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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

  • Same Sex

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  • Opposite Sex

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  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

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  • Total voters
Aato said:
For Cortez, Friday night had ended in a blur. The last thing he remembered was talking to a guy who didn't seem the most pleased by his company at dinner, and then stumbling into bed. He refreshed himself with s shower that following morning and then spent the rest of his Saturday, and Sunday too, catching up on his hobby of painting. He probably should have been mingling with the others, but he was admittedly a little homesick (it was always worst the first few days) and painting would ease his nerves. He had laid down plastic bags in a corner of the room near his bed and set up his easel; similar to his setup at home. He would also spend his time making sure he was packed and prepared for the following school day.
Monday morning had come much more quickly than he expected and before he knew it, he was waking up to the sound of his phone alarm going off at 7:00. He sat up with a groan and muttered something incoherent to himself before rubbing his eyes into focus. Looking around the room, he hiked an eyebrow. The covers of the bed across the room were frazzled. It seemed he went to sleep alone and woke up to a roommate. Well, a missing roommate. He suspected it was a good thing he hadn't gotten around to putting the beds together yet. That would've been an awkward meeting.

Well, it was no true mind to him that his roommate had already gone...somewhere. Perhaps they were eating breakfast. He'd just carry on with his morning, getting ready and such. He rolled himself out of bed, grabbed a couple of things from his dresser, then made his way into the bathroom to wash and such.

About 20 minutes later, he exited, fresh and clean and the aromas he washed with drifted from the bathroom to fill the room. He was clad in a towel secured around his waist while he stood looking in a small mirror on his dresser top, examining his face. His lips soon curved into a pleased smirk before giving an affirmative nod and then moving to change into his clothes. He started with underclothes and then was just pulling on his cargo shorts, getting ready to zip them when the door suddenly swung open.

"Cielos!" He jumped with a bit of surprise. He was used to people barging in; it was a common thing in Cuba, but he hadn't been expecting that from anyone here. He turned to see a girl, thin in frame, soft featured, and pale. She reminded him a bit of a doll as he now noticed her long dark hair coupled with her previously noted attributes. She was East Asian; he could tell that much, but from which country, he could only guess.

So, this was his mystery roommate...

"Hola," he greeted along with a solitary wave and a sheepish smile.

@Ami the breadling
Yuki had not expected someone to stand there, especially no boy. But there he was, obviously her room mate. Given the fact there were two beds, it made sense she had one. The boy was handsome, she had to give him that. She was not entirely sure where he was from, somewhere spanish-speaking apperantly.

Yuki needed a few seconds to stop staring at the boy surprisedly, before her smile could come to her face again. "Hi.", she whispered shyly, obviously not knowing how to react to the current situation. Should she apologize? Or should he? What for anyway? Should she have introduced herself? It all was too much for her right now. So she whispered her greeting, standing there and blushing, the smile standing lonely in a shy face.
Felix went back to his room to gather some more of his stuff, and to get ready for school. Upon entering, he saw a girl in the other bed. His roommate, he assumed.

"H-hey." He said, shyly and quietly "you should probably get up. School is soon." Felix tried to get her up.

Jomar looked at the food and felt relieved that Elijah had eaten. Though he had to deal with the now uneaten sardines, he was pretty sure that he can chop it into smaller pieces with the saltines that mix it with rice and topped with spring onions. That should deal with that. He looked at Elijah and he started writing on a piece of paper once more and handing it to him.

"Yukari from Japan, Felix from Sweden." He wrote down quickly then wondered if there was an even quicker way to get his message across. Thinking he started writing once more, "Do you have Skype or Viber? Would use less paper to communicate, right?" Jomar wrote down below the paper and then added one more line, "I'm going to school, and so is Vulcan I think. Wanna walk with us?" He wrote down before giving the entire message to Elijah.

@PenguinFox @Vulcan
amexFear said:
Felix went back to his room to gather some more of his stuff, and to get ready for school. Upon entering, he saw a girl in the other bed. His roommate, he assumed.
"H-hey." He said, shyly and quietly "you should probably get up. School is soon." Felix tried to get her up.

The girl didn't seem to respond at first. In fact, her eyes were closed, but her leg twitching showed that she was in fact awake. A mumble came out of her moth that sounded oddly like "10 more minutes." But she got up nonetheless, and rubbed her eyes, careful not the smear the makeup she had applied earlier. "I'm assuming you're my roommate then, yea?" Her voice was smooth with a bit of a middle eastern accent.
She responded to his greeting quietly, her voice almost like a squeak, and for the moment Cortez couldn't tell if her voice cracked from nerves or if that was just how she sounded. She stared on and he noticed a rosy tint begin to fill her skin. Had he really been that much of a shock? It was when he realized he had to have been staring in order to notice that she was staring that he quickly averted his eyes.

That was also when he recalled getting dressed. Now this made some sense. She was probably shy and walking in on a guy in the process of dressing... He could understand how that garnered her reaction. His hands quickly moved to zip and fasten his shorts before turning back toward his dresser. "Sorry..." He murmured while somewhat embarrassed. He then picked a shirt from his drawer - a red t-shirt, nothing fancy - and slipped it over his head.

"Don't mind me. Do what you need. Make yourself at home," he told her reassuringly, his back still to her as he looked in the mirror to style his hair. "I'm Cortez, by the way."

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
She responded to his greeting quietly, her voice almost like a squeak, and for the moment Cortez couldn't tell if her voice cracked from nerves or if that was just how she sounded. She stared on and he noticed a rosy tint begin to fill her skin. Had he really been that much of a shock? It was when he realized he had to have been staring in order to notice that she was staring that he quickly averted his eyes.
That was also when he recalled getting dressed. Now this made some sense. She was probably shy and walking in on a guy in the process of dressing... He could understand how that garnered her reaction. His hands quickly moved to zip and fasten his shorts before turning back toward his dresser. "Sorry..." He murmured while somewhat embarrassed. He then picked a shirt from his drawer - a red t-shirt, nothing fancy - and slipped it over his head.

"Don't mind me. Do what you need. Make yourself at home," he told her reassuringly, his back still to her as he looked in the mirror to style his hair. "I'm Cortez, by the way."

@Ami the breadling
She watched him dress and decided her reaction was ok. Then he told her to do what she needed to and she started to collect everything, even her plush. As her roommate, he would find out anyways. "I am Yukari. People call me Yuki.", she said, her voice still squeaky, showing it was her normal voice.

She looked at him as he styled his hair. She had done so already and god it always took time for the girl to make her brown hair lay perfectly. But it was worth it, as it was something she always was proud of.
Pyromaniac said:
The girl didn't seem to respond at first. In fact, her eyes were closed, but her leg twitching showed that she was in fact awake. A mumble came out of her moth that sounded oddly like "10 more minutes." But she got up nonetheless, and rubbed her eyes, careful not the smear the makeup she had applied earlier. "I'm assuming you're my roommate then, yea?" Her voice was smooth with a bit of a middle eastern accent.
Felix watched the girl arise from the bed, and watched her try her best to smudge anything.

"Y.. yes." Felix managed to spit out. "My name is.. Felix. And yours?" He asked her, curiously.

Felix sat down on the end of his bed, and took his shoes off. He unstrapped his watch, and then laid down.

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amexFear said:
Felix watched the girl arise from the bed, and watched her try her best to smudge anything.
"Y.. yes." Felix managed to spit out. "My name is.. Felix. And yours?" He asked her, curiously.

Felix sat down on the end of his bed, and took his shoes off. He unstrapped his watch, and then laid down.

The girl couldn't help but laugh, her eyes glittering in excitement, "I don't bite I swear. Sometimes." She smirked at the last bit, "Layla Khan. Nice to meet you Felix." She tested the name on her tongue. It was definitely new and exotic to her, never in a million years did she think she'd have to use the letter X in any sort of name. "I did not realize they were coed dorms. If my father found out, he'd be furious."
Felix was confused. He had never heard the term "coed" before.

"Co..ed?" he asked, and cocked his head slightly. Felix sat back up, and grabbed his suitcase, where he stored his wallet. He had 4000kr and some change. Felix was in such a rush to board the plane, he forgot to exchange his kroner for USD. 'Dammit', he thought to himself.

amexFear said:
Felix was confused. He had never heard the term "coed" before.
"Co..ed?" he asked, and cocked his head slightly. Felix sat back up, and grabbed his suitcase, where he stored his wallet. He had 4000kr and some change. Felix was in such a rush to board the plane, he forgot to exchange his kroner for USD. 'Dammit', he thought to himself.

"Coed...like different genders in one room?" She lifted a sculpted eyebrow before grabbing a purse and a notebook, "you said school started in a few minutes right? As much as I want to be late, it'd be a terrible thing to do on the firs day." She passed him a genuine smile before walking to the the dorm room door and opening it.
"Oh.. is that a problem? I can ask to be switched with someone if you'd like, so you don't upset anybody?" Felix was worried that she'd get punished if he was around.

He stood up, grabbed his stuff, and followed her to the door. He had no idea where the school was.

"Can we.. walk together?"

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"Oh it's no big deal, really!" She smiled as she nodded her head, "I was about to ask the same thing. To be honest, I have no idea where we're going." But the girl trudged along, at some points looking around it make sure that they were indeed on the right track. "So..." she sucked at making conversation, but she could still try, "where are you from?"
Felix looked up at her question.

"Sverige. Uh, that would be Sweden, in English. Malmö in particular."

He liked this girl. Not in say particular sense of the word, he just liked her company. She seemed decent enough. 'At least I don't have a totally obnoxious roommate," he thought to himself 'I think I made out pretty good.'

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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]She watched him dress and decided her reaction was ok. Then he told her to do what she needed to and she started to collect everything, even her plush. As her roommate, he would find out anyways. "I am Yukari. People call me Yuki.", she said, her voice still squeaky, showing it was her normal voice.
She looked at him as he styled his hair. She had done so already and god it always took time for the girl to make her brown hair lay perfectly. But it was worth it, as it was something she always was proud of.

Cortez put the finishing touches on his hair, applying little flicks of his fingers that would seem likely to get messed up and more trouble than it was worth, but as somewhat of a perfectionist, these details were important to him regardless. As he did so, he heard the girl squeak on and soon realized that was her normal sound. That would take some getting used to. 'Yuki,' he thought. That was a cute name; it seemed fitting for her. "You're from Japan?" Those names had a tendency to be easily distinguishable.

Once done with his hair, he went to the window, and glanced outside. There didn't seem to be anything significant going on weather-wise, so he assumed it was a clear day and just as warm out as it had been the day before. He had to admit, though, that the temperature was still considerably cooler than Cuba's norm, but it didn't bother him too much. He got an umbrella to toss into his bag just in case and even a light sweater. He then swung his bookbag up on one shoulder before turning to his roommate.

"Are you ready for the first day, jeva?" He decided to make some casual conversation.

@Ami the breadling
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Aato said:
Cortez put the finishing touches on his hair, applying little flicks of his fingers that would seem likely to get messed up and more trouble than it was worth, but as somewhat of a perfectionist, these details were important to him regardless. As he did so, he heard the girl squeak on and soon realized that was her normal sound. That would take some getting used to. 'Yuki,' he thought. That was a cute name; it seemed fitting for her. "You're from Japan?" Those names had a tendency to be easily distinguishable.
Once done with his hair, he went to the window, and glanced outside. There didn't seem to be anything significant going on weather-wise, so he assumed it was a clear day and just as warm out as it had been the day before. He had to admit, though, that the temperature was still considerably cooler than Cuba's norm, but it didn't bother him too much. He got an umbrella to toss into his bag just in case and even a light sweater. He then swung his bookbag up on one shoulder before turning to his roommate.

"Are you ready for the first day, jeva?" He decided to make some casual conversation.

@Ami the breadling
She smiled. "Indeed, Japan.", she said. SHe kept watching the guy, he was intruiging. She was holding her plush, a fluffy rabbit, front to her chest. It was old and not the best, but it worked for her. She held it like a small kid.

Then, the boy called her some strange name. "
So... what did you just call me?"
Cortez only nodded when she confirmed his guess that she was from Japan. Though, her following question caught him off guard and he found himself thinking back through his words until he figured out the discrepancy. "Oh! Jeva? Sorry... It's just a habit. It's slang, like, means 'girl.'" His hands gestured while he spoke as if her were making the words, then pushing them out. "Nothing bad," he added. He looked her over while speaking and noticed the ratty plush she had. He didn't question it, but only assumed it was from her childhood and likely important to her, judging by its condition and the way she clutched it. Not to mention, she brought it with her in the first place. He only smiled and chuckled inwardly to himself. 'As if she couldn't get any cuter, right?' Her voice on top of her mannerisms were a bit childlike, but he also made a note to himself not cross her regardless. He knew from aunts, cousins, and grandmas that cute little ladies were highly deceptive covers for dangerous creatures.

@Ami the breadling
Aato said:
Cortez only nodded when she confirmed his guess that she was from Japan. Though, her following question caught him off guard and he found himself thinking back through his words until he figured out the discrepancy. "Oh! Jeva? Sorry... It's just a habit. It's slang, like, means 'girl.'" His hands gestured while he spoke as if her were making the words, then pushing them out. "Nothing bad," he added. He looked her over while speaking and noticed the ratty plush she had. He didn't question it, but only assumed it was from her childhood and likely important to her, judging by its condition and the way she clutched it. Not to mention, she brought it with her in the first place. He only smiled and chuckled inwardly to himself. 'As if she couldn't get any cuter, right?' Her voice on top of her mannerisms were a bit childlike, but he also made a note to himself not cross her regardless. He knew from aunts, cousins, and grandmas that cute little ladies were highly deceptive covers for dangerous creatures.
@Ami the breadling
She smiled and nodded. "I see.", she said and then realized he looked at her plush. "Oh... That... its one of the two things i have left of my mother... that and my necklace... I know i am too old for plushes, but its really important to me... Please... do not tell anyone about this, alright?", she said, fearing he would tell. She could not say anything about this boy person yet, if he savored other being put down he would definetly tell others... She just hoped he would be nice.
"Oh..." He trailed a little as she explained the plush toy, his eyes averting briefly to the floor. She must have noticed him look at it. "Sure," he said once she finished and he looked to her face. "You know," he began, starting to make his bed as he noticed he had almost forgotten, "my sister has stuffed animal she keeps around... She's 21. She got it really young from mi abuelo before he passed. I wasn't born yet, so I never knew the guy." He chuckled lightly. "She tells me stories, but she was really young, so doesn't have too many or really remember too well anymore." His speech paused for a moment as he adjusted the pillow at the head of the bed, finished, then turned to look at the girl again. "Random family stories aside, your secret's safe with me." He smiled.

@Ami the breadling
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Aato said:
"Oh..." He trailed a little as she explained the plush toy, his eyes averting briefly to the floor. She must have noticed him look at it. "Sure," he said once she finished and he looked to her face. "You know," he began, starting to make his bed as he noticed he had almost forgotten, "my sister has stuffed animal she keeps around... She's 21. She got it really young from mi abuelo before he passed. I wasn't born yet, so I never knew the guy." He chuckled lightly. "She tells me stories, but she was really young, so doesn't have too many or really remember too well anymore." His speech paused for a moment as he adjusted the pillow at the head of the bed, finished, then turned to look at the girl again. "Random family stories aside, you're secret's safe with me." He smiled.
@Ami the breadling
Yuki listened to him, he seemed trustwothy and that made her so happy. A roommate to trust. A friend maybe. Someone she could tell what bothered her. That would be great.

Yuki ran up to Cortez and hugged him tightly. "Thank you soooo much!", she said and smiled, keeping him hugged.
amexFear said:
Felix looked up at her question.
"Sverige. Uh, that would be Sweden, in English. Malmö in particular."

He liked this girl. Not in say particular sense of the word, he just liked her company. She seemed decent enough. 'At least I don't have a totally obnoxious roommate," he thought to himself 'I think I made out pretty good.'

Interesting. "I've never been to Sweden, much less Europe. Or as a matter of fact, anywhere." Of course she would ramble. It was a nasty habit of hers, talking and talking and talking. "Does it snow a lot, or is that simply a myth?"
Before he realized it, Cortez was wrapped in a tight hug. The initial contact caused him to tense and his eyes widened slightly; he hadn't been expecting that. Though as he began to relax in her hold, he hesitantly let his arms wrap her to return the hug with awkward little pats to her back. "...No hay problema." When nervous or uncomfortable, Spanish was his default, but as he opened his mouth to speak again, he caught himself. "--Yuki, I think we should, uh, get going." He nodded toward the door.

@Ami the breadling
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Eli read that page that was handed to him. It had three parts. He took in the two names, hoping he would be able to pair them with the faces when it came time. He then read the second sentence. There it was; the ease of communication problem he feared. Totally disregarding what might be the purpose of the question he began writing. 'If it's paper you're worried about, I've got plenty, plus I recycle. If it's convenience you're looking for there are a couple of alternative options; 1. Text. Same as writing but on my phone. Duh. 2. I teach you some sign language. Might be a little difficult but it is a super smooth way of communication. 3. I lip read and speak. I'd really prefer you not pick this one. My speech sucks and while I try not to care about people judging me there's a limit to that. Plus lip reading is REALLY difficult. Try it some time, you'll see.' Satisfied with his explanations he handed Jomar the page and stood up, signifying his response to the last question. He nodded his head to the door in a "let's go" signal. @CoconutLeaves @Vulcan
'Does it snow?' He scoffed and mocked her in his head. 'Does it snow, she asks".

"It snows, quite frequently. The weather isn't nearly as hot as it is here. Not even in the same ballpark" Felix's English was becoming more fluid as he got comfortable around this girl. "How about you. Where are you from?"

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Aato said:
Before he realized it, Cortez was wrapped in a tight hug. The initial contact caused him to tense and his eyes widened slightly; he hadn't been expecting that. Though as he began to relax in her hold, he hesitantly let his arms wrap her to return the hug with awkward little pats to her back. "...No hay problema." When nervous or uncomfortable, Spanish was his default, but as he opened his mouth to speak again, he caught himself. "--Yuki, I think we should, uh, get going." He nodded toward the door.
@Ami the breadling
Yuki hugged him for a bit, feeling him pat her back. It was nice, though she felt a little weird. She asked herself why that could be, until she noticed she was just cuddling a basically complete stranger. Yuki quickly backed away, blushed and embarrassed. "Sorry! That was dumb of me..." she muttered. Yuki looked towards the door and nodded, packing her plush in the back she would take to school. She was ready. She thought. Not entirely. But ready enough.
Jomar nodded as he read Elijah's note and encircled the first number and the third number. On the third number, he wrote 'if there is time, I would like to learn', beneath the number. He returned the note to Elijah and suit up his bag, gathering the empty plates and looked at his roommate as he sat on the bed.

"Let's go, Vulcan?" He asked as he waited for his roommate to answer and looked at Elijah with a smile.

@Vulcan @PenguinFox

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