Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

SpookySableye said:
Yeah, school rps are everywhere.
Also, is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of people in those academy rps don't want to write more than one sentence? Just a weird coincidence I've noticed, but it gets annoying if you aren't on rpn 24/7.
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I'm going to go on the Fantasy section and I'll count how many academy Rps there are.

6. That may sound like a little, but that's pretty large cuz that's only on the 1st page.
SpookySableye said:
Also, is it just me, or does it seem like a lot of people in those academy rps don't want to write more than one sentence? Just a weird coincidence I've noticed.
I've been lurking in some of them and you're right.
[QUOTE="Psyker StrunLokSingh]I honestly just despise when I create a universe, or use an already created Fandom, that is quite dark, gritty, etc. and someone create a character that is purposefully a klutz and constantly makes jokes at the wrong time. Obviously, if you want a dark RP with a lot of depressing moments, you don't want to have a scene like this.
Typical dark post:

The corpses were tossed in piles. He found a man under one of them, screaming for help, 'Get me out of here! Please!'

Klutzy character reply:

The young boy chuckled, 'I guess he's got quite the burden on his shoulders. Eh? Eh? Ain't that funny?'

That kind of character can certainly do well, but a lot of people do it to stay lighthearted as opposed to actually looking at the intricacies of using such a character who is light and upbeat in a darker setting.

I'm going to ignore characters who are upbeat for a dark reason, such as being some sort of oblivious villain who cracks jokes out of cruelty. For a truly upbeat and positive character in that world, both the character and the setting need to be trated with a lot of respect, and (oft forgotten by the RPers who choose that style of character in those settings) limitations and explanations need to be in place for how they manage to stay so upbeat, how does bottling up their reactions to horrific scenes impact them? because saying they simply are not phased whatsoever is unrealistic. Whilst a bit of a common trope, using a "breaking point" idea in the RP, the point where their positive nature breaks down and they can no longer remain that way because of the stress of what they witness and experience, is a safe way to avoid falling into the trap that you have described.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Oh and I forgot about those nasty anime RPs ew.

You mean fandom or people who use anime pics?
AAndroidD said:
That kind of character can certainly do well, but a lot of people do it to stay lighthearted as opposed to actually looking at the intricacies of using such a character who is light and upbeat in a darker setting.
I'm going to ignore characters who are upbeat for a dark reason, such as being some sort of oblivious villain who cracks jokes out of cruelty. For a truly upbeat and positive character in that world, both the character and the setting need to be trated with a lot of respect, and (oft forgotten by the RPers who choose that style of character in those settings) limitations and explanations need to be in place for how they manage to stay so upbeat, how does bottling up their reactions to horrific scenes impact them? because saying they simply are not phased whatsoever is unrealistic. Whilst a bit of a common trope, using a "breaking point" idea in the RP, the point where their positive nature breaks down and they can no longer remain that way because of the stress of what they witness and experience, is a safe way to avoid falling into the trap that you have described.
I'm perfectly fine with light-hearted characters. As long as their jokes are used in an opportune time.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]@Psyker StrunLokSingh And using "pretty boys" in RPs. Let's say you're making a modern dark setting. Then someone comes up with this character:

Why does he look like he's about to do some bad acting and pretend he just got off the phone, then give us a youtube intro about how he's going to show us his latest crazy prank, pairing up with his friend, the youtube sensation, skinny white boy number 2
AAndroidD said:
Why does he look like he's about to do some bad acting and pretend he just got off the phone, then give us a youtube intro about how he's going to show us his latest crazy prank, pairing up with his friend, the youtube sensation, skinny white boy number 2
Cuz he is a youtuber. WeeklyChris. Pretty famous.
CoconutLeaves said:
You mean fandom or people who use anime pics?
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Both, actually. I avoid Rps that use anime pictures.

I prefer anime pictures as stange as it sounds. For some reason using real pictures makes me uncomfortable because all I see are stock photos and celebrities speaking from experience.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Both, actually. I avoid Rps that use anime pictures.

Eh, I can sorta understand why. I prefer to draw my characters though, and I only end up just using anime pics since everyone else does it. But then, my art style is quite amateur anime xD . Personally, I find it better than using real pictures since I don't like using real photos, it feels wrong. I actually feel like I'm erasing someone's life xD .
Ballerina said:
I prefer anime pictures as stange as it sounds. For some reason using real pictures makes me uncomfortable because all I see are stock photos and celebrities speaking from experience.
I don't like either. I prefer concept art-like images. Not sure what the word is so I'll give an example:

[QUOTE="Psyker StrunLokSingh]I don't like either. I prefer concept art-like images. Not sure what the word is so I'll give an example:

I think the best word to use would be illustrations
CoconutLeaves said:
Eh, I can sorta understand why. I prefer to draw my characters though, and I only end up just using anime pics since everyone else does it. But then, my art style is quite amateur anime xD . Personally, I find it better than using real pictures since I don't like using real photos, it feels wrong. I actually feel like I'm erasing someone's life xD .
There are certain lives I would love to erase . . .

Another problem I have are people who want their characters involved in everything big happening. Look, you can have your moments, but you don't have to be involved in EVERYTHING.

AAndroidD said:
I think the best word to use would be illustrations
I give thee my thanks.
And not to mention those who completely ignore grammar in their posts. I have to have a rule where it says "Proper grammar is a MUST."
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]#attention who-wh- people

*makes super edgy special snowflake character* PAY ATTENTION TO ME!
[QUOTE="Psyker StrunLokSingh]And not to mention those who completely ignore grammar in their posts. I have to have a rule where it says "Proper grammar is a MUST."

Personally, grammar doesn't have to be perfect for me to be okay, but if it looks like you rolled your face on the keyboard and clicked "post reply", go back to English Class.
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SpookySableye said:
*makes super edgy special snowflake character* PAY ATTENTION TO ME!
I think it's more important that the character made does not overshadow others. Some RPs encourage special snowflake-esque characters. And to have fun in an RP, it pays to have a character you can feel special playing. That said, awkward unexplained abilities and powers, aesthetic choices that do not really add anything, they are things I tend to not want to eliminate, but kept in check by demanding an explanation. Your character's eyes change with their mood. Why? what caused this to happen? If they can explain well enough without infringing on lore, I'll allow it - but usually these kinds of effects can't get past that sort of test and get either reworked to something less obtuse, or scrapped entirely.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]#attention who-wh- people

Gahh I hate it when people just randomely step into a significant event just for attention,
I dislike RPs where people are automatically accepted/the GM is afraid to deny people. It bothers me because a great rp can get flooded with half written characters or lazy players and then it ruins the experience for everyone.

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