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Two Winchesters and a Baby Angel

Hearing Cas' stomach beginning to growl, Dean carried him to the kitchen, then sat him in his highchair. Tying a bid around the angel's neck, then pressing a warm kiss to Castiel's cheek, the hunter started to cook.

Giving their friend a bottle to drink to stave off some of the hunger, Sam sat down beside him.
Cas drank the bottle hungrily, guzzling it down and finishing with a huge burp, and a sigh. He looked over at Sam and grabbed at his hair, trying to play with it.
Wincing at the oncoming pain that this would bring, Sam put on his game-face and leaned over to Cas, strands of chestnut hair moving in front of their little one. The things he did for the ones he cared about.

As Dean continued to cook, the hunter turned around and smirked in delight at their friend pulling his little brother's hair. Hey, that ridiculous mop did sometimes seem fun to play with.
Cas squealed and giggled happily, reaching up and grabbing hold of Sam's hair, giving it a sharp tug, giggling at the face Sam made.
Finishing with his cooking, Dean brought over the food and laughed heartily at Sam's hair being ruthlessly tugged by their baby, who was giggling in glee.

"If you gotta haircut, then this wouldn't be happening," the older commented, smirking, green eyes shining with mischief.

Wincing at a particularly rough tug, the younger rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Dean."
Cas eventually let go, and sat back, waiting for Dean to feed him some of the yummy looking food. He loved Dean's cooking, and was glad that he got to be fed by him, as well.
Sighing in relief at the release of pressure against his scalp, Sam rubbed the side of his head.

A pleasant expression on his face, Dean started to feed Castiel, still giving bits of praise for the pictures earlier.
Both smiling at what they knew was going to happen next, the Winchesters exhaled a small puff of breath. Dean handed Cas the spoon before relaxing a bit in his chair, watching the scene before him while his brother did the same.
Cas giggled and started to feed himself, getting food everywhere, on the highchair, the floor, on his hands and even in his hair.
"Someone's messy," Sam lovingly teased as he started to clean up the mess Cas had left behind, pressing butterfly kisses to the messed up hair also.

Clearing up the kitchen and washing a few of the dishes, the brothers brought their friend over to the bathroom and started to fill the tub with water, bubbles, and toys.
Cas was hyper, splashing water everywhere, and giggling as he played with the various toys floating around in the bubbles.
Equally succeeding in cleaning the two brothers, who laughed at their little one's antics. Washing him as quickly as they possibly could, they tried to give Castiel some time to just play in the tub.
Cas gurgled and pushed a rubber duck around in the water, crying when it dissapeared under a pile of bubbles. "Ducky! No!" He cried, looking up at his Daddies sadly.
Theatrically gulping and sucking air into his lungs, Dean put his head in the water, quickly spotting the rubber duck. Wiping his head out of the water, he smiled triumphantly and handed the precious duck back to Cas, "Here ya go, Cas."

Water dripped from the hunter's dark blond hair, and Sam scoffed, "Bit much?"

Shaking his head like a dog and wringing water everywhere, Dean smirked, "It seemed to do the trick."
Cas smiled and hugged his ducky, resuming his playtime with his rubber yellow friend, offering him to Sam with a smile.
Cas smiled and watched Sam squeezing his ducky friend, giggling softly when he accidentally squirted water on himself.
Removing Cas from the now cool bath water, and dressing him in a fresh diaper, and a pair of footie pajamas with clouds on them, the two Winchesters brought their friend to his crib and laid him down with Apple.
Cas yawned and rubbed his eyes, sucking his thumb gently, as he curled up, and slowly drifted off to sleep, snoring softly.
The next morning, the two brothers watched as Cas played with some finger paints they had bought a not too long ago. Non-toxic and washable, Sam and Dean weren't terribly worried if their little one made a mess.
Cas giggled as he rubbed his paint-covered hands along a peice of posterboard, smearing all different shades of colors together, smiling at his artistic abilities.
Grinning at their little one's painting, the two walked over and stood over Cas.

"Whatcha making there, buddy?" Sam asked, dimples showing fondly.
Listening intently to their baby's babbles, Sam nodded along before sitting himself down beside Castiel. Dipping a finger in a tub of blue paint, Sam painted a streak on Cas' cheek, smirking to himself.

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