Trapped Rp

Lucas purred as an artifical breeze washed over him. Artificial, but refreshing nonetheless He stopped and closed his eyes, but not before seeing Rose and Nero. Hmm....Rose had a very peculiar coating. Luke opened his eyes again and eased back ontp his haunches, hanging back a bit as Nero studied Rose in a sly way. No, not sly.....Discreet.
ooc: Too late to join? *pushes a platter of muffins toward you* I can RP whatever position you need, and I don't really care about gender.
(It is never to late to join just sign up on the other page and I will pm you an update on the Rp)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rose rolled her muscular shoulder ignoring the boys glances. Could she really blame them for looking considering her odd coat. It was about a half an inch longer than a cheetahs but still much shorter than a husky's. The color was a similar to that of a golden poppy but more ruddy and her spots were a deep copper tone. What really shocked people were her stark white legs and under belly, the white was not practical in battle which was one of the reasons they had not put her into the field.
Atori sunk to the bottom of her tank as she messed with her hair. At the bottom, less light existed, making it a bit hard to see her from outside the tank. She signed, which just created air bubbles in the water, and swished her tail back and fourth. One of the lab workers tapped on the glass to snap her out of her bored trance. He held up a large chunk of tuna and chucked it in the water for her to eat. She grasped it and took small nibbles after thanking him with a nod of her head.
Nero's fur seeming to prickle upon sighting the feline behind Rose, having to put down the urge to snarl and lunge promptly in exchange for a simple yet courteous nod of his head. Sniffing, he looked around, stomach rumbling and growling in a fit of rage and angst. When were they going to be fed?
Rose's round ears flicked at the sound of Nero's stomach. "The scientist said that they would be 'releasing' meals for us to eat," she purred stretching forward into a bow. She flicked her tail back and forth tensely her ears flicking for any new sound.
Atori finished her meal and swam to an underwater gate. The gate led out to the waterway from which all her water came, it also let her experience the outdoors with the other test subjects. She remained in the water the whole time though. A worker quickly came and pulled the leaver opening the gate, Atori simply left, not thanking them this time. At first the pathway was narrow, then gradually widened into a river that ran through the acres. (What it looks like, I guess.)
Nero's circular ears slanted back as he lumbered out of the den and towards the woodlands, muscular build contracting and going limp in order to erect his structure, giving him an impressive 11 foot height that permitted him to see much farther than before. Squinting, he could define a part not too far ahead in the foliage. Straining his ears the soft trickle of water as it lapped at its banks resonated. If food was to be anywhere, he thought it best to start there. "Er. I'm thinking we should accompany one another while we hunt... you know... not split up. We should probably go where your species' prey would be found. So... um... I guess the cat's prey would be in the mountainous terrain, we could start there." He knew they should eat first, seeing it only right to put others before himself. Perhaps by showing his willingness to accommodate his natural foe, it would prove that he was not as egocentric as his phylum indicated.
Atori swam slowly, taking it easy, and relaxing under the surface. Occasionally, she would dive, and her tail would flick up then slam the waters surface, splashing nearby prey animals. Atori didn't consume land animals, her diet was mainly aquatic life, and therefore she left the beasts alone. They were startled when she swam by, like a ghost in murky water, and continued to stare after she passed. She used her tail to kick up sand and circle the fish, corralling them in, forcing them into a panic, where they jumped from the water in hopes of escape, but instead into her hands.
Lucas blinked. "That's...humane of you," he said quietly. Nero was willingly helping a natural foe, feeding him first. Hmm....Was this a trick of some sort, or was it genuine sincerity? Lucas realized he may be being to cautious, but was that so bad? "Alright, I'm flexible," he purred, and licked his paw twice before walking towards the artificial mountains. SOmething was still bugging him, though....

(Damn muse died)
Rose looked at the fake mountains and wondered if it was all just an illusion. She squinted her almond shaped eyes and realized that part of the mountain was real but it only went so high before hitting the wall. It was like a huge painting with rocks and twigs sticking out of it.
Atori threw away the bones of her meal and stayed in a small pool of water. She flicked her tail back and fourth, making eddies in the water, and slightly entertaining her. She also hummed away to a song she had heard a lab working singing.

(D: Sorry. I have no idea what to write about.)
Sighing, he felt drained. Transformation wore him out, and the longer he stayed in this form the heavier the toll on his body. He would have to shift back, since bears are rather large predators and therefore their scent is well known by quarry. Gradually he began to shift back, claws still to be bared between the flesh of his knuckles, teeth still sharp, and muscles still incredibly large. He grumbled as his body throbbed and shed the thick brown hair. He slowly lost the height and bulk, until he was himself once more. In the process he'd managed to cover up before anything was visible, which left him beating fur out of his boxers. "Let's be on out way," he murmured.
Otter? Atori questioned what animal would eat an otter. She figured anything hungry enough would, and decided to take a closer look. They locked eyes for a second as Atori swam up from below. It uttered a weird crackling noise and slipped away. Atori's head surfaced and she muttered something to herself. She dove back under to move the hair from her face, then came back up, pulling it behind her ears and patting it down. She looked at her tail, bushing small pieces of aquatic plants off, they tended to get caught on her dorsal fin, which is bothersome and it slows her down.
Rose diverted her eyes as Nero shifted glancing at mossy soil below her paws. "I am going to head back to the 'Sahara' they created for me," Rose purred stepping out of her downward stretch. "I'll just stick out in the mountains and prevent you from catching anything. I blend in with the dried grass not in the shadows or trees," she finished turning around.
Nero gaped, now more or less fully clothed as he shook out his hair, combing the disheveled locks with his fingers and grumbling. Great, now he had to stick it out with Sir Licks Himself. Nevertheless, it would be rude to revoke am offer. He silently hoped the feline would take a hint and be independent, however, that was very unlikely.
Lucas sighed and flicked hia tail. He looked at Nero and studied his expression, then said, "You don't want to hunt with me, do you?" It was unlikely the answer would be yes. Independance was important for the both of them, and him and Nero should naturally hate - or at least repulse - each other. The whole situation really confused Lucas, and he really did not wantt to be a,lone with the bear.
As Rose walked away she sensed a bit of tension between the boys, with a sigh she looked back at the boys. "Lucas, you can come with me, your pelt will mostly blend in," Rose mewed turning back around and padding into the underbrush. She loved the way her head just hung making her shoulder blades jut out. Her neck muscles were always more relaxed once she shifted again.
Nero cringed with both relief and irritation. He snorted, nodding dismissively before sliding off towards the inclining terrain. Somewhere along the rocks should be his food. But what exactly did bears eat? What don't we eat? rumbled a sly voice in the farthest reaches of his mind. He was stunned by such an outburst, but glad it presented itself none the less. Yes, bears were omnivores. If he couldn't (or didn't want to) maul a mammal, he could always go berry-picking. But the femininity in which he declared it made him slightly uneasy.
( I beleive it was NightOwl =) )

Lucas sneered in Nero's direction, then turned around and walked towards Nero, a bit irritated. He hung his head low, making his shoulder blades rise and fall like the wheel turners on a train. "Okay, Rose..." he said as he caught up with her. "Know any good spots?" he said with an unreadable expression, knowing that the answer will most likely be no. He wasn't sure if he would enjoy the hunt...With luck, he'd never see Rose again when they were done. Not that he didn't like her, it was the mere fact that he was a solitary creature, and needed to learn to be self-reliant.
Rose sighed, biting back the response, 'No I have been here just as long as you,' she didn't know why she felt so snappy but she wasn't going to show it. Instead she simply shook her heart shaped head and said, "No, I am heading back to the grassland they created for me I am sure they have released a few gazelle or antelope for me to eat. They most likely contain the medications that they usually keep us on." Soon the forest began to thin and the waving yellow sea of dried grass sprouted up in front of them.
Atori kept half in the water as she rested on shore. She laid on her stomach and cradled her head in her arms, sighed, then turned onto her back, using her hand to block the "sun" or whatever light was so blinding in the sky. Fish below the surface, on the shallow end, bothered her tail by nibbling it to aid in cleaning it. While it was slightly appreciated by her, she found it annoying as she was trying to relax. After a bit she whipped her powerful tail up out of the water and back in to scare them away.
..Nero's muscular build rippled with aggravation as he turned slowly towards his massive shelter. The stony structure that had been set on either side would be very easy to scale. He needed to get a better view on the topography of the enclosure. Inhaling deeply, it felt nice to have his chest expand of its own will as his lungs filtered the clearly altered oxygen. Nostrils flaring as he snorted--he couldn't help but dislike Lucas, but what irked him more was that he had no control of the situation. With a muffled growl that seared his already flaming vocal chords, he slowly set towards climbing the side of his new home, the soft flesh of his fingers bleeding upon contact. The rough surface tore away at the skin as he progressed, and when he paused to catch his breath from the agony he would often look down to see the crimson trail left behind. He was no more than 10 yards off the ground, and still the pain found a way to make it last an eternity. Slurs of profanity rang out from his lips as he settling at the zenith, rolling onto his side on the flat surface of the stone and bringing his raw hands to his chest, curling the digits towards his palm and cringing. This pain was so unlike what he was use to--needles in joints did compare to this. It was so frighteningly unfamiliar that it seemed to afflict more mental damage than physical. He bit his tongue as he wiped the tips of his fingers off on his pant and rolled to his feet, shaking his head and sighing. Looking up and blinking, he was almost stunned by what he saw...

..Crystalline streams and bodies of water that ran across the face of the realm with life teeming just beneath the surface crashed into the massive boulders that lined them producing frothing white torrents that glistened with the artificial light. Trees spanned the greater half of the enclosure in a multitude of varieties--from rich green conifers to thick, full oaks. Farther in the distance waves of amber grass rippled and flexed with the simulated breeze--undoubtedly the savanna. Disrupting sways gave heed to the location of the prey. Large grey boulders formed ideal sunning grounds, and towards the highland terrain were bushed dotted with brightly colored fruits and berries. The trees had sleek green needles that were layered in a cone-shape pattern down the trunk. It seemed to breath 'Home.'
(By the way the characters below, Smithe Fredericks and all other scientists can be used by anyone...if you have an idea that starts with the scientists just start posting as him)

Smithe, the head scientist, rolled back and forth in his office looking at all of his experiments, "Why aren't they wearing tracking collars," Smithe growled at one of his assistants.

"We were going to put them on tomorrow when we did testing," the young man whimpered flipping through his notes nervously.

"I have many ideas for my experiments including testing some new chemicals specifically designed for each of them." Smithe said with smiling. "All of the prey animals have to right supplements that will react with each experiment differently right?" he asked but it was more like a threat.

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