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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

Max sighed softly and went over to him seeing how tired he looked "Hey talk to me." She whispered making him look at her feeling her heart ache at the saddness and worry that littered his eyes.

JD quickly moved Amelia away when he saw Carmen not responding. He quickly pushed her onto her back and took a deep breath feeling for a pulse and heart beat quickly calling 911.
Once the paramedics arrived they took over cpr from JD but another ten minutes later, after there had been no response at all, it was called and one stood up, heading out to the hallway to speak to him. ‘J ... I’m very sorry but she’s gone.’ He told him gently.’ They were from the same station that he worked at though they were both fairly new so didn’t know him hugely well yet. It didn’t make it any easier.

Jeff just shrugged. “He didn’t learn that from me. The whole replacing you thing. He didn’t learn it from school and it has NEVER been an issue until now..... he learned it from you max. And it’s the fourth time in the past three weeks we’ve had an incident over something that you’ve told him and now he’s worried about it.” He muttered.
Max frowned more and stepped back "I havent told him anything about you replacing me!" She said and frowned more looking at the ground "Shit....he...look I found a help line, its a small one...I um...maybe he heard me in it when I was talking on the phone with them.." she said quuetly shaking her head "I always made sure he was in bed."

JD looked at them shaking his head "What? No....no you have to get her back!" He yelled taking deep breaths as he rushed into the room and tried again before he started sobbing as he held her in him rocking her "No Carmen....no." he sobbed
They were both waiting quietly for him to have a little time with her before they had to take her away, it seemed most of the neighbourhood was staring as they took her out and left in the ambulance, leaving JD holding Amelia on the porch.

Jeff frowned and grit his teeth. “If CPS came to you today.... they would take him away after assessing your own wellbeing. Max you’re not okay at the moment and when you’re not okay you’re projecting that onto him as well and he’s just gonna go back on all the progress he’s made. It’s not fair on him.”
JD watched them wheel her out and shook his head holding Amelia close to him. He gulped and quickly went inside calling his mother "Mom....she....she didnt wake up."

Max frowned some and took a deep breath "What are you saying Jeff? I'm fine I promise." She said quietly now scared to death that he might take Jaxon from her
She frowned some as she was still getting ready to head over there. “Mijo... What’s going on?” She asked him carefully. “You need me there now?” She asked.

He sighed heavily. “Max you need a break. I’m not gonna force him away from you but even you gotta see that the more you worry, the worse he gets.” He pointed out.
Max frowned more shaking her head some "Jeffrey please....please don't do this." She whispered not even trying to wipe her face when she felt tears roll down her cheeks "I'm getting help I swear..please dont take him."

JD took a deep breath "Yes, mom she didn't wake up." He kept repeating until she hung up after telling him she was on the way. When she arrived he still stood outside unable to go in the house while everyone else had gone off to their own business
She arrived to find Amelia squirming in his arms and trying to break free, crying loud because she was so hungry by this point so she got out the car and went straight over. “What happened?” She asked him quietly, getting him to sit down.

Jeff grit his teeth and shook his head. “He needs to spend some time away from you. For both of your sakes.... I’m not talking for ages, I’m talking for a few weeks.” He mumbled.
JD stared at the house letting his mom take Amelia from his arms shaking his head some "She was fine.....and she...she didnt wake up." He whispered

Max frowned more shaking her head "I'm fine Jeff....I'm fine!" She sobbed hittimg his chest before she fell into his arms "I'm fine..." she whispered
She frowned and stood in front of him. “Jorge... are you telling me that carmen is dead?” She asked him worriedly. He was in shock, that much was clear. He wasn’t crying but he was certainly pale and his eyes looked stuck wide and panicked.

Jeff frowned and looked at her. “Go clean yourself up. I’ll go get the munchkin.” He sighed some and headed out to her car to get Jax.
Max nodded softly but when he came back she ended up being a bigger mess having just got off the phone with the hospital who had informed her about Carmen since she was on her emergency contacts.

JD just gave a small nod taking a deep breath "She didn't wake up." He whispered before he broke down in tears
Jeff sighed some and took Jax straight up to his room, giving him a couple snacks to have in there and play with bandit for a few minutes then he went down to max. “What’s going on?”

She frowned and swallowed quickly. “Sweetheart we need to get Amelia fed some breakfast. Come on. Let’s get you both inside.” She told him and helped him up, taking him into the kitchen.
Max looked at him shaking her head some "Carmen.....Carmen's dead." She whispered before she started sobbing again. Even though they had been a little distant lately because of their lives she was still her best friend and it killed her to know that she was gone too.

JD followed behind slowly and sat down unable to think straight at all not even registering that his little girl was screaming out of hunger.
Sylvia set her down in her high chair and gave her juice cup to her then got her food out and made JD sit up and feed her, he needed to focus on something. Amelia immediately was trying to grab at the spoon to pull it closer herself and stopped crying. “Jorge... sweetheart.... maybe you two should come stay with me and uuur father for a few days.”

Jeff sighed heavily and just hugged her tightly, rocking her gently and trying to soothe her desperately. He needed to have Jax away from her for just a few weeks now. She had to get herself back on track first.
JD fed Amelia quietly shaking his head some "No I gotta wait for Carmen to come home." He murmured now going into denial about it all just thinking he would be picking her up from the hospital today

Max held onto him until she calmed down and took a deep breath "I should go see JD, make sure he is okay." She whispered taking a deep breath "Please let me say goodbye for the day atleast." She whispered hoping he would let her see Jax before she left
Sylvia frowned and stepped over to him. “Mijo you know she’s not coming home sweetheart.” She murmured gently to him, “she can’t come home baby I’m sorry.” She reminded him gently.

He nodded and rubbed her back. “Of course you can.” He said gently and went to go make some breakfast for the three of them while she went to talk to Jax
Max sat down with Jax and bit her lip gently hugging him close to her "So your daddy and I decided that you're going to spend a few weeks out here with him okay? Until schools starts. You'll still see me though okay? Anytime you want." She said softly stroking his cheek gently

JD shook his head some taking deep breaths "She has to....she can't be gone." He whispered letting tears fall
Had nodded. “I know mommy. Daddy already told me. Cause me and daddy gonna have some boy time.” He grinned excitedly.

She frowned and rubbed his back. “I know sweetheart I know but she is gone and I’m worried about you being on your own.” She murmured gently.
Max gave him a small smile and nodded softly "Thats going to be a lot of fun." She said happily kissing all over his face smiling as he giggled some "Mommy loves you more than anything in this world."

JD frowned and put his head in his hands starting to shake as he sobbed "I was gonna ask her to marry me...we were going to finally be a whole family."
Toby was stood in the chiefs office down at the station, phoning JD to find out where he was at. It wasn’t like him to be late to work. “Hey, dude you were supposed to be here an hour ago, what’s going on?” He asked him once he heard him pick up.

Jax nodded and cuddled her tightly. “Mommy I think bandit needs a doggy friend.” He giggled.
JD answered his phone seeing it was work and took a deep brrath trying to compose himself "Hey Toby...um...Carmen passed away this morning...I'm not gonna be able to make it in today." He murmured

Max gave a small laugh and smile "Oh yeah? Maybe we can see about getting him one." She said softly kissing his temple gently looking at Jeff ad he came in "I'll see you soon okay?"
Jeff smiled and went downstairs with her while Jax finished putting his stuff in his room then hugged her tightly. “You need anything you call me Alright?” He murmursd. He still cared about her a lot.

Toby frowned and sighed heavily not sure what to say. “I’ll let the chief know.... shit man I’m so sorry.” He told him quietly then hung up.
Max nodded softly and hugged him tight "Alright, just let me know if he needs anything okay?" She said softly before she took a deep breath and turned away walking to her car

JD placed his phone down and sighed heavily staring at the counter as he got lost in his thoughts. He was taken from them though when he heard his mother's voice and Amelia's whining
Sylvia sighed some and rubbed his back, "Sweetheart she's still hungry." She reminded him as he was holding the jar of food and the spoon and it was still almost full because he'd gotten distracted. "I'm gonna go pack a bag for her okay? You want me to do one for you too or do you want to do it?" She asked not sure if he would want to go back into their room or not.

Jeff smiled some as she left, hoping she would be able to get herself together for hers and Jax's sakes before he went up to get Jax to come down for breakfast. "What do you wanna do today bud?"
Jax smiled happily and looked at his dad "I wanna see the animals daddy!!" He said excitedly as he jumped into his arms ready to be carried downstairs

JD gave a small nod "Right.." he whispered going to sit down before he started to feed Amelia more "Um yeah..that would be great." He murmured

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