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Fandom Universe Correction Agency 2.0 (RolePlay)

Nettle ate his taco without a care in existence, he found it funny seeing the multicolored ninjas arguing with the pew pew gun lady.
He glanced towards this individual named Taylor, she was one of the few people he didn't vaguely recognize apart from Cyberpunk detective and chunky bonny over there. He looked out the window. Seeing as there wasn't any eternal void nearby that he could jump into yet. He might as well make some conversation to pass the time. Well, from what he heard earlier there technically was no time in this place but this why people say time is related! At least that's how he remembered it. . . He wasn't sure who time was related to. . .

He very casually slid next to Taylor.
". . . Isn't it so nice that all of us are calm mature individuals with almost no trauma?"
What an amazing conversationalist.

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Making no movement to acknowledge the newcomer's arrival, Taylor keeps her gaze on most of those assembling and scouting around the station but does speak up once he does in a blunted tone.

"Trauma was a given considering those I knew, but unlike my home world these are.... far less accustomed to handling it constructively" Hell extreme physical and or emotional trauma was the trigger for powers unless Cauldron got involved, no better way for the entities to get a firm connection of agents to a host then to establish it at the biggest point of stress. If only they had limited it to that and not constantly pushed hosts into worse and worse situations with the damn conflict drive system.

Though thinking on it, her power had been notably silent for a while now, if she was lucky Panceas brain fuckery might even have merged the too with her on top after whatever the UCA did to heal her...who was she kidding, since when was she that fortunate.
LatinKnightz LatinKnightz
Zenos watches over the group as with the same bored expression as they go about playing doctor and dwelling on pointless memories of the past. Still what the scarred wench in provocative drapery did at least gain interest from him, finally causing him to speak up at the festivities in a level and dulcet tone.

"The man who denied me what was mine, Is and will subsequently be my sole concern. Any who interfere with me and my hunt, will not do so twice. Those on the other hand..." he lazily moves his eyes to the others "Are fixated on benign quarries and trivialities, it makes for poor entertainment, at best meaningless distraction. What say you, Sheperd of the Stars" the name carrying with it faint mocking humour "If you wish for hell ring true it is of frivolous ease to grant, but better not to bring that rage to bare against a new foe? less you truly would rather have dwelt amongst the bodies scattered amidst cephalopod machina"
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All members of the corps watched as Balalaika showed them the watch that each of them will eventually receive.
"Amazing!" Mitsuri chirped cheerfully.
"I suppose it will be better thrn our Kasugai crows?" Muichiro asked."Faster perhaps."
"Since the U.C.A are our masters for the time being." Obanai replied,before turning to Balalaika and Fugai." We will hunt down this fugitive. Since this being destroyed our world,they will now know mercy. Since we are to hunt this bring down,we should at least know about who or what we'll be up against." he added.
He heard what Zenos said. Kaburamaru hissed at the towering man. " This hunt concerns all of us. Do not think that the target is only yours to deal with."

"I use wisteria poison for my blade." Shinobu replies to HUNK. " Unlike my fellow Demon Slayers,I don't have the strength to behead a demon so coating my blade with this poison is an alternative." She then turned her attention to Balalaika. "Really,well that's a relief. There will problebly be something that can help him."
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“But it is quite a large manner!” Quinn said to Ryuunosuke. “Even if you have dealt with it for most of your life.., something bad may happen to you in the future.” She tried to reason with him. Turning to Shinobu, she looked ready to help. “Yes, what would you need?”
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Quinn smiled, being able to see her wave in the distance, keeping watch as Pixie flew to the others. Hearing the speech, Quinn’s attention was drawn to Balalaika showcasing the watch. A type of supercomputer? Now, that was quite interesting.

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With a completely hidden smirk, Fugai holds both of his hands out and gives a loud clap, to get everyone's attention. "Thank you, Balalaika. If any of you payed attention, these watches are going to be crucial to your survival." He opens the briefcase, showing a line of them, enough to go around for all the agents. "Don't be shy, take one. Don't bother looking for any variety, they're all the same."

He places the suitcase on the ground. From the bottom, it spawns four wheels and it moseys it's way up to the new recruits. Once it's in front of the agents, it's wheels extend into long poles, reaching up to the lot for convenient collection.

"As Balalaika explained these will connect you to the our supercomputer, the Critically important Multiverse overseer. But, you know, we just call it CiMos for short." He presses a few buttons. "CiMos, show our new agents The Genesis."

From his watch, a hologram pops up, showing a smaller look at, what seems to be, that giant crystal in the middle of space.

"This is the Genesis. The center of all known realities believed to watch all universes, all in the form of smaller crystals neatly orbiting around it’s person. It cannot destroy, nor create, nor influence, but it’s existence helps keep the essence of reality flowing. I could go into more detail, but if you want to know more, you can read it yourself."
There are three types of universes known. The regular universes, like what yours was, has the same purple glow as the Genesis. This energy is able to protect the outside of the universe from any threat, no matter how powerful (Trust us, not even nukes can hurt them.) It is believed that this happens not because they're more powerful then a chieftain god, but because the Genesis's energy exists by it's own laws of physics. Laws that always change every microsecond. No sir, if you wanted a universe destroyed, you'd have to do it on the inside.

The other types of universes spawn every time a major choice is made. Sometimes that choice doesn't change much in the long run, other times it does some major stuff. Sometimes every wrong choice imaginable happens, this causes the universe to become a "Dark" universe. These universes are red and color and fly aimlessly around the Genesis' orbit. Think about the last nightmare you had, but it's real and it wants to eat your limbs. Don't worry, sometimes these universes will pull themselves out and get their shiny purple color again.

Then there are "Enlightened" universes, where the only thing to fear is the heat death of the universe. Pure silver in color, and floating up strait, these universes are super rare, so rare in fact that, compared to the millions of universes out there, only 132 of these exist.

Black Void
Beneath the Genesis lays something that no agent braver than the definition would ever tread. The Dark Multiverse is on the no go zone for how dangerous it is, so dangerous that something exists to balance them out. Whenever all hope is lost in a universe, the Genesis removes it's protective barrier. Without that barrier, they fully plummet into a dark, murky abyss that eats the entire universe, and anything within, to prevent whatever's inside from escaping to another universe. CiMos has dubbed this mysterious dark mass as "The Black Void."

Fugai claps his hands again. "NOW! I bet you guys are asking loads of questions. And I can probably guess since you keep asking, our fellow Administrator hasn't explained much. Good job, Pepperjack."

"Always happy to work for you, boss." Pepperjack responded, sarcastically, as he walks over to the watchtower.

"To make up for that, allow me to give you the scoop of atomic flavored ice cream." Fugai begins wiggling his arms. "You see, we've been tracking down this vile entity who's been destroying universe after universe with no sign of stopping. We call him..." Fugai does a pose for dramatic effect. "The Pretender. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!"

There's a small pause. He continues. "I know. I suggested that name, since we don't know his real name yet. I'll be honest with you; We've managed to track him down, but he's been dealing heavy hits to our guys. We've lost some good men to this asshole..." Fugai turned his head away, clearing his throat. "But, we believe he's weak...at least, for now. That's where you guys come in. You find him, you beat him up, you get your revenge, AND hopefully your universe back."

He stretches his head toward Taylor. "Now, I know some of you may not want to save your universe with how bad it's turned out, right Buzz Aldrin?" He then appears next to HUNK. "But, I'm sure there's something you've got to fight for. Or perhaps, newfound purpose?" He starts squeezing HUNKs arm. "I've only seen you for three seconds and I already like this one, Balalaika can we keep this one-"

"Focus, Fugai." Cugai's voice leaks from Fugai's watch.

"blablabla." Fugai responded, mocking his brother. "Anyways, whatever your choice is, be it that you want to forget this nightmare, or that you want to help us in the long run, the only thing I can say to you, agents, is welcome to the Universe Correction Agency." After which, Fugai starts clapping frantically, so fast that it was almost impossible to comprehend.

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U.C.A Watchtower; Unknown Time
Cugai loomed over his watch, listening as a voice within speaks. It sounds exhausted, an "I want to go home" kind of tone. Cugai walks over to the large computer in the room. "CiMos, how many agents are on the field right now?"

The computer displays the faces of about 12 agents that have been sent out on the current mission to find The Pretender. Three of the images have been blackened, with a visible heart monitor below completely flatlined.

"This may be harsh to say, but this is the luckiest we've got thus far." Cugai said. "Last batch never made it back to HQ. Looks like you've got yourself a rescue mission on your hands, Pepperjack."

"You really think I can do this, boss?" Pepperjack sat in front of the computer monitor.

"I know asking you to monitor the newbies is a hitch, but since your promotion you've been doing pretty good with your track record. Your daughter would be proud of you."

Pepperjack grunted, looking at a small locket with his daughter, Brie, pictured in it. "But if we fail...she could be next."

"It's foolish to offer a potential empty promise, but I know we're going to destroy him. We must. Besides, I'm more afraid of the Genesis then I am of The Pretender. If it notices too many universes disappearing..."

"Then it'll reset everything and kill all of us?" Pepperjack asked.

"I knew you didn't sleep through my ramblings!!!" Cugai responed. "Well, we better get them ready." Cugai speaks into his watch. "Balalaika, show our recruits to the armory, please. Some of them are going to be glad they have access to the Subspace Storage Pocket."

Suddenly, CiMos begins issue a warning, the watches flashing. A ripple in space can be felt.​
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"Perhaps you can help me carry this young man to the medical yard." Shinobu replied to Quinn.
Then Fugai started to distribute those special watches. Each member if the Demon Slayer Corps present took one and put them on,despite not being familiar with the technology. They listened to his speak about each universe as well as their commun foe.
"The Pretender,huh? That's what we're up against?" Muichiro asked. "We've been trainned to slay demons. Fighting a multoversal being is an whole other story!" said Zenitsu. "The U.C.A saved our lives. Maybe it's better if we help them in return." Tanjiro replied.Then their new watches started flashing. Nezuko growled as she felt uneasy.
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HUNK cocked his head to one side as Shinobu described her use of the wisteria poison. "Kochō," he drew out, as a teacher would lecture a student, "if this poison makes the job easier, then it should be more widely distributed. Work smarter, not harder, whenever possible." While they had youth and enthusiasm, the agent couldn't help feeling he had a lot to teach this Demon Slayer Corps.

As the administrator and Fugai presented their Intel and gadgetry, HUNK admired the new diagram of the multiverse. He then felt Fugai squeezing his arm. In truth, the masked man was a relic in his world. A whole new breed of counter-terrorists and mercenaries was already in place prior to the destruction of his universe. "Newfound purpose and a large armory?" he echoed faintly, considering the offer. Finally, he accepted a watch and motioned with his thumb towards Zenos. "Fine. That guy will have at least one focused ally."

"You will not go into this conflict unprepared, agents," Balalaika stresses. "The armory and the infirmary are near one another. Let's go."

With all the strange characters here, Cybersix felt comfortable enough to hold up a vial of glowing green liquid for Fugai when receiving the watch. "I have a favor to ask in return. This is something only found in one place in my world. I need you research this and give me the recipe and a batch of it." She gave no explanation as to why, yet there was a hint of urgency in her voice.

The ripple was easily felt. Balalaika's expression sharpened as if she knew the sensation well. "Something's coming. We'd better be quick, comrades." Keeping one hand tucked under her overcoat, she pushed ahead at a swift pace towards the watchtower armory.

"Go ahead. I'll stand guard!" Cybersix offered, assuming a fighting stance.

The armory seemed much larger than the floor plan of the tower might allow. From floor to ceiling, there were samplings of weapons from across the multiverse. An organic rifle resembling a swordfish; twin scimitars, one red and one teal, with demonic heads for pommels; a large hammer with a rocket thruster on its head; and a classic RPG-7, to name a few among this stunning assortment.
Quinn walked closer to the group, wide eyed as she looked to the crystal. It was a truly remarkable sight to her. She took a watch, and put it on. Looking at the screen, before smiling. “I thank you, very much.” She said.
Quinn thought about taking on The Pretender. Sure, she knew how to box from lessons.. But it was only for the sport! “Oh, yes, of course.” She nodded at Shinobu. “I can do that very easily.”

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Ryuunosuke wore his irritated expression in the form of his icy visage. He didn’t understand their compassion, nor is used to others going out of their way for him. That kind of thinking is going to get them killed. A clear glance at Quinn reminds him so much of Higuchi, the only who actually showed him compassion and respect. Out of all the Port Mafia acolytes, Akutagawa trusts Higuchi, and it’s clear to him that he wants answers to save her and his little sister, if his universe can be saved. Though he works alone he’s not unreasonable to do it all alone as everyone has the same objectives. So, against his better judgment he conceded. Saving Higuchi and Gin are of utmost importance to him. “ I’ll humor them.” He got this annoyed expression on his countenance as Balalaika is clearly goading him with that cigar of hers.

With a swift movement of his coat, he went to get his watch, clasping the band on his wrist. “A Supercomputer that fits as a watch, how convenient and futuristic.” He understood the objective of finding the pretender. It sounds like the name of a crappy superhero villain. Regardless, his goals are to find the guy and use his ability for his depraved methods. He overhears Shinobu and Quinn planning on carrying him to the medical bay. “ Oi, I agreed to humor the both of you. You’re acting like I’m gonna drop dead this second. I’m fine, I can move just fine.” He moved to the vending machine and back to them. Ryuunosuke gestured to himself indicating he’s fine, there's nothing to worry about. Even if his pleurisy is acting up, the contagion did its damage to his body. He has no memory after he was bitten except what Hirotsu said.

If they touch me I’ll make them regret it..

He didn’t want to be prodded, poked, dressed down as his coat is the link to his rashomon. He feels vulnerable, which is why he hates baths and getting cleaned up. The rhythmic alarm may be a small blessing in disguise as it looks like the day may be ending with a battle, a way to escape their annoying insistence. He can walk to the infirmary just fine; it's not like he’s going to be kicking the bucket anytime soon.

He notices Zenos, who prattled over something so mundane. His speech sounded so rehearsed, so trite. That face looks like the kind that Ryuunosuke enjoys cutting up. He already knows what he needs to do, ignoring the bored expression or his useless blather. His gaze fell on Shinobu and Quinn. “ Ryuunosuke,” He wants to stay and fight if that’s the case,” I’m Ryuunosuke Akutagawa…” He began walking to the infirmary regardless prepared to fight.

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"Yes,I understand. I'll keep your advice in mind,especially if I still end up fighting the Upper rank demon that killed my older sister. " Shinobu replied to HUNK.There was a sad tone in her voice. She turned her attention back to Quinn and Ryuunosuke. The young man had introduced himself and insisted on walking. "Nice to meet you,Ryuunosuke Akutagawa. I hope we can get along. Though right now let's go to the medical bay. That pleursy of yours won't heal by itself. My dear medical friend,I will still need your assistance."Shinobu headed for the medical bay. Though she coudn't help but overhear Cybersix asking Fugai to research about a vidal containing a strange green liquid. "Facinating...perhasps I could do the research on it and make more for you with assistance from the staff of course. I have a patient to lead to the medical bay but I can have the time for that too. I am good in multi tasking."

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The remaining Corps members present followed Balalaika to the armory. "Our Nichirin swords are still intact but it might not be enough to fight against multiversal entities." Obanai said as he looked around the armory. Fortunatly there were a corner of the armory that offered Nichirin weapons not only from their world but from alternate versions of it. There was even weapons that either didn't exists in the Taisho period yet or didn't exist in their worlds. Most of them settled for nichirin armor for the chest,elbows and knees as well as a "enhancer" buckle that they can each placed around their nichirin swords.
"I wonder what it does." Zenitsu said. "We'll have to find out on the battlefield. " Muichiro replied.
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Quinn’s eyes went a bit wide, as she looked embarrassed. “I do not think you will drop dead…” She frowned, ears twitching. “The others, and myself just want you to be safe.” She explains.
She begins watching as she stands up, nodding when he said his name. “I am Quinn Dos, very happy to be acquainted.” She gives a small smile.

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Lin Lie
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire

As Balalaika and Fugai stood before the little ragtag group Lie was now a part of, bestowing upon them some special do-it-all watches that evidently connected them to their central computer. He said nothing, simply nodding and taking one for himself when they were presented to him in the briefcase. "Well, I guess I'm in the big leagues now," he breathed to himself.

It wasn't like he really had much of a choice; either hunt down the supposed entity who destroyed everyone's worlds here, or... do what exactly? Just sit here and feel bad for himself? No, he'd done plenty of that in K'un-L'un already, and though he still held his doubts about himself, he knew they'd be his undoing if he continued to let them plague him like this.

With that, the young hero sat along for the ride as he took in the information presented to him, the cosmology of the multiverse condensed into a relatively bite-sized explanation. The different types of universes that were all under threat by the one they dubbed the Pretender. However, the calm didn't last long before the storm came, a ripple that the other officers here seemed to be pretty familiar with. Well, it looked like it was do or die now, and he wouldn't be worthy of the mantle of Iron Fist if he had any intent of dying here.

He gave a passing glance toward the armory, giving it a brief thought, before shaking his head to himself. Guns weren't exactly his style, and he had no experience using them anyway. Maybe he might have been able to get some mileage out of a blade or two, as the former Sword Master, but the only sword he had much interest in using was already embedded in his hand, ready to reform into a weapon as needed when the moment was right. Besides, anything like extra weapons or armor might slow him down with that extra weight, and he'd have to be conscious of how fast he could move every inch of his body, after all.

Brushing his thumb against his nose, Lin Lie stood next to Cybersix, looking ahead resolutely. "I don't think we've been introduced. Name's Iron Fist. Here's hoping we don't bite it too fast," he chuckled apprehensively, assuming a fighting stance of his own as he mentally prepared himself for whatever threat was on the horizon.
Taylor speaks up at Pepperjacks explanation "You should also inform the others of how many you have lost going after this man, for example, the 25% casualty rate of the current mission alone. My world at least had the courtesy to do that for S-Class threats." 25% was considered a good day for Leviathan arrivals, Behemoth it was unheard of, Simurgh...that was more complicated "I accept knowing this, others may have reservations and sending them off uninformed would not do well to build trust or prepare"

Taylor takes a copy of the watch and works her way across the armoury, a wave of insects seeming to flow from them and around as she does. She had her preferred tools, but flexibility was never something she would turn down given the level of threat they were intending to face. As she searched and began to store equipment she did however throw out a quick question regarding the new device "Does this device maintain biological or living creatures within it? and what's its capacity?" Returning a short while later.

Zenos however made no motion to move from his seat to the offered armory, holding the watch between his fingers as he turned it before the device seemed to vanish in a purple flash. "I do not claim arms from some offered pile, I already claimed plenty to fit my need, perhaps another time should such suit my fancy."
Everyone wants to keep me safe, they will think otherwise once they get to know the real me, the things I’ve done, the people I killed..

Akutagawa met Quinn’s smile with his cold, steel gray eyes. His ice, unfeeling dark orbs never left Quinn’s countenance. Turning his head away, Ryuunosuke begins walking in powerful strides, only stopping to let them match up to his foot falls. “ Well both of you are acting like I’ll die this second.” He crossed his arms over his chest. Unsure of Shinobu, Quinn reminds him of Higuchi, sharing a similar compassion as her. If he looked closely he could see her instead of Quinn in her clandestine black suit, eye glasses, blonde bun. She’s the marksman of the Port Mafia, and one of his closest confidants, his only confidant and friend. Though he could go without the senpai honorific she tended to use. He’s hit with a pang of guilt over the vampire contagion incident, last he heard she was bit by him whilst infected. She recovered just fine, but the guilt ate at him. Now, he has a purpose to save Gin and her.

I’m not made of glass,” He kept on going, his hands resting on his hips. Unable to shake off the feeling, Quinn is like Higuchi, his cold eyes never leaving the AI’s countenance. “ I grew up in the slums. I made it out just fine with my pleurisy. Do you see me thinking, ok it’s time to drop dead? No. I’m fine. I made it, and my pleurisy is nothing compared to living in that hell hole.” He turns on his heels and keeps walking to the infirmary, they have to match his strides. He pauses at the medical bay’s doorway, it's reminiscent of a science fiction setting.

The idea of getting a medical exam hits his insecurities; he's vulnerable without his coat. The first thing Shinobu and Quinn would notice is the scars he accumulated over the years. One scar runs up his spine; how he survived against all odds. Though he can’t make excuses for the very noticeable bite mark from one of the damn infected. How he was turned into a vampire, unable to not feel guilty for Higuchi. He looked around wanting to get this over with.

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The robot noticed them walking towards the infirmary, quickly following, first in a run, then in a walk. Her metal feet clanging on the floor, the sound of gears turning inside her legs. “I apologize, I hadn’t meant for you to think that..I was just worried about you…” Quinn frowned, giving a truly upset look.

“Now I know you aren’t.” The robot answered honestly.
Her oval eyes looked back into his cold eyes. Listening to more about his past, she looked shocked. “You.. are very strong for braving that situation, in living that way.” She said. “I am sorry it has been very… upsetting for you.”

As the group continued walking again, Quinn noticed the scar. Her eyes went wide for a moment. Ears twitching. The bite marks, the scar, what he had gone through must’ve been so scarring.. and scary..

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As he acquired his new watch, the high tech stuff was impressive, Zed understood what needed to be done. So he made a beeline for the armory. It seems people are already there. He acknowledges Taylor with a nod as he stands near the Demon Slayers admiring the variety of swords, his eyes went to one whose blade is glowing a vibrant blue from some kind of alien materials. The firearms look reminiscent of ARMs, he knows it’s an acronym of Advanced Relic Machines. The same ARMS that Rudy uses, so futuristic, it’s interesting though he leans towards swords, another one to replace his Doom Bringer. He took the sword into his hands, to sheath it. He notices Zenitsu and the others. “ Those are katanas but I sense something different about them..” He let the curiosity get to him. Judging from their clothes, they’re from old times like him.

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Balalaika had half a mind to thin the herd as they ignored the flashing alerts on their watches because some schmuck had a cough. "Oh, stop babying him. He's coughing, not limping. Move your asses, people!" she demanded before lowering her voice to speak with Taylor. "We will discuss casualty rates before we have you choose your assignments. Don't stuff a person in subspace storage, but bugs are fine; it keeps theoretically a house's volume of contents in stasis until you withdraw it."

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Concerned with the feeling of spacetime rippling, she spoke into her watch: "CiMos, give me a readout on what that is." While listening, she produced a key and opened a locker containing a rifle—an SVD, the same Balalaika for which she was named.

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HUNK wasted no time gathering ammo and weapons—magnum rounds, grenades, and the RPG-7 on the wall. The sight of him fitting that huge launcher through a tiny subspace portal was absurd.
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Dante Sparda & Pixie
Mentions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Goonfire Goonfire
"And so the team reunites!" Dante, the Son of Sparda, phrased loudly, making sure to also strike a pose, cuz why not? Hovering closely was Pixie, who, upon spotting Dante in what was probably some type of cafeteria, separated from the many Demon Slayers, preferring the company of someone she was a little more adjusted to, & not people who were calling themselves Demon Slayers, even though some of them were sweet & gentle. "Doesn't a team need more than two?" Pixie corrected, earning a frown from Dante. "Erm, sorry..." Blush appeared on Pixie's face as she continued to fly on the right side of Dante. They were moving towards this facility's armory. Dante thought that maybe there were some multiverse goodies inside, something that can really pack an extra punch. And they were gonna need all the punches available if these threats were even 1/2 as powerful as the UCA implied they were. "Here it is!" Dante popped in, ignoring Balalaika & HUNK in the process.

Pixie suddenly interjected. "Think that alarm means something?" Responding, Dante scoffed. "Probably. But why pay attention when there's weapons to loot?" Dante was acting like a child at a candy store. A candy store that was full of rock shattering weapons & equipment. "Come on, I'm sure they won't mind if we take just a few things, right?" Dante suddenly went poking around. Pixie flew nearby, not wanting to touch anything just in case it would lead to trouble, plus she was too small to carry a weapon anyway. "Let's see..." Dante found some tasty looking snacks. "Portal Gun, HF Blade, BFG, this one is just a rock, Yamato, Cardbo- WAIT!" Dante's eyes returned to the Yamato. "How the-" Was Vergil serving the UCA now too? Now, that wasn't likely. The man was only willing to serve those that would lead to more POWER. "W-well um..." Pixie stuttered, ready to give a theory as to why the Yamato was possibly in the armory. "If there are an infinite amount of Multiverses, then there are an infinite amount of Yamato' too, right?" Dante only figured out there was a Multiverse what, less than a week ago? But there was also an infinite amount of them too? "This is... okay no more Multiverse talk, new rule."

Deciding it shouldn't waste away in such a place, Dante took Vergil's signature weapon. The Yamato should remain with a Son of Sparda. "Man, you can't imagine all the times Vergil cut & sliced me with this thing." Those were truly the most fun of times. Even now, Dante missed his only sibling. If only Mundus... No. He couldn't think on that. It was years ago. Vergil was gone. As was his entire universe. Lady, Trish, all of his friends & associates. They were all gone now. But like with Mundus, with all of the twisted Demons that met his swords & guns, Dante would exorcise this threat. He took out Ebony & Ivory, his twin pistols, & spun them. "Well Pixie... think we're good to face what's out there?" Pixie's eyes went to the weapon called the BFG. "Um... maybe we take this too? Has someone else's name on it though."

Dante scanned the area, checking to see if anyone was watching. "I'm sure the tough guy won't miss it!"
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U.C.A HQ, Infirmary.
As ood set foot in rhe infirmary,a blonde haired young woman noticed them and went to greet them.
"You must be some of the new recruit Admin Pepperjack brought?" She asked. She noticed the poor Ryuunosuke 's curent state. " I see that you cannot go in a mission in this state." She said with worry.
" He has pleursy,stage 5." Shinobu explained.
" Please follow me." said the worried medical officer. Shinobu and the medical admin led Ryunosuke and Quinn to a room with a bed.
"My name is Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. I'm the administrator of the medical yard.
"Shinobu Kocho,fornally medical chief of the Demon Slayer Corps." Shinobu replied as she helped Ryunosuke.
Goonfire Goonfire homintales homintales
As the rest of the remaining Demon Slayers were almost ready to fight two more individuals approched them,and aporoched Balalaika,waiting for their first assignment.Zenitsu turned his attention to Zed as he asked him about their Nichirin swords. "Well...those katanas are made with materials used to mimic the sun." Zenitsu explained. "We use them to slay demons. Though I still wonder if they will be useful on many other kind of creatures we'll encounter as enemies." He added,worried. He ,looked at his still flashing watch.
Tanjiro was still trying to calm Nezuko down. Muichiro noticed Dante who was browsing though the armory. "Another Uzui..." He muttered. He got Tanjiro's attention too. "His scent...he's a demon...though he seems to be different. Obanai noticed Kaburamaru hissing toward Dante,which got his attention too.

" Balalaika Dahling,Iz zhat zhe new retruits I veen hearing about?" A short statured middle aged japanese woman with black hair,large glasses and speaking with a thick german accent stormed inside the armory with her trolley filled with special suits and armor. Muichiro just started at the short lady. Tanjiro did too. Her scent, personality as well as potential role in this organisation reminded him of his assigned swordsmith,Hotaru Haganesuka. He just hope that she woudn't try to kill him if something she makes get broken.
"Vorking vitha variety of multiversal beings iz better then vorking vith ze stupid stick figures zhat call zhemselves zupermodels... I am xhe dezigner of zhe gods!" She noticed Mitsuri.
"Zhat a magificent hair color!" She said. " Thanks!" Mitsuri replied. "But vhat's with zhat uniform of yours dahling? Zhat brest art zhowing!"
"Well,barely...the uniform designer for the corps is...well.
"Zhat designer must be a filfy pervert dahling! In the meantime,just cover it vith zhat armor zou found. It was my design! Vorking vith alien materials is zeh pleasure! Vhen zou art done vith zhat mission,come zee me for tea! I enjoy visits from new recruits!"

"That's nice but we have a mission to focus on right now." Obanai replied,annoyed.
"Vhat is zhat haori of yours dahling,zhou looks like a prisoner! And zhat iz zhose bandages on your mouth!"
"You are starting to iritate me..." Obanai muttered.
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Cybersix was almost surprised to have been fighting alongside another person in tights. "Cybersix," she responded with her own introduction. Her eyes trailed around the landing, scanning for potential assets in a fight. High-voltage cables, chairs, ketchup... ketchup?

Shaoye Shaoye

The two scimitars on the wall opened their glowing eyes, the bulbous faces on their pommels coming to life. "Brother, I sense a familiar power," said the red one.

"That is definitely the power of Sparda," the teal one confirmed.

"Is that Dante over there?"

"That... is certainly him, brother!"

"So you finally decided to visit, Dante."

"We have waited here for so long with no entertainment..."

"No television!"

"No radio!"

"And our guests pay no attention to us—"

"—or they sigh like you always did!"

"Not even the other weapons speak to us!"

"The weapons, Dante!"

The swords talked so fast, one may find it difficult to interject in their conversation. They were sure to distract one from the imminent threat.

homintales homintales
Quinn would flinch at Balalaika‘s loud speaking, digital sweat beads dripping down her screen face. “O-Okay.. Okay.. I am going..” She said softly, feeling bad.

Goonfire Goonfire

Walking into the infirmary, tapping her fingers together as she waited. Occasionally glancing around the room. She turned to Ryuunosuke. “I do hope you feel better.” She told him honestly, listening to the others introduce themselves.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Unsure how else to spell it out to them that he’s fine, the pleurisy is nothing of consequence. It’s not like he’s going to drop dead right now, there’s more important things on his mind like attending this battle in hopes of finding the pretender not hanging out at the medical bay for something so menial. When Quinn spoke she’s concerned for his well being, Ryuunosuke nodded in her direction neither happy nor amused, though it was hidden by his ice mask he carefully crafted. A way to keep things in and things out, a wall built out of necessity. “ Can we get on with it..? I still think it’s not an emergency. I’ve been through a lot worse than this..” A hell bespoke of abuse under the guise of training, yet Akutagawa craved Dazai’s approval. Then the other hell is being the human vessel for that damned vampire virus, those damn hunting dogs, and Fukichi. And, the battles over the years, each his scar told a story of struggle and horror. How Akutagawa came on top. The pleurisy is the least of his concerns.

He had seen the flicker of worry etched in Luna’s face, perhaps humoring them was a bad idea. He’s at his best on the battlefield, nothing can stop him. Not even his pleurisy, yet they’re acting like he’s at stage 5, it’s getting irritating how he’s going around in circles trying to convince them he’s not going to drop dead from this plague. “ I’m fine, really, now..” He waves at Luna dismissively, his hands going to the hem of his coat. He eyeballed the medics. He ignored Balalaika’s commands he doesn’t need weapons, nor like he had formal training with guns or swords, suspecting his Rashomon ability will tear through any clothing material so armor is out, and how his Rashomon acts as a shield anyway. He locked that cold-piercing state on Luna and the other medics, prompting them hurry so he can be on his way.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Wildcard888 Wildcard888
U.C.A HQ,Infimary
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Wildcard888 Wildcard888
"All we need is the proper treatment and you'll be fine." Shinobu replied.
"Actually Lady Kocho,there is a faster way to heal him." Luna replied. "There is?" Shinobu replied.
Luna focus and placed her hands on Ryuunosuke 's chest. A bright light emerged from her hands. If it worked, the disease would be removed from Ryuunosuke 's being. After a few minutes,the glow stopped.
Shinobu was surprised. " This is the first time I see a human being perform such..."magic" Usually only demons can perform such...techniques."
"It's healing magic." Luna replied. "Back in my world during my childhood I was trainined in holy magic to heal others from a disease known as the Starscourge as the Oracle. Even if my world and the disease no longer exist,I still use my healung talents as a medical officer." Luna explained to the three.
"That's nice. I still got alot to learn from other worlds. " Shinobu replied.
Luna looked at Quinn in curiosity. The only robots she knew of were the Magitech Troopers( or MTs) built by the Niflheim empire. Yet this robot with animalistic features looked different and unlike the empire's MTs didn't look like a threat.
She stayed quiet, standing in place. Her thoughts swimming around her head. What happened to her home? Who was The pretender? Would there actually be a way to get back home?

Confused, she watched the healing magic take place. From how sudden it was, she gave a small yelp and covered her eyes. Turning away from the light.

Once it was over, she sighs. Slowly uncovering her eyes. She noticed Luna was staring at her. She blinks a few times, then stares back, raising an eyebrow.

Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

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