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Futuristic True Blood Runs Cold (Reboot)

Vyork Ashfin

*Undead Captain*
(Please use the CS provided below!)


Age: (Anything reasonable.)


Appearance: (And height.)


Race: (Human/Mutant only.)

Items: (Please try not to take ridiculously large amounts of items, or you will be denied.)

Personality: (Good and Bad.)

Bio: (Did they hear the broadcast? Why did they leave their bunker? Did they become mutated? Etc...)

Other: (Did I miss anything? Do you have something to place here?)
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(( You didn't mention whether mutants had to be mindless, or extreme, so I'm going to assume no given you can sign up a mutant character. Please let me know otherwise and I'll convert her to something else.))

Mutants are not kind.

Name: Anya Golov

Age: 26

Gender: F

Appearance: 170cm, very dirty and skinny. Her eyes are large and green, slightly slanted, hair is black and hacked short with a knife edge. From the outside she looks like you would expect someone to after living in a wasteland for three years. She wears gloves and shoes at all times, but underneath has extreme polydactyly from radiation exposure. On her right hand she has six complete fingers, on the left five and a stump where she tried to cut one off. Her feet are worse - 8 complete toes each and more half-formed lumps of toe-like flesh. Because of this she wears boots stolen from a man's corpse, which seem large for her.

Finding food and shelter, sneaking and hiding, stabbing people with a piece of pipe. Before the apocalypse she was a microbiology PhD candidate, but those skills are hardly relevant now.


Light metal spear made from a snapped piece of aluminium piping, a backpack with some canned food and a walky-talky she recently found.

Anya has a blunt way of speaking, something that few people appreciate. She was impatient and hyperactive before the apocalypse, and three years of wasteland living have not improved her personality. Mostly she wants to get things done, and hates sitting around more than anything. At most she can sleep four or five hours a night, and will sit up thinking about things for the rest of the time. She believes she is self-contained and doesn't need other humans, but in reality such a long period of loneliness has made her depressed and reckless - she'll sometimes take risks purely out of boredom. When she was a scientist her aggression and energy were focused to a purpose, but now she feels almost mindless in a world that makes no sense.

Although she rubs people the wrong way, she is capable of being a loyal friend. First someone would have to actually want to be friends with her, though.

When the bombs fell, Anya had actually made it to a bunker near the lab where she was working. At first things were fine - canned food, dull, endless conversation, but then it became obvious something was wrong. At first it was sickness, something like a bad flu. The med bay filled to the brim, and the stocks of drugs slowly dwindled away. But they never got better, and instead some - most even - died, coughing dark fluid. The ones that survived started to change. An eminent physicist sprouted tumours on his face, and then tried to murder the doctors.

The bunker was faulty. Since the very start, everyone inside had been exposed to a low but harmful dose, and the effects were starting to accumulate.

Anya woke up one morning with lumps on her hands and feet. Afraid, she didn't show anyone, pretending she was cold enough to need the gloves. A week later an ex boyfriend tackled her in the hall and tried to snap her neck. Bystanders started to help her, but others joined in the fight and it quickly developed into a brawl. Day after day the riots became stronger, took longer to crush, killed and trampled more residents.

Finally she saw a group of children eating a man's intestines in the shower block, and knew she needed to get out. She managed to scrounge a gun and some supplies, and made a break for it.

After her escape she was alone, never having enough food, never really safe. For most of the next 3 years she slept inside a turned-over petrol tanker. She waited to become insane, like the others. All that happened was new fingers and toes sprouted. They grew long and bony, reminding her of that terror whenever she looked at her hands. Finally she heard the broadcast, and decided that she would find out once and for all if she was a 'mutant menace' or just another human being.
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Coward said:
(( You didn't mention whether mutants had to be mindless, or extreme, so I'm going to assume no given you can sign up a mutant character. Please let me know otherwise and I'll convert her to something else.))
Mutants are not kind.

Name: Anya Golov

Age: 26

Gender: F

Appearance: 170cm, very dirty and skinny. Her eyes are large and green, slightly slanted, hair is black and hacked short with a knife edge. From the outside she looks like you would expect someone to after living in a wasteland for three years. She wears gloves and shoes at all times, but underneath has extreme polydactyly from radiation exposure. On her right hand she has six complete fingers, on the left five and a stump where she tried to cut one off. Her feet are worse - 8 complete toes each and more half-formed lumps of toe-like flesh. Because of this she wears boots stolen from a man's corpse, which seem large for her.

Finding food and shelter, sneaking and hiding, stabbing people with a piece of pipe. Before the apocalypse she was a microbiology PhD candidate, but those skills are hardly relevant now.


Light metal spear made from a snapped piece of aluminium piping, a backpack with some canned food and a walky-talky she recently found.

Anya has a blunt way of speaking, something that few people appreciate. She was impatient and hyperactive before the apocalypse, and three years of wasteland living have not improved her personality. Mostly she wants to get things done, and hates sitting around more than anything. At most she can sleep four or five hours a night, and will sit up thinking about things for the rest of the time. She believes she is self-contained and doesn't need other humans, but in reality such a long period of loneliness has made her depressed and reckless - she'll sometimes take risks purely out of boredom. When she was a scientist her aggression and energy were focused to a purpose, but now she feels almost mindless in a world that makes sense.

Although she rubs people the wrong way, she is capable of being a loyal friend. First someone would have to actually want to be friends with her, though.

When the bombs fell, Anya had actually made it to a bunker near the lab where she was working. At first things were fine - canned food, dull, endless conversation, but then it became obvious something was wrong. At first it was sickness, something like a bad flu. The med bay filled to the brim, and the stocks of drugs slowly dwindled away. But they never got better, and instead - most even - died, coughing dark fluid. The ones that survived started to change. An eminent physicist sprouted tumours on his face, and then tried to murder the doctors.

The bunker was faulty. Since the very start, everyone inside had been exposed to a low but harmful dose, and the effects were starting to accumulate.

Anya woke up one morning with lumps on her hands and feet. Afraid, she didn't show anyone, pretending she was cold enough to need the gloves. A week later an ex boyfriend tackled her in the hall and tried to snap her neck. Most residents started to help her, but others joined in the fight and it quickly developed into a brawl. Day after day the riots became stronger, took longer to crush, killed and trampled more residents.

Finally she saw a group of children eating a man's intestines in the shower block, and knew she needed to get out. She managed to scrounge a gun and some supplies, and made a break for it.

After her escape she was alone, living most of the next 3 years inside a turned-over petrol tanker. She waited to become insane, like the others. All that happened was new fingers and toes sprouted, growing long and bony, reminding her of that terror whenever she looked at her hands. Finally she heard the broadcast, and decided that she would find out if she was a mutant menace or another human being.
Accepted! I will tag you when we begin.
Name: Reinhald (Ren) Benson

Age: 15

Gender: Male



Ren is a remarkably scrawny teenager to have lived outside for so long, he stands at a mediocre 5'8" and is often seen to be rather dirty, unable to wash away many dark red blotches and brown stains in both his skin and clothing.

Skills/Talents: Before the bombs dropped, Ren was his middle-school baseball teams top pitcher, and thus has an admittedly incredible throwing arm, as well as borderline pinpoint perception and momentum prediction

Race: Human

Items: Ren has a very limited inventory, due to his frail stature, he's unable to carry heavy weaponry or much loot, thus is inventory consists merely of:
  • A simple, 8-slot Fragmentation Grenade belt around his shoulder.

  • 5 Borderline Ancient Fragmentation Grenades (Pineapple Style)

  • A Rather Rusted Hunting Knife, With A Serrated Edge

  • A Tin Of Green Beans

Personality: Ren is admittedly, a rather despicable person, albeit the sort of person that survives well in a world of freaks and innocents. Ren is rather, matter of factly an amazing liar with a tact for manipulation; whom is completely and utterly selfish. He uses whatever he has to gain more, thinking of most human lives to simply be traps stopping him from getting the sweet ass loot at the end of the dungeon.

Bio: Ren had, luckily managed to reach a bunker before the bombs dropped. Albeit, the bunker in which he lived was raided in a year, many died, and even more fell to radiation. He'd managed a daring escape after, himself, looting the bunker's armory after the guards had been slaughtered, gunning down several unalert marauders as he escaped, from these same marauders; he'd acquired his ever-so beloved "Bandoleer Of Badassery And Big Booms" which he treasures, he managed to survive the intense radiation after he was... forcibly evacuated from his previous home by copying what the men before him had done. Slaughtering a bunker full of civilians to take everything for himself. He spent another two years there, alone. Slowly being driven to madness by the loneliness of it all. Until. One day he'd heard the TBS' broadcast, setting out of his self-proclaimed house to reach the TBS, albeit, not to join them, his intentions more came to acquiring some sweet loot, and perhaps starting a coup de etat, but, that would be for a later date




"Personally, I quite enjoy explosions, maybe they'll get me more xp"

"Mutants are not kind"
OnyxReaper said:
Name: Reinhald (Ren) Benson
Age: 15

Gender: Male



Ren is a remarkably scrawny teenager to have lived outside for so long, he stands at a mediocre 5'8" and is often seen to be rather dirty, unable to wash away many dark red blotches and brown stains in both his skin and clothing.

Skills/Talents: Before the bombs dropped, Ren was his middle-school baseball teams top pitcher, and thus has an admittedly incredible throwing arm, as well as borderline pinpoint perception and momentum prediction

Race: Human

Items: Ren has a very limited inventory, due to his frail stature, he's unable to carry heavy weaponry or much loot, thus is inventory consists merely of:
  • A simple, 8-slot Fragmentation Grenade belt around his shoulder.

  • 5 Borderline Ancient Fragmentation Grenades (Pineapple Style)

  • A Rather Rusted Hunting Knife, With A Serrated Edge

  • A Tin Of Green Beans

Personality: Ren is admittedly, a rather despicable person, albeit the sort of person that survives well in a world of freaks and innocents. Ren is rather, matter of factly an amazing liar with a tact for manipulation; whom is completely and utterly selfish. He uses whatever he has to gain more, thinking of most human lives to simply be traps stopping him from getting the sweet ass loot at the end of the dungeon.

Bio: Ren had, luckily managed to reach a bunker before the bombs dropped. Albeit, the bunker in which he lived was raided in a year, many died, and even more fell to radiation. He'd managed a daring escape after, himself, looting the bunker's armory after the guards had been slaughtered, gunning down several unalert marauders as he escaped, from these same marauders; he'd acquired his ever-so beloved "Bandoleer Of Badassery And Big Booms" which he treasures, he managed to survive the intense radiation after he was... forcibly evacuated from his previous home by copying what the men before him had done. Slaughtering a bunker full of civilians to take everything for himself. He spent another two years there, alone. Slowly being driven to madness by the loneliness of it all. Until. One day he'd heard the TBS' broadcast, setting out of his self-proclaimed house to reach the TBS, albeit, not to join them, his intentions more came to acquiring some sweet loot, and perhaps starting a coup de etat, but, that would be for a later date




"Personally, I quite enjoy explosions, maybe they'll get me more xp"

"Mutants are not kind"

Accepted. I will alert you when we begin.
Name: Garret Marshall (AKA The Beast)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5db55084_ss(2015-11-14at12.08.19).jpg.bb06496e9b8de99188f349565593f40a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5db55084_ss(2015-11-14at12.08.19).jpg.bb06496e9b8de99188f349565593f40a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Garret stands at 6'9'' and weighs a considerable 279lbs.


Blood Scent-

One of the many mutations of Garret was the uncanny ability to smell blood from a mile away. Like a preverbal land-shark he can smell the blood in wounds and closes in on his prey.

Inhuman Strength-

Garret Marshall has faced off against humans in vehicles before- most turned into canned meals as he tears the doors off cars and rips the hatches off of tanks. Garret can break the human body with ease and can lay waste to entire groups of humans.

Ballistic Skin-

Finally, Garret had his skin mutated so as that it can withstand several impacts from low-grade ballistic weapons. Essentially his skin serves as full body Kevlar and can allow Garrent to bull rush a firing squad before ripping them apart.

Race: Mutant

Items: Garret carries with him nothing but the rags that were once his clothes when he was human.

Personality: On most levels, Garret is an animal. An apex predator that hunts the most dangerous game; humans. However, he is incredibly intelligent at the same time, knowing the threat that humans could serve to Mutants as a species he has come to unite mutants under him. However he has a strict; "IF you aren't with us, you're against us." policy and will not hesitate to tear a mutant apart should they oppose him.

Bio: A former police officer, Garret Marshall was caught in the waves of Radiation following Global destruction of the Earth. Much of the days following the explosions were spent in agony as his body shifted and morphed into a terrible creature that is now Garret Marshall. For weeks on end, Garret stumbled about the wasteland, his skin burning and his bones cracking and breaking as they reformed into his distorted humanoid figure. Other survivors fled from him, even fellow mutants seemed to have a certain aversion to the monster that he had become.

Extended periods of solitude and starvation slowly drove the dwindling mind of the former police officer over the edge and one day he snapped. Realizing the true strength his body possessed he began his endless hunt- mindlessly ripping apart mutants and humans alike to feed his ever-hungering stomach. No amount of flesh seemed to satisfy him and for many years Garret became the staple for Mutant bigotry, he became sort of famous around the DC wasteland, stories circulating of mutant hit squads wiping out settlements and caravans when in reality it was but one single mutant.

For years Garret tormented the wasteland before he had a scuffle with the True Blood Society, formal military training and organization served to be a much more formidable foe than the terrified squabble that normally inhabited the Wasteland. Each time he confronted the TBS he found himself fleeing into the ruins and tending to his wounds for several weeks after. When the para-military group became to openly recruit, Garret found himself facing an unbeatable enemy- at least they were on his own. Using his prodigious size and strength he began subduing fellow mutants and formed an army of the creatures to combat the True Blood Society.

There was no longer human AND mutant, it was human OR mutant and Garret became the physical representation of the phrase; Mutants are not Kind.

Garret utilizes his old Police Station as a sort of "Hive" for his mutant army. Ramshackle furniture and campfires have been built on the inside of the building while a wall of ruined cars and ancient debris surrounded the Police Station approximately 13 yards from the building itself. The wall is only 8ft tall and has a opening near the front entrance to the Police Station. High concentration of radiation and mutants usually keep most people away.


"Have you got a screw loose? Or is that your... animal intuition? "

"Oh you're a sick puppy! First you spill the blood of half the city and now this! And you talk of a 'mutant menace'?! True Bloods are killers, nothing less!"
~Garrett after a confrontation with TBS soldiers after their radio broadcast.

"You'd call me a menace, a beast? A BEAST?! What would you know? I never asked for this! "



  • ss+(2015-11-14+at+12.08.19).jpg
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Anaxial said:
Name: Garret Marshall (AKA The Beast)
Age: 34

Gender: Male

View attachment 195841 Garret stands at 6'9'' and weighs a considerable 279lbs.


Blood Scent-

One of the many mutations of Garret was the uncanny ability to smell blood from a mile away. Like a preverbal land-shark he can smell the blood in wounds and closes in on his prey.

Inhuman Strength-

Garret Marshall has faced off against humans in vehicles before- most turned into canned meals as he tears the doors off cars and rips the hatches off of tanks. Garret can break the human body with ease and can lay waste to entire groups of humans.

Ballistic Skin-

Finally, Garret had his skin mutated so as that it can withstand several impacts from low-grade ballistic weapons. Essentially his skin serves as full body Kevlar and can allow Garrent to bull rush a firing squad before ripping them apart.

Race: Mutant

Items: Garret carries with him nothing but the rags that were once his clothes when he was human.

Personality: On most levels, Garret is an animal. An apex predator that hunts the most dangerous game; humans. However, he is incredibly intelligent at the same time, knowing the threat that humans could serve to Mutants as a species he has come to unite mutants under him. However he has a strict; "IF you aren't with us, you're against us." policy and will not hesitate to tear a mutant apart should they oppose him.

Bio: A former police officer, Garret Marshall was caught in the waves of Radiation following Global destruction of the Earth. Much of the days following the explosions were spent in agony as his body shifted and morphed into a terrible creature that is now Garret Marshall. For weeks on end, Garret stumbled about the wasteland, his skin burning and his bones cracking and breaking as they reformed into his distorted humanoid figure. Other survivors fled from him, even fellow mutants seemed to have a certain aversion to the monster that he had become.

Extended periods of solitude and starvation slowly drove the dwindling mind of the former police officer over the edge and one day he snapped. Realizing the true strength his body possessed he began his endless hunt- mindlessly ripping apart mutants and humans alike to feed his ever-hungering stomach. No amount of flesh seemed to satisfy him and for many years Garret became the staple for Mutant bigotry, he became sort of famous around the DC wasteland, stories circulating of mutant hit squads wiping out settlements and caravans when in reality it was but one single mutant.

For years Garret tormented the wasteland before he had a scuffle with the True Blood Society, formal military training and organization served to be a much more formidable foe than the terrified squabble that normally inhabited the Wasteland. Each time he confronted the TBS he found himself fleeing into the ruins and tending to his wounds for several weeks after. When the para-military group became to openly recruit, Garret found himself facing an unbeatable enemy- at least they were on his own. Using his prodigious size and strength he began subduing fellow mutants and formed an army of the creatures to combat the True Blood Society.

There was no longer human AND mutant, it was human OR mutant and Garret became the physical representation of the phrase; Mutants are not Kind.

Garret utilizes his old Police Station as a sort of "Hive" for his mutant army. Ramshackle furniture and campfires have been built on the inside of the building while a wall of ruined cars and ancient debris surrounded the Police Station approximately 13 yards from the building itself. The wall is only 8ft tall and has a opening near the front entrance to the Police Station. High concentration of radiation and mutants usually keep most people away.
Accepted. I will tag you when we begin.
Name: Maya Godard



Appearance: Maya stands at 5'6", a malnourished mesomorph with medium natural blonde hair pulled up and wrapped in a loose bun with a scrunchie found in a long abandoned home months ago, and skin noticeably darker than her hair, and cognac brown eyes constantly wide and alert. He clothes are beginning to fall apart, though she doesn't seem to notice, with a stained lavender shirt that hangs loosely from her, bits of the bottom ripped off, and a pair of tattered jeans with rips and tears from various falls and cuts and legs rolled up tightly to mid-calf, held up with a tight belt, scrunching up the fabric beneath. Her mouth is usually a thin, tight line, stress lines marring her face.

Skills/Talents: Avoiding people and hiding from others; she had a degree in sociology, but she's forgotten most of what she learned.


A backpack with a can of beans, a can of tuna and a can of sliced carrots, a bottle of water, and a key chain with keys for her car (it became unusable near the beginning of all this) a rabbit's foot and a chococat keychain she can't part with.

Maya prefers to hide from people, and finds them both incompetent and annoying. She expects them all to want to kill her after her first meeting with them after she turned, and if anything feels other mutants are worse. She just dislikes everyone. She scavenges for food, and stays in areas without people and would probably be on the move if she realized how close to her the TBS was. She's sentimental to before she turned, and still can't kill a dog or cat in memory of her own animals, even if they would make good food or are about to get them both killed. Sentimentality is probably her biggest weakness, and she's unable to see young children as humans or mutants, grouping them with dogs and cats unless they try to kill her or one of the previously mentioned creatures. Maya also used to be a deep sleeper, though obviously the times have made that impossible.

Bio: As depressing as it sounds, Maya slept through the bombs. She knows that's kinda sad, but at the time it happened, so was her life. She was working retail, trying not to be crushed by student debt, and he boyfriend had just left her. Her dog was the only thing she had going for her, but he died soon after the bombing from radiation poisoning. She got extremely ill from the poisoning, stuck in bed for anything other than eating soup, which she started to ration when she realized what had happened. Eventually, she got better, but what she wouldn't realize until later was she had lost the ability to form speech well. She came to this unfortunate realization once she saw her first humans after she became a mutant and had found herself unable to tell them that she was good and wasn't going to kill them. She ran, and has avoided people since. She tries not to think about the children and animals killed as a result of the nuclear warfare, travelling by foot because she can't drive as she searches for food and shelter, and eventually she found a spot that people tend to avoid and has enough resources to consist off of for the moment. She still avoids any other living creature and has no weapon, but she feels safer knowing there's somewhere she can find the bare necessities.

Other: Mutants are not kind. If it's cool I plan on working her as suffering from expressive aphasia when she tries to communicate.
mikaluvkitties said:
Name: Maya Godard



Appearance: Maya stands at 5'6", a malnourished mesomorph with medium natural blonde hair pulled up and wrapped in a loose bun with a scrunchie found in a long abandoned home months ago, and skin noticeably darker than her hair, and cognac brown eyes constantly wide and alert. He clothes are beginning to fall apart, though she doesn't seem to notice, with a stained lavender shirt that hangs loosely from her, bits of the bottom ripped off, and a pair of tattered jeans with rips and tears from various falls and cuts and legs rolled up tightly to mid-calf, held up with a tight belt, scrunching up the fabric beneath. Her mouth is usually a thin, tight line, stress lines marring her face.

Skills/Talents: Avoiding people and hiding from others; she had a degree in sociology, but she's forgotten most of what she learned.


A backpack with a can of beans, a can of tuna and a can of sliced carrots, a bottle of water, and a key chain with keys for her car (it became unusable near the beginning of all this) a rabbit's foot and a chococat keychain she can't part with.

Maya prefers to hide from people, and finds them both incompetent and annoying. She expects them all to want to kill her after her first meeting with them after she turned, and if anything feels other mutants are worse. She just dislikes everyone. She scavenges for food, and stays in areas without people and would probably be on the move if she realized how close to her the TBS was. She's sentimental to before she turned, and still can't kill a dog or cat in memory of her own animals, even if they would make good food or are about to get them both killed. Sentimentality is probably her biggest weakness, and she's unable to see young children as humans or mutants, grouping them with dogs and cats unless they try to kill her or one of the previously mentioned creatures. Maya also used to be a deep sleeper, though obviously the times have made that impossible.

Bio: As depressing as it sounds, Maya slept through the bombs. She knows that's kinda sad, but at the time it happened, so was her life. She was working retail, trying not to be crushed by student debt, and he boyfriend had just left her. Her dog was the only thing she had going for her, but he died soon after the bombing from radiation poisoning. She got extremely ill from the poisoning, stuck in bed for anything other than eating soup, which she started to ration when she realized what had happened. Eventually, she got better, but what she wouldn't realize until later was she had lost the ability to form speech well. She came to this unfortunate realization once she saw her first humans after she became a mutant and had found herself unable to tell them that she was good and wasn't going to kill them. She ran, and has avoided people since. She tries not to think about the children and animals killed as a result of the nuclear warfare, travelling by foot because she can't drive as she searches for food and shelter, and eventually she found a spot that people tend to avoid and has enough resources to consist off of for the moment. She still avoids any other living creature and has no weapon, but she feels safer knowing there's somewhere she can find the bare necessities.

Other: Mutants are not kind. If it's cool I plan on working her as suffering from expressive aphasia when she tries to communicate.
Accepted. I will tag you when we begin.
Name: Nick Aiden

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Nick stands 6'2'.



Nick's life of being a scavenger has granted him a few unique skills, all of which increase his chances of survival in the wasteland. - Having to constantly be on the run has enabled him to easily spot possible enemies in the distance, allowing more time to prepare for an attack, or set up an ambush. He has had time to hone his skills with a ranged weapon while out in the wasteland, and has an easy time picking off targets from a distance, or telling distance between himself and an object. Nick has had to maintain a variety of weapons the entire time he has been in the wasteland, and is able to quickly load and repair a weapon while in the heat of combat.

Race: Human

Items: - - -

A small backpack.

One can of food.


A rusty combat knife, kept on the left side of his belt.



Nick is a decent person when compared to a few others, as he goes out of his way to help those in need. His life of scavenging has given him a surplus of things he can share, and has no problem helping fellow survivors in a bad situation. He faces his problems head on and is rather quick to act when in an emergency situation. Nick's decisions are usually final when he comes to an agreement on how to deal with an issue, and is not easily persuaded to see a different solution to the problem. When he is placed in an unwinnable situation, he can usually talk his way out with a deal of some sort. He will not hesitate to defend himself if needed, and hates those that attack the weak or defenseless. Nick holds nothing but hate for mutants, he will not attack them unless needed, and attempts to keep his distance.



Nick had only just made it to a nearby bunker right before the bombs hit, and was the last person to enter. Everything was calm for the first two years of hiding, and a small community was established inside the shelter. People went out, but never came back to report what they had seen while on the outside. Eventually, it was just Nick, all alone in the large shelter, with nothing to pass the time. After a while, he had enough of the boredom and decided that he was going to leave his shelter. He packed up a small amount of supplies and made his way towards the bunker exit, grabbing a rifle and some ammunition, then exited through the airlock.

He spent the next year going back and forth between nearby ruins and the bunker, storing anything of value inside the shelter. Everything was once again calm, or as calm as a wasteland could have been. It did not take long for the locals to catch onto what he was doing though. Eventually, a few mutants happened to follow Nick back to his shelter. The mutants waited until Nick left, and then raided the place. He was left without anything other than the items he carried with him at the time.

Nick eventually came across the remains of an old military jeep, which happened to be carrying a working radio. He messed with the radio for a minute before it jumped to life, and started to play a looped broadcast. This "TBS" that the man on the radio spoke of was a godsend, and just the thing he needed. Nick decided that he was going to spend the rest of his time in the wasteland trying to find the location that the coordinates pointed towards, hoping that he would be able to help.


"Have you heard the howling?"


Lily Kihara








146 cm

(Approx. 4 Feet 9 Inches)


Becoming a mutant has granted Lily the ability to process virtually anything in seconds. Because of this vast mental capacity, it's fairly easy for Lilly to learn things compared to most other beings, including other highly-advanced mutants. She also has highly unexpected speed and strength for a girl of her size, though she practically never uses it for possibility of being discovered.

Lily also has a talent for science and technology, which she'd had since she was young. She knows how a lot of things work, as far as being able to completely reconstruct a laser gun should she be given enough time and parts, as well as a basic description or picture of the style of laser gun that it originally was. Of course, the amount of time would be far longer than would be useful, unless of course something compact like handgun size, in which case it'd be a simple task for her.

In addition to all else, she somehow found herself merged with some mutated snakes, allowing for manipulation of a few snakes within her own body. They're a part of her, and are easy to both have protrude from her body, and retract them back in without leaving any kind of hole or marking to her skin upon doing so. The snakes, pretty much hollow, can carry about anything which can fit inside the bodies of those snakes.




She has two handguns, which can switch between semi-auto and burst fire through a simple flick of the wrist to hit the silver-plated pieces that rest just above where the thumb connects to the palm. As stated in her abilities before, storing ammunition isn't much of an issue for her as the snakes within her body are hollow, allowing for storage of virtually anything that can simply fit within the snakes.


Lily's a rather difficult to deal with person, but not like a misbehaved child or anything. Rather, she's simply too mature for her own good, and has been since she was six years old. She's always been a little distant from most people, in her own little world of science and technology. Nobody really knew where her fascination for science and technology came from, but nonetheless she enjoyed it. She's not very skilled in social events due to this distancing from others, but regardless she'd manage to get by in some way if ever talked to; not without making people curious about whether or not she's actually a child though, given everything about her actions and words leaning more towards that of a young adult than a child.

There is a section to Lily's personality that doesn't really show much to others. She pulls a full 180 whenever thinking about romance, as it's something she dreams of every chance she gets with how lovely it seems to her. She can't help but wish to find somebody to love, as she wants to experience it and its wonders first-hand rather than through book or other form of simple recorded knowledge. One thing she can never bring herself to decide between however, is science and technology or romantic love. She'd absolutely melt under the pressure of having to choose between the two things, which she couldn't ever live without either of. To figure out what the correct answer would be though, she'd be willing to go on a long and treacherous adventure across the entire destroyed earth.


Lilly was a child that was unfortunate enough to be caught up in the radiation before she could get to safety. Though hit hard by radiation, she managed to live without much happening. She did however, wind up somehow merged with some mutated snakes that'd turned black and started glowing red, them completely hollow on the inside as well. The snakes came with their own benefits, as well as had virtually no downside to them for Lily. Despite having snakes living inside and as part of her body, she was able to get by quite well without worry, even so much as blend in with the normal people without ever being noticed as different physically, not even slightly placed suspect as a mutant.

Shortly before all of this began though, Lily was a "normal" child who was absorbed in science and technology. Day in and day out, she'd play around with materials that weren't usually for children to play with. It just proved how more toward adulthood she was than most, the way she could handle chemicals and advanced technology, both of which were, at times, dangerous. She never really had any friends, and rarely ever left home. She could just sit in her room for hours upon hours, messing with those chemicals and bits of technology, alongside the occasional book or two about romance. Despite all this time in her room though, she did a fine job of attending school for the period of time she did, though bailed out for home school quite soon.

Eleven years old; that's how old Lily was when it happened. Her family was of the unfortunate ones that never made it to the bunker, and as a result the rest of her family had died, as well as she'd become victim to radiation. The events in specific though, were rather unpleasant ones that Lily hadn't actually witnessed though, due to being struck unconscious by the immense radiation. Lily didn't even know how long she was out, but she did know one thing when she woke up; she was different than before, no longer all that human. She had lost light bits of her memory, though all recent memories that pertained to the nuclear warfare. She didn't exactly remember any of what'd happened, just little shards that weren't even enough to count as memories at all.



"Though mutated, they're all just humans who lost their purpose."

"For them, death is peace. For TBS and beyond, as they allow the more unfortunate such peace."

"To go left, you must give up on going right. Taking one choice comes at the cost of losing the others."​
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]


Lily Kihara








146 cm

(Approx. 4 Feet 9 Inches)


Becoming a mutant has granted Lily the ability to process virtually anything in seconds. Because of this vast mental capacity, it's fairly easy for Lilly to learn things compared to most other beings, including other highly-advanced mutants. She also has highly unexpected speed and strength for a girl of her size, though she practically never uses it for possibility of being discovered.

Lily also has a talent for science and technology, which she'd had since she was young. She knows how a lot of things work, as far as being able to completely reconstruct a laser gun should she be given enough time and parts, as well as a basic description or picture of the style of laser gun that it originally was. Of course, the amount of time would be far longer than would be useful, unless of course something compact like handgun size, in which case it'd be a simple task for her.

In addition to all else, she somehow found herself merged with some mutated snakes, allowing for manipulation of a few snakes within her own body. They're a part of her, and are easy to both have protrude from her body, and retract them back in without leaving any kind of hole or marking to her skin upon doing so. The snakes, pretty much hollow, can carry about anything which can fit inside the bodies of those snakes.




She has two handguns, which can switch between semi-auto and burst fire through a simple flick of the wrist to hit the silver-plated pieces that rest just above where the thumb connects to the palm. As stated in her abilities before, storing ammunition isn't much of an issue for her as the snakes within her body are hollow, allowing for storage of virtually anything that can simply fit within the snakes.


Lily's a rather difficult to deal with person, but not like a misbehaved child or anything. Rather, she's simply too mature for her own good, and has been since she was six years old. She's always been a little distant from most people, in her own little world of science and technology. Nobody really knew where her fascination for science and technology came from, but nonetheless she enjoyed it. She's not very skilled in social events due to this distancing from others, but regardless she'd manage to get by in some way if ever talked to; not without making people curious about whether or not she's actually a child though, given everything about her actions and words leaning more towards that of a young adult than a child.

There is a section to Lily's personality that doesn't really show much to others. She pulls a full 180 whenever thinking about romance, as it's something she dreams of every chance she gets with how lovely it seems to her. She can't help but wish to find somebody to love, as she wants to experience it and its wonders first-hand rather than through book or other form of simple recorded knowledge. One thing she can never bring herself to decide between however, is science and technology or romantic love. She'd absolutely melt under the pressure of having to choose between the two things, which she couldn't ever live without either of. To figure out what the correct answer would be though, she'd be willing to go on a long and treacherous adventure across the entire destroyed earth.


Lilly was a child that was unfortunate enough to be caught up in the radiation before she could get to safety. Though hit hard by radiation, she managed to live without much happening. She did however, wind up somehow merged with some mutated snakes that'd turned black and started glowing red, them completely hollow on the inside as well. The snakes came with their own benefits, as well as had virtually no downside to them for Lily. Despite having snakes living inside and as part of her body, she was able to get by quite well without worry, even so much as blend in with the normal people without ever being noticed as different physically, not even slightly placed suspect as a mutant.

Shortly before all of this began though, Lily was a "normal" child who was absorbed in science and technology. Day in and day out, she'd play around with materials that weren't usually for children to play with. It just proved how more toward adulthood she was than most, the way she could handle chemicals and advanced technology, both of which were, at times, dangerous. She never really had any friends, and rarely ever left home. She could just sit in her room for hours upon hours, messing with those chemicals and bits of technology, alongside the occasional book or two about romance. Despite all this time in her room though, she did a fine job of attending school for the period of time she did, though bailed out for home school quite soon.

Eleven years old; that's how old Lily was when it happened. Her family was of the unfortunate ones that never made it to the bunker, and as a result the rest of her family had died, as well as she'd become victim to radiation. The events in specific though, were rather unpleasant ones that Lily hadn't actually witnessed though, due to being struck unconscious by the immense radiation. Lily didn't even know how long she was out, but she did know one thing when she woke up; she was different than before, no longer all that human. She had lost light bits of her memory, though all recent memories that pertained to the nuclear warfare. She didn't exactly remember any of what'd happened, just little shards that weren't even enough to count as memories at all.



"Though mutated, they're all just humans who lost their purpose."

"For them, death is peace. For TBS and beyond, as they allow the more unfortunate such peace."

"To go left, you must give up on going right. Taking one choice comes at the cost of losing the others."​

Accepted. I will tag you when we begin.
Name: Leon Ray

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Leon stands at about 5'11. He has thick dirty-blonde hair, and grey eyes. He has a rather regular build that leans over to a more athletic body type. Scars litter his body from the many horrors of the wasteland.

Skills/Talents: Since Leon was in contact with a small amount of radiation for a large amount of time his body has became more resistant to the harmful effects of radiation. Since one of the best ways to survive an encounter with a mutant is to simply run and hide Leon has mastered this technique from many encounters. Since Leon was a kid he always climbed trees and other tall structures, this is useful in the wasteland.

Race: Human


-a simple lead pipe.

-a revolver pistol (with limited ammunition)

-a trusty gas mask.

-and a backpack full of suplies (spare ammunition, two badages, three cans of food).

Personality: Leon can be hard to understand sometimes. Others call him selfish, but he's just trying to survive like everyone else. He doesn't trust anyone except for himself, there have been too many close calls from being betrayed. Since he has wandered the wasteland by himself Leon doesn't work well with others, he only acts on his own gut.

Bio: Leon was the only one from his family to luckily make it into a bunker. This bothered him, buy after three years he finally accepted that he was never going to see his family again. The bunker that he lived in was hell. The inhabitants started to go crazy (not in a mutant way), and they started to believe in some 'atomic god' that had sent down the bombs to clean the world of its sins. Each month the they would sent out a randomly selected inhabitant into the wasteland as a sacrifice to their god. Leon managed to keep his sanity in tact, so he layed low and never drew attention himself for a few years until his name was called to be sacrificed. As much as he tried to fight it the other bunker dwellers kicked him out into the harsh wasteland. Leon quickly got his bearing, and headed into the wasteland head on. During most of his time Leon had seen the horrors that weren't mutants (even though they are scary), but how humans have treated each other.

Other: Mutants are not kind


"Some say that two heads are better than one, but what happens when they turn on each other?"

"The only survival guide you need is your gut. Anything else will mislead you."
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Eagershadow3 said:
Name: Leon Ray
Age: 17

Gender: Male


Leon stands at about 5'11. He has thick dirty-blonde hair, and grey eyes. He has a rather regular build that leans over to a more athletic body type. Scars litter his body from the many horrors of the wasteland.

Skills/Talents: Since Leon was in contact with a small amount of radiation for a large amount of time his body has became more resistant to the harmful effects of radiation. Since one of the best ways to survive an encounter with a mutant is to simply run and hide Leon has mastered this technique from many encounters. Since Leon was a kid he always climbed trees and other tall structures, this is useful in the wasteland.

Race: Human


-a simple lead pipe.

-a revolver pistol (with limited ammunition)

-a trusty gas mask.

-and a backpack full of suplies (spare ammunition, two badages, three cans of food).

Personality: Leon can be hard to understand sometimes. Others call him selfish, but he's just trying to survive like everyone else. He doesn't trust anyone except for himself, there have been too many close calls from being betrayed. Since he has wandered the wasteland by himself Leon doesn't work well with others, he only acts on his own gut.

Bio: Leon was the only one from his family to luckily make it into a bunker. This bothered him, buy after three years he finally accepted that he was never going to see his family again. The bunker that he lived in was hell. The inhabitants started to go crazy (not in a mutant way), and they started to believe in some 'atomic god' that had sent down the bombs to clean the world of its sins. Each month the they would sent out a randomly selected inhabitant into the wasteland as a sacrifice to their god. Leon managed to keep his sanity in tact, so he layed low and never drew attention himself for a few years until his name was called to be sacrificed. As much as he tried to fight it the other bunker dwellers kicked him out into the harsh wasteland. Leon quickly got his bearing, and headed into the wasteland head on. During most of his time Leon had seen the horrors that weren't mutants (even though they are scary), but how humans have treated each other.

Other: Mutants are not kind


"Some say that two heads are better than one, but what happens when they turn on each other?"

"The only survival guide you need is your gut. Anything else will mislead you."
Accepted. Feel free to post whenever.

Someone is going to find someway to get that gun or backpack! (^U^)

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