Trapped Rp

"No...that's my goldfish...." Atori grumbled in her sleep. "Back off, stupid...." By now she was fully on the shore, and curled up in the sand. Her tail split into legs, scales faded to skin, and gill slits were mere line on her neck by now. Before she did fall asleep, however, she had the right mind to put on the white shirt that everyone else had. Hers was almost a dress, ending about mid thigh.
Night fell in the dome, and the fake clouds faded into blackness with dots of alabaster simmering overhead. Inside a massive cave lay a bear, stomach distended from a successful hunt. Nero had tried fishing, and failed consistently, being tossed headlong into the water repeatedly. Eventually his patience wore thin and he went after fruit. He'd never quite developed much of a taste for it. After about two hours of grueling gathering and plucking, he'd only managed to quiet the snarl of his gut, but come no where close to filling it. That's when he transformed again, and tried after some mammals. Though bears are now exceptionally fast, he managed to catch a single moose off guard and snapped its neck in two. Unfortunately, he had obtained a nasty gash to his side, and was now bleeding. Laying in a pool of his own fluids, he was rather pleased with himself. The pain was dulled by the drugs and sedatives. Something was up. Perhaps the scientists were going to do an evaluation while he was unconscious, or perhaps he was just exhausted. Either way, in the morning it would make no difference... but for now, all he could do is sleep in his content mood, coddling his emotions deep within, trying to block out the frustrations of thought.
Rose's hunt was successful considering she had never captured her own food before. She had managed to bring down a singular gazelle which had satisfied her roaring stomach. The meal had made her a little sleepy so she began the short trek back to her den wondering what the others were doing. Each and every step was becoming a little sloppier than the last but she managed to tumble into the small cave growling softly as her head bumped into one of the cameras.

It was so warm and they had already created a nest for her. It seemed as if the scientists wanted her in animal form as often as possible because if she were in human form it would have been ridiculously tight.
The last thing he could remember was being knocked out within his cell. Then again, most of his memories that remained consisted of either the small cell or pristine examination rooms with their blaring fluorescent lights and the scent of sterilizers so the fact was not all that surprising. This was different however. The men had not come to take him away for testing for many days before hand. Which was not so uncommon either, seeing as they tended to do as many tests as possible in one sitting to avoid having to remove him from the cell on frequent occasions. It usually resulted in at least one injury and in the past, a few deaths before they had seen fit to fasten the thick leather and steel mask over the lower half of his face. It hugged tightly to his jaw, the leather near suffocating, steel ribs running along it to keep it in place, a lock jingling behind his head. At first he had tried to remove it but soon realized it was hopeless so he settled for waiting patiently until they had to remove it for feedings. Occasionally it granted the opportunity for him to show them just why it was necessary.

But back to the matter at hand. They had not removed him from the cell for many days, only coming in to restrain him and offer up feedings before leaving. What had tipped him off to the impending change, was his last visit to the overly bright rooms, strapped to the gurney as unconsciousness was forced upon him. When he had awoken, the collar that had been a permanent part of his attire was nowhere to be found, replaced by a dull ache in his head and a small, stitched incision. Curious, but not completely foretelling of any thing out of sorts. After all, it was not as if it was out of line for these men to toy with him or any of their subjects for that matter.

Still, his pale slitted eyes watched them silently as they checked in on him from time to time, brow furrowed suspiciously, curled languidly in the back corner of the dark cell. Still they had not taken him. Then as if a decision had finally be made, they arrived in his cell at a time that was not customary. The dragon had crouched defensively as the long electrical stun guns sparked menacingly in his direction, a sound that was both a growl and a hiss filling his chest. Even muffled by the mask, it gave the guards reason to pause. The bluish light made his scales glimmer maliciously, stilling for the inevitable confrontation. Still, there was not much to be done for it thusly outnumbered, and soon after, he found himself once again falling into blackness on the cool floor, as rough hands ceased him and began to drag him off.

He had expected to awaken upon a table, cold steel at his back, a needle in his veins. But instead he felt a strange sensation beneath him as his body once again became aware of itself. It was cool and warm at the same time, stringy and somewhat plush. Definitely not concrete or steel. He listened and inhaled, startled to find that he no longer smelled the sting of leather in his lungs, that when his lips moved, they did not brush the mask. Slowly, he opened his eyes, forcing his body off the ground through the groggy spell that consumed his limbs. It was fading rapidly however and with its retreat he found that he was most certainly not in familiar territory.

Outside. His mind provided the information as if he had at some point recognized the trees and other foliage around him. It recognized the sky as well, darkening above, even though he could not recall why it did so since he could not recall ever seeing it before let alone having words to describe it. The dragon had given up long ago trying to decipher the knowledge his brain possessed. Once or twice he had said something, quoted something he randomly recalled. It had startled and enraged the doctors and generally only got him into trouble. So he had learned to keep its random musings to himself. But now they were no where in sight. His hand rose, gripping and flexing his jaw to loosen the dull ache that the mask had caused, shaking straight wisps of black hair away from his face as he turned it up to the tree tops above him.

He remained strangely still and silent, studying the seemingly open world around him for some time before coming to a decision. It was beautiful…Beautiful and wrong. Something about it was terribly and unequivocally wrong. He knew he was not free. The bars were just harder to see now. He also knew that he had to have been put here for a reason, though as usual, they had not seen fit to let him in on their little games. A slow, and not so happy smile flashed on his lips, revealing long fangs and black gums. A slightly forked black tongue darted out to lick his gray lips, turning his gaze forward. There were other living things here. He could smell them, hear their movements. The question was, were they equals in this game, or pawns. Perhaps both. Seemed there was only one way to find out.

The dragon set off in a brisk but strangely silent run, his whole body moving to avoid obstacles and underbrush like a rolling wave, pausing occasionally to lift his head higher in the growing darkness, slitted pupils narrowing, tongue scenting the air before continuing on.

(OOC: Wasn't 100% sure what to do with him, seeing as most are sleeping currently but at least this puts him on the move. :D . Feel free to let me know if I misjudge or mess up any details. I gathered what I could from reading the forums, but very well could have missed something important. lol)
At first it was no more than a supple crack in the hum of the night that reverberated in his ears and caused the circular radars to twitch. Then again, the soft rustle of leafs--not totally unusual, but strange nonetheless. Something bigger was on its way, but what exactly he did not know. In this state of semi-consciousness he was unable to flex his mind in order to comprehend what it might be or how large of a threat. All he did was listen, suspended between realms and pleading desperately to be released from the clutches of his subconscious. Struggling valiantly, he managed to break away, chest heaving and body shuddering in a massive throw as he lurched upward, no longer slumped against the cave wall but now on all fours, dangling black lips forming an inquisitive "u" while he inhaled and smelled, bringing the myriad of aromas across his receptors and trying to pick out any alien scents. Disappointingly, he was unable to detect much...

Mary let out a low, trembling snarl as she found herself once again lounging outside the observatory doors, waiting for the scientists to return to check up on the other specimens. She'd been so eager to get in, but access was granted to those with ID cards, and she was without. Flicking her long orange tail shallowly, she appraised each of the staff as they scurried by with menacing black voids that regarded each very lowly. All those babbling fools and not a single one important.
(Do you guys prefer to stick to a posting order or is it just be polite and don't leave out anyone who is involved by moving on without their response? Let me know and I'll withdraw this if so. Sorry to ask so many questions. Bit of a new format for me.)

It was hard to focus on any one scent or sound. Though his human mind seemed to have retained a wealth of information, losing only the memories and connections that once established their origin, he had never been able to identify another being by scent as a normal human being. No, his senses then had been far to meek and limited back then for such a task. On many occasions he had smelled others from within the walls of his cell, wafting in under the door or lingering on the gurneys and tables where apparently others were undergoing similar treatment in his absence. But he had never been able to put faces, shapes or otherwise to the many distinct scents and so was lost now in identifying them further than being other living beings.

He moved for some time, slowed by an occasional stop to observe his surroundings, head raised, turning slowly around as his slitted eyes searched for movement in the shadows. This whole place was putting him on edge. Part of him kept waiting for one of the scientists to leap out from cover and haul him back to his cell, never telling him if he passed or failed whatever little test this was. But the moment never came.

So focused on his surroundings, the dragon nearly by passed a sudden spike in one of the smells. Though he still had no clue what the creature was, its scent was suddenly stronger and his tongue darted out, slick and dark, to taste the air more throughly. Close, it was very close. The dragon slunk closer, more cautious now, long tail lashing silently behind, eyes flicking rapidly ahead. Against human beings, he had no fear that he could win if a confrontation came down to what power one possessed with only their body at their disposal. His venom was a thing to be feared. After all, if a mamba had enough within a single bite to kill ten to fifteen humans, it was easy to imagine what a recreation of his size could manage with his hallow fangs. Venom however was not an immediate kill and his instincts as a snake told him to be cautious that something didn't finish him off before he got the chance to strike himself, or before the poison took effect. It was a strange contradiction to those of Siberian, a creature who had fear of very little in regards to size. His curiosity and human uncertainties had already got the better of him however.

He nearly did not even see the caves entrance, creeping around the outer edge so as not to cross the path of the opening at first. The strange smell came from within and he thought he perhaps heard movement. It could have just been nerves getting the better of him just as easily, or the strange breeze stirring some leaves nearby. His senses seemed overloaded with information that they had no ability to process. He remained there, crouched low to the ground, his clawed hands resting in the cool earth, perched upon the balls of his feet. It would have been simple to simply slink away and ignore the strange thing within. Simple, but cowardly and it would get him no closer to discovering what was happening. So after a moment of deliberation, the dragon slid into view near the portal of the cave, rising to his feet in one fluid motion, body seeming to sway slightly, prepared to dart in any direction of the need arose. That was if the thing inside didn't turn out to be faster, in which case he would have been in a great deal of trouble should it wish him harm. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Even his eyes had trouble penetrating the darkness, narrowing into thin blue slits as he sought to discern shadow from form. Should he speak? It seemed a very human thing to do but it was exactly that part of his brain that registered the need. Speak, so your own kind know you are not a beast to be fired upon and hunted. It almost made him laugh. Ah yes, obviously that little rule no longer applied. He was a beast in so many ways. What about this new creature?

"You are…" his voice was low, the remnants of some old accent still clinging to the syllables, and made whispering and husky by his forked tongue. It made him flinch slightly for a moment, not used to hearing it and the whole thing seeming far too loud in the night. But he pressed on, head cocking to the side as his tongue darted out to scent out the creature curiously. It smelled strange, yet familiar as well. Could it be that it was also a toy of the men here? "You are…one of their pets as well?"
Even in sleep, Atori felt the pinch on a needle piercing her skin, then being splashed with water so that she would transform. After she did, the scientists took samples from her body, and made sure she was moderately healthy. One of the newer workers was completely fascinated with how she formed gills and started lifting them up, checking for infections, but also observing how they worked. Put he pulled one too far up, which made Atori screech in pain, whipped around, and sunk her fangs into his delicate flesh. He reeled back in shock. She had pierced the rubber glove he had over his hand and left a deep puncture wound in his skin. The other scientists simply jolted something down on their papers and left. She growled while slithering back into the black water, hoping to go back to sleep.
(There is not a posting order, don't worry about it :)

Rose's rounded ears flicked as she was awoken. Someone was nearby, possibly outside her den? Angrily she hissed slipping out of her cave and into the cool, fake moonlight. The scientists were so sloppy there scent was everywhere and she was not surprised when the sharp pinch of the dart slipped into her skin. Instead of putting her straight to sleep the wanted her to shift and the painful process began. Whenever they medically induced a shift the pain occurred more slowly so they could watch each process.

It always started with her fur retracting to a soft smooth stubble and the fading of spots. Next her bones and muscles began to re-shape, breaking down and healing separately. The pain was a mash up of crisp stabs and slow throbs that reverberated throughout her body. This went on for about ten minutes the whole time the scientists took notes and readied themselves for their procedure. The scent of rubbing alcohol burned Rose's delicate nostrils and she let out a guttural growl that she only tended to use in her animal form but she decided to make an exception today.

Slowly the sedative began to kick in and Rose had trouble even lifting a finger. The scientists approached strapping her hands behind her back; the first item on their twisted itinerary was a thorough examination checking heart rates and taking blood. They checked her mouth looking for any progress in her teeth, they were trying to give her teeth points but so far nothing had worked. Next they rolled her onto her side and pulled out a two needles. One was filled with an odd colored fluid the other was empty. They swabbed her back and shaved away a small patch of fur inserting one needle directly into her spinal cord. They performed a weekly spinal tap in case of infection yet the procedure was still surprising to Rose. The next shot was barely noticeable as they injected something into her neck. They finally strapped a weighty tracking collar around her neck and left dropping another white smock beside her.

Someone was there, not only did he sense it but now he saw it. Something that terrified him almost as much as death itself. Upon seeing it evoked long dead instincts, primitive urges to bolt in the opposing direction. The pale light that scarcely entered the cave reflected on the scale-like structure of a reptile, or some variety of it. His brown fur bristled and instantly he receded, muscles bunched and eyes narrowed in scrutiny as he appraised the level of threat presented. Nostrils flared and breath coming quickly and crisp, he couldn't help but be curious. And then, by God and all his bounty, it spoke. It's terrible, low, serpent-like monotone made him cringe, stumbling back and gaping with sheer horror, marred by a flurry of inquisition.

Am I 'what'?, he thought sharply, ears pivoting forwards to receive a more substantial amount of the sound-waves. Then, the creature reiterated. Am I a pet?, he pondered once more, combing his numb mind for information that would supplement the question. "A... y...yes, I suppose so," he murmured, voice thick and deep, almost rumbling as he blinked, tiny black eyes straining to see the specimen. What was it? Should he be afraid? It could talk, so clearly it was civilized... right?

And then it hit him. Like a bag of sand to the head, or the chilling weight of snow piling on a strewn corpse. His vision spun out first, fading and quadrupling until it began to fail altogether. With a low bellow of malcontent, he stepped back, shaking his head and groaning, rearing onto his hind two legs and pawing desperately at his muzzle. Undoubtedly he'd been drugged, but he refused to allow himself to succumb to the sedative with a foreign presence upon him. Next went his hearing, the scrape of his long nails against the dirt and the rustle of his fur fading and echoing until the world became unbearably silent. That's when it sprung upon him, like a mousetrap on a rat. The gargantuan russet bear fell, like a ton of bricks, onto the ground, body turned awkwardly and lips drawn back in a rebellious snarl.
When the animal within moved back, the dragon barely restrained the urge to crouch lower to the ground, unsure if the movement was in preparation for a charge or due to uncertainties about his own intentions. The feral part of his brain desired it, wishing to be prepared, and perhaps even wanting to provoke the thing a bit. On the other hand, his human instincts said that actions of that sort would be considered rude and perhaps cause a confrontation that could be avoided. But it showed no signs of advancing and so he remained, still swaying slightly. When it spoke, voice deep and rolling as if it were impossible to separate growl from actual syllables, the dragon startled a bit. His lips pulled back over his hallow fangs briefly, head tilting to the side inquisitively. So he was one of the other subjects then. The information made the creatures dark brows furrow over his bright eyes, letting out a small sound of distaste. It was hard to say if it was comforting or not to finally meet another who was a pawn in the same game. On one hand, he was not ignorant as to think any of them had any hopes of escape without each other. On the other, knowing what this was, that it was not just another dumb beast, made it all the more dangerous.

His eyes had begun to hone in on certain details by this point; dark fur, the flash of small eyes in the dark. Most pressing was of course its evident size. Whatever it was, the creature surely would tower over him and if it came down to brute strength, he wasn't sure he really wished to put himself to the test against such a massive beast. Some inkling was beginning to arise in the back of his mind. Perhaps he had seen one of these before. But by 'before', he meant the infamous and unknown time before he had been this and trying to pick apart the half conscious thread of information was not worth his time just now.

Suddenly it was once again shifting, a strange sort of moan amplifying out from within the cave. Even in the dark, the dragon could see when the beast reared up and it sent him into a crouch at last, poised on the balls of his feet with his knees hovering just above the ground, one hand spread to balance his weight. A sound that was half a hiss and half a growl seeped past his lips, tongue darting out rapidly as he sought to decipher when the creature would attack. Yet rather than do so, it seemed to be struggling silently with something in the dark. He was half tempted to speak once more, when the animal suddenly collapsed, making him leap back uncertainly.

For many moments he remained waiting, before realizing that it was not going to rise once more, though he thought perhaps it was still breathing. As he began to uncoil his body, his mind suddenly registered another threat. The tangy, fleshy scent made his body tense in recognition, a flash of rage and disgust flickering in his eyes. Humans. But it was far too late. The sound of something whistling through the air and a sting in his upper arm had him bolting in a bee line from the entrance of the cave, a flash of grey scales and black hair bounding uselessly from what he knew was coming. It didn't take long. His senses began to fail, and with it his strength and balance, causing him to nearly careen into a tree. Skidding onto his side as he finally collapsed, he felt himself bump against the rough bark of a tree, chest rising and falling rapidly. It was hard to make out their shapes, but he could smell them, hear their loud footsteps in the grass as they advanced. Soon the cool prick of steel lodged on either side of his neck, a two pronged fork holding his head still so that he could not strike at them. Even through the haze, his blurry eyes narrowed, a horrifying hiss sliding through his jaws as they parted. Those closest to him startled a bit and he felt the steel fork push into his throat with uncomfortable force, leaving him barely enough room to inhale. They were speaking but either his hearing was too far gone, or their voices were too low. He only gathered enough to hear them warn another near him to keep his head down, to watch his fangs. Wry laughter about another who had not done so. Hands were prodding him, but he was numb to it now, cursing himself for being to focused on the beast to notice. Whatever they were doing, he was in no position to stop them and soon the blackness took him completely.

He did not awaken during their tests or when the began pressing against his abdomen and arms to check if his muscles had begun to shift or develop further. He did not even stir when the thick white collar was tightened around his neck and he was left laying on his back on the cool earth. Of its own accord, his body curled onto its side, tail wrapping up around his legs.
Murmurs, insignificant whimpers and whines and rustles. Flashes of light, bright and blinding through closed lids. He could even smell them as they invaded his space, taking four of them to simply roll him onto his back. Gurgles of laughter found their way to his ears from what seemed like far off as the pungent odor of latex pounded his nostrils. Enough tranquilizer to put out an elephant surged through his veins, leaving him pinned to the earth in a state of unconsciousness. His chest quivered while his body fought off the increased dosages that he had become accustom to. Twisting and reeling in revolt, his mind was unable to put through the required electric pulses into his body in order to get his limbs to comply.

In no time it seemed he was waking, gradually gaining his hearing back, then some vague movements like flicking his ears or twitching his nose. A gruff, low, rumbling growl blossomed in his chest and flourished as his awareness grew. Very slowly, if not overly-carefully, he rose to all fours, legs trembling violently and quaking under the enormous weight they had to bear. Divvying up his mass equally onto all four pillars, he rose his listless gaze, mind still not quite functioning, merely existing--rebooting. His neck felt different, restricted. Something hung on it, clinging tightly. Panic arose within him, over-dramatizing the situation, causing him to feel as if the white collar was strangling him. With that small emotion stoking the fires of his mind, he rose to full consciousness almost instantaneously.

Bellowing, he plunged forth, towards the harsh white lights of a simulated day. The morning atmosphere sickened him. Unable to see temporarily as his eyes attempted to adjust, he slammed right into a developing sapling, bending it in two with a disgusting crunch. He released a howl of fury and pain as an acute pain refracted into his forehead. He had managed to bowl himself over the crushed foliage, now laying on his back, writhing and cringing. He pawed frantically at both his muzzle and nape, long nails trying to pull at the collar while massaging his aching skull. However, he found comfort in the fresh odor of the grass, the moist scent of the dirt. Unwillingly he got back up, shaking his head and indirectly throwing his body into a fit of vibrations. Muscles pulled taut and 5-senses honed, he examined his environment. A crude, disgusting, sterile scent that was oddly familiar passed through his nose. Snorting, the realization took a while to come to him...

That thing from yesterday.
Where was it? What had happened? Was it that thing that'd put this collar on him? Surely not... Consumed by paranoid inquisitions, he found himself shortly thereafter in pursuit of it, trudging silently towards the aroma and pondering what to do when he located it. Black eyes skimming the vicinity with sublime efficiency, it was not long before he found himself in the company of the reptile, considering if it was an infestation to rid himself of, or a valuable ally. It was unconscious, like he'd been. It would be cowardly to threaten another sensible being in this state. With a juvenile sigh, he settled back onto his rump, lifting his upper torso in an almost-human-like sit.
His brain came back online a good while before his senses and other bodily functions could even manage to twitch expectantly. Even his thoughts were a bit fuzzy at first so he took to running over what he could recall, placing new pieces in as they rose to the surface once more. All the while, little tidbits of words, images, and what he supposed to be memories flashed and crept into the peripherals of his minds eye. Something that sounded like a nursery rhyme or a song perhaps…No matter. He focused on forming a timeline of things he had some real hope of recovering. He had been dumped in the artificial world, discovered the strange beast in the cave. Then what? Surely he hadn't died. Not impossible but it seemed unlikely that he should forget something so vital. No, he still lived. The scientists had returned. That was why he couldn't move. They must have sedated him again. But why? Simply for more tests? Well, he could feel his body beginning to reawaken, so he would know soon enough.

It seemed he was still in the 'outside' world. He could feel the bark at his back and the cool earth beneath him. The dragons clawed hands twitched slightly, pale eyes opening slowly. The dark, slitted pupils narrowed in the bright light, a sound of discomfort hissing from his lips. His tongue was no more than a thick black flash as it darted forth to scent the air. It was his sense of smell that detected the threat before his eyes had adjusted. As soon as the information processed, his body jerked upward. The sudden movement was not appreciated by his numb and disoriented limbs, so he ended up staggering a step back against the great tree, legs partially bent to brace himself. One hand pressed into the rough bark, claws scraping along it as he balanced himself, eyes narrowing in on the strange beast, now revealed in the pale light.

Bear. What was a bear? It was a strange sort of connection. His mind both knew that this was a bear and did not at the same time. He knew he had never seen one that he could recall, and yet there was the information. It was something he had grown semi-used to but never comfortable with. It was as if an entirely different being inhabited some space in his mind and shared only what it liked with him. It was infuriating. Currently he had larger problems. The scent was the same. It had to be the one he had spoken with so briefly before the attack but what was it doing here now? Swallowing thickly, his hand rose in a startled sort of way to find the pale collar fastened tightly about his slender neck. Was this why they had sought him out? Fury raged in his features for a moment, long, pearly canines flashing in a snarl, eyes narrowing out into the distance briefly. When they returned to the beast before him, they lightened slightly, but seemed no less suspicious.

This one could have killed him. It was obvious enough he had come across him while he remained prone and helpless on the ground. For something of that size, he would have been easy prey. Yet it had not. It was simply sitting there as if waiting for him. The strangeness of such actions gave him pause in fleeing or acting overtly aggressive toward the by stander. That and it seemed he too had come in contact with the spineless little humans and their new fashion accessories. In a way it made them accomplices by default. If nothing else, perhaps he knew more than himself in this matter. "Its nice to see you again." the dragons low voice hissed sarcastically, a smile that was not particularly disarming flashing across his lips, only to fade just as quickly. His sharp eyes skirted over the other creature, focusing on the pale collar that matched his own. "Seems we have had similar…visitors while we slept. I don't suppose you know the purpose in all this?" The word 'visitor' was almost spat, said in such a way that it was clear he had much less polite words for said persons running through his head. Apparently some remaining human courtesy had kept him from using said adjectives.
Abhorrence was but the single most overpowering emotion he felt as the reptile's venomous monotone breached the spherical tubing in his ears. He could feel his lack of patience swell and grow into a tad more than frank distaste for his attitude, yet, he could expect no better from the stranger. Thick auburn lips hoisted back into a faint, if not sadistic bearish-smile, he replied in a tone as gruff and full of interest as did before; "Yes, I suppose we are to pay for their cowardice in such a manner from this point on, however, have we not grown accustom to their pathetic... methods?" He carefully selected each word, still not at ease around the serpent. Usually he was very informal, very laid back and nonchalant--however, he was finding it quite joyous to be able to converse with this animal who was unknowing of the fact that each selected phrase was meant to mock his presence. There was no more time for formality, not now. Any traces of humanity would soon have to be deserted. He wasn't sure how he knew, but he just did.

The figure bore a collar of similar stature to his own, with the exception of size and a slight variation in band with. He supposed it was meant not to come off for he was unable to so much as scratch the surface with his knife-like claws. Still on his rear in more or less tranquil state, he raised a powerful hind leg, curving his spinal alignment towards it and cocking his head wickedly in the corresponding direction as well. Using a hind-foot, he began to scratch at his neck in spitting replication of a canine style. With a low murmur, he leaned forwards, bracing his forelimbs against the earth for support. His black nostrils flared as he inhaled the pungent odor of the reptile for a rather spacious distance. His disliking for the aroma was evident almost immediately, for he withdrew his head and snorted, puffs of carbon-dioxide carrying out a great deal of the troublesome cells that plagued his nare after said action. "What are you?" he chortled, almost amused at the farce of an appearance. A lizard-like tongue, cobra-like fangs, and a reptilian body. But something else was infused--what exactly it was, he could not tell.

Surveying him for a moment or two more through vacant obsidian orbs, he noted that he should probably shift back, since
even he had trouble understanding his deep voice. But where were his clothes? Ah, yes. The realization was horrid. They were at the top of his cave, where he'd transformed for the second time in this wretched enclosure, near what seemed to be like a potential residence. Nay, this could never be a fit dwelling, for it lacked the freedom he so desperately wished for. He had to go retrieve them, and he promptly would, as soon as this humanoid-hybrid answered his question. It would be rude to just walk off, unanswered.
As Rose slowly regained control of each of her limbs her leaden fingers reached for the white smock they had left for her. In stiff awkward motions she began the, usually swift and easy, process of pulling the piece of fabric over her head. She stood up slowly but even than her head throbbed for a moment causing her wince to and sway.

The rustle of the tall golden grass in her own personal "sahara" was oddly soothing but the scent left by the scientists ruined it. As the pain in her head subsided Rose let her senses take over and she began to smell something aside from the acrid alcohol and the earthy grass. It was reptilian but not like quiet girl no this one was masculine and somehow different.
The sophisticated, if not open ended response was more than the serpent had expected. It was a strange fusion of beast and man to hear such formal words from the growling voice, but he seemed to manage well enough, if only being a bit difficult to understand. Nonetheless, something in them triggered a slow tension in the dragons body, eyes narrowing darkly. "Accustomed, yes. But never complacent." he assured him, the anger in his gaze flickering like a shadow, only to pass away a second later as if it had never been. His features once again became merely on edge and attentive, watching him scratch and stretch before him. His own limbs had began to reawaken at last, and he straightened up a bit, rolling his shoulders and arching his back to unknot the muscles in turn. But he kept the small distance between them, leaving himself room to move if things took a turn for the worst.

When the bear withdrew, snorting in obvious distaste, it was not hard to connect the action with a cause. Some may have been offended, or at the very least sorry to have caused discomfort. The serpents eyes merely glittered in amusement, lips pulling up at one side in a smirk. As his energy returned, his long, darkly striped tail began to lash like an aggravated cat, tongue darting out quickly. What was he? What a strange question. Strange in the sense that no one had ever needed to ask. His contact had been only with the scientists and guards, who all had handy little charts and computers in which to look him up with. It was not that he didn't know what they had done to him. Some of the scientists had a bad habit of talking aloud while working, as if he were surely too much of a beast to ever comprehend the words and formulas. Strangely enough, he could in many cases. It was another of those strange little pockets of information that plagued him. So he understood what he was, how it had been done, even why to some extent but that was hard to say for sure. One could almost see him debating telling the other creature, head cocked to the side a bit, eyes still glimmering in what could have been thought but seemed more like laughter.

"A Mamba." he answered at length, wondering if he should have been more vague before dismissing it and continuing on. "I believe a Siberian Tiger as well though they do not seem happy with its physical manifestation." Admitting such a thing, he seemed mildly pleased by their frustrations. It was not that he had any control over how his body took to their experimentation but it gave him a subtle ounce of pride that even now it was not behaving as they wished. As they tried to cultivate strength, his venom and speed only became more deadly. At least for them. At times he got the impression that they wished him to transform completely, but that too had never occurred. He remained a strange hybrid of human and animal. His sleek black tongue scented the air, seeming to do so by sheer reflex rather than a thought. This time he caught an inkling of something else, sharp and brief in a breeze. It made his eyes dart out in a different direction briefly before settling back on the bear with determined focus. One step at a time.
Distracted. Whenever that oil-black tongue danced about in the draft it meant he was seeking information as to his surroundings. Upon noting that the serpent evidently detected a shift in the environment he too sniffed, jaws somewhat agape to amplify the clarity at which he was able to sift through the various odors. A coy, almost entertained grin shaped his thick black lips. Rose, he thought, although if not for having the mamba point it out, he himself would have never thought twice. Perhaps this creature would prove to be valuable. "I would have never guessed," he rumbled softly, seeing no attributes of a tiger. With a low, tremorous yawn pushing his mouth farther open, the awry beams of alabaster morning-light produced a spectrum across the lithosphere as it shown through the strings of salivation that hung from his massive ivory teeth.

Tongue curling as it ended as promptly as it'd begun, he slid his jowls closed, ears pivoting forwards while he murmured to himself. He should shift back. The reptile no longer appeared to be a threat, and this incredible mass was taking its toll on his body. His muscles ached and he was sore all over. He had to go back up into the highlands to get his clothes. "Pardon me," he grumbled, rolling forwards onto all fours, shoulders vibrating intensely with effort. He pivoted sharply on his paws, slowly striding back towards the concave structure he inhabited. "You're welcome to come with', however, I feel that you may be more interested in following that tongue of yours..."

Wasting no more time, he figured he'd meet up with Rose later, and this reptile would surely be in her company. Thick build swaying with fatigue as he processed, he couldn't help but scrutinize the circumstances that lingered. Trapped in this wretched place, new specimens showing up, new procedures and experimentation going on. He couldn't help but comb over what the Mamba had said. He'd never conceded to them, which was an interesting concept--for Nero had always just assumed there was nothing he could do to stop it, but in the process make it equally as unpleasant for his captors. Maybe rebellion was the key, maybe if they could revolt life wouldn't be so unbearable.

As he approached the cave that he'd lived in for the past few hours, he gazed at the slope that he'd battled against on the way up to the hunting plateau. Cringing at the realization of how helpless he was in his human form, he pushed onward and up to the facade of the stone. Skimming the area, he then proceeded to hoist himself up with his hook-like claws, digging them into the face of the stone. The friction of gravity as it tugged on his mass produced a high screeching sound, but facing adversity with his usual smug persona, he managed to tackle the steep slope at double the rate of his prior attempt. Once up, he paused to catch his breath, tumbling onto his back and panting heavily, chest rising and falling desperately to force oxygen into every crevasse of his being.

After a brief rest, he gradually began the excruciating process of shifting back into his human form, his white jumpsuit now in view, strewn lazily over a rock. His fur shed into large heaps of auburn around his tan skin, bones popping and cracking sickeningly into place. (I'll do a detailed one of him transforming later...) In about another 10 minutes he had completely altered his physical appearance, with the exception of his incredibly sharp canine teeth. Eyes shut tight and muscles taut as he soothed the agony that plagued every fiber of his being, he began to think, submerging himself in thought in order to escape the temporary grip of the pain. He pondered about his family, his past life, and his time here, involving himself so thoroughly that he hardly took notice that the discomfort had almost entirely receded.

Sitting rigidly up, somewhat aware of the gradually yellowing of the light, he leaned towards his clothes, sliding his legs in and zippering it up to the waist. The rest of his white garb hung behind him, and he dusted the dirt from his ivory trousers. He knew he should probably head back towards the others, but the growl in his stomach told him otherwise. He had more basic needs to settle.
Rose's mind was still fuzzy but she managed to maintain her swaying gait. When she walked her arms swung back and forth as if she were on all-fours her shoulders and hips protruding oddly. This isn't to say she isn't beautiful but it is a strange beauty animalistic and very feline. Rose carries her head and when she turns her head the veins and tendons protrude. You could trace a line following the tendons and feel as if you understand the way she moves. She pauses crouching down digging her golden brown fingers into the ground then pushing off with all of her strength she landed on a boulder where she could survey the area around her. Rose had a strong desire to rip the white smock off her body. It felt odd and constricting, she didn't know why. The smock had been a part of her life since the day she was grown.
The dragon kept his eyes and ears focused on the bear before him, but his sense of smell was doing its best to catch another taste of the scent that had alarmed him in the first place. After all, it wouldn't due to have something sneaking up on him while he was otherwise distracted…again. The mere thought of the humans little ambush and his own carelessness made his skin tingle with agitation, stretching his clawed fingers to lessen the sudden aggression. After a moment his hands clinched loosely at his side, the scales along his knuckles glimmering darkly. But this time, a slow burn remained in his gaze, flickering like a low spark that was barely restrained beneath the pale blue depths.

When the bear spoke, his senses focused solely on him once more, finding that he had begun to move already, apparently in need of a departure for one matter or another. The bear did not elaborate and it honestly concerned him little, though he was surprised a bit by the invitation to accompany him on this unidentified errand. His eyes unconsciously trailed out into the direction he thought the other smell had come from, tongue darting out curiously to scent the air once more. A grin flashed fangs, glancing sidelong at the retreating figures massive back. "I suppose you are right." a wry, growling laugh left his lips, mind already quite made up. Not that he thought the bear would be offended or particularly disappointed by his choice. The bears words made him wonder if he already knew what awaited him if he followed said trail, but he did not bother questioning him. If he had wished to share information, he would have done so.

The slitted pupils followed the retreating form until it had disappeared from sight all together, stepping slowly away from the tree. The serpent was swaying once more, ever so slightly, twisting about onto the balls of his feet to stretch his sluggish body. His apprehension was fading, now that he found himself once again keeping his own company. It was only the remains of his human mind that craved companionship. His counterparts were not so fond of such ties. In fact, both were solitary hunters, who preferred to steer clear of or eliminate any threats to their territory. So why was he so curious to seek out the others of this strange, artificial place? Perhaps some small part of it had to do with curiosity but a larger, more logical part of his brain wished to know what he was dealing with. After all, he wasn't fond of surprises in the least. Still feeling the effects of the drugs, he moved at a languid and graceful pace, not wishing to strain himself when he may very well need the energy in defense.

The terrain changed rapidly within the confined world. Again the little voice chimed in with its usual omniscient opinion about how such land types did not normally form together as such, flashes of animals with appearances and names he had never seen before flickering like a broken screen somewhere in the back of his mind. The serpent inhaled deeply, tongue darting out to scent the air. It was easier to quiet the voice when he distracted his mind with more base concerns. The woods thinned out as he traveled, the green fading away to a more golden hue. He lingered for a time near the onset of the grasses, hidden beneath the shade of a tree. He did not at all like moving out into open territory. His smaller counter part would have easily hidden in the long grasses and been quite happy to do so. But his human body was not so well suited for it. Rolling his shoulders, he found the jumpsuit to be, as usual, restrictive. He wasn't sure how many times he had ruined the obtrusive garments but it didn't keep them from putting him in them again. Eventually he settled for unzipping the upper half of the aggravating garment, tying off the sleeves around his waist. Doing so revealed a well formed and lean torso, the scales rising over his shoulders and around his hip bones. The thicker ridge down his spine was nearly black, turning more gray around his body until his stomach actually became a warmer tan color that faded near his collar bone. His black tongue darted out, scenting the air. It was ahead. He could smell that much but he was now left with two options and needed to select a course of action. Should he present himself openly or try to creep closer under cover? The first seemed a bit too brazen while the second made himself seem suspicious. Assuming this one was as attentive as the bear, it was likely it had already caught his scent as well, so perhaps the latter was in fact the more 'polite' thing to do under the given circumstances.

Taking one last look around the golden plain, with its sparse shrubbery and rocky ledges, the serpent stepped out into the sun, blinking briefly until his eyes adjusted. He was more cautious now. Despite his decision to remain some what obvious in his approach, his posture had altered. He was crouched a bit in his movements, straightening up more only to sway and scent the air as the currents changed. But it wasn't his tongue that first detected the others presence. It was a brief flash of something, no more than a slight brown shadow at first, leaping up onto a rock in the distance haze. Had he not been looking for any signs of life to begin with, he may not even have noticed it, the colors seeming naturally suited to disappear within this terrain. In the grasses he was sure that would be the case. The thought made his pale eyes trail around him, tongue darting out suspiciously before focusing forward on the distant figure. Was this where he was supposed to raise a white flag to show he meant no harm? Somehow he doubted that was suitable protocol so he settled for simply moving forward, trying to keep his movements casual and nonthreatening. That of course, is not an easy task for something half serpent, half feline. Even with effort, he still swayed as if he could at any moment strike, steps deliberately placed one before the other, overturning not even a stone as he paused some twenty feet away from the boulder on which the creature perched. It was a woman, or it was mostly a woman. The fur was most certainly animal and there were signs in her, as in himself, that her body had morphed to better accommodate the skills of her second self. Still, he found the mix of animal and human far more intriguing. He had noticed as of late that the humans looked more and more like easy prey and less like something he wished to return to even if he could.

"Pardon me." he placed a hand over his heart, bowing slightly from the waist up, only to pause mid gesture as if he wasn't sure why he was doing such a thing or where he had learned it. Shaking it off, he pressed a hand to his temple briefly before clearing his throat. Of course he wasn't sure what to say to his fellow captive now that he had arrived. In truth he only wished to know more about those he had been kept from all this time and perhaps gain some idea of the extensiveness of what was going on around him. Both rather deep topics for complete strangers to engage in. So he settled for the truth. "I mean no harm. I only caught your scent and hoped you could perhaps explain all this." his gaze flicked around to the landscape with disdain, tongue darting out briefly before a wry smirk crossed his lips. "Seems I have been involved and not given the customary pamphlet."
Rose jumped at the sound of this new voice. She spun around and lowered herself into a crouch on the sun-warmed rock. She eyed the man below her taking in every detail of his body. He looked like a snake and maybe another reptilian creature but she was unsure. The trees cast a shadow over part of his body clouding his already dark figure. Rose relaxed realizing she had the upper hand if it came to a fight and rolled back on her heels. When he asked for an explanation it took all of her strength not to laugh so she simply smiled. "Honey, if you get a pamphlet please give me a copy because I am probably as lost as you," she said sarcastically. "All I know is that every few feet there is a camera and they want to see how we interact in the wild." Rose leaped off the boulder perching on one of the jagged stones below it. She stood up her eyes glinting as she eyed the man. "My name is Rose, by the way."
Her response was…well it made an amused smirk slide across his features. It was mildly disappointing but not unexpected that his fellow subjects were nearly equally in the dark, however she did present some information he did not have. Cameras were expected. The humans seemed to film everything, surely logging it away to be studied or referenced when needed. What he had not know was a 'why'. Why had he been released out into their strange little play pen and what did they plan to gain by doing so? Though the vague explanation immediately made him wonder if there were other motives afoot. It was rather likely. So far he had met two fellow creatures here, both predators. Were there more? Was this a test of how they acted when let lose, or how the reacted to their fellow beasts when given the opportunity? He wouldn't have put it past the skulking little vermin the pit them against one another but this whole set up seemed rather elaborate for that sort of thing. Really there was no use in speculating further. As usual, all he could do was bide his time and wait for the proper moment, the right information to put the pieces together.

As the female advanced down onto a lower stone, the amused smirk faltered and the serpent took one dancing step back, muscles cording in anticipation, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. His furred tail bristled slightly, lips pulling back over his fangs a bit. However her words seemed to startle him a bit. His brow furrowed slightly, straightening up some as he eyed her uncertainly. "I don't…" he seemed to be searching for something, trailing off as his thought fought to gain a footing on a word that would be of use. A name…he had one didn't he? Well, 'had' being the operative word. Sometimes he had strange dreams, dreams where he was sure someone spoke to him, someone used a title he no longer remembered. But by the time he awoke, the word had become no more than a stretch of silence, forgotten with the waking world. Since his time here, there was only one thing he had ever been called with any form of regularity aside from a number or 'subject'. It would have to suffice. "The guards call me Dragon. I don't remember if I have another name." he admitted, the old fury sparking in his gaze once more. He fought it down some, keeping it from showing elsewhere and being misinterpreted as directed at the one called Rose.

His head turned a bit, scanning the surrounding area, still ill at ease in the open space. "There are others here besides yourself and the bear?"
She nodded absentmindedly thinking back to his statement about his name. Something in Rose clicked taking her back to the days with William. The way she held her child and made him remember his name not letting him hear any of the slurs the scientists said. "You don't have to use that name, come up with something else if that doesn't suit you," she said softly. Rose valued names they were one of the few things she could use to link herself to her own thoughts and emotions. She owned the name, it was hers and hers alone. Not an idea the scientists shoved at her, no matter how hard they tried the scientists had not been able to control their thoughts and until they did Rose would cling to her name. How silly, just a simple word but to her it meant so much. She wondered if William remembered his name or in the chaos of training he had lost it.
Atori tugged at the bulky collar. It made it hard to swim. And breathe. She stayed to the shallow ends and pulled a brush through her hair. Dang scientists. She thought bitterly, cursing them. Her shirt was neatly folded at her side, let to dry for previously being soaking wet when the scientists forced her to transform. The suns' rays danced on the water, reflecting ripples into her face and made her squint when it shown into her teal orbs. Those eyes drifted to the sky, or rather, a simulation of it. Who knew how it really was outside this facility. So long she had been separated from civilization, treated like a beast, how many years have gone by? How old was she again? Sleepless nights pondered this, but to no avail. She'd never remember.
Something in her voice startled him a bit. It wasn't so much what she said or how it was voiced but a combination of the two. If he hadn't long been taught to expect differently he would have called it kind. Still, he pondered the idea for a moment, eyes staring out over the plain distantly. It was a tempting sort of predicament. It wasn't everyday you were able to chose your own handle. But up until now he had never needed one. What other names did he even know? There had been a scientist named Theresa once but that was decidedly a woman's name and a run through of the other human tags he knew were no more appealing to him. He knew if he could remember that word that had once been his own name, it might feel more his own, more natural. Then again, maybe not. Whoever that name belonged to, he was not that person anymore. In some ways, he almost felt it would soil whatever had come before to pretend otherwise. As if in an absent gesture, he held up his hand under his own gaze, pale eyes trailing over the glinting scales of his knuckles and the long black claws. A strange sort of smile touched his features but not as if he were particularly happy with whatever thought crossed is mind.

"No. I think it suits me rather well." he muttered at last, letting out a sort of amused chuckle, shaking his hair from his features idly as he glanced up to Rose. "Perhaps I like the poetic justice of it all. If I live long enough, I might get to make them regret giving it to me." the serpent shrugged quietly, seeming unaware if he had said anything odd, exhaling as his dark tongue scented the air. But his eyes were alight again. On the surface, the heat almost had the sting of madness, but there was a cunning edge that remained. It was the look of something bidding its time, scheming, picturing what it would do to those who had caged it as soon as they made a mistake. Whatever it was, it was sure to be unpleasant.
Minutes dragged on rather anticlimactically, the splendid simulation of clouds passing above, distorting the blue of the sky, and actually producing a shadow around him, a shadow that dropped the temperature and veiled the harsh lighting. It almost made him smile...and I emphasize on 'almost' since it had been some time since he'd genuinely flashed a grin. Dark bangs covering his olive face so that he could hardly see, it then occurred to him that he should inquire on the probability of getting a haircut next time they decided to drug him. He could definitely propose such a thing to a camera, for surely it would be monitored and observed. As well as that, another idea prompted him to stand. He said he'd meet up with the others, and that he should.

With a gentle sigh, he stood, overlooking the vast domain--that he fancied to himself to preside over. From the rippling bushed of dark jade, dotted by vividly colored berries and fruit, to the swaying branches of implanted trees, their leafs shimmering and dancing on end as the synthetic breeze made its rounds. He liked his view, and longed for it to one day be authentic. Murmuring thoughtfully to himself, he pondered why the reptile had been so on edge, he himself was paranoid, but that creature seemed to be very aware of everything that was going on for another reason. Perhaps it--rather,
he--was simply inquisitive as to his new environment. He could feel the temperature rise once more, and the singing sting of the artificial light searing his flesh with its lack of regard for any life that thrived below its morbid reign. Sniffing with contempt, he looked back at the jagged passage way he was damned to take on the way back down. "Lovely," he remarked aloud, purely to dote on his theory that the scientists heard and saw all...

She whined, like a sniveling dog begging for food from its master. She could hear the buzz and hum of massive equipment, the rumble of gears as they shuddered and overheated. Men inside rustled papers, surveying screens and turning knobs of different pigments. She herself wanted to see what was going on, but the glare of the screens prevented her from anything but what loud audio inscriptions on the tape played out. Even then she had to focus, honing in with all her might, ears pivoted forwards and nose level to the glass. She glared into the dimly lit room, black eyes sharp with hatred for the squirmish grunts of the pathetically titled scientists. Low roar after roar echoed from her throat, and she was was ignored continuously. Braced against the glass, scowling as she was denied access to the room, she heard a voice, one she'd never heard before. It echoed in her ears, gradually fading into oblivion. Then it grew, developing into a complex, well thought out sentence. And then two sentences. Before she knew it, it became the foundation of a conversation--or an answer to an inquiry.
Poetic justice resonated with her for a while. She couldn't contemplate where such a sophisticated statement could have originated from. Then, with a decompressive hiss, the door slid ajar, and with a brief glance inside, she saw a flash on a monitor, a couple of experiments.

A cold shiver ran the length of her body. Hackles rising as she tensed to slip inside, the door jolted shut, the scientist glaring down at her. She bore her fangs and snarled bitterly back, pale-stripes twisted and conjured by her crinkled folds of skin. Claw sheathed, she batted at his leg with a massive paw and in a moment of panic received a swift blow from a clipboard from behind. Agitated, she turned, prepared to lash out and tackle what ever worker had assaulted her. To her surprise a man in a tall white lab coat stood over her, she'd come to think of him as a father. "Stop harassing my staff," he crooned, stepping towards the door smoothly, which sent her scrambling to get out of the way. Hastily the door receded from his path, and she slunk in after his heels, casting the flinching scientist a livid stare before the door shifted shut.

Hands cut by the jagged rock, Nero had managed to climb back down, and despite the lacerations he was rather proud to have made it without further harm to himself. He knew he had to go search for them, and even in human form he was fairly sure he could estimate their location. Setting his body into a light jog, where his knees came parallel to his chest and his long legs sparingly touched the ground, he headed into the thick woods, for on the other side lay the vast rolling waves of amber and gold grass that danced and waved and swayed gracefully at the gentlest of touch.

(Too lazy to describe his journey to where they are... blah blah blah... he crosses woods, ends up running from a spider, now in the plains and near the others.... shalalalal~)

They came into view before he sensed them audibly or by odor, which was rather disappointing. He knew his animal senses went almost unrivaled, however, in human form he was like a baby, ignorant to much that went on around him. He cleared his throat, almost assured that they would have sensed him already, and if not he'd obviously made himself known now.
Rose nodded her head swiveling at the sound of someone else coming, "Hello," she yelled sniffing the air. Her sense of smell was not nearly as defined as it was when she shifted but it still helped. After a few whiffs she recognized the scent as someone she knew and she knew it wasn't a scientist. If it was a scientists there would be a guard and the acrid scent of alcohol along with the cold hard scent of metal. Her eyes scanned the brush area trying to spot some movement.

"Do you see in anything?" she asked Dragon quietly. Rose did not feel threatened by this new presence but she also did not like being out of control of her surroundings.

(I like rping with you guys because it pushes me to write more :)

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