(●°u°●) 」The Evil Lair (OOC) (●°u°●) 」

 I am officially amazed. This RP has only been up for 12 hours and we have 10 members. Thank YOU for making this my fastest RP to gain a lot of interest~!
 I am officially amazed. This RP has only been up for 12 hours and we have 10 members. Thank YOU for making this my fastest RP to gain a lot of interest~!

You know, i've never seen the concept of idiotic villains placed into a roleplay before, that's what really peaked my interest! Also i'm done with my character and all these other ones look freaking amazing, i'm gonna start tagging a bunch of people when the time comes :D
I plan on making a mad scientist of sorts and I'm kind of in love with the idea I have for him. Huhuhu. 
@Ambela Oh my goodness a mad scientist? That is amazing! I can volunteer my character up for wacky experiments if the time comes. Although i'm afraid that it would probably wind up turning her into some sort of purple pachyderm. 

(Apologies if I intruded on anything but, I just wanted to tag you guys in this because of this unique roleplay that I discovered. Basically it involves a whole bunch of villainous misfits that are like some sort of Suicide Squad except they're absolute failures, imagine your every stereotypical Disney Villain. They're essentially rejects of the Intercontinental Villain Alliance! This is somewhat of a serious/comedic roleplay.) (If you do so sign-up make sure your characters are ridiculously inept, someone like Kiteman or Slipknot, you can create your own wacky villain as well!) 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]@Ballerina [/SIZE] @billthesomething @charleen @constellation @Demon's Little Angel @YungJazz[SIZE= 14.6667px] [/SIZE]@SolistheSun[SIZE= 14.6667px] [/SIZE]@Kingmalikai[SIZE= 14.6667px] [/SIZE]@Spencarian[SIZE= 14.6667px] [/SIZE]@Marumatsu[SIZE= 14.6667px] @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide(Still tagging)(Thank you guys/gals for putting up with my [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]shenanigans[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] on a daily basis!)[/SIZE]
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Mr. Scientest: MWAHAHAHAHA!!

Random Villain: Sir, what are you doing? 

Mr. Scientist: *coughs awkwardly* Practicing my evil laugh... But for arguments sake.... What are you doing?
@Spanner (Something would tell me that my comment would start rustling a butt load of jimmies)(DC or Marvel is fine with me.)(I'm more of the Marvel type of fan.) 


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