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Fandom Undertale: Prequel


come back stacy
Hello! This is a Undertale rp in which were gonna be roleplaying characters from the game! There is really no set storyline for this, so feel free to do whatever you like!


- No ocs.

- You must at least do one paragraph per post, the paragraph containing 4 sentences minimum. It can go as long as like. You will get a warning if you break this one time, and kicked out if you do it again. No exceptions.

- The more detail the better!

- Do not be over powered, or god-mod other characters (control what other people do)

- Check the overview before starting please

- You must make a sign up sheet, and it must be accepted before starting.

- More rules may be added on later, and this will be promptly told to inform everyone so there is no confusion.

- For the love of god, make your spelling and grammar at least readable. If its too an extreme, you will be warned, and if not improved, banned.

-If you have something out of character to say, say it in the out of character chat.

-Make sure your post flows well with whats going on so far, or if joining in especially. It can ruin a mood if everyone is in a heated moment in the storyline just for someone to pop in on the other side of the planet doing ninjitsu or some shit haha..

-After all character slots are filled I will close the openings for this rp cause a roleplay can get overwhelming very quick with lots of people in it.

-Make sure when you rp you sound like the character! I know it can be difficult, but do try :) If its really off, I'll make sure to let you know in the out of character chat section.

- Have fun!


Toriel: Me!

Sans: ElectroShogun

Papyrus: Assailant

Undyne: ShadNova



Flowey/Asriel: Soyxmilk

Chara: Diminium

Mettaton: (position held by Tactless until further notice)

Gaster: Darkiplier

Aaron: Darkiplier
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Toriel walked through snowdin, the sounds and such nearly silent. The only things that filled the air were the crunching of snow underfoot, and a gentle breeze that ruffled her fur softly, its sounds filling the air like a ghost was whispering through the trees and sky. Honestly, it was beautiful. Who could appreciate the slow falling snowflakes, taking their time flittering all around? She wonders how they have snow underground, before quietly dismissing it again. "Why was I here again? Oh yes.." She mummered silently as it she remembered. She was gonna go and look at the ruins. Leaving Asgore only a little over a week ago, shes been on the run in a way, relying on food she had with her and cozy sleeping spots she had on the way. The ruins had a home in it that she remembered. Abandoned and empty. Maybe she could live there. It was a far-fetched idea, but at this point, what else could she do? Leaving Snowdin at this point, she continued onward, looking only to the path ahead of her. She had to do this.
Undyne was jogging around the entire Underground without any problem. Already running about the Waterfall twice, Hotland - once and now in Snowdin, trying to keep her blood pumping in her veins and arteries, keeping warmth as she then seem to see the figure near the doors to Ruins, raising questions and curiocity in her head - she dashes forward to the creature in hopes to understand, who was that. Blinking with her both eyes, full of enthusiasm and young adult naiveness. She approaches the creature.

As Toriel was silently trudging through the snow, a new sound filled the air. "More footsteps?" She thought to herself. Curious, she turned around and saw a...fish? No, not exactly, they seemed to look like a human in a sort of way, but with fish qualities. Bright, vibrant red hair also trailed behind this woman, her eyes filled with determination. Putting on a smile, she nods towards the woman as she nears. "Hello..how are you?"
Undyne would stand there while looking at the goat creature, oddly resembling the female version of king. She was letting out light panting while saying in her full of beans voice which was full of energy 'Oh, you look like Asgore, but yet being woman! Awesome! My name is Undyne! Young trainee that is about to join Royal Guard, to protect monsters that were in need of our help, to bring justice and fairness!' - yes, she was young and naive, yet certain in her decision. She offers her hand to Toriel, like some tomboy would, smiling widely with her sharp shark teeth.

She was around her early twenties, maybe seventeen or eighteen years old. She was standing roughly six feet as her scarlet red hair was in one big fuzz at the time, waving in the wind. She was wearing sporty tank top as her chest seem to be slightly bulky, clearly attractive and strong - muscles only start to develop into strong mass on her body, being fit and aggile. Sweat could be seen on her face and body as eyes were shining with energy.
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W.D. Gaster sat in his study, in the True Laboratory, making calculations and drawing blueprints. Piles of books and papers surrounded the study, along with messy piles of crumpled papers; every few seconds a paper was crumbled and thrown to join the others. How would he do it ? There was something else, something required, the key to it all. He was almost there, he knew he was close to finding the answer, but something was missing.... Then he realized. Determination. He needed it to finish The Core. He had everything he needed; solid, gas, liquid, plasma... But determination. That was the key. That was what he needed. But how was he going to get it ? Monsters had little to no determination. Even the monster with most determination didn't have as much as required. Only humans had enough determination, only humans had powerful determination. But still, how was he going to get his hands upon Determination ?

Chara... said a voice in the back of his head. The Fallen Human is the secret to success....

But surely there could be another way ? He tried to find a way around this solution, bu couldn't find any.

You know that's the only way... Or you could wait a little bit longer, but it could possibly be too late...

The voice was right. But how ?


The sound of rushing water filled his equine ears. Aaron yawned as he rose, stretching his arms, flexing. What a wonderful day that was, perfect for more flexing and flexing. Aaron slithered over to the door of his house. He turned the knob and slithered out, flexing at every monster he saw. He finally reashed the waterfall in the middle of Waterfall, and started flexing, seemingly in love with his own reflection.

"What a wonderful day to flex ! ;) " He told his own reflection, flexing even more.
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The very mention of Asgore was enough to bring Toriel to tears. His face flashed in her mind, making her go stiff for a moment, unanswering her. She hated his decisions that he made for the underground most the time, and frankly felt he wasn't a good king. Space, alone time. That's what sounded nice right now. To sort through everything her mind and just relax. She was frankly amazed this woman didn't recognize her, also realizing that while thinking of all these things she was standing there quiet for probably well over a minute now. A blush of embarrassment came over her face and she heard the woman introducing herself, hand outstretched. She sure had a lot of fire in her, and well suited for..the guard she said? Funny, she didn't recognize her. Grabbing ahold of her hand, she smiled once more. "Hello Undyne, I'm Toriel. But how about you call me Tori instead?" She tilted her head while saying this, a bit of happiness seeping through her anxiety. It's nice to meet someone so outrightly nice after such a long trek here.

@ShadNova @Darkiplier
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And thus she wrapped her scaly and sweaty hand over her fluffy one, holding it really tight, handshaking her. At the momment, Toriel could feel the strengh of her already in one handshake as she looked directly at her eyes, keeping the smile of her as she then continued 'Fuhuhu! Tori? Well, thats sounds a bit like we know each other for loooong time, especially in some neat relationship. Fuhuhuhu. Pleased to meet you, Tori.' - she kept her shark like teeth in her mouth, forming one wide shark smile on her face. She didn't really find it that pause any embarrassing at all as she was happy of her life, despite of the situation and her own emotional stance. Somewhere in depths of her own brain she could think about Queen herself, but she was full of thoughts about battlefield, training and Royal Guard Codex, so she couldn't really think of her priority position there. 'So, you really want to get into these Ruins? I heard that they are dangerous as heck! All filled with hostile monsters that like the darkness and dust. Going in alone seem to be really bad idea, I guess, Madame.'

"Wow..she has a hand of steel..no wonder shes trying for the royal guard." Tori took away her hand after the ordeal was done, feeling like it was practically flattened. Although, pondering over Undyne's question, she knew before it was a bad place. The kids back at the capital always had dark stories they told about the ruins, filled with monsters who would kill even their own kin. Those were just stories, however. "Honestly, I knew of the dangers, but what was just gonna try anyways. Maybe they just simply need a good talking too? Or even a friend prehaps..it would lonely in there after a while, don't you think?" @ShadNova @Darkiplier
'Well yeah... To be honest, we are just gathering our hands on these places, good chat always brings happiness! After all, not many would actually go and talk with me, because they are either too 'busy' or either too 'special'. Pff.. Special my butt.' - she looks away while sighing, then she returns her view back at Toriel, crossing her arms 'So, what you got on your mind then?' - she was looking at her face while blinking, smiling.

Chara limped through Hotland, clutching his knife tightly. He cautiously peered around, watching where he went. Every corner contained an enemy. Every shadow a nightmare. Despite his tact and discretion, Chara was fuming, his anger bubbling up not like a pot of water, but a vat of oil. A Vulken sauntered by, blissfully unaware of the fate he would meet in the next moment...

Chara wiped the dust from his hands, looking around distastefully. "I need answers," he thought bitterly, thinking over what had happened hours ago. He had laid on his deathbed, family nearby. They asked him want he wanted. He had wanted a crown of golden flowers. They didn't have those down here. "Not in this hellhole," he griped, swiftly tucking a rebeling strand of brown hair behind his ear. Then it was over. He was faded, but only for a moment, a sudden, unwanted intrusion in the form of Asriel, forcing a fusion with his weak soul. He simply walked past the barrier, attempting to get some of the flowers.

Then there was the fight. Then total darkness as they returned to the Underground, Asriels's dust spilling far across the palace. He couldn't describe it. He shoved their souls apart, then the rest of the memories were hazy.

is soul flared hot with anger, with determination. He was still alive. Somehow. He was a bit numb, a bit injured from the fight he had not partaken in, and more than a bit ready to kill.
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Papyrus wandered through Snowdin, looking for any way that he could help the citizens. After all, he enjoyed nothing more than helping people and making friends (though making pasta of the noodle-y variation was certainly a close second.) Besides, it could give him a reputation, which would certainly help him on his quest to become a royal guardsman, and with Sans off doing whatever he did while he wasn't working (which was always), he felt like he had to do SOMETHING productive to counteract his brother's laziness. He spied Undyne standing nearby, and practically bubbled with excitement to rush off and go talk to her (and maybe subtly slip in a request to join the royal guard) until he noticed she was talking to someone.

WELL, He thought, I WOULDN'T WANT TO INTERRUPT HER WHILE SHE IS TALKING TO SOMEONE. AWAY I GO. He wandered around a bit more, and upon discovering that no one needed his help, he began thinking over who he could go talk to. He was bored, basically. He thought for awhile, and eventually decided upon Dr. Alphys. UNDYNE'S FRIEND ALWAYS SEEMS SO DOWN. WHAT SHE NEEDS IS SOME GOOD PASTA AND A GOOD FRIEND! SINCE UNDYNE'S BUSY, I WILL GLADLY TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY MYSELF. Papyrus went to the boatperson and took a ride to Hotland, making smalltalk with the cheerful man/woman/whatever.

Eventually, he departed from the boat and made his way to the lab, but decided to take a small detour first. He didn't usually come down to Hotland all that often and, despite how uncomfortably hot it was, the view was something to marvel at. He wandered around for a small bit until he came across a small child staring at a Vulken.

"WHY HELLO SMALL CHILD," he spoke. He didn't recognize what type of monster it was, but that hardly mattered. "YOU SEEM TROUBLED. MAY I BE OF ASSISTANCE?"

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Chara whipped around, brandishing his knife menacingly. "What do you want?!" He barked, standing his ground. "I hardly need any help from you! Away with you! AWAY!" He didn't want to be bothered, especially by a monster that clueless. Chara had been well known, and that's exactly why he needed not to be seen. It wouldn't hurt him to be seen by a monster this idiotic, he decided, so he tried his best to brush off the skeleton.
Papyrus gave a start when the child brandished a knife, but quickly laughed. He didn't recognize the child, not yet anyway. "WOWIE! WHAT A CUTE LITTLE TOY KNIFE YOU HAVE THERE. IT ALMOST LOOKS REAL. I REMEMBER THE DAYS WHEN I USED TO PLAY WITH TOYS LIKE THAT. I DON'T PLAY WITH TOYS ANYMORE BECAUSE I'M A GROWN-UP. NOPE. NO MORE TOYS. FOR ME. AN ADULT." he looked around shiftily before wiping a finger under his eye socket, as if pantomiming the act of wiping a tear from one's eye. AH, THE JOYS OF YOUTH. PLAYING A GAME AS SUCH. BUT WHAT IS THIS? YOU LACK A PARTNER FOR YOUR GAME. WELL THEN DEAR CHILD, DO NOT FRET. I SHALL BE YOUR PARTNER IN THIS GAME, AS YOU HAVE SHOWN YOU WANTED BY SPEAKING TO ME AS THUS." He then slapped his hand over his mouth. No, I can't break character. He cleared his throat and spoke. "YOU CAN'T BANISH ME THAT EASILY, FOOL!" He leaned in conspiratorially. "PSST, I AM NOT CALLING YOU A FOOL FOR REAL. I AM SIMPLY CALLING YOU A FOOL. IN THE GAME. WE ARE PLAYING. GAME YOU, NOT YOU YOU.

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