Trennace High: School for the Gifted

Winters breath caught. The girl flew past her in a hurry to escape the classroom. Most of the class was silent, not sure how to react to her leaving. Winters tightened her arms around her knees, squeezing her eyes shut. She was so close to her... She felt cold sweat. Oh no... Was she making it cold again? Winters, stop it! Don't do this! She looked over to see the twins giving her a few strange glances. Oh no!! They were looking at her being a weirdo! How completely embarrassing, I shouldn't even be here... She sighed. Why did she think this would be any better than the other school? But at least they weren't picking on her yet... But they might, hopefully she wasn't dorming with the scary marked girl or the twin girl, they were terrifying...
People got up from their seats and looked out the window to find a giant Shadow dragon burning the precious grassy field with Shadows. Roars and screeches sounded from me. Why am I raging?!
Goto sigehd , sitll waiting on the teacher so he decided to play with crow. The crow hopped off and turned toward Goto. With a sway of his finger he gave the crow a comman. "extend crow" The crow cawed then grew 2 times its size. The crow began to hope around, twitching its neck from side to side. Goto stared smiling at it as the crow began to dance.
After her stare down of the twin boy she glanced at the strange girl in the front.

Angel. A small voice in her head spoke. She could smell it too. Tobin waved at the girl and gave her a knowing smile.
I began to slap my tail against the floor pointlessly, and turn my head ever-so slowly to the window of the class. "The other Shadows...." I growled jogging to the classroom window, and peering in, feeling a radiation of Darkness.
Winter tried to calm herself down, the temperature was getting lower than an indoor building should be... But the girl was a shadowy dragon and the boy had a giant crow!! This school was so scary.. Unknowingly her wings shook themselves out of her jacket and she comfortingly wrapped them around herself, her wings gave her enough comfort to calm down...
"something is rageing outside."Kanin said as she looked out of the windo leaning over the crow. "Why should you's not you, or me, or koro or crow." Goto looked out of the window looking down at it. "such a low thing that rage over something so petty.""remember goto you were getting annoyed to..any second you would have snapped." Goto shoved her away from the window. "if you feels so strongly about it..then go do something."
Winter looked up a little, realizing in shock her wings were around her. God, what's wrong with me? She tucked her wings back in and stood up but backed up, away from the window where the girl had transformed into a dragon, and away from the scary twins... She saw another girl give her a knowing smile. Huh? Did she.. She was the one laughing to the shadow's antics.
More Shadow blobs formed all around Tobin protectively. At least five or six had appeared in the last minute. They normally didn't act like this. "W-what's wrong?" She asked, fear coming over her quickly. The Shadow crow flew around the twins and then swooped towards her, changing into it's real form. They all turned into the real form. They weren't bothering to hide themselves from anyone now and so everyone could see them.
I finally calmed. Now I was weirder than ever! I go back to normal, just retreating into my dorm room. It was nice actually, since the beds were made and a nice, flat desk for her remixing was perfect. She got her heavy bag and unloaded, setting upher laptop and connecting to the school's internet connection. I just sat on my bed, doodleing myself.
"What would you have me powe is only destructive just like yours, we are twins you know." Goto sighed as he leaned back in his chair rolling his eyes. "Use koro..he's big enough to restrain it."" HOw about I use koro and you use crow..there both big wouldn;t you agree." " Do not bring crow into this..if I enhance his size any more it will take hours for him to return to his normal state." KAnin smirked at him wihle she crossed her arms, now sitting ontop of her desk.
Winters was confused now... The dragon girl was gone, but there were weird shadows going around the girl that had inquired how she was.. Was she one of the scary ones, too?! Everyone here was scary... The twins, the dragon, and the shadow girl... Was the teacher ever going to actually get here?
"I'm such a looooooseeeer!" I moaned "I can never do that again....." I muttered, erasing a mistake I made on my drawing.
Goto stood up the crow hopping on its shoulder. His eyes lowered as he looked around the class. "Clearly nothing is going to happen..the teacherisn't here and i hate being cramped in small places." He began to walk toward the exit. Kaning opend the class window and pointed down. NOthing happend till a thud hit the ground, and kanin putting out her palm to say stop. SHe then quickly caught up with her brother now walking side by side. " transfer us here..what was he thinking."
Anxiety pumped into her blood stream and Tobin was nearly crying. "Not again..." She could feel the tingling sensation all over her skin, it hurt a little, but she was used to it now. Her skin was boiling to 300 degrees. The Shadows packed tighter. Tobin fell to the ground and let the darkness overcome her.
Goto stopped before leaving . HHe looked at the girl with the blobs. Kanin who stopped looking at her brother soon followed his gaze to what he was looking at.
I felt that sense of Darkness again. "No, not this time." I pushed the beast back into my soul, and continued to draw.
Winter saw the twins were leaving... No, they couldn't! They had to stay at least until the teacher arrived... But they were scary... Summoning her courage, she chased them and caught onto Goto's arm. "U-uhm.." She stammered.
Goto flng his arm away from her grasp and glared at her. Kanin sstood by chuckiling as she watched, Goto hated to be touched by others unless it was his sister." not touch me."
Winters was shocked. She'd never gotten that kind of response.. And it was just so rude! Her timidness dissolved, filling her with courage to speak up. "Don't be so rude!" She cried. "You can't leave the classroom now, the teacher isn't even here yet, you have no right! You can't just skip out on school like this, it will cause trouble for the teacher! Wait until they arrive and ask to leave, don't act like you're better and have more rights to do what you want just because you're scary and have an abnormally large crow!" She retaliated.
I got off of my bed, and started to make new mixes of music. She stuck her headphones on, and looked like a electronics addict. She made a song called "Boss Wave" (Look that song up, it's so cool!)
Kanin stepped forward moving her away from goto. Goto glared as he moved out his right hand. Markings began to appear as an eye poped up on the center of his hand. The side of his arms began to sprout out winds, cracking from his arms echoed through the class. The crows wings stood up as a light flashed , a blade in his hand as it cried throguht the class. "you will wish that you had never said that ." Kanin quikxly grabbed winter and went to the back of the room.
I walked out of the dorm room to find a guy, rising with shadows and standing over a girl. "Hey, What are you doing?!" I called, running over and inspecting.
Winter trembled, but her courage wasn't gone yet. "What are you doing? Go back to your seat please, both of you. I'm sorry for yelling, but you can't walk out of class like that. I don't want to start a fight, I just want order in this room."

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