Name not final) is where we learn how to do magic tricks and illusions from our own resident master magician Theo Baar. (He won't bite) Dodger's in it and begging for new members so he can have a recognized club.
I thought Rodger was in home ec and French. Would you like to change one of those to German?
Good morning loves!

Wasn't able to get Madden yesterday because I was afraid of bad midnight writing. The last time I wrote something when I was sleepy it was terrible so I didn't want to put you all through the pain of reading something bad. I'll have something done by today though =)
Inritz said:
Well, as Rodger is a Foreign Language student instead of tech he'll take the dreaded German with Gothel. Should be mighty good fun.
And Magic Club (Name not final) is where we learn how to do magic tricks and illusions from our own resident master magician Theo Baar. (He won't bite) Dodger's in it and begging for new members so he can have a recognized club.
@NessieAlways i lied Alice won't be but it's Esme

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