Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

I hate to feel elitist at all, but I hate posts that feel, very evidently, like they havent been proofread or edited at all. I stick to Detailed RPs because I expect a degree of quality control, and some people still jump in with posts that have unclear details, such as who they may be talking to, or simple things like lacking capitalisation at the start of sentences.
So not sure if this counts but people that send you a pm out of the blue like ... hey!...and then a few posts later they're like.. oh well your boring... bye.

Like okay don't clog up my inbox with random shenanigans please. It's confusing and a little rude.
AAndroidD said:
I hate to feel elitist at all, but I hate posts that feel, very evidently, like they havent been proofread or edited at all. I stick to Detailed RPs because I expect a degree of quality control, and some people still jump in with posts that have unclear details, such as who they may be talking to, or simple things like lacking capitalisation at the start of sentences.
I had a friend once who wrote perfectly detailed posts but would just Randomly capitalize Words out of the Blue for no Reason. It drove me up a wall. Like the sentence was otherwise perfectly correct but the random capitalization just threw me off.
readingraebow said:
like do you mean when people make it so like 16 year olds are somehow uber professional ( mages/superheroes/defenders of humanity) ?
I mean stuff like "characters have to be between the ages of 15 to 19" and they don't explain why the characters can only be mid-to-late teens.
Scylla said:
I mean stuff like "characters have to be between the ages of 15 to 19" and they don't explain why the characters can only be mid-to-late teens.
Ah well usually in that case I think it's just the people themselves are in that age range and that's what their most comfortable playing. At least in my experience that's it.

Not saying it isn't still a little weird when it's like a superhero roleplay and you can only have characters in a certain age bracket. Like okay but why? I mean I'm fine if you want to play someone in that age range but why can't I play a 25 year old? If it's a romance thing again I'm fine with that but at least say something so I don't think it's just arbitary b.s.
Probably either when I write quite a detailed post, and only receive 2-3 lines to work off. Or when someone controls my character and does something which I stated they aren't doing.
iChaotic said:
Probably either when I write quite a detailed post, and only receive 2-3 lines to work off. Or when someone controls my character and does something which I stated they aren't doing.
One other thing that annoys me is when someone unnecessarily formats their text in a way that makes it harder to read or decipher. I'm all for creativity but clarity should be important too
AAndroidD said:
One other thing that annoys me is when someone unnecessarily formats their text in a way that makes it harder to read or decipher. I'm all for creativity but clarity should be important too
Well the font I use isn't difficult to read, if it was, I wouldn't use it.
iChaotic said:
Well the font I use isn't difficult to read, if it was, I wouldn't use it.
it was a bit of a joke, sorry for not making that clear. regardless... the font does make things a bit unclear to me at least. Legible, yes, but... it just made it a bit harder to get through.
[QUOTE="Chloe Elaine]What types of role plays strike a chord with you?
What are some things that role players themselves do that bother you?

I would love to hear about things you've seen or experienced.

For me, the type of role play that bothers me are the ones that revolve around mental or physical illness, but they totally take it out of context and romanticize it to the point of "wait, do you even know what that disease is?" Let me elaborate: I have seen a role play where two characters were in a mental hospital and have schizophrenia. That's fine and all, but... their 'schizophrenia' was just voices in their heads that turned out to be each other's, leading them to fall in love. Other than the voices, there was nothing wrong with them. I don't have any experience with it, but I am pretty sure that is not schizophrenia.

The BIG thing that annoys me that some (not many) role players do- take control of YOUR character. Let's say my character's name is Chloe. Let's say theirs is George. My character and George have been arguing with each other the whole role play. The role player of George writes, "George looks intently into Chloe's eyes. Chloe then realizes that she is deeply, madly in love with George. She blushes and says, "I don't want to fight anymore. I want to date you." Um, excuse you, NOT your decision to make. Please don't.

What about you guys? What are some things that bug you?

Plenty of things annoy me in role play, though plot itself usually isn't one of them. I can deal with bad plots and weird progressions because it shows more of who the person actually is.

Things that bug me are usually more mechanical. That includes both bad writing and usage of symbols for actions/dialogue. I am open minded to some things but that doesn't mean they don't annoy me. For example, when people use nothing to signify actions but instead dialogue. It kind of makes sense because that's how a book is written, but it's just that nobody really does that so it can throw you in for a loop when you're reading something as if it's dialogue and then reach quotation marks and realize you have to reread it all. It's simple things like that.

I also hate it when people either (1) don't read any co-RPers bios (2) assume everyone remembers everything about their bio (3) make their bio too specific. The first two really just kinda tick me off a bit because they are just annoying and the third doesn't leave too much room for improv. That's why I usually make a mid sized bio (only 1-2 paragraphs of info) and leave large holes in backstory to be filled in based on the flow of the story.

The absolute worst thing you can possibly do though is a tie between going crazy over being the absolute main character or controlling someone else's actions in your message (for example, if you write a gigantic message of what you're doing but also include your partners response actions).
When someone blatantly steals your characters and plots for their own roleplay threads, its extremely offensive and lazy on their part. *cough cough*
I hate these types of roleplays and these two types roleplayers.

Academy RPs/High School RPs! What the fuck? I'm sure most people have dealt with school already, why the hell would you want to write a story about school?

I hate these two types of roleplayers, they post a CS then post a few times then just never post. Or if you're lucky (< sarcasm) they won't post at all. Then there's those people that you do a 1x1 in, then they just drop out, then make an excuse that life got in the way. You go through their recent activity then they've been posting like they're on 24/7!!!
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[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]I hate these types of roleplays and these two types roleplayers.
Academy RPs/High School RPs! What the fuck? I'm sure most people have dealt with school already, why the hell would you want to write a story about school?

I hate these two types of roleplayers, they post a CS then post a few times then just never post. Or if you're lucky (< sarcasm) they won't post at all. Then there's those people that you do a 1x1 in, then they just drop out, then make an excuse that life got in the way. You go through their recent activity then they've been posting like they're on 24/7!!!

I feel like the appeal of school/academy roleplays are for the more interesting aspects of school, like making friends, romance, drama, sports (depending), etc. In other words, it's for people who like "slice of life" style roleplays. When fantasy is involved, people get to play with magic as well, and magic is fun.

I completely agree with the two roleplayer types you mentioned though. It's even worse when they bottleneck people and hold up the roleplay for a while, causing it to die sooner or later.
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I honestly just despise when I create a universe, or use an already created Fandom, that is quite dark, gritty, etc. and someone create a character that is purposefully a klutz and constantly makes jokes at the wrong time. Obviously, if you want a dark RP with a lot of depressing moments, you don't want to have a scene like this.

Typical dark post:

The corpses were tossed in piles. He found a man under one of them, screaming for help, 'Get me out of here! Please!'

Klutzy character reply:

The young boy chuckled, 'I guess he's got quite the burden on his shoulders. Eh? Eh? Ain't that funny?'
[QUOTE="Psyker StrunLokSingh]I honestly just despise when I create a universe, or use an already created Fandom, that is quite dark, gritty, etc. and someone create a character that is purposefully a klutz and constantly makes jokes at the wrong time. Obviously, if you want a dark RP with a lot of depressing moments, you don't want to have a scene like this.
Typical dark post:

The corpses were tossed in piles. He found a man under one of them, screaming for help, 'Get me out of here! Please!'

Klutzy character reply:

The young boy chuckled, 'I guess he's got quite the burden on his shoulders. Eh? Eh? Ain't that funny?'

I actually laughed at the reply.
@Psyker StrunLokSingh And using "pretty boys" in RPs. Let's say you're making a modern dark setting. Then someone comes up with this character:

[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]I hate these types of roleplays and these two types roleplayers.
Academy RPs/High School RPs! What the fuck? I'm sure most people have dealt with school already, why the hell would you want to write a story about school?

I hate these two types of roleplayers, they post a CS then post a few times then just never post. Or if you're lucky (< sarcasm) they won't post at all. Then there's those people that you do a 1x1 in, then they just drop out, then make an excuse that life got in the way. You go through their recent activity then they've been posting like they're on 24/7!!!

IMO School RPs are all about execution, but the romanticisation of the high school and college experience by the media (and nostalgia from those that are long past it and recall simpler times without the intricacies and difficulties of teen angst) makes them more common and more commonly done incorrectly. I get what you're saying about how bad they can be, but the idea of a school exclusively for some special group of people with attention to them can for some in school be a way of getting personal attention in learning they wished they could have, and live out a social life they otherwise wouldn't have been capable of.

But those attitudes that draw people to school RPs tend to draw RPers with some occasionally difficult traits to deal with as people... at least moreso than other settings, in my opinion. Which is unfortunate because a GOOD school or academy RP can do so much
SpookySableye said:
I feel like the appeal of school/academy roleplays are for the more interesting aspects of school, like making friends, romance, drama, sports (depending), etc. In other words, it's for people who like "slice of life" style roleplays. When fantasy is involved, people get to play with magic as well, and magic is fun.
I completely agree with the two roleplayer types you mentioned though. It's even worse when they bottleneck people and hold up the roleplay for a while, causing it to die sooner or later.
I don't think it is really the RP itself that annoys him and more about the fact that they flood the Fantasy section. Most of non-school RPs end up dying fairly quickly.

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