Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

Coward said:
Gonna add to my personal list:
Canon x OC, or 'I need someone to play a male.'

In theory both are fine, but in practice they are usually code for 'play someone to dote on my Mary Sue OC, while I do nothing to create any sort of interest or plot.'
Oh, that bothers me, also when it's reversed "I need a female OC"...like...ugh.
This is why I don't do canon RP. I will fill in ES or other game NPCs around the OC's; they're usually simple enough not to screw up easily. But anyone with any development, never. I am not here to play someone's romantic sock puppet. This is why I won't play a character someone else has created in general; eight times out of ten it's a bad 'edgy' female character looking for a male to pursue her regardless of how awful she is (or a 'shy' uke, just as bad in a different way).
Personally why I hate it when people say "we must double" usually that's code for I really really really want you to play the male romantic lead to my self-insert/poorlywritten/marysue OC but I don't want to seem selfish so I'll tell you that I'll play a male for you as well. But in reality the person's male character is basically either totally ignored or the male equivalent of their female OC and just basically exists to be eye candy for my female.

Like yeah no thanks.
I'm sure I've posted on this thread before as it's my favorite, but I'm here again and saltier than ever.

Deaf guy x hearing girl

Okay, this is a very specific paring but I've been seeing it a lot. The issue is that 90% of the time I see it it's posted by someone who doesn't want the thread to be about anything more than the hearing girl fixing this poor lonely Deaf man. It's irritating and if you're asking someone to play a Deaf character to totally ignore the culture and struggles that come with it only to have someone 'fix' them, you really need to rethink what you're doing.

Changing the sexuality of canon characters.

Now wait! Before anyone jumps on me about this, I mean characters where their sexuality is explicitly stated and a large part of their character or their character arc in whatever media they're in. I've seen Dorian/f!Inquisitor too many times.

One liners

This has been mentioned time and time again, but my issue with it comes from people who claim to write a lot. In my mind a lot is 4+ paragraphs, not 4+ words. If you want to write one liners and have fun, please do it, I'll never try and stop you, just be honest about what length to expect.

It's not fun for either of us if we aren't on the same page.

Plots with no conflict

This is very much just a personal thing but good Lord does it bother me. If you start out with everything being rainbows and sunshine and aren't willing to change it, where is the story going to go from there. Stories live and die on conflict.

Ditto Characters

I couldn't think of a name for them, so this'll have to do. You know the ones I mean, the ones who take on the skill of everyone they meet and are automatically better at that skill without any reason. Say Sally is a dancer, Sally meets George who is a boxer, suddenly Sally is a better boxer than George and proceeds to kick his butt in a fight because if someone has that skill, Sally has to have it too.

And a side complaint: Am I the only one who doesn't get the appeal of just listing a bunch of random ships and choosing an rp like that? I mostly stick to 1x1 stuff and that's all I'm finding now days. I genuinely want to know what the draw is because I just really don't see it.
While we're on the topic, I've never really seen the point of those who want canon x canon. Now, I understand the reasoning behind canon x oc, but canon x canon? At that point, you might as well just write a fanfiction.
IrradiatedWarden said:
And a side complaint: Am I the only one who doesn't get the appeal of just listing a bunch of random ships and choosing an rp like that? I mostly stick to 1x1 stuff and that's all I'm finding now days. I genuinely want to know what the draw is because I just really don't see it.
Now I don't do this personally but I've seen people who do and the best I can figure it's similar to just putting a specific genre down. Like maybe all you really know is you want to do something with Witches or Werewolves.

Or in the case of pairings you know you want a story centering around a Prince / Servant.

Maybe you aren't sure of what kind of plot in particular you want or maybe you want to give your partner a chance to help flesh it out.

And some times it's also just people who don't want to make up a plot. All they want is purely a romance between Prince x Servant. That's it. Plot and character developement is meaningless.

The way I see it at least in this case your being honest and I know up front what I'm getting into. I find it refreshing myself. Not that it's my cup of tea but I can tell just by looking at it that it won't be and thus their are no misunderstandings down the road.
IrradiatedWarden said:
Plots with no conflict

This is very much just a personal thing but good Lord does it bother me. If you start out with everything being rainbows and sunshine and aren't willing to change it, where is the story going to go from there. Stories live and die on conflict.
Oh man, I know all about this xD

I was in one RP where their idea of "conflict" was to have two ravaged enemy countries declare war on the trhee PC countries which, of course, had barely suffered from the crisis that messed with the others. They stood no chance at all. Turned out the whole conflict was also engineered by patriots inside the PC countries so they could conquer more stuff. So the conflict was in actualty an excuse to make the players EVEN STRONGER.

Needless to say I didn't stick around too long for that one >.>
I really don't like it when the OP demands people to create their own CS, because it seems as if the OP is lazy.
Scylla said:
I really don't like it when the OP demands people to create their own CS, because it seems as if the OP is lazy.
Speaking of a GM that does this your right partially it's just lack of time or desire to make a character sheet. i.e. i've put enough work into coding this and i'm not bothering with anymore.

But another reason is that a lot of people don't know how to use BBC code so it's easier to just give them a list of the information that they need to fill out than - give them codes then be forced to redo said codes when they inadvertantly mess with the coding or don't turn of the rich editor.

Which brings me to another point people that overly code their posts. Look if you want to centerblock your post fine, but don't be a double border, a large graphic, and a theme song into every one of your posts. It's super distracting and makes it hard to read the actual words in your post.
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For me there is two that really comes to mind. I recently have been surfing several forums and it was.... painful...

  • People that bother to write a whole RP. Have people join it and then they turn it into the back drop for them trying to pick up on another member. There is a group of people attempting to work together to write a story. I find it so selfish for such people to waste others time. That is what one on ones are for. Not that I think they should be used for such foolish behavior but at least there it is less damaging.

  • Players that insist on knowing everything. I know this is a type of God modding. However, explaining that to them often becomes equal to teaching a bird to read. What I mean is, those that have their character know everyone's name. The character can tell how another character is feeling just by walking into the room, or they can 'sense' another character had a desire for something. There is having an intuitive character and then there is being a jerk. I just don't understand how they can want to play this intuitive character but when you point out the error they become so confused by the subject.
readingraebow said:
What is a dank meme?
An easy way to get off topic and get warning points for spam. xD

I always get annoyed when roleplayers seem more interested in stretching my rules rather than think of how their character can support the story.
Ive got some more for guys;


I see people say things like this a lot, but I've never seen anyone actually act upon it. Most of the people I've known that have said something like this come across as though they want someone else to be a douchebag, as though they're hoping to create a villain for their character to oppose xD I mean, I wouldn't mind more conflict in an RP, but if someone sees fit to bitch about it, they should at least take responsibility for starting it. It's kinda like the poeple that complain about being left out but never try to get involved.


It seems like the default reacton to EVERYTHING in role-playing is for character to not care/be indifferent/be unfazed/be dismissive towards anything meant to provoke a reaction from their character. I can't believe how many times I've read about a character that finds something uninteresting or ignores something or whatever. I engage in reflexive regurgitation upon reading such sentences nowadays xD
Also those guys who assume that if it's an animal, it's a furry. There's a difference between an anthropomorphic animal and a furry. Is it not designed to be specifically turned into fanservice? Then it's not a furry.

Fox from Star Fox = Furry

Skaven from Warhammer = Not a furry

I've never had this problem on this very site, but it happens on other sites.
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I don't like role-players who happen to dislike furries or nekoes simply because they're furries or nekoes. It sucks. Of course, it does get a bit irritating when there's about 3 different people role-playing a neko or a furry at the same time.

Auto hitters.


Auto dodgers/blockers.






Hey, how about those "Overly-overpowered Gary Stus and Mary Sues," know what I'm saying?

Hey, I don't die because I'm immortal

I'm good at everything and I always make the right decisions

My weapon kills everything in one swing, and I'm a master at it


I'm looking at you, Sakuya.
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ShredKnives said:
I don't like role-players who happen to dislike furries or nekoes simply because they're furries or nekoes. It sucks. Of course, it does get a bit irritating when there's about 3 different people role-playing a neko or a furry at the same time.

Auto hitters.


Auto dodgers/blockers.






Hey, how about those "Overly-overpowered Gary Stus and Mary Sues," know what I'm saying?

Hey, I don't die because I'm immortal

I'm good at everything and I always make the right decisions

My weapon kills everything in one swing, and I'm a master at it

Or The Ones Everyone Wants.

Oh I'm the prettiest, quirkiest, most desirable person ever. Everyone either wants to bang me (only if their opposite opposite gender ) be my best friend or be mean to me ( cuz their jealous and I want my character to be a victim of lazy cliches )
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readingraebow said:
Or The Ones Everyone Wants.
Oh I'm the prettiest, quirkiest, most desirable person ever. Everyone either wants to bang me be my best friend or be mean to me
Maybe you'll recognize this:

ShredKnives said:
Maybe you'll recognize this:
I never saw that before xD Pray tell, how can you identify if a character is acting as such.
CoconutLeaves said:
I never saw that before xD Pray tell, how can you identify if a character is acting as such.
You'll probably notice it in due time. Someone will be taking all of the credit, while the others slowly turn into side characters. Of course, this is seen in shows before, but we typically don't want that in role-plays.
Scylla said:
Also those guys who assume that if it's an animal, it's a furry. There's a difference between an anthropomorphic animal and a furry. Is it not designed to be specifically turned into fanservice? Then it's not a furry.
Fox from Star Fox = Furry

Skaven from Warhammer = Not a furry

I've never had this problem on this very site, but it happens on other sites.
bruh they're all "furry"

Or as Barkley calls them Goddamn animal people which is what they are.

And honestly the only real issue with them is the users which can be obnoxious/creepy/negative adjective. But their menace has long diminished having been replaced by far worse fandoms which includes whatever Flavor of the month media the cesspool formally known as tumblr is creaming itself to which includes Steven universe
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ShredKnives said:
You'll probably notice it in due time. Someone will be taking all of the credit, while the others slowly turn into side characters. Of course, this is seen in shows before, but we typically don't want that in role-plays.
Ah I call these people fanfic requesters. Because essentially what they want is you to write a fanfiction either with them or for them. Depending on how much effort they want to put into writing.
Scylla said:
Also those guys who assume that if it's an animal, it's a furry. There's a difference between an anthropomorphic animal and a furry. Is it not designed to be specifically turned into fanservice? Then it's not a furry.
Fox from Star Fox = Furry

Skaven from Warhammer = Not a furry

I've never had this problem on this very site, but it happens on other sites.
welian said:
An easy way to get off topic and get warning points for spam. xD
I always get annoyed when roleplayers seem more interested in stretching my rules rather than think of how their character can support the story.
I have had that happen I go through all the work of creating a detail plot that is virtually a script and give it to people and they do not even bother read it, all that time and work just wasted...
I don't like when the lore is so extensive that it takes the fun out of the roleplay. I mean of course sometimes it's completely necessary, but 30 pages of weaponry is kind of exhausting. Personally I'd rather a basic outline and then if it comes up in the RP it can be address in the OOC. Superfluous information is often what drives me away.

On the other hand, not enough information can also be frustrating. It's difficult to create histories for characters if you don't even know where the roleplay takes place.

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