• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Two Months to Live and We All Looked Up (OOC Chat)

I'm okay for a reboot. I just don't get why the people who didn't sign up aren't responding at all. Unless notifications aren't working? But it's the same with a couple other RP's I'm in, the GM's haven't responded after posting on their profiles and tagging them. I'd like to continue being the Creator though if that is alright. Mandalay Mandalay
Yeah, that'd be totally fine !! Your character is great. I think what I'll do is this: If anyone from this roleplay wants to participate and their character was accepted, they'll be automatically accepted into the Reboot. If no one else replies today I'll probably make a Reboot tonight or tomorrow. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Okay, the reboot interest check is up !! If we get a good amount of interest (from either old members of the RP or new ones) I'll make the CS thread !! Click.
I'll put that info in the CS thread if it comes around!! I don't know why people claim roles on the interest check ??? Like no thats not how it works ma'm. Don't worry no matter what the role is urs scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Okay thanks. Not too sure either,. I'm hoping we have better luck with the reboot if there is enough interest. The only RP's I'm in that are active is a private RP and an Harry Potter RP.
Hope so as well. Alright, well I'm logging off as it is late here. Will respond in either the early morning or the evening tomorrow if we get more people interested.

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