Trapped Rp

Medusa was having an overload, on the verge of screaming, (s)he'd never seen so many people in one place, had hardly ever seen people before, and all the noise was overwhelming. (S)He just wanted nothing more than to go back to her(?) cell, and the gentle hum of the sunlamps.
Before Nero was liable to respond, his stomach let out a snarl of gargantuan proportions that reverberated off the monumental monitors. He was hungry, and his bear-sized gut was letting him know with a vengeance. He folded his arms over his chest, trying to muffle the noise but it was an attempt in vain. Sighing, he nodded to Rose, than casually looked to Lucas. Trying to be as un-intimidating as possible to the stand-offish feline, he couldn't help but look him over, assessing him as a comrade rather than a foe. He was a bear by nature, thus had no need for relationships, but for now the human survival instincts told him that banding together was their best chance.
"We should probably find a shelter and than some of his should look for food," Rose said trying to sound to change her voice so she did not sound obnoxious and bossy, she failed. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I am in charge," she said cringing. Looking over at the reptilian human Rose walked towards him/her hoping to involve him/her in the conversation. Snakes were usually solitary and she was pretty sure most reptiles were but she did not really know for sure.
Nero shrugged, shaking his head to whip his disheveled locks out of his face and then glance around for any standing structure. Taking a few steps from the others, he inhaled deeply, lungs filtering in the oxygenated air and listening to the almost insignificant hum of the air ducts that surrounded them. Grumbling, he waltzed towards one of the planed trees and masterfully began to shift his nails into claws. The skin around his hands began to ripple, hair thickening to a dense layer of fur and fingernails dropping off, black long bladed-claws emerging from his skin with an incredible amount of searing pain that would have usually troubled him if not for the periodical injections of morphine. As they formed, he jumped into the tree, hooking the bark with his talons and hoisting himself into a low branch. Scrambling higher still, he disregarded his fear of heights to get a better view of the domain. "Ey, Wiggles, there's a shelter over yonder, about forty yards due south," he barked to Rose from above. The sooner they got situated, the sooner he ate.
Lucas shifted uncomfortabley while the boy looked him over. He wass even more uncomfortable when the boy turned bear. The hairs on the back of his neck tingled and gossebumps ran up and down his spine, chilling him. Bears are enemies to pumas. Lucas set his jaw and looked at the girl, wondering if he should follow, or just stay still. He really didn't want to - not with a bear. Lucas wasn't scared or threatened, just cautious and uncomfortable. Stupid...instincts....
Nero felt the apprehension radiating off of the feline, burning into his neck and making him feel agitated. Taking a deep breath, he looked around for something more, locating a pool of water and a large cluster of trees spaced out across the domicile. He groaned, missing his freedom, feeling his primary instincts blossoming to the surface.
Rose looked up confused, who was wiggles? Did he mean her? "Am I wiggles?" she asked a cautious smile creeping across her lips. She tug her toes into the soft ground wondering how far she would have to dig before the she hit concrete. The heat lamps seared into the back of her neck and she began to breathe heavily. It was hard for her to be in hot places being part husky and not being able to sweat. Rose looked at the group of people and realized how spread out they were. It was like each person had their own bubble that surrounded them.
Lucas could practically feel the bear's resentment and annoyance but there was something else. Acceptance? Lucas snorted, and looked at the girl. "Are you okay?" he asked, speaking for the first time in his life that wasn't a scream of pain, or out of rebellion. Lucas was getting a little hot himself - cougars prowl in the mountains, and are usually more comfortable in snow then heat.
"Ah, si, you are indeed Wiggles. I'm not good with names, so forgive me, I suppose I'll get to know you all by name eventually." Stomach rumbling and growling in upset, he took note that the two were suffering under the swelter of the lamps overhead. "C'mon, we should get moving," he stated blandly, phrasing it more so as a fact than an order. He braced his feet against the tree's trunk, claws digging into the upper layer as he slid down its side and to the floor with a soft thud. "This way," he prompted, outstretching an arm towards the direction of the concave structure, nails clicking loudly as they collided and he pointed with a single grizzly claw.
Another of the experiments approached Medusa, making him(?) quite nervous, flinching away a little. She(?) had never been able to interact with others before, and was terrified to even try. Being reptilian had little to do with it, Medusa held his(?) arms close, trying to keep some heat in an environment that wasn't totally suited to her(?) anatomy.
Lucas blinked. Okay, that meant him too, right? He wiped some sweat from his forehead and started moving, looking at "Wiggles". Looking at her closer, he could see the small furs on her skin. He sighed and looked ahead of himself, tucking his tumbs into his pockets as he cautiously followed the bear.

"So what's your story, cat?" he inquired, hardly pausing as he trudged off, totally unphased nor cautious of the Puma. If he were, or he weren't afraid of him because he was simply a bear, it made no difference. They'd have to stick it out, no matter how unpleasant the species rivalry.
"I have a name, ya know," Lucas said, a little irritated. "Who wants to know? What makes you so curious?" he asked, not sur eif he wanted to spill his entire background story to a complete stranger. "I get enough of that 'cat' stuff from the scientists, my name is Lucas," he cleared up, realzing shortly after he was babbling a bit. He shook his head, irritated at nothing, it seemed
Rose looked over her shoulder as the two guys lumbered. Well the bears gait was a lumber but the cougar's walk was a bit stealthier. Turning her attention back to the person standing in front of her, "Do you need someplace warmer? Maybe a rock," she said hoping that she had not offended the person. "I'm Rose by the way."
"Yeah yeah, Lucas, whatever..." he clarified, murmuring "cat" under his breath and snorting. "If you wanna be up tight about it, be my guest. Just trying to get to know ya'll a bit better." Giving up, he proceeded in silence, sighing as his muscles tensed with resentment but nevertheless approval. He clenched and unclenched his hands, claws digging into his flesh and leaving circular wounds that healed almost instantly, dried blood crusting over and seeming to think nothing of it.
"Well, you could start with your name," Lucas grumbled. He heard the bear mutter "Cat," under his breath, but didn't say anything. what could he say? "I'm a cougar, moron!" Yeah, no. Sometimes, Lucas had learned, saying nothing was better then correcting someone. Although, this bear was just doing it to get under Lucas's skin, he was sure.
"Nero, specimen 767676. Nothing much to say--that I want to say--that is," he snorted, running a hand through his hair and casting his indifferent gaze back to Lucas, wondering if there was to be any further questions. He really didn't mind them, just didn't like going into his past is all. Lip twisting into a grimace, he knew they were getting close. The indoor enclosure was only so big...
The girl pressed on anyways, it was a little unnerving, but she didn't seem to want to hurt Medusa, like all the ones with badges had. (SH)e reached a hand out, daring to hope that someone actually didn't mean harm on another.
Rose extended her hand slowly, "We should probably follow the others," she said panting softly. The artificial sun did not seem to be hit enough for the person standing in front of her but for Rose it was just brutal.
Medusa took the other experiment's hand, feeling her warmth immediately, and snapped into a hug, trying to leech some body heat from the girl. It didn't really seem all that strange to suddenly hug someone to her(?), since (s)he'd never gotten the chance anyways, and this other person didn't seem to desire any harm upon him(?).
Rose stiffened as the person wrapped their arms around her. She wasn't sure if she should return the favor or just kind of stand there. To be truthful it felt kind of nice, the cool skin of the reptile seemed to be sucking some of the heat from her body cooling her down a little. Rose knew that if they stayed in this position she would eventually begin to feel hotter because of their combined body heat but at the moment it was very cooling.
Lucas sighed. "Alright," he said simply. He didn't want to reveal too much to this person. He was trying to master the art of talking a lot, but not getting much said. He shook his reddish hair and picked his pace up a bit. Lucas didn't really want to loose where the bear was - even if he was a bear. However, he already liked Rose enough to stay with her for a time. As much time as they were given....How long would that be?
"Oi, love-birds, come on!" he called from ahead, pin-point pupils affixed on a structurally-dilapidated attempt at a cave which's maw gaped up awkwardly along the ground. Even so many kilometers away he could easily make out a camera lens embedded in the rock. Vines and imported foliage curled up in its crevasses, leafs and buds protruding to catch the unhealthy rays of un-fortified light and heat being projected from the ceiling panels. He frowned. His skin felt like it was on fire, thick as it was, from the terminal lack of exposure. Grumbling, the layer of fur that dwelled by his claws migrated towards his body, the light brown and soft follicles thickening and darkening, leaving his body veiled up to his neck. He was adaptable to say the least, for he'd hardly expected it to be so easy. The heat was promptly unbearable not that he was smothered by fur, however, it protected his sensitive skin well enough.
Being cold-blooded definitely had downfalls, Medusa reflected as (s)he hugged this girl, who seemed to be sweltering in the meager heat of the enclosure. The way that the experiment stiffened told her(?) that she must have done something strange, so let go and backed away a little; feeling ashamed. Suddenly (s)he clued in and glanced about, looking for the others that seemed to have left into the woods.
"Maybe we should catch up with the others," Rose said quickly trying to avoid an awkward moment. The person had done nothing wrong it had just surprised her. She heard one of the guys yelling for them and turned her head sharply breathing in the scent of the real but also slightly fake forest. Most of the trees were real but the scientists had scattered in fakes or leaves to create hiding places for their cameras. The plastic and metal scents stood out against the small of the real trees and grass.

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