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Fandom Trainee's Life

Ricky nodded. "yeah... i'm just thinking..." Ricky looked less hyper than usual. She actually looked depressed. I don't know... I'm fine with death in this expedition... but i can't handle seeing my fellow comrades die.... Ricky suddenly dropped her fork and started shuddering, she looked like she was going to have a mental breakdown. Ricky was staring into space, frozen.
Kira had just walked in the dining room and saw Ricky looking traumatized. He walked to her and poked her in the side, ''Hum...are you ok?'' he asked unsure of the situation.
Ricky didn't move. At all. Ricky was not known to do this kind of stuff, and soon the kitchen became quiet, soldiers staring at her. "Should we go get a doctor?" Someone said. But a doctor wasn't going to help Ricky, she just needed time. They're going. They're going. They'll be fine, its just.... why can't i believe myself?! Why can't I be like Kira, Eren, or Yuka? Why can't I be strong? Because i'm human, and this is normal, Ricky. Just calm down, Ricky. I-I...... Ricky suddenly moved, taking a huge gasp of air and breathing regularly. "Oh, I'm fine Kira!" Ricky said, giving Kira the 'oh it's nothing' smile.
He knew something was off but shrugged it off not wanting to force her to say. He sat next to her with his food and started eating. "So do you know when we will be assigned to a group?" He asked to start conversation.

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Ricky shrugged, "I heard that later today we will.... I also heard that we are also going to try to save Trost today." Ricky glanced over at the table Eren was always at, but he wasn't there. Ricky sighed. Even though Brother and sister don't always get along, they still care a lot for each other. "I know I will join Hanji's squad, she told me earlier. Hanji seems like a pretty nice person to be with!" Ricky smiled, remembering Hanji's reactions toward Ricky's jokes.
Kira smirked, " yeah.. I just want to join her squad because she gathers information and you can give some progress to humanity ." He started nibbling on his bread,"nothing is in vain with her.." He finally said, "why aren't you joining Levi's squad? Isn't Eren in it?"

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Ricky looked down at her plate. "err..." Ricky went into a whisper, "I don't really like Levi. At all. I hate his rude attitude, it makes me feel worthless..." It also had to do with something else. Ricky got out of whisper mode. "And being with Eren, I would be focusing on him and not the titans, so yeah... But I guess I don't have to worry about you, Kira, since you have," Ricky did air quotes with her fingers, "Mad skills" Ricky said in a deep voice, imitating a boy.
Kira chocked on his water, he had never heard anyone call that. Now he was wondering what people thought of him or more like his reputation amongst his peers. He imitated Ricky's air quote,"or not." And finished his plate of food.

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Ricky grinned. "Aww come on Kira, that's a compliment! In fact-" Ricky blinked. err... shouldn't tell him that. The girls will kill me if I told him what everyone said about the boys. Telling Kira that they said, 'kira is sooooo hot! And he must be the strongest soldier alive!' and then telling Kira that even Ricky partly agreed?!?! Oh, god... Nope! Ricky felt her cheeks get warm with redness and let out a small smile. Ricky sighed, "Kira, what I meant was that you are really good a slaying titans, and if anyone was saving anyone, you would be the one saving." Ricky said with a half- hopeful smile, wanting Kira to understand what Ricky meant and take it as a compliment.
"Ok i guess, i'll take it as a compliment then," he said chuckling and winking playfully at her. "Wanna go train a little?" He asked since it was quite early and didn't have much to do.

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"Yeah, Some people are doing hand-to hand combat outside, wanna head out there?" Ricky said, finishing her food. Ricky got up and cleaned up a bit, dusting off her clothes.
"With pleasure Ricky," Kira said standing and trowing the waste away. He headed towards the training ground with Ricky and placed himself in a fighting stand,"ready"

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Ricky also got in fighting stance, and let out a yelp when someone pushed her into Kira, their lips touching.Ricky's eyes went completely wide, and her mind just screamed to not let go, but Ricky pulled away, and turned around, obviously about to rage, to see who pushed her into Kira causing her to kiss him. "Jean..!!!!!" Ricky said in a very dark voice.
Kira just didn't know what happened and flushed red feeling those soft lips on his. He somehow liked it and craved more, but obviously it would last long. Ricky just moved away in anger and screamed Jean's name. He saw a dark aura forming around her, Guess she didn't like it he thought. He poked her shoulder, ''Hey, Ricky it's fine. Let's just start the spare.'' he said still flushed.
Ricky looked back at Kira and her face instantly softened. "yeah," Ricky looked at Kira, both they're faces were red with blush. "It wasn't bad, i guess" Ricky let out a nervous laugh. She couldn't concentrate on fighting right now, Ricky looked distracted. Ricky was still blushing, and she didn't bother trying to hide it.
Kira blushed even more when he saw her flushed face. He pinched her red cheeks playfully, '' It's cute when you do that.'' he said smiling and looking at her in the eyes but t eventually drifted to her lips. They were a little more glossy and redder than usual. He sighted and drifted his eyes to the floor instead
Ricky blushed an even darker red, then put her arms around Kira's neck, and kissed him in the lips again. Their lips were touching, and everyone at the training grounds were staring at them. Ricky closed her eyes and just fell into the kiss.
Kira stumbled a little bit behind but grabbed on her waist, he wasn't gonna fall at such a time. His face heated up and he was crimson red, tho He eventually deepened in the kiss not wanting to let go, it felt so good and right with her. He didn't care what was happening around them, he just wanted to enjoy the moment present.
Yuka and Potato girl cheered Ricky and Kira on "Get a room you two!" Yuka shouted as she tried not to burst out laughing. "Come on Sasha , lets go find Ymir." Yuka said as she shared a boiled potato Sasha. Hopefully she's not making out with Krista , Krista is my soul mate !!!!" Yuka yells.
Ricky pulled back, smiling. Then Ricky backed up and got into fighting stance, her fists up. "Enough smoochy smoochy, lets start training!" Ricky grinned. She loved leaving Kira confused, was that a normal thing for a girl? She guessed so. Ricky blew a strand of hair out of her face, concentration coming back.
Kira was mystified by the last few actions. Just...just who would just pull out after a first kiss and want to fist fight. In which mind is that normale? Kira was trying to muffle up a few chuckles but then bursted out laughing. He honestly loved how mysterious and how she was not typical. He clutched his stomach and fell to the ground laughing.
Ricky grinned some more. oh no... laughing is contagious to me! Ricky tried to keep a straight face, but failed, and started bursting out laughing to. Ricky punched Kira's shoulder playfully, not being able to stop laughing once she got on her knees, they were both laughing, unstoppable. Until Levi came out and gave both of them a glare so tense that Ricky tensed up and her mouth immediately shut.
Levi left as soon as they stopped laughing, Kira never had never laughed so much in his life. He wiped a few tears of joy from his eyes and stood back up, Ricky was still following Levi with her eyes and was tensed up. He leaned against her ear, ''You weren't this tensed two minutes ago..'' He said kissing her cheek briefly and sweetly. He wasn't really an affectionist but he figured he could..try with her.
Ricky smiled again and turned back to Kira. "I don't think i can fight you after what happened," Ricky said with a giggle. Ricky stood up and brushed the sand off her pants briefly. Eren was glaring at Kira like he was going to kill him. Sasha suddenly came over to Ricky and grabbed her arm, dragging her into the girl's dorm yapping about boyfriends and kira. The other girls followed them, partly interested. Eren came over to Kira once the girls were gone, Eren being Kira's height. "if you harm her or make her in harm's way, Kira, you'll regret it...." Eren growled, getting back to fighting with Jean, them punching each other's gut most of the time.
Kira looked indifferent when Eren came. He was impartial to his threat, Eren was probably one of the guys he wasn't scared at all. He was somehow predictable and just dumb, in his opinion. He wasn't gonna tell anyone about his regards towards him tho. He shrugged when he left, obviously he would take care of Ricky and why the hell would he harm her? He walked out of the training ground and walked towards a big tree. He had to pass in front of the girls dorm to get there tho, he could hear them shouting and laughing from the open window. He smirked and sat under the tree a few meters away and dozed off being bored.

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