Trapped Rp

Charmeine stopped in her tracks, was she going to run and abandon this people? As she zoomed her enhanced eyes onto each scientist, sour thoughts invaded her mind. They probably didn't even think these mutants were people, afterall they did inject so much animal DNA into each of them that it was impossible to see the difference. She knew though; she knew they were humans inside. Looking around at her surroundings and some of the other mutants, Charmeine quickly summed up that she was probably the most human looking mutant in this place. At least her eyes and wings showed different. She shook her head as she thought how sick the scientists were, they thought it would be amusing to inject the two DNA's of enemy animals into her. They thought it would be hilarious to see if she would try to kill herself or not. Watching as the serpent-like mutant leapt up onto higher ground and hissed/growled at the scientists, Charmeine's sharp ears picking up what he said even from this distance, "Be gone..." Charmeine instantly picked up what was going on, they were protecting the bear mutant. Her blue cat eyes flicked to the evil scientists and a hiss rose in her throat as she leapt up into the air and managed to cross such a distance within seconds, landing right to the side of them. Her big white wings flapped madly and managed to make the scientists stumble back and make some of them fall to the ground as the huge amount of wind hit their bodies, Charmeine hissing again at them as her cat-like sharp teeth came out on display. If these scientists wanted to harm any of these mutants, they would have to get through her first. She knew her old side, her wild side, was starting to re-emerge.

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