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Two Winchesters and a Baby Angel

Cas whined, trying to get the paint off his face, but couldn't. He looked up at Sam and pouted, upset by him doing that.
"Sorry, Cas," the taller apologized, before grabbing a wet cloth and wiping away the paint. Pressing kisses to the angel's cheek, Sam vowed with a hand on his heart, "I won't do that again."
Smiling softly, Sam ruffled Cas' hair as their baby hugged his legs.

Rolling his eyes fondly at the pair, Dean walked over to where they sat before sitting down beside them also. Looking at the paint-covered poster board, he nodded to himself, somewhat surprised at Cas' art skills.
"Nice job, Cas. Looks good." the hunter praised, eyes crinkling at the corners. After waiting for the paint to dry some more, Dean hung it up on a blank wall, the paint showing brightly.

Bringing Castiel to the couch, and dipping the angel's finger in some paint, the green-eyed man said, "Okay. Try to sign it, yeah?"
Cas tilted his head curiously, and reached up, running his finger along the bottom right corner of the posterboard, "signing" his work proudly.

Washing the paint away from their baby, and giving him his friend Apple and a bottle, the three settled on the couch.
Cas leaned against Dean, as he suckled on his bottle, closing his eyes and relaxing with his Daddies, as the tv played on low volume.
Once Cas was finished with his bottle, Dean started to burp him, making sure their friend wouldn't have a tummy ache.
Cas let out a huge burp and smiled, as he sat in Dean's lap, his diaper crinkling as he moved. He loved snuggling with Dean.
Holding their friend closer, Dean breathed in the scent of baby powder and something sweet. They sat there for a while, just cuddling together and enjoying the quiet time they had.
Turning off the TV, leaving only the sounds of soft breaths behind. Sam rolled his eyes fondly before heading to his laptop, leaving his brother and their little one alone.
Shrugging lightly at Cas starting to fall asleep, Dean decided he might as well too, since there was no way he'd be able to move at this point. Closing his eyes, Dean drifted off with their baby boy in his arms.

Looking away from the screen of his laptop, Sam smiled softly at the sleeping pair.
Cas smiled and snuggled closer to Dean, enjoying the closeness of his Daddy, who was always kind enough to let him sleep with him.
After a few hours, Dean started to wake up. While the hunter didn't always enjoy a nap, thinking work needed to be done, it was nice to just rest and be with their little one.

Rubbing his eyes, the green-eyed man saw that Sam was still at the computer typing away.

"Do you ever get off of that thing?" the older asked, voice rough from sleep.

Sam scowled, "I do take breaks, Dean. Not glued to this thing, you know."

"I beg to differ," Dean retorted, shifting a bit against the heavy weight of Cas still on top of him.
Cas snuffled softly and yawned, looking up at Dean and gurgling softly, as he shifted in his arms, trying to get comfortable.
Looking down at Castiel, and one corner of his mouth turning up in an affectionate way, Dean said, "Hey, Cas. You gonna get up anytime soon?"
Cas grumbled and pouted softly, as he snuggled into Dean more. It was quiet until a faint hissing sound broke the silence, followed by a soft whimper.
Upon hearing the hissing, Dean managed to remove himself from the couch and lay Cas down on the ground. Getting the diaper supplies and kneeling in front of their friend, the hunter pressed butterfly kisses against their baby's face, hoping to both wake him up and get that pout off his face.
Cas couldn't help but smile at the kisses, squirming slightly in his wet diaper, the angel let out a happy gurgle and patted at Dean's stubbled face curiously.
As he started to change Cas, and noticed that the angel was patting his face, Dean quickly turned it so his mouth was pressed against the palm of Castiel's hand, and blew a raspberry against it.
Cas giggled and smiled at the funny sound he made, kicking his legs a bit as he felt the new diaper being taped on, the smell of baby powder filling the air.

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