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Fandom Trainee's Life

Ricky didn't hear Kira, yet somehow Ricky already knew. Finally, the group made it to the dorms. Ricky waved goodbye to the boys, heading into the girl's dorm. When she opened the door, every girl (except mikasa and ymir) was waiting for her, staring at her. Sasha squealed, "what happened??? A kiss?? Did you kiss?" Ricky blinked, then shook her head. All the girl's started talking at once, but then ymir yelled, "Just get to sleep!!" . All the girl's let out a sigh and climbed into their beds, falling asleep. Ricky mouthed "thank you" to ymir and went to sleep as well.
Kira walked amongst the other boys, he would talk to Armin most. Well talking was a big word, he would exchange a few sentence would be appropriate. The others seemed too excited, they didn't bother him tho. He enjoyed the ambiance they created, somehow he felt Eren was always eyeing him, he didn't understand why, it must of had to do with something concerning Ricky. He shoved the thoughts away and went to bed saying goodnight to Armin who bothered walking to his bed to tell him so.
It morning, and Ricky let out the loudest a weak ever hurrying to lunch with a huge smile on her face. She waited at an empty table for kira, staring at the ceiling, daydreaming. Ricky was so excited, and others were to. Today was the day, after all this time, Ricky couldn't wait. It was going to be amazing, the best day of her life. Ricky was fidgeting, waiting for kira.
Ryozo woke up pretty late that morning, almost everyone was already out before he actually showered to wake himself up. He walked to the cafeteria, he did the usual and spotted a place next to Ricky. He sat in front of her,''Good Morning, why are you so exited?'' He asked seeing that she was practically grinning from one ear to the other and had sparkly eyes anticipating something.
Ricky squealed, " we get to use 3DMG today! To kill fake titans! Eeek!!!" Ricky started chattering and revising what Keith said about 3DMG, and ricky started asking kira questions about 3DMG, the things she forgot. Ricky only ate her bread and drank her water when keith ordered everyone outside.
Kira hated when Keith shouted, but he couldn't do anything about it obviously. He stood up from his bench staying close to Ricky while going to simulation site. Every one looked amazed at there new weapon, especially Kira. He just there looking at it and trying to figure every single detail of it. He took notes about it and he wore it to check of a new stuff.
Ricky got on the gear easily, remembering all the training. Ricky took a deep breath in. "Ready- GO!" Keith yelled, and the sound of speed filled Ricky's ears as she pulled the fund's trigger, directing the grapples onto a tree. Ricky flew high in the AiR above the trees, doing two backflips scanning the forest for cardboard titans. Her hair flowed behind as she felt the wind hit her face. This was the best feeling, ever.
Kira was the first to depart. He was fast, almost as fast as Mikasa who just seemed to pass him. He accumulated some speed and went faster. This felt amazing, every sense of his were awake. The smell of the fresh morning earth, the forest was beautiful to see, the wind hitting him gracefully and the taste of freedom. From the side of eye, he could see a cardboard titan rising up, he immediately made a sharp turn, detonating the gas and slashed deeply into the cap of the cardboard titan.
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Ricky spotted three cardboard titans in the distance, and grappled over to them. She easily cut their napes in a matter of seconds, but Ricky was doing something different. She was trying to make it hard on herself, because she knew titans were going to jump, grab, bite, and even chase at a high speed. Rakia avoided going in front of the titan at all, even after she 'killed' it. Soon Ricky had defeated ten cardboard titans until other trainees interrupted her. She didn't mind at all, though. Teamwork was most important here, without it, everyone would already be dead.
Kira had lost count of the numbers of titan, he would often made stategies with others to spicen up the training. There was only 2 Titans remaining for the training to end. The trainees were desperatly looking for them, they were all exhausted and hungry. Some of them even stopped on top of a tree to laze off. Tshh, talk about weaklings he thought. He eventually found the two cardboard titans, one 4 meter tall crawler and a 10meter one hidden between two trees of equal height. He easily cut the nape of the fake crawler and as he was departing from the ground, Ricky flashed in front of him.
Ricky flashed in front of someone, not noticing him. She stayed high in the air, and was careful not to grapple in a straight direction. She wouldn't want a titan to grab her grapple and pull it down. Ricky slashed the last 10 meter titan savagely, hate filling her eyes. She wasn't stupid, though, and she wasn't going to go lash out just to be killed. Ricky knew she wasn't indestructible. The cardboard titan would've been dead, and Ricky landed on a tree branch. Never touch the floor, never let down you're guard. Always be aware of jumpers. Ricky looked around, and noticed Keith yelling that training was done, and we were free to do whatever. Ricky grinned, noticing Kira. So that was the person she interrupted.
Kira felt kind of proud of Ricky, he didn't have any reason to be except that she was his closest friend here. He flew towards her on top of the tree and sat next to her. He didn't really want to eat and instead prefered staying here and enjoy the view. He looked at Ricky flashing a grin, ''why don't we stay here? I like it better then at the campus.'' He said kind of childishly.
Ricky looked back at Kira, grinning. She had a plan. "i agree! But you know, i don't think Keith would mind if we had these for a little while longer!" gesturing toward her 3DMG, Ricky shrugged. "and if he gets angry, would could just say that we were practicing!" Ricky nodded, and looked at the long string of trees. Did these trees go all the way to wall Maria? "I bet it wouldn't hurt if we visited wall Maria, either." (ok, so i plan that if Kira says yes to going to the wall, Eren and the others would be there. Thats when the colossal titan attacks, and causes a hole in wall Maria. Thats also when Eren gets 'swallowed' by a titan, saving Armin!)
Kira peeked interest in her proposition, he liked the idea. It was appelealed to him the wall and wanted to see beyond it. He never saw farther then it and it just seemed so interesting. He stood up from the branch,ready for some adventure '' I don't think he would mind either.'' and with this said he triggered the 3DMG and flew towards the wall.
Ricky grinned and followed him, but instead of rushing, she enjoyed the breeze and view. She looked down, this was wonderful. She did a few frontflips for fun, and caught up with Kira, right by his side. Soon the wall was in sight, and Ricky grappled on top of the wall, skidding to a stop. She noticed Eren and other trainees far away, but she could still see them on the wall. Ricky looked at the titans in Shinganshina. Then she looked past that, into the outside world. Ricky thought she saw something blue in the distance. Ricky turned and sat down on the edge, letting her legs swing freely. She was facing the inside of the wall, watching the little towns.
Kira sat next to Ricky, he looked at the view in front of him. he didn't pay attention to the Titans in Shiganshina but instead looked right passed it and stared at the blue spot in the horizon. he stood up abrutly and took out his notebook. He shuffled the page to a specific one he wrote not so long ago. As he thought, it correspondent to what Ricky described as an 'Ocean'. He started drawing in his notebook the view he was seeing. He looked at Ricky, who was now facing the inside of the wall. ''Ricky, the inside of the wall isn't as beautiful as this view. Why look at those filthy towns when the Oceanyou mentioned is right in front of us?''
Ricky laughed and turned to Kira. "Well, kira, if I look over there, I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself from charging at those titans!" Ricky walked over to Kira, now facing the outside. Ricky studied the ocean with her eyes. Ricky was obviously having a hard time, trying to resist grappling. It was obvious. A bead of sweat came down her face, and her hand was shaking toward her Ken (the blade with the trigger to grapple)' "I-it's right there- r-right there..." Ricky looked like she was on the verge of tears. She couldn't just look at it, she wanted to touch it. Ricky reached out her hand so it was off the wall and in the outside. She really needed a hug, this was to much. She wanted to go, just one click and she would be free... one click....
Kira moved behind her placing his hands on her shoulder, it surprised him how tall he was compared to her. He leaned closer to her ear, '' Well then, look farther into the lands we once owned and think about how to win over those Titans. There is no point in charging alone into this hoard of predeator, they will just have a bite of you. Don't do reckless stuff that could cost your life, it would be a loss for humanity. '' He said while pointing at the ocean, '' Let's promise to win this war and live near the ocean. '' , He sat his chin on top of Ricky's head still staring at the Azured color in the horizon dreamily.
Ricky brought her hand down. "I promise that we will win over the titans one day, and we can go touch the ocean..." Ricky looked at the horizon , to. She spot two seagulls, so that meant it was ocean. They sat there for a while, soon it was 1PM, since they got up to train at 5AM. "Hey, Kira. What do you feel like when you see the sea? I feel like sasha when bread is being waved in her face, and she can't get it," Ricky smiled, remembering that happen. Ricky listened to Kira's heartbeat, and his breath. It was like a laullaby.
He stared intensely at the horizon, what exactly was he feeling? He didn't know either. He searched inside of himself to answer to this question," I feel like I found the reason to life, the reason why i'm looking forward to live..'' he said calmly and closing his eyes. He had no motivation whatsover to live, no family to look forward to grow with, no aquaintance, no bright futur within these walls. He wanted a new life, where he could be re-born and finally understand why he was here.
"...good answer" Ricky replied. "Man's counter attack begins now!" Ricky heard eren say. Then it was quiet. The same quiet as before... a breeze flew through the air, and two geese flew peacefully ahead. Then a hello flash, then white flash, then -BOOOOOOMMM. Ricky found herself staring at a red, skinless chest, Ricky stopped breathing. The colossal titan.
As he was about to propose to retreat to the trainees camp, a serie of flashs and loud noise resonated throught the wall. The colosal titan appeared right in front of them. We meet again don't we. He looked at his surroundings to analyze who was near and what equipment they had. It deceived him at the lack of experience all of them had. Most of them were mere trainees with near to zero fighting experience. Either they would fight and risk losing there lifes or find reinforcement. He noticed a few trainees already headed to the inner gate. They'll call reinforcement, He grabbed onto Ricky's hand knowing full well she would charge right into him. He stared at her intensely, '' I'll back you up, don't kill yourself..''
Ricky seemed to stare intensely at the colossal, but it seemed to look at her to. She mouthed, "why?" Then Ricky saw eren attack the colossal. Oh no. "EREN!!!!!!" Ricky screamed, and suddenly she saw the Collosal's hand come up. He was going to take down the cannons. Ricky looked back at Kira, and made it easier for him to pull her by running with him.
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Collosal's hand destroyed every single canon, the force of the collision made canons fly towards them. One of the canon was going directly towards Ricky, he pulled her making her close enough to him, he leaped from the wall with her agaisnt him. He triggered the 3DGM, making the hooks fly into the air and sunking into the wall. He looked down at her, she seemed ok.
Ricky looked a bit shook up. She looked up and suddenly gas unrated everywhere, and Ricky saw eren. The colossal was gone, though. Ricky looked around, nobody seemed dead. "Thanks, I guess now you don't owe me" Ricky smiled up at Kira. To help kira out, she grappled into the wall so kira could let go. Then an actual survey corps member yelled, saying for every trainee to get back to base immediately to get assigned a job. That's when Ricky noticed the titans coming through a hole in the wall. Ricky and the others grappled back to the base. Ricky was assigned to give gas to the attackers, she had one of the most dangerous jobs. Ricky had to carry gas tanks to attackers without gas, but she had extra weight so a titan could easily get her. Another gas team would ensure the titans stay out of the gas rooms.

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