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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

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  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

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he shrugged."I'm ready. Just really,really nervous about meeting other people.." He started."but it'll be fun too so.."he trailed off. Pulling his socks and shoes on.

(okay :3 @Bea

Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded and felt a little nervous himself as he opened the door to the hallway and looked around "Most everyone are probably there, If they decided to go" he said as he glanced back at him and couldn't help but feel like he was completely in love with this boy "M-Matthieu...." he asked, nervousness flooding his voice as he wasn't even sure what he wanted to ask just now

@MatthewChastain //Now I'mma chill till people reply more​
Eli followed Vulcan to the dining area and upon arrival his eyes grew wide. This was the most food he'd ever seen in one place. He mouthed the word wow silently. He got a small plate as he wasn't really hungry and filled it with various fruits and vegetables from around the world. It wasn't that he was vegetarian, in fact he loved meat, but he preferred to eat lightly and he didn't consider meat to be part of that. He sat down with Vulcan and popped some Durian in his mouth so no one would have to smell it. He looked up at Vulcan. He furrowed his brows to show he was asking a question and pointed to the ceiling. He then moved his right hand in front of his left in a wave like motion; the sign for music. He didn't expect him to understand so he tried to form the words. "M-mewzick?" All his consonants were over-pronounced but he couldn't tell. @Vulcan
Vulcan was glad Elijah sat down with him to eat. That way he wouldn't feel like a complete weirdo being there on his own. He failed to notice Cortez's greeting but instead gave the boy opposite of him a kind smile. The signals he gave him only moments later, however, left Vulcan clueless of what they meant. He slightly tilted his head and shrugged, failing to understand. Luckily for him, Elijah soon formed the words music, which helped Vulcan quite a bit with realising what he was trying to tell him. "Aaah, I see." he said and pointed to the notebook. He could only assume the other was asking him about his musical preferences.

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Eli handed Vulcan his notebook, glad he understood what he was asking about. While Eli could barely hear, he wasn't totally deaf. He could hear things if they were really loud, or directly into his ears. He also wasn't always deaf so he developed his own taste for music when he was young and continues on with those memories. Eli also handed Vulcan a pencil so he could write and waited patiently while eating some grapes. @Vulcan
Vulcan pulled the notebook closer to his end of the table and looked at the empty page in front of him, tapping on it with the end of the pen that had been handed to him as well, not quite sure what to write in it because he wasn't really into one particular genre. Still, there were those he wouldn't turn down on a party, whenever he found himself on one, so those were the ones he eventually wrote down: "rock, a bit of pop, movie soundtracks, maybe electronic, classical etc." However, before handing the notebook back, his curious self forced him to wrote something else down as well before sliding the book back towards the other: "Sorry for asking but can you listen to music?" Immediately after doing so, he felt like he shouldn't have, biting at the inside of his lip and looking down at the food in his plate. Perhaps Elijah would consider his question rude and he didn't want to offend him.

Nova rummaged through her dresser, looking for something suitable. She found a grey dress, more casual then dressy. She grabbed a scarf and changed. She also grabbed a bracelet and earrings, sticking them on. She went to leave, almost forgetting that she wasn't even wearing shoes. "Jag behöver skor att gå någonstans. Dumma mig." Nova Nia mumbled to herself, before slipping on a pair of ankle boots.

She hurried out of the room, making her way down the stairs. "Nu, där är det matsalen?" (Now, where is that dining room?) Nova Nia swiveled her head around and started down one of the hallways. She came to a stop after looking into one of the rooms. "Ahh." She walked into the room, looking around. She didn't see anyone she knew. Nova walked over to the big table filled with food and saw a few Swedish dishes. She grabbed some gubbröra, an egg and anchovy sandwich. She also grabbed köttbullar, basically meatballs. Then made her way to one of the empty tables, not wanting to interrupt anyone. She immediately regretted her decision, but didn't want to be awkward after already sitting down som

Eli read what Vulcan wrote down. He smiled reading the music types he listened to. Varied. Interesting he thought. He then read what he wrote next. He gave him a knowing smile. He took the pen and wrote down; 'Don't worry, I'm not offended. I get asked things like that all the time. To me it's like asking someone who lives in the desert if they've ever snowboarded. There's nothing to get offended over, it's just a question' Eli paused and twirled the pen in between his fingers before continuing. 'I'm not totally deaf, I can hear really loud things. I can also feel beats like anyone else. It also helps that I wasn't always deaf.' he finished writing and handed the notebook back to Vulcan with a smile. @Vulcan
The smile that formed on Elijah's face was, to Vulcan, a sign he wasn't mad so he internally let out a deep sigh of relief. It wasn't long till the notebook was placed back under his nose again and after reading what the other had written next, he widened his eyes in surprise. While he imagined that still being able to hear some things must be a good thing, he suspected that the fact he wasn't born deaf and later on developed this condition must have been a living hell. Whatever the case, Vulcan decided not to ask about it. Instead, he picked up the pen and after giving his partner a quick glance with his head still lowered, wrote down his next question, imagining Elijah would have an answer to it now: "So what's your favorite genre of music?" Then he once again slid the book back to the boy and sat up straight, pulled a napkin from its holder and placed it on his lap, then turned to the dishes he had chosen for himself while waiting for Elijah's reply. Even he, whose taste buds were difficult to please, had to soon admit that everything he tried so far had been prepared very well, including the received gifts. He ate pretty much everything but rarely enjoyed the food presented to him, today's cuisine being an exception. @PenguinFox
Mathieu looked over at the other,walking into the hallway,he turned back around to look up at him. "Yes,Saint?" He asked,wondering what he wanted to ask him.


Saint Alexander Pierce

He looked away and bit his lip "Does this make us boyfriends?" he asked with embarrassment flooding his voice before beginning to walk down the hall with him towards the dining room, His face a bright red color now


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed more and took his hand hesitantly as they entered the diningroom and looked at the other people already eating, He grabbed a place and just filled it with relatively 'normal' looking food, Mostly fruit

Aato said:
Nessie folded her arms over her chest and her smile grew into a smirk. So this was her roommate. She wouldn't say anything just yet. "Kailaa..." She repeated slowly as she stepped forward and extended a hand in an offered handshake. "Nessie." She glanced to the open door of the refrigerator, barely catching sight of anything but the light coming from it. "D'ye find something good? Was feelin' famished and came fer a swatch..."
Her speech trailed when she heard more footsteps come into the kitchen and turned. It was turning into a little party in here now, eh? Her eyes scanned the taller, suave looking boy and her smirkish smile from before became mischievous. "Aye, laddie," she pretended to wipe sweat from her forehead. "Are they all this bonnie where yer from?" For the moment, food had now taken the wayside.

@Troubledsoul1 ; @SomatoToup123
@Troubledsoul1 ; @SomatoToup123
Eli read the question posed to him and thought for a second before writing down his answer. 'I've always been the kind of punk kid. Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Sum 41. Those kinds of bands, but I also enjoy a wide variety of things, especially music with heavy beats. Easier to hear. Old school rap/hip hop works really well in that aspect. House of Pain, Run DMC, Beastie Boys to name a few.' After he finished Eli studied the face of the boy sitting across from him. He had gotten fairly good at reading people, and it was a fairly common question people had so he wrote down what he thought the other was thinking. 'You want to know what it's like being deaf and/or how I became deaf don't you? Most people do. You don't have to worry about offending me. Unless you call me "deaf and dumb". But the term hasn't been used in decades. He handed the notebook to Vulcan and waited. @Vulcan
The moment the notebook was back on his side of the room, Vulcan put his utensils down and looked down at what Elijah had written in response to his previous question. Of all bands he had written down, Vulcan only knew Simple Plan and just a couple of their songs. However, if those were his favorites, he was sure he would hear some of their work eventually. He made a note to himself in his head that he would look them up later, even though he usually forgot by the time he returned home or his room in that case. Reading what was written down next, he pulled his head back in surprise, staring at the page with his mouth just slightly hanging open. He felt immensely stupid for not being able to hide his curiosity. On the other hand, the teen sitting opposite of him didn't look one bit bothered by this so after a while of not responding, Vulcan wrote down his answer "Only if you really wish to.", then returned the notebook and turned his attention back to his food, knowing this might take a while to write down. @PenguinFox
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Eli slid the notebook closer to him and thought for a minute. It was going to be a lot of writing so he moved on to the next page. 'What better place to start than the beginning? Both of my parents were at least hard of hearing. That's something most people don't know; depending on the severity of hearing loss you're either hard of hearing or deaf. Anyway, with both parents having hearing loss I learned sign language fairly quickly along with standard English. My parents had three kids, me being the youngest. First a son, then a daughter, then me. When I was 9 my family was involved in a car accident. Long story short; gave me this scar on my jaw- not so bad, chicks dig it- and caused me hearing loss. It wasn't that hard transitioning as I was basically an "honorary deaf person" at that point. The rest of my family' Eli paused in his writing for a long time. What he was about to write was painful for him, but he felt he trusted Vulcan enough to let him know his story. 'my brother died. It's hard for me to speak of even today. Thankfully I don't speak that much, and mostly write.' He added the joke at the end to lighten the mood. He hoped his story wouldn't scare him off, there were those that it did, but he liked this guy. He seemed pretty down to earth. @Vulcan
By the time Elijah was done writing and handed the notebook back, Vulcan was halfway done with his meal. If he wasn't full already, he would have gladly gotten more. He pushed the tray to the side when he saw the book being returned and put it down where the food had been earlier.

Vulcan read the new entry with obvious interest. Knowing a man's story usually revealed his character and gave him a hint as to how to handle some especially complicated situations. It was until he read the last part. He suddenly felt once again bad for asking. Vulcan couldn't relate to any of this and so the only thing he could write down was the stereotypical "I'm sorry." Elijah didn't need to share his story with him and yet he did. People say that talking about your problems made them easier to overcome but this was different. This was family and it would never get better. Vulcan felt like he should write something else down but he couldn't find the proper words. Then again, the teen sitting opposite of him, waiting for his answer had probably heard all those words too many times already. "Why would you share this with me? We know each other for like just an hour or so. I do appreciate that you did but I'm a nobody to you." he wrote and quickly returned the notebook before he changed his mind and crossed it out.

Eli's eyes scanned over the page before him, quickly reading what he wrote. He shrugged before writing out the rest of his response. 'I'm a pretty trusting person I suppose. You don't have any kind of bad aura about you, and learning about someone's past helps you to understand them and what they do. My philosophy on things is this: Everything matters. Every little action, word and event makes a difference. Nobody is Nobody. But that's just me. If you have a philosophy or religion that you find works better for you then by all means do it brother.' Eli let a little of his own personal slang slip in but he wasn't concerned about misunderstandings, after all there's a sound barrier that causes most of his misunderstandings so a slang barrier would be easy to overcome. He wrote one last thing before showing his notebook. 'I'm crashing pretty hard right now. Jet lag and all. Hate to cut this short, but I should get some rest. We'll "talk" more later though k?' @Vulcan
Vulcan waited patiently for Elijah's reply this time and after reading what the other had replied, was quick to agree. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Just not very used to someone talking so openly with me after such a short while." he wrote down, then made a new line regarding the second part. "Sure. I'll be done in a minute and probably go do the same. See ya tomorrow." Having said that, he handed the notebook back, pulled the tray closer again and finished up what was left on his plate, enjoying even last bite he took and hoping the organisers would consider setting up such a buffet a second time. If not for any other reason, to try some other dishes as well, knowing they would be just as well prepared. While finishing up, Vulcan took the time to look around the dining hall. Many of the students had left at this point and he was sure it was because everyone wanted to get some well deserved rest as well. While he was used to flying, this had been the longest flight he had ever experienced and while he had been pretty fine until now, Elijah's words reminded him of his headache and fatigue, even though he hadn't done any physical activity so far. @PenguinFox


Good morning, TS students!

We hope you all have a great start to your day this morning, and enjoy your first day at an American high school.

In the kitchen, you have plenty of food options provided for your breakfast, or you may have breakfast at school. The school is expecting you all's arrival and will hand you your schedules when you stop by their main office. You all will be scattered throughout classes, but some of you should see each other.

Have fun!


  • Your characters should go to school; however, everyone's entitled to their personalities, so if they're a skipper...
  • Reminder: Those going to school are walking.
  • I'm going to leave it up to you guys to coordinate yourselves in deciding when the school day ends. [There are four 1.5 hour classes a day.]
  • I think I covered everything, but just in case, the usual: More questions? Message me or ask in OOC. Have fun!

@Suzette ; @Bea ; @amexFear ; @Ami the breadling ; @Pyromaniac ; @Vitez
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Jomar's day starts with a routine. It was a routine he followed even back home, and it instilled a self-discipline that Doña Cielo admired and increased the potential that he harbored. At Four in the morning, he would wake up through the help of his phone -which wasn't quite difficult recently due to the jetlag- and would go out of the dormitory for a morning jog to the Farmer's Market twenty minutes away, his ears plugged with music from his phone. Once he arrives, the dawn clouds filtering the early sun's rays lighting the city, he begins to take a look at what is fresh and what he afford with the daily allowance that Doña Cielo had given him.

At Five in the Morning, sweaty and wide awake, he would come back to the dormitory with a bag of vegetables or meat that he would make for lunch. But before that, he leaves the food on the counter in the kitchen, goes back to his room and takes a shower. Thirty minutes later, he was out of the bathroom, refreshed and his hair slightly wet. He started using hot water when he realized there were two temperatures in the shower and used it as if it was a blessing from God. It was so awesome! A far cry from the pail and bucket of water he would use in the bathroom back home. He would get changed, take his laptop, then go back into the kitchen and begin to cook.

Today was no different.

It was six o' clock and the bubbling of the pot and the sizzling of the cooking oil in the skillet with the sound of Doña Cielo's comments filled the kitchen. Jomar started to chop the beef, carrots, and celery in rapid and clean succession.

"Ayaw kalimti ang kamatis para sa tinola. (Don't forget the tomatoes for the Tinola)" Doña Cielo reminded as she fanned herself in an almost pariodable manner since the oscillating fan was right behind her, in full blast.

"Naa na Maam. Ako gi sulay pud na gi butang ng queso sa torta. (It's already there, Maam. I also tried putting cheese in the torta.)" Jomar responded as he began to mix the beef, carrots, celery, onions, pepper, and a dash of salt. He then put the mixture in the skillet and listened to the bursting sizzling sound come alive before becoming less loud.

"Queso? Kanang Mozarella? Sige suwayi. (Cheese? the mozarella? alright, try.)" Doña Cielo said approvingly after she observed him. She always encouraged creativity and experimentation and she wanted Jomar to experiment with different ingredients. Her faith in Jomar meant that she would allow him to try mixing cooking styles as well as ingredients if it meant enriching the palate of her countrymen. Her attention went back to the plastic bag Jomar placed his hands on and her curiosity increased as she saw him take out some asparagus and begin to prepare it.

"Tinolang Isda with Asparagus?" Doña Cielo wondered, trying to remember the taste of Asparagus and mixing it with the clear somewhat sour broth. "Sige, Suwayi." She smiled in amusement of his choices.

Jomar opened another pot to see how the Apple Orange Ginger Marmalade was coming along and placed the stovepot closer to the screen. "Maam, kaning Marmalade okay ba ni? (Maam, this marmalade is this okay?)" He asked somewhat unsure, this was his first time making marmalade.

Doña Cielo nodded, yet the look on her face showed that in some way he screwed up. Allaying his fears, she explained that the marmalade was a bit overcooked but if it was eaten now, nothing to really worry about. Nodding, Jomar focused on the other dishes. He stirred the pot, placed egg and cheese on the mixture and said his goodbyes to Doña Cielo as she had a dinner to attend in Carcar.

When the toast was finished and the torta and the broth ready, he took a tray and placed two servings of each on two plates with utensils. Carefully, he went up the stairs and into his room, placing the tray onto a table. As he organized it, he called to Vulcan,

"Morning Vulcan, I made breakfast again. Torta made from beef, mozarella cheese, carrots, celery, onions, and garlic," he began to explain. The torta was like an omelette only with the thickness and shape of a baked quiche. He had sliced the parts into six portions, "Tinola with Asparagus, and Toast with Apple Orange ginger Marmalade." He pointed to the others. The tinola had a clear look with pieces of ginger and green onions with asparagus cuts floating around a generous slice of pompano. The toast was buttered and spread with marmalade, while the other one was clear for the torta to be put on. All in all, it looked attractive, one thing Jomar was satisfied with, but he wondered if his roommate would like it. Jomar may have, but he wanted to know what another person's opinion of it was.

"I hope you'll try it." He said as he sat down and checked his things for school.

Vulcan didn't even wake up when Jomar's alarm went off in the morning. He was a heavy sleeper and few things were able to interrupt it. Even when Jomar went to take a bath, Vulcan's only reaction was lazily turning to the other side and away from the noise. However, when his roommate returned a second time bringing breakfast, the aroma of freshly cooked food soon filled the room and it was finally enough to get the sleepy slug he was back on his feet.

Vulcan sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes while yawning, not really getting much of what Jomar had been telling him this entire time. When he finally lay eyes on the breakfast that had been prepared for the two of them, he let out a drowsy groan, then shifted his gaze to his 'personal cook'. "Why you doin' this, man?" he muttered as he stood up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, which helped a lot waking his up. However, if it was up to him, he would have probably slept the entire day away. Returning, he pulled up a chair to the table and sat next to Jomar, looking over all the goodies there were. "I appreciate all your work, Jomar, I really do but you're seriously overdoing yourself. If you really insist on making breakfast, then at least do just one dish at a time. You're overdoing yourself." he said with a friendly smile as he got some utensils. Of course he appreciated all that his roommate did but he also wanted to make sure he didn't feel like a slave. "How much do I owe you for this?" he then asked. While cooking did save money in comparison to buying already prepared food, the ingredients weren't for free either.

Eli had woken up early as he regularly liked to, but was still disappointed that he wasn't able to surf at that time. He found mornings to be one of the best times to surf, but seeing as he didn't have his, or any board, he couldn't do that. He decided on listening to music and trying to write at the same time. He put on his headphones and put it on full blast, thankful that they were the kind that encloses the ear so that less noise would seep out and disturb his roommate. He pulled out a secondary notebook, one much smaller than his one for communication and opened to the most recent page. With pencil in hand he got to work. It wasn't very good, at least he didn't think so, but what he had was a start. He wasn't frustrated with how it was turning out because he was mostly just doing it for fun, as a hobby. That and he tried to not get upset over things as much. He found it to be too much work with no reward.

He thought about what the day would be like for everyone. Certainly they would all have similar experiences in that they were all from somewhere else, but Eli was deaf and that added certain...obstacles to day to day life. He ran through the list of people he'd met so far and wondered if any would be willing to help him out with any sort of notes, or if he would just have to read every single paper handed out. Unable to stand the loneliness of his room he got up, notebook still in hand and walked to the dining area. He sat down at a table in a corner and reopened his notebook, slightly hoping someone would approach and talk to him.
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Felix exhaled as he boarded the plane to go to America. He had registered for the exchange student programme a bit late, but was lucky to have still been accepted. He knew he wouldn't get the weekend to recuperate, and he didn't currently have a roommate, but none of that bothered him. He was going to study in America.

As his plane landed, the taxi driver drove him to the TS Complex. He sighed out of impression when he saw how beautiful it was.

"Helig helvetet (holy hell)", he mumbled to himself under his breath.

As he got out of the taxi, he walked towards the TS complex, and walked to his dorm. He crashed in the bed, unaware and uncaring about the consequences of missing class, or forgetting to grab his schedule.

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