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Fandom Trainee's Life

Kira was summoned to the superiors with Mikasa, both were put into the elite. They proceed to attack the Titans and refrain them from advancing into Trost District, they had to buy time for all citizen to escape in Wall Rose. Him and some Garrison Soldier killed Titans one after the other always staying in pairs to make sure none of them ended up dying alone. At some point he saw Armin getting swallowed and all of his Squad dessimated. But to his surprised Eren jumped in front of him and pulled him out, he could see the desperation in their cries. He saw Eren leaning his hand forward like he was trying to reach for something, the Titan then abrutly crunched on his arm making it fall like it was nothing. He looked away, he couldn't afford to lose focus on his task. He felt terribly bad but he couldn't afford to waste more time as some Titans were running towards the hoard of human entering the wall desperatly.
Ricky was busy helping a panicking soldier get his gas refilled. A titans was coming toward them, and the man finally accepted the and they both got away, and the man went back to killing titans. Ricky saw a squad with kira in it. It was the elite team. Ricky picked up the full glass tanks and grappled over to them. "Does anyone need more gas?" Ricky said, pulling out a gas tank. Ricky looked at Kira, he seemed like he saw something terrible. Suddenly Armin screamed.
It wasn't the time to talk about this, not in duty. He would tell her once the time was called for. He couldn't risk exposing her ,vulnerable because of her emotion. But at the same time guilt overtook him, he took the gas Ricky was handing to him, he dropped it immediatly. He immediatly bended to take it, he couldn't let his emotion overwheal him. He composed himseld and wore an emotionless mask. Before he departed, he looked at her straight to her eyes, ''Keep safe.'' and with that he leaped from roof to roof towards the gate.
Ricky let out a nod. Ricky didn't recognize armin's scream, she nearly knew him. Ricky saw a soldier with an injured leg. Ricky grappled to him, and supported him in her arms. He was heavy yet short. Then she looked at his face. Was she holding.... captain Levi?!?!? That didn't matter. She grappled to the main tower, setting him on top. For now he was unconscious. Ricky saved 18 more people, getting them to the top of the tower. Ricky entered the gas room and saw dead titans everywhere. Ricky was a little scared one might still be alive, but she still got the gas for everyone on top of the tower. They all woke and Ricky soon saw a green flare, that meant they had to get back. Ricky got the 18 people she saved safely back to camp because they traveled on top of the wall to avoid titans.
Mikasa had taken care of some idiot merchant that blocked the gate with his merchandise. He knew how greedy and they wouldn't care about human life as long as they had their goods. He would have slashed the guys neck if it wasn't for Mikasa. They were the reason why the walls were so corrupted and Ignorant. All of the merchant, noble and even the king was guilty. But he knew all to well that he shouldn't talk about these stuff, if he wanted to stay alive.
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Ricky was about to go with the 18 injured soldiers, but told them to go on their own. Ricky knew there were others. Ricky grappled down to a house, but her grapple slipped and she fell on her back, breaking her 3DMG. Ricky had the air knocked out of her, she stared at the sky, trying to regain her breath. Never stay on the ground. Suddenly a titan went flying over Ricky, and steaming titan blood splattered on her face. Disgusting. Ricky felt deep rumbles get closer and closer. Sorry I couldn't explore with you, kira. I'm so sorry... Ricky started crying and kept her eyes open. Then she realized she couldn't move. At all. Ricky saw a huge titan, 15meter class, stand over her. It had 'glowing' green eyes and black hair. (Eren) it reached down and grabbed Ricky tightly, to tightly, and Ricky screamed. The titan immediately loosened it's grip and brought Ricky up to it's face. Ricky cried silently, uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry...." Ricky whispered. Suddenly the titan made a fist, and Ricky was in that fist. It fought and punched other titans with its other hand and legs. No one could see what was in the other fist, though. Ricky couldn't move around much, but was knocked unconscious when Ricky accidentally hit her head hard on one of the fingers. The titan kept on killing other titans, to.
Kira and Mikasa joined Armin. He was terrified and traumatized. Kira knew why but kept indifferent, Mikasa was his sister too and he couldn't imagine if both of the strongest female soldier went haywire because of his death. He waited for Armin to state the facts, but from any reaction he wasn't expecting that one from Mikasa. She stood there making a whole speech on their cowards self. She left with barely any gas, the others followed afterwards. He didn't understand that reaction but decided to keep close making sure she wouldn't do anything reckless.

As expected, she ran out of gas and ended up on her knees waiting for a Titan to eat her. Kira felt the chills run down his spine, he was about to jump of the roof when 15meter tall Titan came rushing towards that Titan crushing his skull with such Force. He was bewildered at this abnormal action. He observed the Titan and deducted that he seemed on their side. As the Titan was screaming in agony, he saw a human fall out of his hand. He rushed towards it, he grabbed the girl but because of the lack of gas he had himself, the 3DGM started malfunctioning. He holded the human close to him while he crashed onto the floor. He could feel the pain creeping all across his body. But he couldn't just rest, he stood back up looking around for shelter.
Ricky's eyes shot open. She looked at the person holding her. Kira. "Kira!!!--mikasa?" Ricky was about to get loose of kira, but when she bent her foot her ankle burned with pain, and Ricky grit her teeth. They were all out of gas. Ricky looked at the titan who saved her. Ricky suddenly spot a ladder leading to the roof of a house. Ricky knew kira needed both hands to climb. Ricky got out of Korea's grip, trying to ignore her twisted ankle. Ricky limped toward the ladder quickly and gestured for mikasa and kira to get up the ladder. Mikasa quickly climbed the ladder, and Ricky waited for kira to go next.
Kira analyzed their situation, there was no Titans in view or rather they were pretty muched taking care by that abnormal Titan. The Ladder would lead them to a tall building making them less vulnerable, he had to make a plan to bring Ricky to safety. She didn't look well and was painting a lot. He looked at her with worried eyes but determined. '' You go first, you probably hit your head and I wouldn't like you losing consciousness while climbing and no one behind you to catch.''
Ricky nodded, and climbed the latter. Ricky did feel dizzy, but tightened her grip and soon got to the roof. Ricky saw armin and Connie grapple in. Ricky nodded toward armin, and Ricky started putting up a plan, armin adding in and helping. "That titan kills other titans, and doesn't seem like it wants to kill humans." Ricky said, pointing toward the titan. Armin added in, "and the gas area is filled with titans. We have to lead that titan to the other titans by killing close by titans. But we need 2 people to give up their gas." Ricky nodded, and armin began taking off his gas tanks. "I'm injured, though I have a little bit of gas left. Kira, take my gas tanks," Ricky said, and began to loosen her gas tanks.
Kira listened attentively at there plan, he understood perfectly the situation but disapproved at them leaving their gas tank. He didn't want to take it , what if a Titan came towards them, how would she be able to protect herself. She would be exposed to more risk then necessarily ''I can't, how will you reach safety with no gas and not being able to walk?" He said disapproving their plan. He couldn't risk it.
Ricky Sighed. "Kira, I do have some gas left. Enough to Make it back to the tower.but you don't. And kira, I'm injured, so I won't be very helpful." Ricky knew Kira didn't want her to die. Ricky honestly didn't want to either. "And kira, you have a higher chance of getting caught by a titan if you take on my weight." Ricky looked at a group of titans the abnormal titan was killing. Ricky had already taken off her gear. "Kira, I'll try to stay alive. If a titan came, I guess I could find some way out of it." But everyone knew there wasn't a chance of that. "Kira, you have to take my gear." Ricky glanced at Armin, but mikasa had enough gas to carry both of them. Ricky didn't think she was lighter than armin, and was there enough gas for kira to hold Ricky herself?
Kira hesitated before taking the gas tank, she had a point, but he couldn't just leave her there. He placed replaced his gas tank with her's and looked around. The tower seems to be a kilometer away from us.. he continued to look around and spotted a dead soldier a few meter away. The abnormal titan had just killed the remaining Titan on that road which made it clear. He gripped her tightly, she wasn't too heavy for him to hold her . He then triggered the 3DGM towards the abnormal titan and towards the dead soldier.
Ricky was a bit shocked at first, but then relaxed, knowing what he planned on doing. Ricky's heartbeat started raising when they got closer and closer to the abnormal. Ricky tightened her grip on kira a bit more. The titan seemed to notice them, and then finally they both got to the dead soldier. Ricky hesitated in touching the dead corpse at all, but got the gear off him, and almost fell in surprised as she had the gear completely on as the abnormal roared. It was a different roar, though. It represented the anger of humanity.
Kira helped her take the gears from the dead body of a trainee. he was not recognizable and had his eyes wide open and staring deadly at the air with horror printed in his face. He laid his fingers on the boy's eyelid and closed them. Once Ricky finished wearing the 3DGM, the 15m tall titan roared in despair, he somehow looked human. Re-focusing in their current situation, both of them were on the ground. He stared at Ricky, ''Are you ready to go? The gas building is only half a kilometer away, will you be fine?'' He asked staring at her foot.
Ricky nodded. "Sure, I'll be fine. I May have the risk of breaking it, but, everything heals, I guess!" Ricky closed her eyes. She was quickly praying for the dead soldier. Ricky's eyes snapped open and she grappled her way into the tower, breaking through one of the window glasses. Ricky heard a thump! Behind her and turned. The abnormal just punched two titan 's faces away from the tower.
Kira was following close by. He hadn't noticed the 2 Titans that almost clashed against him with his mouth wide open. Luckily, the abnormal had punched them with such force that it made him accelerate into the building. He landed on his two legs and rushed towards Ricky. He placed one her hands over his shoulder and was exiting the room where someone seemed to have shot himself.
Ricky heard a gunshot, and Ricky was extremely confused. To much going on at once. Ricky felt someone grab her hands and almost screamed when her foot twisted again, but kept it in. Ricky found out kira was the one holding her, and they both entered a room where some people she knew were discussing how to rid of the titans downstairs. Ricky heard most of the plan, and she was one of the people who would be depended on to kill a titan. She had a lot of pressure on her, and that's why she was so determined.
Kira was helping Armin make the plan, he was the one in charge of shooting the Titan in the eyes. It wasn't too hard but if one of them were to go haywire and shoot before everyone , they were sure to die there. ONce everyone knew their role, they putted the plan into execution. They slowly descended with the platform, the Titans were gathering around them and slowly advance. He only stared at them dreadfully, he never was scared of them. He never lost family to them, all he saw was them eating a few humans but isn't that what humans do to all preys? He lifted his gun as one of them was about to take action ''SHOOT!!!''
Ricky saw the single for the titan-killers to finish the job. Ricky Instantly swung down and sliced the nape of her titan's neck, instantly killing it. Sasha and Connie failed to kill their titans, but Annie and Mikasa quickly saved their lives, killing the titans. No one seemed to have gotten injured or hurt, thankfully. Ricky filled her gas tank, and went outside, on the roof. All the titans that used to be surrounding the castle were steaming and dead, and the "abnormal" titan was sitting in a corner, with his head hung down. Titans were devouring his limbs, and he was struggling to keep alive. "should we help it?" Armin asked. "No! It's just another titan..." Jean said from behind. Mikasa went next to Ricky, and said in a low, emotionless voice, "Eren's dead" Suddenly, Ricky just stood there. She was obviously not aware at anything of the moment. Her mind was swirling, and the only thing she could see was Eren in a pool of blood. Suddenly she snapped back to reality when she heard a "POW", and then a sizzling sound. Then a figure rose from the nape, Eren. Ricky was the first to grapple over to him, literally squeezing him in a tight hug, as if she were never to let go.
Kira looked at Armin and Jean, ''That titan could be used as a weapon if we could figure out his way of thinking..It could be useful, dangerous but a risky step for an eventual victory.'' Kira stated still analyzing the way it could be done. He heard a loud noise when a human popped out of the abnormal one. Figured.. he's the same as the colossal.. he thought.
Ricky, grabbing Eren, gasped, trying to understand what happened. But she already knew. He turned into a titan, Ricky. Thats what happened. Ricky held Eren closer, and soon Mikasa was by her side, Hugging both Eren and Ricky. Pretty soon Armin came down, to, joining in to the group hug. But everyone was knowing what was coming next... Eren will be judged, and probably executed.
-----one hour later-------

Kira was on top of the wall guarding the wall, and watched as Ricky, Armin, and Mikasa were protectively standing by the dazed Eren, just waking up, he said "i'll kill you all", smiling, which made everyone's faces turn to shock. Keith yelled, "ARE YOU A TITAN, OR A HUMAN?" Eren only stared in shock. "W-what?" Eren fumbled with his own words, and then Keith screamed, "I'LL ASK AGAIN! ARE YOU TITAN, OR HUMAN?" Eren seemed extremely confused, and he was in deep thought. He looked up, confident. "A human!" Keith looked down, and said, "please don't hate me for this..." He raised his hand, and Mikasa stood up, grabbing Eren, and his necklace came off. Armin and Ricky were left to be destroyed from the cannonball, and Eren angrily Shoved Mikasa off, grabbed Mikasa's hand, tugged Armin close to him, and hugged Ricky close to his chest, the tightest. Then a cannon explosion, smoke, and a lightning flash all happened at once.
Ricky gasped from how tight she was being held, and how she basically couldn't breathe. Ricky suddenly was attacked by smoke, and coughed, waving the smoke away from her face . She saw Armin and Mikasa, staring wide-eyed, at the sky. Or was that a sky..? Ricky looked around. They were surrounded by a rib cage, and above them was the throat and head of a titan. Eren struggled out of the nape, and entered inside the rib cage, looking at his 2 alive friends, and beloved sister. Eren hit a bone on the rib cage, laying his head on the bone. He started muttering things about why his dad hadn't told him. Ricky spoke up, "they are not afraid to shoot again, guys..." Everyone nodded, and looked to Armin. He looked back. Eren and Mikasa started arguing about what to do, but the Ricky broke it up. "Armin, you need to convince them, if you think you can. Otherwise, i'll turn titans and climb the walls." Armin looked extremely shocked, and stuttered, then stayed quiet, going into thought. Even though Eren knew that none of his friends would leave him, he didn't want them to get in trouble. Armin nodded, took of his gear, and went out into the clear of smoke.
The smoke of the transformation blinded Kira, he left his post seeing that it was only getting worse. Keith was being blinded by fear, he could see it. He went to the superior who just seemed to walk into Rose Gate. He went to him explained his plan and what he saw as a positive discovery.

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