Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

[QUOTE="Psyker StrunLokSingh]And not to mention those who completely ignore grammar in their posts. I have to have a rule where it says "Proper grammar is a MUST."

I don't mind too much, as long as I can tell actual effort was put into the post.
MrMister said:
I dislike RPs where people are automatically accepted/the GM is afraid to deny people. It bothers me because a great rp can get flooded with half written characters or lazy players and then it ruins the experience for everyone.
True, but sometimes GMs are desparate to keep the roleplay alive.
MrMister said:
I dislike RPs where people are automatically accepted/the GM is afraid to deny people. It bothers me because a great rp can get flooded with half written characters or lazy players and then it ruins the experience for everyone.
I can't agree with you enough about this. After all, isn't it the GM's job to make sure people don't do that in the first place? Granted, if it's an RP life or death situation, it's understandable, but if it's a detailed rp, they might want to think twice about accepting a character with a two-sentence bio.
This isn't anyone's fault but I'm sure it bothers everyone.

"That moment you want to join in RP but it's on 103 pages"
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CoconutLeaves said:
Eh, I can sorta understand why. I prefer to draw my characters though, and I only end up just using anime pics since everyone else does it. But then, my art style is quite amateur anime xD . Personally, I find it better than using real pictures since I don't like using real photos, it feels wrong. I actually feel like I'm erasing someone's life xD .
^ This is exactly how I feel, it just feels so wrong to use real photos. I prefer to use photos like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.41dca0ca2945f739e737db57b6d2b8c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.41dca0ca2945f739e737db57b6d2b8c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.cc276b81e7096f1dbcc3746cae8254a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.cc276b81e7096f1dbcc3746cae8254a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Ballerina Understandable, however, when a GM gets too desperate and accepts just anyone you end up with a detailed roleplay with 5 people who post paragraphs and 1 who posts two sentences. If they aren't even close to the standards everyone else has set as acceptable, the GM shouldn't and can't(for the sake of the roleplay) simply admit that person if they want the rp to succeed.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]This isn't anyone's fault but I'm sure it bothers everyone.
"That moment you want to join in RP but it's on 103 pages"

^This, it is just so awkward sometimes but I do it anyways, and try to create a character who blends in with the story.
MrMister said:
@Ballerina Understandable, however, when a GM gets too desperate and accepts just anyone you end up with a detailed roleplay with 5 people who post paragraphs and 1 who posts two sentences. If they aren't even close to the standards everyone else has set as acceptable, the GM shouldn't and can't(for the sake of the roleplay) simply admit that person if they want the rp to succeed.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]This isn't anyone's fault but I'm sure it bothers everyone.
"That moment you want to join in RP but it's on 103 pages"

Not sure about you, but I actually prefer to join RPs at their conception. It's less reliable, but having a consistent small group working through a story to a definite completion, you grow to trust the roleplayers who stick around. maybe the story only goes a few months but then its done, neatly closed. Some RPs struggle because they try and drag on a story long after its finished, which is fine, to a degree, but it often turns out in a way where the idea and story get passed through so many different players, entering and leaving, you end up with a completely different set of characters and a different intention than the start - and if that's gonna happen I'm one to prefer just starting a new RP entirely.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]I'm going to go on the Fantasy section and I'll count how many academy Rps there are.
6. That may sound like a little, but that's pretty large cuz that's only on the 1st page.

I counted 8 RP that has "academy" or "high school" on the first page of Realistic/Modern. It's pretty disappointing when I run into RPs with interesting premises but then it mentions school or has a teenage character requirement.

The only RP category that isn't inundated by academy/teenage RP seems to be Futuristic.

[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Both, actually. I avoid Rps that use anime pictures.

I find those pretty annoying too, but it really bothers me when people use anime images for dark/gritty/serious RPs. I cannot take most anime seriously. I don't even think most anime were meant to be taken seriously in the first place.
These days, I prefer order Rp's. I don't mind waiting, just as long as it's kept alive and people interact with each other. Like there are some rp's where everyone is in their own circle, a newcomer really has to butt in to be part of it.


Oh those look like nice pics. I'm just more of the type to draw. A lot of people use pics from famous anime and games and I'm just like "I KNOW YOU!"
Mifuyne said:
I counted 8 RP that has "academy" or "high school" on the first page of Realistic/Modern. It's pretty disappointing when I run into RPs with interesting premises but then it mentions school or has a teenage character requirement.
Just a curious question, but if the plot is intriguing why does the setting of a school completely turn you off to the idea of joining it.
CoconutLeaves said:
Oh those look like nice pics. I'm just more of the type to draw. A lot of people use pics from famous anime and games and I'm just like "I KNOW YOU!"
On this, people who use overly recognisable images as their pictures. Seeing a character straight out of an anime or comic and claiming it as the face of their new character doesnt sit well ALL the time to me. I don't argue about it but... eh

I personally prefer to dig deep and find some independent illustrations to represent my characters. I'll usually have a general idea of what I want, then when I find an appropriate drawing, use that as a base canvas for the character I'm making. Other times I use video game character creators to make one, if I feel its fitting enough and the characters the editor makes dont look like plastic.
CoconutLeaves said:
These days, I prefer order Rp's. I don't mind waiting, just as long as it's kept alive and people interact with each other. Like there are some rp's where everyone is in their own circle, a newcomer really has to butt in to be part of it.

Oh those look like nice pics. I'm just more of the type to draw. A lot of people use pics from famous anime and games and I'm just like "I KNOW YOU!"
I honestly don't mind when the roleplayers are rather tight knit and comfortable around each other, but it bothers me when the newcomer tries to hard to be a special snowflake without even reading through the general jist of the roleplay.

Those are the pics I prefer to use, but everyone else uses extremely anime looking pictures (best way to describe it) and I want my character to fit in. I would love to draw but I'm way too lazy and have a fear of being judged. As for people who use famous anime characters all I can think is something the lines of "Honey, you ain't fooling anyone, you're name isn't Aiko, it's Naruto...." It just makes me cringe when people do that because they either only change the name or it's so different that it feels like they completely ruined my views of the anime character.
AAndroidD said:
I personally prefer to dig deep and find some independent illustrations to represent my characters. I'll usually have a general idea of what I want, then when I find an appropriate drawing, use that as a base canvas for the character I'm making. Other times I use video game character creators to make one, if I feel its fitting enough and the characters the editor makes dont look like plastic.
I do this too, except with real people because I'm more of a slice-of-life kind of guy (I feel like real face claims fit slice of life better. Just an opinion of mine that refuses to change). I really don't like how if you go from rp site to rp site (specifically ones that make you claim your faces), you see the same faces being used over and over again. It gets tiring.
AAndroidD said:
On this, people who use overly recognisable images as their pictures. Seeing a character straight out of an anime or comic and claiming it as the face of their new character doesnt sit well ALL the time to me. I don't argue about it but... eh
I personally prefer to dig deep and find some independent illustrations to represent my characters. I'll usually have a general idea of what I want, then when I find an appropriate drawing, use that as a base canvas for the character I'm making. Other times I use video game character creators to make one, if I feel its fitting enough and the characters the editor makes dont look like plastic.
I for some reason feel wierd about using doll makers to make my character, something about it just makes me feel wierd. Usually I go on pinterest for faceclaims.
MrMister said:
I do this too, except with real people because I'm more of a slice-of-life kind of guy (I feel like real face claims fit slice of life better. Just an opinion of mine that refuses to change). I really don't like how if you go from rp site to rp site (specifically ones that make you claim your faces), you see the same faces being used over and over again. It gets tiring.
Theres a few over used faces on here alone as well, I can't even count the amount of times someone claimed Cara Delevine as their 'character'.
Ballerina said:
I honestly don't mind when the roleplayers are rather tight knit and comfortable around each other, but it bothers me when the newcomer tries to hard to be a special snowflake without even reading through the general jist of the roleplay.
Those are the pics I prefer to use, but everyone else uses extremely anime looking pictures (best way to describe it) and I want my character to fit in. I would love to draw but I'm way too lazy and have a fear of being judged. As for people who use famous anime characters all I can think is something the lines of "Honey, you ain't fooling anyone, you're name isn't Aiko, it's Naruto...." It just makes me cringe when people do that because they either only change the name or it's so different that it feels like they completely ruined my views of the anime character.
Regarding that, what makes a Special Snowflake these days anyways?

And I can understand being judged. There's often a heavy bias in roleplaying based on the image and sometimes I just want to type the description. But maybe I should walk the walk and just start drawing my characters from here on out, even if they're not professional looking. xD
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Oh and I forgot about those nasty anime RPs ew.

Well I'd say fandom roleplays are fine when they're in the right section. I personally get annoyed with them when they're put in the wrong forum ( not here but on another site I was into were literally every single section had like twenty fandom roleplays )

Like it's fine when it's in the FANDOM section because that's what it's for. But don't put it in the fantasy/sci-fi/slice-of-life/etc. sections too.

Granted I say this as someone who nearly exclusively does fandom too and it just frustrates me to have to go hunting all over a site for a good one.

But I imagine for those who don't appreciate them it's even more annoying.
CoconutLeaves said:
Regarding that, what makes a Special Snowflake these days anyways?
And I can understand being judged. There's often a heavy bias in roleplaying based on the image and sometimes I just want to type the description. But maybe I should walk the walk and just start drawing my characters from here on out, even if they're not professional looking. xD
In my opinion, a special snowflake character is going to be very different in every RP, because it depends on the world it's built for. But general traits are oft (but not always) out of place abilities or skills that provide a massive advantage that can be abused, without appropriate drawback. Also, conflicting details. Being experienced yet young, for example. Physical features that are excessively flashy (the most common being changing eye colours, or hair colour, for some reason or another) are also common on these kinds of characters. Overall, a character where it feels like EVERY DETAIL has to feel unique to everyont else. Throw in a dash of dark and brooding and you've got yourself some hellish concoction.

One of my first (and cringiest) RP characters I ever made was for a superhero academy type deal, and naturally I went with a 15 year old who was for some reason at this school for high school leavers because of their immense intellect which was linked to psychic abilities to manipulate matter on a molecular level in massive scale. Whilst it could be redone decently, the ability was ridiculously OP against anyone, with surprise being the only weakness at all. Hell, looking back, I don't know how that abomination got approved.
MrMister said:
Just a curious question, but if the plot is intriguing why does the setting of a school completely turn you off to the idea of joining it.
Honestly, it's a personal preference based on experience. I didn't enjoy school and I didn't enjoy being a teenager either. I don't want to be reminded of it. Plus, I find the idea of me RP'ing as a teenager creepy.

I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any school-based RP at all. I'm just annoyed that it's one of the more active types of RP.

Maybe I'm in the wrong community
Mifuyne said:
Honestly, it's a personal preference based on experience. I didn't enjoy school and I didn't enjoy being a teenager either. I don't want to be reminded of it. Plus, I find the idea of me RP'ing as a teenager creepy.
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any school-based RP at all. I'm just annoyed that it's one of the more active types of RP.

Maybe I'm in the wrong community
I would say it depends on if it's actually a roleplay based on SCHOOL or if that is just the setting. Because 99% of the roleplays I've seen that had Academy/School in them where about one of three things :

Learning to use special abilities ( magic/mutation/giant mech suits/etc )

Teenage Drama ( cliches, relationships, OMG MY LIFE IS RUIINED drama )

Being Popular or Twilight Level Romance

or some bastard hell spawn mix of the three.

If it's the first one I'm fine. I can even handle the second one in small doses. Sadly 60 -70% eventually devolve to number three which is where I bounce out.
readingraebow said:
I would say it depends on if it's actually a roleplay based on SCHOOL or if that is just the setting. Because 99% of the roleplays I've seen that had Academy/School in them where about one of three things :
Learning to use special abilities ( magic/mutation/giant mech suits/etc )

Teenage Drama ( cliches, relationships, OMG MY LIFE IS RUIINED drama )

Being Popular or Twilight Level Romance

or some bastard hell spawn mix of the three.

If it's the first one I'm fine. I can even handle the second one in small doses. Sadly 60 -70% eventually devolve to number three which is where I bounce out.
*thinks about the last one* excuse me. *vomits*
I'm fine with "realistic" anime:

Maybe something like this:


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