Trapped Rp

Medusa attempted to keep up when they followed along after the others, though quickly trailing behind. The serpentine tail proved to be difficult to maneuver with, even without her(?) lack of practice.
Rose noticed the person behind her trailing farther and farther behind. She slowed her pace considerable allowing the guys to move a little ahead of her. The tree cover cooled her down which was wonderful but she was sure that for the reptilian person it made everything worse. She realized she had no idea whether the person behind her was male or female she did not even have a name. "I'm Rose" she said softly.
The girl introduced herself... it made Medusa feel rather awkward that (s)he couldn't reply in kind, having troubles with speech because of his(?) oversized, forked tongue.

Despite that (s)he tried, replying with a stuttered "M-m-merroossah."

The shade was already starting to affect the reptile, her(?) blood slowing and thickening in his(?) hands, and her(?) nose and lips turning a blue shade.
Lucas sighed and dropped hisb hands out of his pockets. He looked around, and decided to hvae some fun with this freedom and actually use the curse man put upon him. He strated running, ran paast te bear, and pushed down on his feet, propelling himself into the air, and forward. He landed in a crouched position on top of a cement rock. The rock was warm because of the sunlight peaking through the trees, but the temparature itself was almost perfect for a cougar. Luke stood up and ran off the side of the rock, landing perfectly. Oh, this could be fun....
Clearly startled by the rapid movement, His head snapped towards the cougar and his fur bristled, causing him to crouch down and seize the nearest object to him, a hollow-stone rock with a camera embedded in it. He raised it over his head, arm bent and wrist cocked, ready to let loose and send it plunging towards Lucas. He snarled, eyes narrowed and visibly pissed, "Don't do that again!"
Lucas stopped and spun around as the bear yelled at him. He blinked and looked at Nero. "Oh, come on. what's your damage? I was just having some fun," he said, almost sounding like an innocent 6 year old. He sighed deeply and walked back over to them, kicking a rock as he went. Lucas made a mental note to somehow get the bear to lighten up.
Nero's face was marred by abhorrence and regret. He shouldn't have overreacted but for some reason he just couldn't help it. Snorting, he most definitely wasn't going to lighten up. The pressures of such slight thought caused him to revert to a simpler frame of thought. He shifted, still on his hind legs as his body's skeletal structure became temporarily malleable. Fur slowly enveloped his body, skull taking a new form as he pressed his padded-palms to his temples with the drug-slurred agony of the procedure. In a few moments he had gone from half-and-half to full on Kodiak. Looking around through ominous beady eyes, he let out a faint bellow, sliding heavily onto all fours and taking off, moving surprisingly fast for an animal of his stature.
Lucas blinked and spun around, watching the over-reactant bear run off. He rolled his eyes, and got down on the ground, fur growing on his skin over his clothes. His teeth sharpened, and his fingernails dripped off his hands like water droplets. In their place were white talons. The whole process was very painful, and Lucas had to swallow a scream. The pain melted away, and in his place stood a creamy-brown colored cougar. He swished his tail back and forth three times, then broke into a swift run after the bear, loving the feeling of his own created wind whipping his short fur back and his tail half-raised for balance as he galloped gracefully after the gallumphing bear.
..Carbon was pumped from his nostrils at a rate more so great than the intake. His lungs were well developed, but under-used. Panting after only a few yards, he had exhausted his initial burst of energy and was now simply sauntering forth with sheer will as his alternative fuel. He could feel the pressing sensation brought on when another trailed after him, and judging the occasional fall of paws and along with the weight administered by the volume produced, he was able to deduce that it was Lucas. Snorting, he was somewhat fascinated that the cat would follow him, rather than take its own route as felines often did. He was moving steadily towards the cave, intent on scoping it out and locating a great deal of the cameras and mic systems--to which Rose and the others may be helpful. The tingle of the grass between his paws was incredible, and he had swiftly come to love the firm coolness of the stones that tiled the domain. Synthetic or not--this felt right.
Lucas's sides heaved as his un-worked lungs and heart worked. When Nero stopped, Luke didn't. Why should he follow a bear? If Nero wanted Lucas around, he would call him or go after him. However, Lucas wasn't sure how well he'd do on his won. Maybe, he could stay with Rose or someone until he got a kick-off? That was how cougars worked, really...Plus, Rose was infused with husky DNA, and Lucas knew canines were pack animals. As his exhaustion caught upn with him, Lucas slowed down, and finally stopped. His chest heaved, his maw opened as he caught his breath. No. He could make it on his own. Unless Nero or Rose caught up with him, that's exactly what he'd do. This whole situation really confused him....
Taking in a massive lungful of oxygen, Nero started out again, this time much faster, much more confident. In a few moments he had traversed the remaining distance, and was now at the mouth of the cavern, moving aside a stone at the entrance that was suppose to cover a camera. Privacy was only as real as you imagined, he told himself, bashing a paw against the steel, sending it sparking up and across the domicile, electricity sputtering out as the wires were disconnected. He had to make sure everything was safe, and as far as he knew, it was. His ideas were vanquished as soon as he approached the interior. There were massive wounds in the rock, things that seemed to geometrically perfect to be natural. He decided to investigate. There was a deep gap that went farther than he could see, and the glint of metal shown from within. However, he assumed it was just the structure of the cave.
Rose watched as the two guys raced off ahead of her and Medusa. She really had no desire to shift considering the process fascinated the scientists and her body did not take well to drugs so they were never administered. "Should we find you a place to sun?" Rose asked Medusa wondering if the guys would handle the other things while she found Medusa a place to stay. She could tell that the Reptilian DNA would require a different environment from her and most of the other mammals.
Lucas wondered how the scientist's would feed them. He couldn't help it. the thought just snuck up on him. Would they leave out bowls for the non-carnivorous mutations? Would they release animals? He doubted they would leave out bowls, that could cause fights. Maybe...Oh, screw it. Lucas stood up and trotted until he found a pile of rocks. The way tehy were laid out made a gap. It was a tight gap, yes, but was an ideal location for a puma. Lucas's rounded ear perked. He opened his maw slightly and crept inside, looking around. Sunlight peeked through, and the temperature was nice and cool. Lucas, convinced he had teh best spot in the enclosure, curled up and lay down, just resting before he decided on catching up with anyone.

(GYAH!!! Terrible, awful, bad flow, no good, dbewufiuqgf *pant*pant*
Rose spotted where the Bear had found his shelter. It was a smile cave but the most important part was that the roof of the cave was rock. "Medusa why don't you go check out the roof of Lucas's cave and see if it works for you?" she asked. Rose wandered off trying to find a place where the forest began to thin. She eventually found an area similar to a grassland but there were still a few trees scattered through the plane. She know that the scientists had most likely created dens for each of their experiments.

Rose knew her only way of locating her den was to shift. The minute the transformation began she could hear the whir of electronics shifting view. They focused in on her watching the always.
Medusa appreciated the help (s)he was getting, no one had ever helped her(?) before. The rock was indeed warm, warm enough for Medusa after such a long time sitting under the heat lamps. Medusa found himself(?) quite content to just bask in the "sunlight" atop the group's current shelter.
Lucas crept out of his make-shift den and curled his tail over his head. He looked up, and saw the reptillian experiment on top of the rocks. Lucas flicked his rounded ear, and decided that it meant no harm. He yawned and looked around, and saw a camera pointed at him from a tree. Lucas twitched his tail and approached the tree, jumping on to the trunk from a few feet away. He climbed onto a branch that was in teh camera's blind spot. It stretched from its perch in an attempt to see him, but couldn't. LUcas swung his tail with a sly movement. Stupid scientists...

(This post is crap, but at least it'll make a revival...=D)

Rose held back a scream as the process ended, the cameras stayed focused on her as she began her loping walk through the tall grass. She really loved her animal form but getting to this point was horrendously painful and she tried to avoid it when she could. Her coat was a little thicker than most cheetahs and her legs were white up to the "knee", bot characteristics of a husky. Every few steps she would hear the click and whir of cameras following her trek. Rose picked up speed as she got more settled with the territory. She noticed a few boulders scattered across the habitat and investigated. One of the rocks was next a tree that was just covered in cameras. Bingo, there was her pre-made den for her to live in. (scientist interpretation of a grassland)
Nero grumbling and lumbered back outside, still keen on investigating. He let out a massive roar, the molecular structure of his throat searing with pain at the inhuman sound. Silvery strings of salivation hung from his teeth, creating bridges across the gap of his maw as he continued to sound off for no particular reason. Thick-black lips quivering and curling back as he did so, he was somewhat anxious. There was so much land... and still... he'd never felt so condemned.

Mary was confused, annoyed and confused. She'd been trying to figure out what was so important that she couldn't get into that top room. What was going on? The experiments hadn't been around for nearly a day, which was extraordinary to her considering that they were almost always locked up in their cells. Grumbling, she sprawled herself out on the rug of her dormitory, still in her tiger form. It was like a safety blanket for her, considering her senses were amplified and she was able to defend herself with teeth and claws.
Rose's ears flicked as the sound of a roar reached her ears. What was going on? She slipped out of her den and set off at a jog back into the forest. The roar had not seemed like it was out of anger or pain but none the less she was curious. Being a cheetah she could not roar so she let out a sharp yip which was the best she could do.
Medusa was thinking to himself(?), everyone else has a specific gender, but what about her(?)? From that point onward, she would now refer to herself as female, the only female she'd ever met was the nicest person to her, and so she strove to be more like her. While she mused to herself about this, she was interrupted by a great animalistic roar, making her scramble for purchase as she jumped up from her sunning rock, rather high above the ground. It was actually a surprise that she'd managed to make it up this high in the first place.
Lucas's ears perked as he heard the roar. It was so.....vague. He couldn't tell what the roar meant, so he jumped down from his perch, landing on shock-absorbing callused pads. He flicked his ear at Medusa in an absent-minded greeting, and stretched his maw wide open, letting out a roar in response to teh first one. His cougar DNA made the roar very low, and produced a sort of hissing sound. It was of a low volume, but it was high in pitch, which will allow the sound to travel on the air. He flicked his tail and started walking, looking back at Medusa and flicking his tail in an invitation to follow.
..Nero snorted, shaking his head, loose skin swaying on its own accord, prolonging even the most curt movements. He glanced around, inhaling slowly as his ears twitched. Distantly the cries of shrubbery gave heed to the approach of others. No doubt they'd all found their places as well. But with this established, there came new tasks. The pressing matter of sustenance was upon them--more so him and his ravenous appetite. What would they eat? He was sure that there was water near by, perhaps the scientists had provided fish or small game for them to hunt. He'd always wanted to try his at fishing.
Rose let out a soft chirp as she approached Nero's den. It was the best she could do as a cheetah considering that a roar was not in her repertorie. Her white paws sank into to the muddy floor becoming a creamy brown that was similar to the color of her spots.
He acknowledged her with a curt bob of his head, rolling his broad and powerful shoulders before noting that she was peculiarly colored.

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