Unatural [Rp]

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Eros:gah!*runs into a stream causing a huge steam cloud and finally comes out mostly dry from residual heat* thank god
Haru jolted at Night,"p-p-p-please let me go"she said and twirled a piece of hair with her finger. She then looked at Night. He wasn't ugly maybe she had a little crush on him.... Maybe. But,"your loud"she mumbled.
Miyoku turns outside to see that Ero had jumped into a stream making the fire go away she laughed seeing the huge steam cloud "Glad to know your happy" she then turns back to the others she saw night hit on haru "Stupid mutt" she mummbles then she grabs harus hand pulling her towards her "I wanna room with haru"
Kaze lands softly and quietly on the roof. He looks over the bible once more an smirked, it already helped him to the point where he believed this was truly his to begin with. he sighed as he leaned back on the chimney and looked back out at the sea. The vast sea, the second part of the Lord's creation before land.

(might as well have him somewhere else since no one wanted to talk to him during the flight when he caught up from flooding the place.)
(Just gonna assume he came with them)

Shingou looked around the building and at his hands right after they landed. When people suddenly started picking rooms he turned around and said "I don't really care whom I share a room with." He said making obvious head signals to Izwa.
Haru jolted,"yes yes I'd rather share a room with another girl rather then Night..... Please"she said taking the cat's side.
His breathing slowed as chants repeated in his mind. He wondered if something was trying to communicate to him. He felt a warm feeling as if it was welcoming him. He just shook the feeling in his mind and continued to rest. He would need it for the time being.
"Good" Miyoku smiled and held on to harus arm tightly making sure no one would steal her away then she looks at shingou who was finally awake "Well goodmorning sleeping beauty" her tail wagged up and down happy to see her brother is ok she then looked at haru "Where is everybody?" she noticed that Aru and kaze were missing but she already knew the Ero was somewhere outside

She looked at night "I dont care what you forbid she is MINE Miyoku tighten her grip on harus arm then hissed at night
(yes shingou you are there we cared you there your naked btw also guys sorry about ryoku or izwa ill have to find someone else for izwa maybe )

Izwa: "Hm?I wanna room with...Shingou! his the only noncreepy one"she said happily clapping.

Yuki: "Im gonna room with Aru I guess, since there is no one left." she said happy.Yuki then went and layed beside Aru.She felt black vibes from him and that could only means his dead or has blacked out.She quickly gave him mouth to mouth hopeing he would awake and forgive her if he hadn't.
Aru woke up when he felt yuki's lips touch his. His eyes open wide at the surprise at first then he eased her back."Can i help you?" He didn't mean to sound rude but he was confused at the action even if he thought she was pretty.
(guys yes she is Night so dont bother her)

Izwa: "so shingou your sexy. Shall we go to our room?" she said smiling and flirting a bit.

Yuki: " so sorry i thought you were dead or you had blacked out.I was feeling black vibes from you and im sorry. I cant say i didnt enjoy it ,but Im sorry." she said in a rush."please forgive me."

she pleaded.She then turned the other away went into a deep sleep praying he would forgive and forget.
Aru looked at yuki as his eyes calmed."Its fine. You was only looking out for me. It wasn't bad, I guess." The words slipped out of his mouth. He wouldn't just let emotion happen. He controlled it not his heart.
Miyoku glared at Izwa and thought " I know this women is not hitting on my big brother" she growled under her breath and puts the big lab coat on shingou blocking Izwas sight of him
Izwa:"You do relize your naked...."she said.

Yuki:" he said it was fine. I love him so much!"she thought
Aru looked at Yuki for a moment while memories flooded in his head. He had flashbacks of his family, but it was broken pieces as he tried to put them together. He got completely frustrated before returning his thoughts towards her."So what are you doing in here?" He looked at her awaitng her response. He knew he was coming off rude.
Yuki:She slowly awoke to here Aru ask her question."well everyone else is sharing room and you were the only one left."she said a lttle tired
His face turned into a smile as he noticed he woke her. "Oh. I'm sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep." He looked around the room. He wondered why she seemed different. How did she feel the vibes off him? These questions began to race in his mind. He didn't understand these feelings.
Kaze looked at Ero for a second and then looked back at the sea and nodded his head along with a quick small grunt. after about a minute he looked back at Ero and said in a gruff voice, "You should go down and get some sleep, i can watch out for things out here." He then opened up his bible and looked through for the proper passage to look out for danger.
Yuki:"nah its fine...im feeling curious vibes from you."she told Aru."when we were little all of us were friends.All of our parents well at least one or two of our parents died in a wreck. My mom and dad did, so did yours.The only one that has a parent left is kaze and izwa,but i can't tell them not intill i tell everyone.We quickly became orphans and kaze's mom is a scientist from were we just escaped.She forgot she had a child and went adopted us to the scientist.They enjected powers into us and me information. im supposedly the assintant leader and kaze is the ring leader." she told him and continued about how we escaped ,and how she carried you."All of us were naked the only one still naked is shingou inless he put on clothes.I mean imagine carrying a naked man on your shoulder with everything just is like jiggling.....ugh. Well glade you awoke though i get know you now instead of just knowing the wonderful cute face.No knows that we all know each other from the past so dont tell!"she said.

(guys were almost to 100 so somebody will be that lucky 100)
Aru's smile disappeared as he looked at her once more almost startled by her voice. "I'll keep it our secret. Thats interesting though. Maybe we will get to relive the past." He had his interest strucked. He just returned his gaze back forward as his mind went clear.
Haru gulped a bit,"I don't want fighting"she said looking at Night,"and your loud again"she said softly looking down.

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